WHO: International Health Regulations (IHR)

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: WHO: International Health Regulations (IHR)

Unread post by napoleon »

nothing wrong with violence
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Re: WHO: International Health Regulations (IHR)

Unread post by rachel »

The Pharma Industrial Complex works like this: picture a 60-year-old woman. She has one million dollars in a 401(k) and another million dollars in equity in her house that she shares with her husband. If Pharma can convince this woman to get a Covid shot every year it has a chance to steal her entire net worth.

The shot itself only generates about $100 in revenue for Pharma. But soon thereafter she develops an autoimmune disorder, myocarditis, or has a stroke. She's in and out of the hospital and sees an endless string of specialists who order hundreds of useless tests and prescribe a growing quantity of high-priced medicines. She slowly gets worse and now additional chronic conditions develop (diabetes, cancer, and/or dementia).

At first her insurance covers some of the costs. Then the government picks up some costs. But as her health continues to deteriorate the family spends down their savings. They cash our her 401(k) and then her husband's as well. Eventually the husband sells the house to pay for more treatments that don't work.

After a decade of illness she dies and the family says, "she received the best care." But now they are in debt with no assets. If some evil-doer had forced this family to work in a salt mine they could not have extracted nearly as much wealth as Pharma does by encouraging this woman to get the junk science Covid shots every year (along with junk science flu, RSV, pneumonia, and shingles shots).

Now multiply this crime times the 200 million Americans who got the Covid shots and the 5.5 billion people around the world who have gotten Covid shots and you start to realize the enormity of what we are up against. This is the largest crime in human history, it is ongoing, and Pharma's goal is literally to steal the stored wealth of the entire industrialized world.
Toby I have been ruminating on just this for years now. With my mother it was annual flu shots, one each for pneumonia and shingles. Every year for her last decade+ she had intense winter respiratory illnesses; several bouts of shingles. Pharma and health care industries learned brilliantly from these prior events how to collude and to shape its customers to fuel itself.

Somehow I convinced my stepdad not to get these shots. He rarely got sick. He is alive, thriving, reads several books a week and independent world news on his computer every morning, plays intense ping pong, fully ambulatory at 86, living with us.

Mom died after a horrible decline spanning years starting with mini-strokes, widespread arthritis, falls, losing her voice intermittently, confusion, painful changes in personality. There were failed knee replacements and back surgeries. Ending in 2017 with liver cancer, yielding most of her remaining assets to the cancer industry. Creating extended family drama and exhaustion.

I reviewed her Medicare statements at the end and tallied them up--an astonishing $1 million+ paid out in just 8 months. Had these funds been used to support her real health and well-being needs as prevention, functional medicine and pain control, it would have been a small fraction of that cost, and her personal wealth preserved to enjoy in retirement with her husband and children who miss her terribly. To my credit, I confronted her cancer doctor with a review of all the failed decisions in a half hour session after her death. He had made impossible promises that she magically believed.

So the conventional chronic disease business drains personal resources quite efficiently and horrifically while also extracting a big take from government subsidies. Yet it rarely gets results for the patient. At the front door is primary care with its ever growing list of screenings and useless blood tests such as for cholesterol. The "healthcare business" is a monster that recursively grows and feeds itself, a cancer itself on humanity.

I learned years ago in a flash of insight from work with statistical modelers that small increments in policies can make large influences on systems. At first blush these seem reasonable and innocuous, yet not publicly recognized how those minor change snowball over time. The "system" is like a surreptitious AI patiently learning from each encounter and encroachment how to grow itself.

The system always gets what it wants. It gets hungrier with each iteration. For example, just chip away at safeguards in manufacturing, cut corners in clinical trials or cancel past ethical standards: profits increase! It is a principle I find myself repeating out loud in wonderment all the more often other out of control systems, like the war machine, gets what it wants. The only way out is to starve these self-sustaining creatures with our own campaign of relentless determination.
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Re: WHO: International Health Regulations (IHR)

Unread post by napoleon »

the moral of the story is dont allow toxic shit into your environment ,otherwise you will be surrounded by toxins forever ,easier said than done

great post rachel
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