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Re: Ukraine War 2022

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 1:23 pm
by rachel
@PotatoFieldsForever, what do you think?
It's hard to say what it's showing.

Re: Ukraine War 2022

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 2:32 pm
by PotatoFieldsForever
At first, I thought it looked a bit like a video game with this saturated green color but the part at 9:20 with the guy with his leg hanging is disgusting. I mean it could be faked no doubt but I can't tell if it is.

Re: Ukraine War 2022

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 3:00 pm
by PotatoFieldsForever
After watching the end multiple times, I find the blood on the door a bit strange, the grass doesn't seem to be covered as much.

Re: Ukraine War 2022

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 3:46 pm
by rachel
The whole situation and the way the camera is set up leads it to look staged, but it's hard to say how they are doing it. The blast doesn't seem big enough when moving through the flowers, and his reaction is odd, looking more like an exercise.

And if that is a real person having his leg blown up, why would your colleague post it on social media, Makes no sense. It just seems something you'd do if it's fake propaganda.

Trying To Make Those Who See War Fakery Look Bad?

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 4:11 pm
by Grand Illusion
Is this a legit story or a lady (crisis actor?) paid to take the fall for saying War Not Real in order to make those that are skeptical of the Ukraine War look bad or discourage people from questioning the Ukraine War? Like Conspiratards? This story definitely comes up when searching for Ukraine War fake or Ukraine War Hoax or Ukraine War not real. Was this story created to flood the search engines results when people try to find out if the Ukraine War is possibly not a war but maybe demolition and strategic relocation? ... r-not-real

Re: Ukraine War 2022

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 4:49 pm
by rachel ... soc_trk=ma
One of the students recorded and published the teacher's remarks. According to the video, the teacher was telling the children other Russian propaganda talking points: about Ukraine "killing Russian population in Donbas" since 2014, and "Ukrainian Nazis" who "skinned people alive and killed children."

Students recorded 18 minutes of the 45-minute-long class, with Bednarova later claiming her words were taken out of context.

Once this became public, the school suspended and later fired the teacher. Bednarova appealed the firing, but the court ultimately said her dismissal was "completely justified."
Yep, it's bollocks.

Re: Ukraine War 2022

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:48 pm
by rachel
It's like Superman turning up in a Spiderman movie...

Re: Ukraine War 2022

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 5:51 pm
by rachel
Why would the Sky news play the same fake clip twice?

I the same person laughing, different bottom third styles.

Re: Ukraine War 2022

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 7:08 pm
by napoleon
thats funny ,your trying to rationalise either a mistake or deliberate gaff ,it's a good question

theres gotta be something we can get out of this without breaking the head heres some suggestions of the top of my head ,right ok ,advertising for sky news,flip the anyone ready to switch to the conspiracy side ergo send them our way,news paper sales =when it gets shown,simple gaff like you say or deliberate what else,maybe just a talking point for conspiracy theorists ,and finally to get us you them concentrating on the news for legitimacy instead of discarding it and concentrating on our own levels of understanding not theres.

top of my head that pet
because you asked "Why would the Sky news play the same fake clip twice?"
if i had to pick one id say ,wait a week or three and see who spawns from it ,what angle uses it or if it appears on a higher truther grade channel ,higher i mean closer to their narrative of events ,not us

stop asking questions xxxx

Re: Ukraine War 2022

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 8:42 pm
by Samson79
Narratives are in the control grip of the media.
It is simply a one directional comm. Everything you see or watch has to be assumed fake/staged until it is proven as true, what ever is being projected it is not up for debate or framed to be questioned, so it wouldn't be to far fetched to use their own game against them, which is guilty until proven innocent (I think that is actually a safer position than trying to prove it false, assume it is false until it checks out which time and hindsight always determines.....much like how conspiracy theories are proven correct eventually) if we all agree media IS for misinforming....accept it, instead of appealing to giving them the benefit of doubt, which media has never reciprocated with people who hold high regard for the truth.
We know they lie, if someone lies how can anyone not believe they will again, or why give the media forgiveness for all the lies they previously say. They are in the business to ALWAYS LIE or misinform one way or another.