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Re: 2017 Ariana Grande, Manchester Bombing

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:41 am
by xileffilex
Strange....back in April 2023, Iain Davis was already speculating that Richard D Hall wouldn't be allowed to present evidence in his defence because of it's "theoretical conspiratorial" content.

Now the narrative changes, the evidence may not be allowed because the official inquiry [is ithis why there are always such lawyer-enriching events paid out of the public purse?] has established the facts beyond question....

Although Richard is more optimistic. A very interesting case irrespective of how one views it and its main protagonists.

Re: 2017 Ariana Grande, Manchester Bombing

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:15 pm
by xileffilex
I think the above thread needs to be unified with this one
viewtopic.php?start=70&t=998&sid=49510a ... 142345e8b8
Richard Hall v The BBC - (Manchester Arena Bombing, 22 May 2017)

Re: Richard Hall v The BBC - (Manchester Arena Bombing, 22 May 2017)

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:25 pm
by xileffilex
See also the other Aria Grande Arena thread
2017 Ariana Grande, Manchester Bombing

also a few more relevant threads on the main blog ... eisbecker/ ... planet-tv/ ... e-bombing/
Dec 2 2023 ... ester-ice/
discussion following the above

The nagging question is whether UK Critical Thinker and Richard D Hall were working as a tag team for a future legal drama being rolled out in 2024 or whether UKCT was a genuine local Mancunian researcher who oddly had no interest at all in any other HRDPARs and whose work RDH piggy backed.

Re: Richard Hall v The BBC - (Manchester Arena Bombing, 22 May 2017)

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:31 pm
by NotShocked
Marfer wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:23 pm Dec 21 - 12 + 21 🧐

Participating in the hoax means having to make this shit??

That was hot garbage!

Re: Richard Hall v The BBC - (Manchester Arena Bombing, 22 May 2017)

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 10:19 am
by xileffilex
Update Feb 8 2024

the case...
[RDH who represented himself] believes that the “incident” (as he labels it) was not a genuine event but, rather, a “staged scenario” or “drill” orchestrated by “various public sector agencies” using “numerous recruited members of the public, potentially a hundred or more” some of whom were “tasked with portraying fake injuries”. A “select few” within the emergency services were also “briefed and aware of the staged nature of the event”. There was no explosion as such, but rather the use of a “loud pyrotechnic device” whose role was to contribute to the “perceived realism deceiving witnesses in the City Room”.

Both Martin Hibbert [father] and [daughter, then aged 14]Eve Hibbert were severely injured. Martin Hibbert was rendered paraplegic. Eve Hibbert suffered a lifechanging traumatic brain injury.
from the judge....
Suffice it to say that, although his beliefs may be genuinely held, his theory that the Manchester bombing was an operation staged by government agencies in which no one was genuinely killed or injured is absurd and fantastical and it provides no basis to rebut the conviction. .... is unrealistic to maintain that the claimants were not there and were either not severely injured at all or acquired their injuries earlier and by a different mechanism than the bombing. Indeed, the latter points are simply preposterous.
Mr Terry Wilcox, a solicitor [of Hudgell's ***] who was instructed on behalf of two victims’ families, and who was able to review the CCTV footage on terms of strict confidentiality (because the footage was too graphic for public release) has provided a witness statement in which he confirms from the CCTV that Martin and Eve Hibbert were both present at the Arena on 22 May 2017 and were observed both before and after the detonation of the explosive device.

Given the highly traumatic nature of the event and the multiple times that he has recounted his experiences and heard others recount theirs, it would be surprising if there were not inconsistencies....

The defendant’s own analysis and observations on [Martin's injuries] are of no value because he is not qualified to comment...

[HRD's evidential statements] all tend to the same conclusion, which is that the Manchester bombing was a staged and therefore fake event involving conspiracy on a grand scale orchestrated by malign UK government agencies and in which the (“recruited”) claimants were complicit. I will not repeat the epithets that I have already applied to this hypothesis.....[viz. ABSURD, FANTASTICAL, SIMPLY PREPOSTEROUS]

...There was, as required by law, an inquest into Salman Abedi’s death, the findings of which are publicly available. Those parts relating to the fact, date and cause of death are admissible in evidence;

In addition to that witness statement, the claimants have provided medical evidence in the form of medical reports from Mr BM Soni, who is Mr Hibbert’s treating consultant, dated 14 February 2020 and a short-form medical report from Dr Rajpura who is Eve’s GP. Both reports were produced for the purpose of the claimants’ claims to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. The reports describe the injuries sustained by the claimants. Mr Soni (who had access to the hospital medical records) ascribes the injuries to the bombing. The GP report is silent on causation of Eve’s injuries. But Martin Hibbert’s witness statement confirms how she came by those injuries and the claimants have also provided a witness statement dated 16 November 2023 from Eve’s mother, Sarah Gillbard, providing the same confirmation.

Further evidence and investigation will increase the volume of material that a trial judge would have to consider and the time required to do so. But it is clear that the material will not affect the outcome...

case closed

From Martin's solicitors ... or-damages
Neil Hudgell, of Hudgell Solicitors, said: “As lawyers, we believe in freedom of expression. That has to be tempered in circumstances where those views are so outlandish as to be an affront to ordinary decency.

Hudgell Solicitors has a dedicated team of specialist lawyers working on compensation claims for injured survivors of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing.

Our team is fully committed to securing damages for physical and psychological injuries, to recover loss of earnings and cover the costs of ongoing treatment, rehabilitation and care.
*** ... rry-wilcox

Was this trial a drill in itself to perfect the covering up staged ICE events? It's certainly a 'first'. Certainly there was nothing like this after the Boston Smokeathon in 2013, starring Jeff Bauman and co.

PS someone dares challenge the solicitors

Re: 2017 Ariana Grande, Manchester Bombing

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:06 pm
by rachel
xileffilex wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:15 pm I think the above thread needs to be unified with this one
viewtopic.php?start=70&t=998&sid=49510a ... 142345e8b8
Richard Hall v The BBC - (Manchester Arena Bombing, 22 May 2017)
Job done.

Re: Richard Hall v The BBC - (Manchester Arena Bombing, 22 May 2017)

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:30 pm
by rachel
This starts with reference to Richard's court case.

UK Column News - 9th February 2024

BBC Publishes Misinformation On Richard D Hall
00:18 RichPlanet: Legal action against Richard D. Hall

Judiciary.UK: Martin Hibbert and another v. Richard D Hall

BBC Select: Watch Disaster Deniers: Hunting the Trolls on BBC Select

BBC: Disaster Trolls, 7. I helped bring down Alex Jones

Could this sort of legal action provide a way for those targeted by similar conspiracy theories in Britain to seek accountability from their tormentors?

UK Column News (YouTube, 2017): Pressure Builds On BBC Over Fake Syria Story: From The UK Column News

Re: Richard Hall v The BBC - (Manchester Arena Bombing, 22 May 2017)

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 4:54 pm
by xileffilex
The "harassed" plaintiff Martin Hibbert is one of the most influential disabled people in the UK according to the BBC, November 8 2023
after scaling Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in a wheelchair, raising £0.9million for the Spinal Injuries Association. vide infra
Image ... e-67339523
Mr Hibbert suffered more than 20 shrapnel wounds, with one that severed his spinal cord,..
Why not be precise, it was 22, the number which crops up throughout this event. See the following chat with Sarah Plumley
carried out by Gemma O'Doherty some time before the High Court case. Sarah lives in France and certainly "gets it".

Gemma shows some clips from the evidence which Richard D Hall collected to show that the official narrative is nonsense. Sarah notes that the only public image *** which shows Eve and Martin to be in Manchester shows that they haven't even been served their dinner in another part of Manchester about an hour before the concert starts. The waiters haven't even taken away their "starter" cutlery if they indeed skipped one! The timeline is next to impossible. Similarly, another figure in the official narrative is seen in the background of the "Ellen" video [Sun newspaper] casually wandering up to the bar to order a drink after the alleged bomb has gone off! This is the kind of evidence which the Court doesn't want to contemplate.
As noted earlier, the only evidence that Martin was at the concert was his own statement and a statement from his solicitor who had seen CCTV footage which can't be shared with anyone else because of its "too graphic" nature [!]

I was wondering about the absence of Eve's mother from the news reports, Sarah.
From this article in the Spinal Injuries Association website, it becomes clear that Martin and Eve's mother had separated and he now had a wife, Gabrielle [Gabby]
Image ... ife-gabby/
Gabby has been by Martin’s side throughout his journey, which began when he and his daughter Eve sustained life-changing injuries during the Manchester Arena terrorist attack in 2017.
Gabby: Martin had sent me *** a couple of pictures during the evening. At about 11pm, Martin’s mum Janice called saying something had happened at the arena. I switched the TV on. Sky News were reporting that there had been an explosion at the arena, that there were fatalities. I just couldn’t get hold of him.

We rang around hospitals. After a couple of hours, Janice heard from Eve’s mum Sarah to say that Eve was alive. We then found out Martin was in hospital. When we got there, we were told Martin wouldn’t be able to walk again. We’d spent four hours not knowing if he was alive or dead so just hearing he was alive was such a relief.

For the first two weeks his mum and I stayed in the hospital...
Martin: The first thing I remember is Gabby telling me that Eve was still alive....Martin: I’ve never been angry about it. If Eve hadn’t survived, I don’t think I would’ve wanted to. Of course, I’m gutted for her that we’ll never know the person she could’ve become.
She’s the only person in the world to survive her injury. I’ll probably never walk Eve down an aisle, and she’ll probably never have children. But I get to see her and have conversations with her every day.
*** surely those pictures would be the convincing evidence that Martin and Eve had been at the concert??

The injury "destroyed her frontal lobe" according to the the High Court claim for "DAMAGES, AN INJUNCTION AND OTHER REMEDIES" against RDH. The claim only states that the bolt "struck her", not passed in and out of her head, as Martin claimed in a video clip saved by RDH.

Eve would be 21 now. [no, not 22....yet]. He mother Sarah Gillbard was her litigation friend at the Court. She has not given any public interviews. ... rd-d-hall/

From the Guardian, at the 2021 inquest [July 22 of course...]
Hibbert, who uses a wheelchair, said his daughter would need care for the rest of her life and that her mother, Sarah, had had to give up her job to be her full-time carer.
The inquiry heard that it was nearly two hours after the blast before Hibbert and Eve were taken by ambulance to separate hospitals ****, a delay he described as “baffling”.

Eve, now 18, was at Royal Manchester children’s hospital for 10 months, where her family were told that she would probably never again be able to see, hear, speak or move.
However, she had made a “miracle” recovery and was able to see, hear, talk and eat.

**** a frequently encountered procedure in staged disaster events

Re: Richard Hall v The BBC - (Manchester Arena Bombing, 22 May 2017)

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 3:30 pm
by xileffilex
Some afterthoughts.

Chris Spivey commented that it was a terrible mistake for RDH to snoop on the alleged victims of the Aria Grande event.
he should have known better.... He is not a novice and has been doing this job long enough to know that contacting the ‘victims’ – even on social media, let alone in person – is a definite no, no.
Indeed, by doing so he played right into the arms of those in authority who are looking to shut us down… Even more so when you consider the fact that Alex Jones has just been done in America for nigh on the very same thing in regard to the Sandy Hook psyop:
source - ... -me-later/

Report - Daily Mail Nov 4 2022 ... mbing.html
wearing a body camera, he visited the boating centre where [Lisa Bridgett] works in an attempt to film her..
Lisa is discussed in Gemma's video vide supra.
Question - how did this alleged covert filming event emerge??

Interesting question: why isn't Lisa a co-litigant if she felt 'harassed'?
In a video shared online, Hall demonstrated setting up a camera disguised in fake plant foliage with which he planned to film Eve and see whether she could walk.*** He later claimed he left ‘a camera rolling’ in his van, ‘parked in a public place’.
Hall acknowledged in his video that Eve left the house in a wheelchair, but added that there was ‘no evidence’ her injury was a result of the bombing.
***Question - why would RDH share that information?

Finally, from the RCJ King's Bench judgement report op cit
How did retired orthopaedic consultant David Halpin FRCS become involved such that he provided a witness statement, subsequently batted away by the judge:
The witness statement of Mr Halpin FRCS (consisting of his observations on one x ray and one image of Mr Hibbert) does not take matters any further and does not contradict the claimants’ evidence.
Would a scull X-ray of Eve have not been available to Mr Halpin? In any case how would he have had access to Martin's images?
As Gemma sapiently pointed out, why on earth would a General Practitioner, Dr Rajpura ++, provide the evidence for Eve's injuries to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, rather than an specialist consultant? And to cap it all...
The GP report is silent on causation of Eve’s injuries.

This is astonishing.
++ most likely Dr Seema Azam Rajpura (f)
MB BS, MRCP, MRCGP, DFFP – London 1996

Mr Halpin was involved in submitting evidence to the Attorney General in2011 to re-open the inquest into the death of Dr David Kelly in 2003 ... alpin-frcs

Of course the "death" of Dr Kelly was another abject NDNGH media hoax. Are both of the above submissions further gatekeeping acts?

Re: 2017 Ariana Grande, Manchester Bombing

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:27 pm
by xileffilex
xileffilex wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:41 am Strange....back in April 2023, Iain Davis was already speculating that Richard D Hall wouldn't be allowed to present evidence in his defence because of its "theoretical conspiratorial" content.
Iain now [Feb 13] pops up on Gemma's substack thread *** about UK Column, trying to position himself between UKC and Gemma. Iain persists in calling the egregious NDNGH drills as "False Flags", including "Aria Grande".[see below] I think that tells us enough aside from his use of the term "Islamic Extremists" to describe the actors roped in for these media shows. Salman Abedi, lol!
InThisTogether @_InThisTogether
Richard D. Hall has investigated and published a considerable body of evidence that indicates the 2017 Manchester Arena attack was a false flag. He has been denied the right to present that evidence to the High Court and summarily judged without a trial.
8:47 pm - 13 Feb 2024
Another Ole Dammegard cut-out character. From Iain's Feb 13 Off-Guardian [lol!] article:
.... government sponsored false flag terrorism is a historical fact and a relatively common occurrence. There is nothing implausible about suspecting that the Manchester Arena bombing was yet another State run false flag operation.
source - ... f-justice/
Suuuure. I don't think that represents the position of RDH.
ID is yet another gatekeeper.

*** ... n/comments