NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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i do not care
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Apocalypse of Zerubbabel Or Star Wars
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Sefer Zerubavel (Hebrew: ספר זרובבל), also called the Book of Zerubbabel or the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel, is a medieval Hebrew[1] apocalypse written at the beginning of the 7th century CE in the style of biblical visions (e.g. Daniel, Ezekiel) placed into the mouth of Zerubbabel,[2][3] the last descendant of the Davidic line to take a prominent part in Israel's history, who laid the foundation of the Second Temple in the 6th century BCE.[1] The enigmatic postexilic biblical leader receives a revelatory vision outlining personalities and events associated with the restoration of Israel, the End of Days,[4] and the establishment of the Third Temple.[1]
The sefer describes the eschatological struggle between the Antichrist(anakin skywalker)
[1] Armilus,
[10] who is the leader of Rome and the Messiah ben Joseph,(obi wan kenobi)who fails in battle but paves the way for the Davidic Messiah[2] and the ultimate triumph of righteousness.[1] The original author expected the Messiah would come in the immediate future; subsequent editors substituted later dates.[5]

Set after Nebuchadnezzar's destruction of Jerusalem,[2] the book begins with Zerubbabel,(luke) whose name was associated with the first restoration, receiving a vision after praying for "knowledge of the form of the eternal house.(now house of salomon ,british israel )"[1] In the vision he is transported by the angel Metatron to Ninevah, mosul iraq, mos eisley babylon
What was Mosul called in biblical times?
Nineveh (modern-day Mosul, Iraq) was one of the oldest and greatest cities in antiquity. It was originally known as Ninua,

Mos Eisley
Wikipedia › wiki › Mos_Eisley
Mos Eisley is a spaceport town in the fictional Star Wars universe. Located on the planet Tatooine, it first appeared in the 1977 film Star Wars, ...
Mos Eisley was a spaceport on the desert planet of Tatooine. It was located on the Great Mesra Plateau, north of Anchorhead
and this is where star wars begins ,episode iv anyway ,luke gets the call to adventure ,meets obi wan gets his wand lightsaber ,heads to ninevah ,mosul iraq ,mos eisley space port ,then its wizard of oz time hops on the falcon with r2d2 toto,and c3po tinman, aswell as the cowardly lion chewbacca,
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the falcon is all three temples combined that fall and will fall on 911 ,this is after all a stylised rosicrucian hijacking of the holy books from antiquity
so herods temple ,solomons temple and the twin towers all make the millenium fall-con space ship ,babylon and new jerusalem under one spell pr psipher that is rosicrucianism
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please remember metatron is the light bearer solomons star not itsreal star "the deathstar" of british magic ,the spark of an idea lucifer highest of geometry the wizards of oz ,lucasfilm made the vision of zerubabel prophecy showing the the future of the temple and the coming new temple of jerusalem,well industrial light and magic who were responsible for making the 911 movie you saw on 911 made star wars as a premonition of what american children will see and live through on 911 ,even made the bad guy ozama the good guy in luke skywalker,in that film we have all three the father the son and the holy ghost

luke and ozama are perfect mirrors of each other to help the idea of terraism into the temple of a childs mind and have the mud cave homes same tragic deaths of their gaurdians burned to death.
In the narrative Zerubbabel luke is led to a "house of disgrace" (a church), a kind of antitemple.[1] There he sees a beautiful statue of a woman princess leia hologram (the Virgin Mary).[1] With Satan as the father darth vader formerly anakin skywalker , the statue gives birth to the Antichrist Armilus.[1] Forces associated with Armilus and the antitemple come to rule over the entire world.[1] But in the end these forces are defeated.[1] The work concludes with Zerubbabel's vision of the descent of the Heavenly Temple to earth. collapse of the towers and the trip to kesil or kessel or ground zero jabbas or jahbulon to see the sarlacc pitt or the holes left by the collapse of the temple on 911[1] Thus the "form of the eternal house" is revealed; unlike the Second Temple it is made in heaven a spaceship psi fi fantasy carved from rosicrucian invisible college ,the great work and bacons solomon house a new dawn ,a golden dawn as it were a new jerusalem in osiris orion kesil ,the kessel run from star wars

so to see all the three temples on earth stand at the koenig sphere (gold ball) ultimate prize of alchemy gold stand there and look up, to see the heavenly version one simply looks up to the sky on 911 the twin towers make a perfect millenium fall-con ,all three stories ,from one point of view
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anyway it's the rorshack test for the girls now and has been for a year or so
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rosicrucian masons mythical founder rosencreuz had the 7 walled tomb,this was represented by j tobin plaza 911 complex and the 7 buildings built for his ceremony on 911 ,to usher in the new age of horus

there was another tribute to rosencreuz after the 93 bombing ,placed thirty feet above the blast in the form of a memorial fountain
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kubrick shows the rosicrucian degree “the chamber fo reflection” in all it’s glory on sep 11 2001 by showing bowman from 2001 space odyssey traversing the stars 33 years ahead of time

2001 a space odyssey released in 68 shows the precise images of the heavens and the tower ceremony both literally and spiritually ,which as i have shown is a journey similar to dorothys trip over the rainbow ,kubrick called his journey a stargate
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obviously 33 years later is because jesus was crucified at 33 and this represents their new messiah being born a starchild as it were ,a starman !

so the theosophists that set up america are pointing to the new ascended master comte st germaine or the reincarnation of rosencreuz taking over on 911 and being declared messiah in 2025 under his last reincarnation comte st germaine,according to theosophists anyway

you see rosicrucians believe jesus lived on as an alchemist in short ,and that his story is the story of mans future becoming god,
easy to see in the film 2001 and the rosies logo has jesus in front of the monolith- black mirror alchemist tool
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this why kubricks 2001 poster shows jupiter sigil, and a spacecraft called orion, over coptic countries which celebrated sep 11 2001 ,so 33 years ahead of 911,we have both celestial allignment above a monolith on sep 11 2001 hence the coptic contries

kubrick shows the exact stars and exact date and exact chamber 33 years ahead of 911 ,aswell showing the celestial allignments of that day jupiter and gemini and orion through to sirius

thus making september 11 2001 a space odyssey and perfectly reflected in accordance with the rules of the ceremony
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so we have an exact year of 2001,an exact date in 2001 sep 11 the coptic new year
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and gullible apes looking up at a monolith
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kubrick shows the exact stars and exact date and exact chamber 33 years ahead of 911

thus making september 11 2001 a space odyssey and perfectly reflected in accordance with the rules of the ceremony

ive left the precise moments the towers ceremony started above the allignment all the way through to sirius ,this ceremony which is carried out usually in a small cubed room called the chamber of reflection

but was carried out universally on 911 just as v.i.t.r.i.o.l. is written on the walls of the chamber , which is where dorothy and oz adventure was derived,
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we get the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. of oz schema throughout 911 in the form of the imagery and narrative of oz and images i show
,ergo putting familiar images from the wizard of oz at 911 events before during and after
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this why the houseclowns must ignore oz schema at 911 ,im not a coward or paid to be a coward,so don't worry as soon as a fakeologist turns up we can start ,nearly five years since the houseclowns read the blog smh
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remember the masons have to ignore 911 ,why do you because of a conformity experiment i left in 2019 ,fools
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now what is more fun ,finding out the lads that ignore your blog and lie to your face are masons and houseclowns,,,,or being the only website in the world with the solution to 911
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unfortunately i tried to include the houseclowns on the journey ,but they use hackers and masons and frauds to disctract from the blog
never been scared in my life