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Re: Maui Fires - Burn it Down...Build Back Better.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:52 pm
by rachel
Why the Maui wildfires took over the news on Aug. 9, 2023 (is it climate change, or something else?)

August 9th = 144 to the end of year.
Why the Maui wildfires took over the news on Aug. 9, 2023 (is it climate change, or something else?)

Ironically in mythology MAUI is a culture hero and demigod who brought FIRE to mankind.
Prometheus, the classical fire finder, is most widely known in literature. But of all the helpful gods of mythology, Maui, the mischievous Polynesian, is beyond question the hero of the largest numbers of nations scattered over the widest extent of territory. Prometheus belonged to Rome, but Maui belonged to the length and breadth of the Pacific Ocean. Theft or trickery, the use of deceit of some kind, is almost inseparably connected with fire finding all over the world.
Just left Hawaii and got back Sunday night, after over two months being out there. Sundays and Mondays I spent in Maui, and I remember locals talking amongst themselves that they feel something strange is going on, people having random fires here and there, burning random things, and they mentioned how dangerous and off putting it was, unusual.

Some people have fires on the beach, which is normal.
But for whatever reason these ‘randoms’ were having fires in the Forrest’s, and in local communities during the day, when it’s roughly 90 degrees out. They were doing this when the first Tropical Storm (A Hurricane at one point, Hurricane Calvin) came through almost a month ago. Like it was a test.

I landed Sunday, and all over the news Tuesday and throughout the week are these wild fires. Crazy.
My aunt from Lahaina jumped on the opportunity to visit my family in California a week before the fires started. The flights were super cheap was her reason for the visit. Her flight back was suppose to be the 9th so she’s stuck with us for now.

The cheap flights right before this event kind of reminds me of the lady telling “your all going to die” at the Vegas shooting James aldean concert where she was escorted out of the venue moments before the “shots” were fired. Could the cheap flights days before the fires have been for the people in the know of their agenda?
Weishaupt was into Zoroastrianism, and a form of fire worship. Zoroastrians always had fire in their temples. I have not looked deep into it. Zoroastrian = 156 and 846 Sumerian the Sept 11 number and George Floyd. Zoroastrians = 201 in Francis Bacon mixed caps.

Re: Maui Fires - Burn it Down...Build Back Better.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 8:41 pm
by rachel
The TRUTH about the Maui Fires EXPOSED?

ring 1.png
ring 2.png

You know that PDF I found about Use of Fire in Land Clearing, well you see those rings of fire filmed above... ... 181027.pdf
Firing Plans
Three controlled burn firing plans have been described by investigators of the U.S. Forest Service as center firing, strip firing, and edge firing.

Center firing is limited to small, level areas where little or no wind is anticipated. The first fires are started in the center and allowed to spread until a large volume of heat is generated. Then other fires which are started farther from the center are drawn toward the center by indraft of air to the original fires. Fires started in the center seldom run toward the edge because the large volume of heat acts as a stabilizer. Wind velocities of eight to 10 miles an hour from all sides toward the center are often experienced when center firing is employed.

Strip firing is used on slopes or where prevailing wind will cause fire to run in one direction. The purpose of this method is to burn the area by small fast-running head fires, with no large volume of flame near control lines. The first fires are started on the up-slope or leeward edge. When that is burned out, firing crews are moved 100 feet farther in. As each successive strip is fired, larger strips can be burned because the firebreak ahead is widened.

Edge firing is used when fires are started along control lines and allowed to burn into the center of the area. It is commonly used because it is the simplest firing plan. In dense brush it is the only safe plan which can be used unless trails are cut or smashed in advance of the actual firing.

It is rare that any one area can be fired effectively with just one of these plans. A combination of strip, edge, and center firing tailored to fit the topography, fuel type, and anticipated weather conditions usually is the most satisfactory.

Re: Maui Fires - Burn it Down...Build Back Better.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 8:50 am
by Ian
Advise serious researchers here to dot connect this advanced psyop based on the hypothesis that no one died. The mind when released from planted subconscious burdens is able to shine light on things far more freely.

Re: Maui Fires - Burn it Down...Build Back Better.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 1:02 pm
by napoleon
whilst your giving out advice ,how can i get the masons and houseclowns inhabiting the reddit run discord to read the millenium fall-con
94a574191cb2b35d842feb96ef6606cc (1) (1).jpg

Re: Maui Fires - Burn it Down...Build Back Better.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 5:50 pm
by rachel
This is interesting I was just reading up on Baha'is and water. But first of all before I get on to that. The comment - "Hawaiian official M. Kaleo Manuel refused to release water in Maui as the fire raged..."

It's got nothing to do with worshipping nature, that's just the bullshit he says. If you purposely set the fires to clear the land, look at the pictures of the center firing and edge firing in previous post, you are not going to allow people to put it out.

The commission is responsible for prior authorising statute to protect and manage all water resources in the state. One water is like taking a look at from a holistic system perspective. And that's not any different than how Hawaiians traditionally managed water. You know, in essence native Hawaiians treated water as one of the earthy manifestation of God and so that reverence for a resource and that reciprocity in relationship was something that was really important to our worldview and well being right and living in an island in isolated from other civilizations.

So I think where it shifted to today, or over time, is that we've become used to looking at water is like something which we use, and not necessarily something that we revere as a thing that gives us life, right? I mean, to me, it's a shift in value set and if we can start to look at how we as humans in an island can reconnect to that traditional value set. So really, my motto is always let water connect us and not divide us, we can share it but it requires a true conversation about equity.

And you'll see that rather than coming from "indigenous peoples". he's just parroting the Baha'i as manifested through the UN sustainable goals...

Water is fundamental in the rites, language and symbolism of all religions, and the Bahá'í Faith is no exception. There are Bahá'í laws concerning water and cleanliness, and many ways that water is used as a metaphor for spiritual truths. This brief summary of the Bahá'í perspective on water is based as far as possible on direct quotations from the Bahá'í Writings.

In a more general context, the Bahá'í Faith places great importance on agriculture and the preservation of the ecological balance of the world. Water is of course a fundamental resource for agriculture. It is essential to the functioning of all ecological communities and plays a key role in all the life support systems of the planet. It is essential to life itself, which is why it is so often used in spiritual symbolism.

Water is an important medium for linking us with the environment in the complex interactions that are such an important feature of our integrated planetary system. As 'Abdu'l-Bahá, the son of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, has written:

"Whensoever thou dost examine, through a microscope, the water man drinketh, the air he doth breathe, thou wilt see that with every breath of air, man taketh in an abundance of animal life, and with every draught of water, he also swalloweth down a great variety of animals. How could it ever be possible to put a stop to this process? For all creatures are eaters and eaten, and the very fabric of life is reared upon this fact. Were it not so, the ties that interlace all created things within the universe would be unravelled." (`Abdu'l-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of `Abdu'l-Bahá, page 157)

For Bahá'ís, respect for the creation in all its beauty and diversity is important, and water is a key element of that creation.

"The Almighty Lord is the provider of water, and its maker, and hath decreed that it be used to quench man's thirst, but its use is dependent upon His Will. If it should not be in conformity with His Will, man is afflicted with a thirst which the oceans cannot quench." (`Abdu'l-Bahá, in Prayer, Meditation, and the Devotional Attitude (compilation), pages 231-232)

The wise management of all the natural resources of the planet, including water, will require a global approach, since water is not a respecter of national boundaries. The use, sharing, protection and management of water need to be governed by spiritual principles of justice and equity, and the fundamental concept of moderation. Decisions on water need to be taken through processes of consultation involving all those concerned or affected.

I don't disagree with others who talk about religion being the control grid. And whatever the quoted people think, be it heartfelt, they are useful tools of a death-cult state.

Re: Maui Fires - Burn it Down...Build Back Better.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 6:03 pm
by rachel

There is a real possibility that the Pentagon's psyop is to trick people into believing that these fires are caused by alien technology. There are already congressmen stating that UFO technology can turn earth into "charcoal".

Looks like there were very strong winds.

Re: Maui Fires - Burn it Down...Build Back Better.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 6:41 pm
by rachel
More video footage of the winds.

Fire lines.

Re: Maui Fires - Burn it Down...Build Back Better.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 10:41 am
by rachel

The Mayor of Lahaina is evicting people who's houses didn't get burned down and those who still have houses, forcing them to move to somewhere else before September 31st. So they can build a "Command Center".

Video Credits - StateNationalsRock16

What he didn't get—GOVERNOR JOSH GREEN, M.D.—It's another crisis-actor with a bullshit identity.

TRUTHPOLE - The Mayor of Lahaina is evicting people.jpg

Re: Maui Fires - Burn it Down...Build Back Better.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 3:06 pm
by rachel

Hawaii State Government Attempts Information Blackout On Maui Fire - Refuses Media Access
AUG 20, 2023 ... dia-access
The West Maui disaster is becoming less about the fire and more about the government's bizarre response to the aftermath. Independent media sources and some mainstream media sources have confirmed multiple instances of the Democrat controlled government's mismanagement that led to the escalation of the tragedy. The circus included a woke water management bureaucrat who believes water is "godlike" and that it must be distributed according to the rules of "equity; the same official withheld vital firefighting resources for a day while Maui burned. The state government has been thoroughly embarrassed, but instead of responding with humility, they have doubled down and gone on the attack.

The Governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, took a wild swing at independent reporting, telling people not to listen to information from social media and "influencers." It's hard to say what his definition of an "influencer" is, only that he is clearly hostile to anyone reporting news outside of the government narrative. Green's disapproval of media reporting is not limited to alternative journalists, however. It appears that there is now an information blackout being instituted by the state. Corporate journalists are also being denied access to the area of the fire damage path as well as access to any details surrounding the investigation into how the fires may have started.

The lockdown is reminiscent of the state's recent draconian covid response and has undertones similar to the Hurricane Katrina calamity in 2005. It is possible that the Hawaiian government got a taste of ultimate power over the past few years and now they think that 1st Amendment rights no longer apply. The editor of the Maui Times reiterates that the government is shutting out all media inquiries and they are not to blame for the lack of confirmed updates on the situation.

There are a few possible takeaways to be gathered here: First, it's clear that independent reporting is having an effect in exposing state mismanagement, which is why they are attacking "influencers" and putting access on ice. Second, public pressure must be immense, because even the local media is trying to stave off the torches and pitchforks by reiterating that they have no access. When was the last time you saw the mainstream media calling out information controls instead of working in direct lockstep with officials? Third, there is something going on in Maui beyond bureaucratic hubris.

Why block the media from going to the site of the fire? Why try to inoculate the public to any information outside of government sources? Is there something they are trying to hide beyond incompetence? There is evidence to suggest that a major land grab is already in progress, with wealthy interests as well as state interests circling the charred Maui carcass ready to feed. There are also questions as to the true source of the fires.

Frankly, if government policy decisions led to the deaths of hundreds of people then they should pay the price for their blunders. If other shady activities are afoot, then the public has a right to know. The state is not given license to deny media examination of the event. Democrats in Hawaii are trying to turn the tables and make the calamity about who deserves to report the news, when they should be scrambling to save their own skins in the face of intense public scrutiny. These people deserve to be placed under a very large and uncomfortable microscope.

And just a reminder on how the people at the UN like using the name GREEN.
rachel wrote: Sun Apr 23, 2023 3:43 pm I earlier linked to a Forcing Change article which was originally posted in 1997, and updated and reposted in 2008. In reading it, it is easy to pick out where the C40, 97 Global City Mayors, idea began. Here's an audio version of the article.

Interestingly enough, it is apparently a brainchild of a now deceased Lucile W. Green. Is that like the Georgia guidestones being commissioned by R.C. Christian. Oh, I see now they've destroyed it, they've given R.C. the name Robert, just so you don't go. Hmm... R.C. - Roman Catholic... Anyway, looking likely from the same bullshit name generator they like to use, I did a little search. I don't find too much on 'Lucile W. Green' other than links to her infamous book:

Journey to a governed world : thru 50 years in the peace movement

And a reference to papers published through her publishing house where we find out what the W stands for; - Lucile Wolfe Green papers - which is even more a tell.

Lucile - which is clearly a twin of Lucis > which was formally Lucifer Publishing.
Green - the green agenda > the green man > Pan > pantheism > pandemic > panic > pantomime > panacea.
W. - we find out stands for > Wolfe > and we know there is only one WOLF worth mentioning.

Re: Maui Fires - Burn it Down...Build Back Better.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 4:57 pm
by xileffilex
This youtuber has an obsessive curiosity for fires - Grenfell [q.v.] California [q.v.] and now Maui.
The images of the toasted, melted cars mirrors that from California.

Strange old events.