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Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:56 am
by Unreal
rachel wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:16 pm Again, see what the gender bollocks is really about. To try to give themselves plausible deniability. "We are not fraudsters in masks, we are just living the gender identity we always wanted to be.

It's not even that I was aware of this, I just saw the death in my feed, and figured... I wonder?
When we take away the "competition" element* from Politics - what's left ?
If politics is rigged just like voting, what we are left with is a show by ugly actors pretending to be interested in public welfare despite never having been part of the public themselves. For the Elite, being exposed to the public as responsible for some pretty damaging and real consequences, one of the most obvious concerns for themselves is not being recognized nor risk public wrath.
By changing your gender appearance, recognition is close to impossible - which is probably why we see so many EGI entities in politics and public life in general. The new gender agenda applies to the public only and does not alter in any way Elite behaviour. All the gender attention clearly is not coming from the public, rather its pushed upon us - just like homosexuality decades earlier.
By deduction therefore, whatever much alternative research is right about Elite gender and sexuality - the Elite themselves clearly are very deep into the subject, and they seem obsessed in all their endeavours to alter nature - possibly also their own nature. There is something very much philosophical and/or religious about the Elite's ambition to control and alter nature as if they by so doing become godlike* themselves.

* if what we as fakeologist believe to be real psyops actually are real, we cannot omit the fact these people have indeed conjured up a whole world that is very far from what is natural. What they have managed have us believe and do is close to unimaginable - even for us. For normal people,,, they clearly have a hard time figuring out even the basic deceptions

Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:15 am
by rachel
I think you've nailed it, @Unreal

Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:51 am
by Unreal
Surely nothing is nailed in my comment hereover @rachel and if anyone has contributed lots to this discussion it is you and others here in forums who keep on the subject and present new material and thoughts.
The questions we ask and theories we form about the Elite will logically never be proven, as no member of the Elite ever will expose their inner secrets. The idea of the existence of whistleblowers, secret reports and insider information are just lures - we have to figure out the workings of the world* the hard way.

* like @dirtybenny forum thread on selective beliefs, how we can trust no official source of information - thus how we need to trust ourselves and our own mind more than any official source or document. Truth doesn't have any copyright attached, and when listening to our own minds, we can all find that the notion of truth is part of our senses and actually present - build into our very system it would seem

Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:08 pm
by rachel

We can see the person above is living in cloud cuckoo land with that statement. Below is Mark Drakeford, First Minister for Wales. Apparently, as stated in an earlier post, his wife died suddenly a couple of days ago. I wonder who is going to pick up the tab for the funeral?


Just a reminder of some of the fraud that went on when Mark Drakeford was dictator over Labour Wales in case people were under some illusion it is just the Conservatives full of cunts.

Mark Drakeford says £60 fine for not working from home 'protects' Welsh workers ... e-22548468
Mark Drakeford has defended introducing a £60 fine for workers who travel to work when they could work from home.

Amongst the new restrictions brought in by the Welsh Government to curb the spread of Covid-19 is a £60 fine for workers who travel to work if their role could be undertaken remotely.

Mr Drakeford has hit back at claims that the rules are unfair and claimed they are "designed to protect workers, not to penalise them".

Speaking at a press conference this afternoon, where he announced that Wales will now move to Alert Level 2, Mr Drakeford said he wished to clarify the purpose of the fines, which came into force on Monday (December 20, 2021).

He said: "The rules that we are introducing are exactly the rules that we had earlier in the pandemic, they are not some new set of rules.

"They are designed to protect workers, not to penalise them."

And how did Welsh businesses respond to his diktats?

And to that, Burka Drakeford answers...

200.gif (485.04 KiB) Viewed 7823 times

I've heard arguments why some feminists will bang on about the right for a woman to wear a burka. That battle always flew over my head, but now it makes perfect sense. They want digital ID for us, but not for them, they get gender recognition certificates instead. Smashing.

Should Britain Ban the Burka?

It's interesting that the man speaking in that video talks about Manchester having a lot of women covering their faces. I wonder where 'This Morning' is filmed? Could it be Manchester? Because Media City is smack bang in the middle, and that, I guess, is the capital of veil wearing in the UK.

Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2023 8:09 pm
by rachel
In light of the above, do we see why these script-readers just parrot, "TRANS-WOMEN ARE WOMEN".


Mark Drakeford has a cervix, doesn't he Keir? That's why it is wrong to say, "only women have a cervix". But you are not going to be up front and straight about that one, are you Keir?

Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 6:54 pm
by rachel
So going back to the original question, I worked it out some time ago. BBC Television, in wanting to look big on a limited budget, employed actors who could play multiple characters. As the BBC started as a Radio Broadcaster, it made sense to use the same tools of fakery, but adapt them to visual illusion.

That's a woman in a skin coloured burka.


This is the easiest area to spot the female. Do you see the foot is small in the trainer, and it's not fully inside, there's probably a wedge under the heal to lift the foot. That ankle is feminine, men's ankles tend to be narrower and more bony in this area. We see the same in the second shot, the trainer is hanging off the edge of the foot just enough to hide the heal. This visually extends the leg, a fake bone shape has been added, but the ankle still has that wider female look.


We can see the creasing of the fake skin where the elbow is touching the chair.


Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:01 pm
by rachel
That one might not convince you, but this is a better catch.

Jimmy Saville at his home in Leeds.jpeg

A close up on that leg, because that is the giveaway.


Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:19 pm
by rachel
Another one with the hand.


You see it is actually a glove, the way is creases around the knuckles.


The heavy chains Savile always wore around his wrists were probably chosen to cover and disguise them.

Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:57 pm
by rachel
And talking about hands, it kind of all makes sense now what is being presented.

Bertrand Russell-6.jpeg

Do those hands match? I would suggest maybe the reason for Bertrand Russell always holding a pipe is the same reason for Savile wearing thick chains. It's a visual distraction. If you wear gloves all the time, you have limited manual dexterity, so a compromise. you use something else to distract the eye for your dominant hand.

Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 8:20 pm
by rachel
Bertrand Russell-10.jpeg

Ever since I became aware of this, I doubted Bertrand Russell's leathery skin.
