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Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 8:37 pm
by rachel
I posted this in 911 Gematria, but as I really want to refrain from starting another Baha'i flavoured topic, I'll pull it back here to continue where I was planning on going, as it seems a good link into it.
rachel wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:28 pm Nebuchadnezzar II’s dream as described in Daniel 2.


In the diagram above. we have depicted the statue which Nebuchadnezzar dreamed of and Daniel decoded, Daniel 2. This details the four governing powers that would follow Babylon. As Nebuchadnezzar II's kingdom was Babylon, it is depicted as the head of gold. But the Bible describes two kingdoms the proceed Babylon that are part of the same beast system, they are not represented in the statue as that was concerned with future prophecy; but they are represented in the seven headed Beast from the Sea. We see the five powers depicted in the statue, plus the first and second which are Egypt and Assyria respectively in this conglomerate beast, Rev 13:1.


Assyria looks to have some interesting connections. ... s-to-life/
“I am Ashurbanipal, King of the World, King of Assyria”


Ashurbanipal, who reigned from 669 to 626 BC, was a great destroyer of his enemies, but also a committed builder of monuments to his glory. His palace at Nineveh contains some of the ancient world’s most impressive and informative carvings, created during his lifetime, mainly to intimidate visitors. Many of these have been kept at the British Museum since the city’s ruins were discovered in the 19th century.

Assyria’s last great king, Ashurbanipal, gets the briefest of mentions in the Old Testament (Ezra 4:9-10). His kingdom, on the other hand, is everywhere in the Hebrew Bible. Nineveh was singled out as a place of consummate sin. Back in the 8th century BC, the Assyrian ruler Tiglath-Pileser had “carried off Israel’s inhabitants and its possessions to Assyria,” according to his own records. The people of Israel fared no better in their own accounts:”… King Tiglath-Pileser deported the people to Assyria.” [2 Kings 15:29].

The Assyrians created the greatest empire of their time, taking on all comers with ferocity. There were many points at which their conquests became part of the biblical story. One of the most prominent was Manessah of Judah, who appears to have picked the wrong side by backing rebels against Ashurbanipal. According to the Bible he had led his people into idolatry, for which there was bound to be retribution. His reward was capture by Ashurbanipal, who in characteristic fashion put a hook through his nose and dragged him away. It seems that the experience made Manessah repent and abandon his polytheism.

Ashurbanipal also received some Biblical justice when in 612 BC the Assyrian capital, Nineveh, was completely destroyed. The prophet Nahum had warned of this, and so it came to pass. The only detail Nahum got wrong was that Nineveh had walls too huge to burn, so it was abandoned instead, to be lost in the sand until discovered by Henry Layard in 1847. The son of the rival king who sacked Nineveh became one of the best-known names in the Old Testament, King Nebuchadnezzar II.

Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 9:14 pm
by rachel
I found an image of what I mentioned in the last post. This is the beast from the sea.


Walter Veith - Two Allies, The Beast, And Its Image - In The Stream Of Time (Part 4)

Walter Veith on the two beasts, it's worth a watch to get an idea of the plot; study from 2015. Three slides: 1, Pope John Paul II death; 2, Dragon language the second beast will speak; 3, a common purpose.


Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 2:13 pm
by rachel
With the Reformation, the books that make up the Bible were translated into the vulgar tongues of Europe, and from this we have the decoding of Daniel and Revelation as described by Walter Veith in the last post. It points to Rome being the current incarnation of the First Beast in Revelation. Writing about the future Second Beast in 1754 we have the following...


So who is John Wesley?
John Wesley; 28 June [O.S. 17 June] 1703 – 2 March 1791) was an English cleric, theologian, and evangelist who founded the Methodist movement within the Church of England. The societies he founded became the dominant form of the independent Methodist movement that continues to this day.

Educated at Charterhouse and Christ Church, Oxford, Wesley was elected a fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, in 1726 and ordained as an Anglican priest two years later. At Oxford, he led the "Holy Club", a society formed for the purpose of the study and the pursuit of a devout Christian life. After an unsuccessful two year ministry in Savannah, Georgia, he returned to London and joined a religious society led by Moravian Christians. On 24 May 1738, he experienced what has come to be called his evangelical conversion. He subsequently left the Moravians and began his own ministry.

A key step in the development of Wesley's ministry was to travel and preach outdoors, embracing Arminian doctrines. Moving across Great Britain and Ireland, he helped form and organise small Christian groups (societies) that developed intensive and personal accountability, discipleship, and religious instruction. He appointed itinerant, unordained evangelists—both women and men—to care for these groups of people. Under Wesley's direction, Methodists became leaders in many social issues of the day, including the abolition of slavery and support for women preachers.

Is there any chance evangelist Justin Welby, the current Archbishop of Canterbury, is unaware of what John Wesley believed and taught? This is fascinating, we are still moving in a predictable direction. And remember my interest in the Baha'i Faith is really how it is used to bring together nine religions.


So next, this fascinating article, I think published in August 2016 going by the wayback machine. ... nservation
Religions vow a new alliance for conservation

Leaders from nine major world religions, meeting in London to discuss conservation projects, agree to higher levels of cooperation

WINDSOR CASTLE, England - Few places more closely symbolize the inner sanctum of the Western establishment. For nearly 1,000 years, this sprawling complex of medieval and modern buildings has been a residence for the English monarchy, head of Anglican Christianity.

All the more dramatic, then, that it should be the venue for a ground-breaking summit meeting between religious leaders representing nine of the world's major faiths. (List of Leading participants)

They came together here 29 April-4 May 1995, along with key officials from several major secular institutions, to discuss how the world's religious communities might become more involved in protecting and preserving the earth's environment.

The Summit on Religions and Conservation was sponsored by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the Pilkington Foundation, and MOA International, a Japanese humanitarian foundation. Invited were top leaders from the Bahá'í Faith, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, and Taoism. By one count, the assembled leaders represented more than two billion religious adherents - roughly one third of the earth's population.

The results, say those who were involved, represent not only a dramatic degree of commitment by each of the faith communities to further their work at promoting conservation within their own membership, but also a new level of interfaith cooperation and concurrence.

This commitment to interfaith cooperation was exemplified by several unexpected outcomes, including:

A plan to collaborate with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to engage local religious communities - whether organized around a mosque, church, temple or Spiritual Assembly - in monitoring changes in the local environment.

A proposal for religious leaders to meet with key directors of The World Bank to discuss how it can become more sensitive to local concerns and spiritual values as they fund development projects.

An agreement by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to host a meeting between religious leaders and major satellite television executives to "open corridors of communication" about the values that are transmitted by satellite programming.

"I think the Summit was very significant indeed," said the Rev. Dr. Samuel Kobia, who represented the World Council of Churches (WCC) at the Summit. "In the sense that the coming together of nine different faiths is itself a very significant event, given that they all have such different histories and traditions and beliefs.

"But what's equally significant is that they came together to discuss an issue about which there is such agreement - and that is the importance of conserving nature. And I think that fact in itself signifies a tremendous moral authority," said Dr. Kobia, who is the executive director of the WCC's program on Justice, Peace and Creation.

Follow-up to Assisi Gathering

The Summit was hosted by HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, husband to HM Queen Elizabeth II. The Duke is international president of WWF. Windsor Castle, of course, is a residence of the Queen, who is not only the sovereign of the British Commonwealth but also head of the Anglican Church.

The Windsor Summit was designed as a follow-up meeting to the 1986 gathering of religious leaders at Assisi, Italy, which was called by WWF. That gathering, which led to the creation of the Network on Conservation and Religion, was perhaps the first major international interfaith meeting on environmental issues.

At Assisi, representatives from five world religions - Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam - pledged to work, largely within their own communities, to stimulate environmental awareness and the establishment of conservation projects. In 1987, the Bahá'í Faith joined the network; in 1988, the Sikhs and Jains also became members.

In part as a result of the establishment of the Network, the world's religious communities have since 1986 initiated thousands of local conservation projects, launched numerous environmental education programs, and embarked on a deeper study of how their sacred scriptures and teachings promote respect for the earth.

The 1995 Summit was called primarily to assess the work done since Assisi - and to welcome the Taoists into the alliance, said Martin Palmer, director of the International Consultancy on Religion, Education and Culture (ICOREC), which organized the Summit on behalf of the three sponsors.

"The crucial point of why we held the Summit is that some religions - and the Bahá'ís would stand as a notable example here, along with the Buddhists and some Christian groups - have done a tremendous amount of work in promoting conservation since Assisi," said Mr. Palmer. "They have been busy creating new offices, funding projects, and producing material for their schools."

Other religions, however, have not moved as quickly, Mr. Palmer said, and so a major goal of the Summit was to stimulate them into action. "On that score, we succeeded," he said. "Because at the end of the Summit, nearly all of the faiths had made major commitments to practical programs for action."

Stimulating such action came through a two-step process. In a pre-Summit meeting held at Atami, Japan, from 3-9 April, environmental specialists from each of the religions discussed what they had accomplished over the last nine years and, with much interchange among the various religions, drew up forward-looking plans of action. These plans were then ratified at the Windsor Summit.

Let's start with the last one first, it looks like they meet every nine years, and therefore work to 9 year plans. Coincidentally (if you believe in such things)...

911 = 2001
2001 > 2020 = 9 years

The article talks about the Windsor Summit hosted in London, 29 April-4 May 1995, and this is a follow-up to the first meeting to the original 1986 gathering by religious leaders in Assisi, Italy. Don't miss the significance of the locations.

The first meeting was in Assisi, and if you don't know, Pope Francis is said to have taken his Papal name with reference to Francis of Assisi. And looking him up we find, along with references to poverty and mysticism, "Francis is associated with patronage of animals and the environment." ...So although not mentioned, we have a pretty good guess who's voice is behind this collection of nine religions.

We also see the World Bank and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), which HRH Prince Philip was the international president from 1981-1996.


So we see "environmental issues" and "sustainable development" being the glue that binds the religions together (feet of iron and clay). It's to be noted the current international president is Neville Isdell, former chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company where he worked for 43 years. Yes, when I think of the environment, Coca-Cola is the first company that springs to mind (#sarcasm).

Historically, one of the main reasons King Henry VIII gave the order to pillaged and destroy all the monasteries in England and Wales once he stood against the Pope was because he knew this was the heart of the Papal spy network. So the religions again are being co-opted into the spy network of the new world order. And we can see this also includes the BBC, opening 'corridors of communication' between religion and MSM. Hail the COVID-19 VACCINE! Everything since 2020 makes sense... Continuing to work through the article.
New Avenues of Cooperation

What was surprising, said Mr. Palmer and others, was the degree to which the religions decided in the two meetings not only to expand conservation activities within their own communities, but also to engage in wider and more active collaboration and cooperation across interfaith lines.

"We had planned quite meticulously that each faith would issue its own statement and detailed program of action," said Mr. Palmer. "But, and this was something we had hoped for but could not plan for, what emerged quite substantially was also a willingness of the major faiths to work collaboratively on conservation projects, in relation to the major secular institutions we had invited."

In this regard, said Mr. Palmer and others, it was significant that the Summit also marked the evolution of the Network on Conservation and Religion, which was sponsored primarily by the WWF, into a more independent group, called the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC).

Rob Soutter, executive assistant to WWF Director General Dr. Claude Martin, said that when the WWF first asked religious leaders to come together nine years ago, there was a sense that the religions knew very little about environmental matters, and that their efforts would have to be carefully directed.

"Our idea was that here is a way of reaching many, many more people than we could ever hope to do ourselves, and in a far more fundamental way than might be done through press releases and mass mailings," Mr. Soutter said. But, he added, "we thought we had to coordinate it."

"Now we are seeing that it is something really bigger than us," he said. "I think the new Alliance of Religions and Conservation may very well be the next stage in the evolution of this process."

Andrew Steer, a director at The World Bank, said he likewise views the Summit and continuing Alliance as a very important means of promoting sustainable development worldwide.

"In many countries, religious convictions concerning the poor and the environment can be a very powerful force for change," said Mr. Steer, who oversees the Bank's environment and social policies division. "And we need to create a constituency for change. Remember that there are vested interests in most countries that are against making development more sustainable."

Mr. Steer said he views the Summit as part of a new and growing link between the development community and religions. It is a link which the Bank intends to follow closely, he said.

"There is, I think, another reason why this is an especially important time for developing the link between religions and the development community," Mr. Steer continued. "And that is because of the way the whole idea of freedom, of free markets and free expression, is being embraced all around the world.

"As any economist will tell you, free markets work because there is some sort of restraint in the form of trust between those who transact." This trust is a vital, he said, acting as a "sort of moral glue" which is "essential for things to work," especially as the world moves toward less government control. "And I believe religious faith is the best source of such moral glue," Mr. Steer said.

Religions find common ground

For the religions, organizing for conservation has likewise led to new understandings and areas of agreement.

"We quickly discovered that there was no point in even discussing the finer points of theology," said Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, honorary vice president of the World Jewish Congress, who was one of the Jewish representatives in London - and also at the original Assisi meeting. "However, we found that whatever our theological structure, we did agree on a couple of things, which were social. We agreed on the need to protect the environment, for one. And we agreed, almost instinctively, that one of the functions of the major religions in this world is to promote peace, and to be against fanaticism. And the third thing we all agreed on is that we are all committed to being advocates of the poor and to helping them."

"There is an evolving consensus that we really don't differ about what we as religions should be doing in this world," Rabbi Hertzberg added. "And I think this meeting was one of the very important steps along that road."

Madame Rúhíyyih Rabbání, who is the Bahá'í Faith's leading dignitary, headed the Bahá'í International Community's delegation to the Summit. Also attending were Lawrence Arturo, director of the Community's Office of the Environment, and Kimiko Schwerin, a senior advisor to the Faith's international governing body.

"For us, the Summit was enormously significant," said Mr. Arturo. "Clearly, the world's religions are becoming conscious of the common spiritual threads that run through them. At the same time, we are beginning to understand that it is the moral and spiritual force of religious teachings, when coupled with practical and scientific measures, that will ultimately solve the world's problems."

It's interesting Steer is talking about 'trust between those who transact' and 'free markets' when this has been utterly destroyed with what we saw with COVID. He pinpoints vested interests that are against making development more sustainable, I'm guessing that would be us, ordinary people. But we know the whole sustainable development argument is a con anyway. It doesn't matter how much someone shouts electric cars are green, the facts prove them wrong. Likewise the house of cards it's all built on. Yet all the religions were on board shutting up shop and becoming vaccine centres during the pandemic. So no discernment regarding what the creeds state; consulting scripture is such a tedious bind.

I like the "advocates of the poor" bit, they do that by making everyone poor. We live in a world and a time where we should be able to house and feed everyone. And instead the people who say they speak for God give us the Green death. This definitely fits the image of the beast, and that's why its number is nine.


Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 5:04 pm
by YouCanCallMeAl
Educated at Charterhouse and Christ Church, Oxford, Wesley was elected a fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, in 1726 and ordained as an Anglican priest two years later. At Oxford, he led the "Holy Club", a society formed for the purpose of the study and the pursuit of a devout Christian life. After an unsuccessful two year ministry in Savannah, Georgia, he returned to London and joined a religious society led by Moravian Christians. On 24 May 1738, he experienced what has come to be called his evangelical conversion. He subsequently left the Moravians and began his own ministry.

That, above suggests to me that religion is about control, and always has been. Whereas I think you tend towards this being a Catholic conspiracy. Which it is partly.... but its not the primary thing, imo. Charterhouse, Oxford says upper class establishment. To me, all of these religions are weaponised stories - and there to divert people down paths that are not their own - put a compelling idea into someone's head to capture them and get them to act like you want willingly. Any collectivising idea has utility when it comes to management of the masses.

Anyway, an interesting example of how evidence is open to multiple interpretations.

Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 6:50 pm
by rachel
I wouldn't disagree with you. It's just what we define as religion. I make a point of Catholicism because its roots are in Paganism. It's fascinating how it all connects, it reminds me of the following, I think its where we are heading. People being slaughtered to save the trees.

Ancient Religions: European Tree Worship
Animism is, perhaps, the most ancient form of religion. In Europe, one of the remnants of this ancient religion can be seen in the reverence for or the worship of trees. While there are a number of writers who have pointed out that the oldest temples or sanctuaries among the Germans are groves of trees, others, such as Sir James Frazer in his The Golden Bough, point out that this may be found in all early European cultures.

Sir James Frazer writes:
  • Sacred groves were common among the ancient Germans, and tree-worship is hardly extinct amongst their descendants at the present day.
In attesting to the seriousness of tree-worship, Frazer describes the penalty for peeling the bark of a standing tree:
  • The culprit’s navel was to be cut out and nailed to the part of the tree which he had peeled, and he was to be driven round and round the tree till all his guts were wound about its trunk. The intention of the punishment clearly was to replace the dead bark by a living substitute taken from the culprit: it was a life for a life, the life of a man for the life of a tree.
From Upsala in Sweden, to Lithuania, to Rome, trees, often groves of trees, played an important spiritual and religious role. In Rome, for example, the sacred fig-tree of Romulus was found in the Forum. This tree was worshiped throughout the age of the Roman empire, and if a citizen thought that the tree was drooping, a hue-and-cry went out which was answered by citizens running with buckets of water as if they were putting out a fire.

One of the remnants of the ancient tree-worship in Europe is the May-Pole. Traditionally, the people would go out into the woods and cut down a tree. The tree would then be brought into the village with great rejoicing. Sir James Frazer writes:
  • The intention of these customs is to bring home to the village, and to each house, the blessings which the tree-spirit has in its power to bestow. Hence the custom in some places of planting a May-tree before every house, or of carrying the village May-tree from door to door, that every household may receive its share of the blessing.
One of the remnants of tree-worship in England can be seen in Jack-in-the-Green. On May Day, a chimney-sweeper would be encased in a wickerwork frame covered with holly and ivy. He then danced at the head of a troop of chimney sweeps.

Frazer envisioned animism being replaced by polytheism. He writes:
  • When a tree comes to be viewed no longer as the body of the tree-spirit, but simply as its abode which it can quit at pleasure, an important advance has been made in religious thought. Animism is passing into polytheism.
In polytheism, tree-worship became associated with specific gods. Thus, the worship of the oak tree became associated with Zeus or Jupiter. In ancient Italy, every oak tree was sacred to Jupiter.

Another ancient European group for whom the oak was sacred were the Celts. Celtic religious rites were performed in oak groves and all rites included oak leaves. The term "Druid" is believed by many authorities to mean "oak men."

This short diary was inspired, in part, by re-reading The Golden Bough which was originally published in twelve volumes between 1890 and 1915. The work is subtitled A Study in Magic and Religion.
They've got to get their groves in.

Bohemian Grove

Bretton Woods, the creation of a new international monetary system.
Bretton Woods, the creation of a new international monetary system.

Signing of the 1918 Armistice. Train parked in a railway siding in the forest of Compiègne.
Signing of the 1918 Armistice. Train parked in a railway siding in the forest of Compiègne.

Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 7:09 pm
by YouCanCallMeAl
James Frazer has that same class bio.
He was born on 1 January 1854 in Glasgow, Scotland, the son of Katherine Brown and Daniel F. Frazer, a chemist.[6]

Frazer attended school at Springfield Academy and Larchfield Academy in Helensburgh.[7] He studied at the University of Glasgow and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated with honours in classics (his dissertation was published years later as The Growth of Plato's Ideal Theory) and remained a Classics Fellow all his life.[8] From Trinity, he went on to study law at the Middle Temple, but never practised.

Four times elected to Trinity's Title Alpha Fellowship, he was associated with the college for most of his life, except for the year 1907–1908, spent at the University of Liverpool. He was knighted in 1914, and a public lectureship in social anthropology at the universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Glasgow and Liverpool was established in his honour in 1921.[9] He was, if not blind, then severely visually impaired from 1930 on. He and his wife, Lilly, died in Cambridge, England, within a few hours of each other.[10] He died on 7 May 1941.[6] They are buried at the St Giles aka Ascension Parish Burial Ground in Cambridge.[10]

His sister Isabella Katherine Frazer married the mathematician John Steggall.[11]

Frazer is commonly interpreted as an atheist in light of his criticism of Christianity and especially Roman Catholicism in The Golden Bough. However, his later writings and unpublished materials suggest an ambivalent relationship with Neoplatonism and Hermeticism.[12]

In 1896 Frazer married Elizabeth "Lilly" Grove, a writer whose father was from Alsace.[10] She would later adapt Frazer's Golden Bough as a book of children's stories, The Leaves from the Golden Bough.[13][14][15]

Funny to see that you mention groves, and Frazer married one!

Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 9:56 pm
by rachel
As of yet, I haven't put much in this thread about the Islamic connection, but the Baha'i faith is built on Islam, and history as dictated by the Koran, not the Bible. If one thinks being an Atheist gets us to a world without religion. Nope.

There are way too many Christian apologists who will say the God of the Bible is the God of the Koran. Cannot be. But this is the interesting thing; the God of the Koran can be the God of the Catholic faith and the majority of Christendom, and increasingly via the rewritten copyright versions, the Bible is being transformed into something that fits with the Koran. And this is the biggest problem with the theory that the people behind Secret Societies wrote the Bible. If they were the authors, you'd think they'd have actually wrote something that supports their doctrine instead of then spending actual centuries trying to undermine, twist and destroy everything the Bible declares as fact.

The Koran states that Jesus was a profit of a similar calibre but lower rank than Mohammad. Further more, he did not die and was not crucified, and he had no pre-existence before earth, therefore bizarrely, like Catholicism, Mary has an unspoken higher status because she brought Jesus into being.
"they did not slay him, neither crucified him, only a likeness of that was shown to them" - Koran, Surah 4:156
"O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His apostles. Say not "Trinity" : desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah. Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs." - Koran, Surah 4:171

The Dome of the Rock is built on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem, the former location of the Temple of Solomon and the rebuilt Temple of Herod in which Jesus taught. Below is a picture of the Western Wall, and behind it the Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine at the center of the Al-Aqsa mosque compound.
Dome-of-the-Rock.png (116.56 KiB) Viewed 9641 times
Text-Dome-of-the-Rock.png (123.68 KiB) Viewed 9641 times
Directly below the golden dome is an octagonal base, on this base both inside and out is Arabic text, on one of the outer sides is written "God has no Son!" in reference to Jesus. Historically, this is the claimed exact location of Herod's Temple in which Jesus preached and chased out the money lenders, and Caiaphas was high priest.
And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise. And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up. Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things? Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But he spake of the temple of his body. When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said. - John 2: 13-22 KJV

The translation of the text in the second picture comes from an Egyptian SDA Christian Pastor who's first language is Arabic. Islam is in agreement with Judaism in their opposition of Jesus being the Son of God. But more interestingly, when we look at the translations of the other sides of the octagon, sixteen in total, there is a bit of an obsessive negative mindset displayed. ... jerusalem/
Inscriptions About Jesus on Islam’s Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem

Inscriptions on the Done of the Rock, Jerusalem

Because research was done via Internet, to demonstrate accuracy, two translations are provided. The first translation can be found on an Islamic website and the second can be found on the site of a history professor at the University of Victoria, Canada. Web addresses are provided. As happens with translations, the two are similar but not identical.

There’s no need for explanation. The words “speak for themselves” regarding Islam’s view of Jesus Christ as a prophet but certainly not the Son of God or one-of-three in the Trinity of Christianity.

The Dome of the Rock was completed in 692 AD (or 72 AH in the Islamic calendar, AH stands for the Latin Anno Hegirae which means “in the year of the Hijra” which is the emigration of Muhammad and his followers to the city of Medina in 622 AD) and is the oldest Islamic building in the world.

Letter “S” stands for south, “SE” for southeast, etc.

From: ... /DoTR.html

From the homepage of “Islamic Awareness”: The primary purpose of Islamic-Awareness website is to educate Muslims about the questions and issues frequently raised by the Christian Missionaries and Orientalists.”

Orientalism: 20th century scholar Edward Said in his controversial book Orientalism uses the term to describe a Western tradition, both academic and artistic, of hostile and deprecatory views of the East, shaped by the attitudes of European imperialism in the 18th and 19th centuries. When used in this sense, Orientalism implies essentializing and prejudiced outsider interpretations of Eastern cultures and peoples.


S: In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate. There is no god but God. He is One. He has no associate. Unto Him belongeth sovereignity and unto Him belongeth praise. He quickeneth and He giveth death; and He has Power over all things. Muhammad is the servant of God and His Messenger.

SE: Lo! God and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet. O ye who believe! Ask blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation. The blessing of God be on him and peace be on him, and may God have mercy. O People of the Book! Do not exaggerate in your religion

E: nor utter aught concerning God save the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a Messenger of God, and His Word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and say not ‘Three’ – Cease! (it is)

NE: better for you! – God is only One God. Far be it removed from His transcendent majesty that He should have a son. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And God is sufficient as Defender. The Messiah will never scorn to be a

N: servant unto God, nor will the favoured angels. Whoso scorneth His service and is proud, all such will He assemble unto Him. Oh God, bless Your Messenger and Your servant Jesus

NW: son of Mary. Peace be on him the day he was born, and the day he dies, and the day he shall be raised alive! Such was Jesus, son of Mary, (this is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt. It befitteth not (the Majesty of) God that He should take unto Himself a son. Glory be to Him!

W: When He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it is. Lo! God is my Lord and your Lord. So serve Him. That is the right path. God (Himself) is witness that there is no God save Him. And the angels and the men of learning (too are witness). Maintaining His creation in justice, there is no God save Him,

SW: the Almighty, the Wise. Lo! religion with God (is) Islam. Those who (formerly) received the Book differed only after knowledge came unto them, through transgression among themselves. Whoso disbelieveth the revelations of God (will find that) lo! God is swift at reckoning!


S: In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate. There is no god but God. He is One. He has no associate. Say: He is God, the One! God, the eternally Besought of all! He begetteth not nor was begotten. And there is none comparable unto Him. Muhammad is the Messenger of God, the blessing of God be on him.

SW: In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate. There is no god but God. He is One. He has no associate. Muhammad is the Messenger of God. Lo! God and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet.

W: O ye who believe! Ask blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation. In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate. There is no god but God. He is One. Praise be to

NW: God, Who hath not taken unto Himself a son, and Who hath no partner in the Sovereignty, nor hath He any protecting friend through dependence. And magnify Him with all magnificence. Muhammad is the Messenger of

N: God, the blessing of God be on him and the angels and His prophets, and peace be on him, and may God have mercy. In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate. There is no god but God. He is One. He has no associate.

NE: Unto Him belongeth sovereignty and unto Him belongeth praise. He quickeneth. And He giveth death; and He has Power over all things. Muhammad is the Messenger of God, the blessing of God be on him. May He accept his intercession on the Day of Judgment on behalf of his people.

E: In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate. There is no god but God. He is One. He has no associate. Muhammad is the Messenger of God, the blessing of God be on him. The dome was built by servant of God ‘Abd

SE: [Allah the Imam al-Ma’mun, Commander] of the Faithful, in the year two and seventy. May God accept from him and be content with him. Amen, Lord of the worlds, praise be to God.


From: ... m/dome.htm

Andrew Rippin is a Professor of History & Specialist in Islamic Studies at the University of Victoria, Canada


S: In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate. There is no god but God alone, without partner. To Him belongs dominion and to Him belongs praise. He gives life and He makes to die; He is powerful over all things. [conflation of Qur’an 64:1 and 57:2] Muhammad is God’s servant and His messenger.

SE: God and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. 0 you who believe, send blessings on him and salute him with all respect. [Qur’an 33:56] May God bless him and grant him peace and mercy. O people of the book, do not go beyond the bounds in your religion,

E: nor say anything but the truth about God. The Messiah Jesus son of Mary, was only God’s messenger, His word that He committed to Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him. So believe in God and His messengers. Do not say ‘three’. Refrain,

NE: it is better for you. For God is one god. Glory he to Him – that He should have a son! To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth. God suffices for a guardian [Qur’an 4:171]. The Messiah will not disdain to be

N: God’s servant; nor will the angels who are stationed near to Him. Whoever disdains to serve him and waxes proud, He will muster them to Him, all of them. [Qur’an 4:172] O God, bless your messenger and servant, Jesus

NW: son of Mary. Peace be upon him the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he is raised up alive. That is Jesus son of Mary, in word of truth, about which they are doubting. It is not for God to take a son. Glory be to Him.

W: When He decrees a thing, he only says to it ‘Be’ and it is. God is my lord and your lord. So serve Him. This is a straight path. [Qur’an 19:34-36 paraphrased] God, His angels, and men possessed of knowledge and upholding justice bear witness that there is no god but He. There is no god but He

SW: the all-mighty, the all-wise. The true religion with God is Islam. Those who were given the book did not dissent except after knowledge came to them, when they became envious of each other. Whoever disbelieves in God’s-signs, God will swiftly call to account. [Qur’an 3:18-19].


S: In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate. There is no god but God alone, without partner. Say: He is God, One, God, the Everlasting, who has not begotten and has not been begotten. He is without equal. [Qur’an 112] Muhammad is God’s messenger, may God bless him.

SW: In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate. There is no god but God alone, without partner. Muhammad is God’s messenger. God and His angels send blessings on the Prophet.

W: 0 you who believe, send blessings on him and salute him with all respect. [Qur’an 33:56] In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate. There is no god but God alone. Praise

NW: to God who has not taken a son and who doesn’t have any partner in dominion nor any protector out of humbleness. Magnify Him greatly. [Qur’an 17:111] Muhammad is God’s messenger.

N: May God, His angels and His messengers bless him and God grant him peace and mercy. In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate. There is no god but God alone, without partner.

NE: To Him belongs dominion and to Him belong praise. He gives life and He makes to die; He is powerful over all things. [conflation of Qur’an 64:1 and 57.2] Muhammad is God’s messenger, may God bless him and accept his intercession on the day of resurrection for his community.

E: In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate. There is no god but God alone, without partner. Muhammad is God’s messenger, may God bless him. There built this dome the servant of God

SE: ‘Ab[d al-Malik, commander] of believers, in the year seventy-two, may God accept [it] from him and be pleased with him. Amen. Lord of the worlds. Praise to God.


A Jewish Historian’s View

According to Prof. Shlomo Dov Goitein, (1) the inscriptions decorating the interior clearly display a spirit of polemic against Christianity, while stressing at the same time the Qur’anic doctrine that Jesus Christ was a true prophet. The formula la sharika lahu ‘God has no companion’ is repeated five times, the verses from sura Maryam 16:34-37, which strongly deny Jesus’ sonship to God, are quoted together with the remarkable prayer: Allahumma salli (with ya; read salli without ya) ala rasulika wa’abdika ‘Isa bin Maryam – “In the name of the One God (Allah) Pray for your Prophet and Servant Jesus son of Mary”. He believes that this shows that rivalry with Christendom, together with the spirit of Islamic mission to the Christians, was at the work at the creation of the famous Dome.

Shelomo Dov Fritz/Friedrich Goitein was an Arabist, historian, Jewish ethnographer, famous for his expositions of Jewish life in the Islamic Middle Ages, Goitein was born in a village of Burgkundstadt, southern Germany, to a rabbinic family. He was brought up with both secular and talmudic education. During 1918-1923 he studied Arabic language and Islam in University of Frankfurt while continuing his talmudic study with a private teacher. In 1923 he emigrated to Palestine. Rabbi (Classical Hebrew רִבִּי ribbÄ«;; modern Ashkenazi and Israeli רַבִּי rabbÄ«) in Judaism, means teacher, or more literally great one. The word Rabbi is derived from the Hebrew root-word RaV, which in biblical Hebrew means great or distinguished, (in knowledge). In the ancient Judean schools (and among Sefaradim today) the sages… The Arabic language (Arabic: ‎ translit: ), or simply Arabic (Arabic: ‎ translit: ), is the largest member of the Semitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family (classification: South Central Semitic) and is closely related to Hebrew and Aramaic. … For other uses, including people named Islam, see Islam (disambiguation). In 1957 he moved to the United States and took up a position at the University of Pennsylvania. The University of Pennsylvania (Penn is the moniker used by the university itself [2]) is a private, nonsectarian research university located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. …

(1) ... ov-Goitein

This is something I find curious; "The words “speak for themselves” regarding Islam’s view of Jesus Christ as a prophet but certainly not the Son of God or one-of-three in the Trinity of Christianity."

The difficulty with the Trinity is that it also denies the true sonship of Jesus. According to the formula, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three personalities of the One God that are co-eternal. They always existed, so God didn't have a real Son to give. It's fair enough for Muslims to suggest that a quote from the Book of John is a lie, but the shocker is, most of Christendom also says; when John states Son, he technically doesn't mean an actual real son, rather it is one of the three role-plays that God inhabits.
"While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him." - Matthew 17:5 KJV
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16 KJV

Seems pretty clear what's being said, and it's backed up by the image that was created in the Garden of Eden. Adam, then Eve. Not co-eternal, one from the other sharing one breath. Eve begotten of Adam. And this is the repeated line of rebuttal on the Dome of the Rock, - "There is no god but God alone, without partner." - Adam without Eve, and the most likely reason for the erasure of female terms currently happening in the West, because the West is under the control of the United Nations, and the United Nations doctrine is in harmony with the Baha'i Faith; and the Baha'i Faith has Islam at its core.

Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:42 am
by YouCanCallMeAl
"they did not slay him, neither crucified him, only a likeness of that was shown to them" - Koran, Surah 4:156
Now that sounds like a fakeology related idea in the Koran! It sounds like they are saying there was a conspiracy, with an actor playing the role of Jesus.

I did not realise that fakeology was at the heart of the Muslim difference with Christianity!

This page is worth a read for gnostic and Muslim ideas on Jesus: ... s%27_death

Even more potential fakery possibilities...

Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:25 am
by rachel
I find all this stuff a fascinating study because it does rather suggest we can know about the past.

Re: Baha'i movers & shakers

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:28 pm
by YouCanCallMeAl
Really? All it tells me it's that 2 huge groups of people have entirely incompatible opinions - one that Jesus by was raised after 3 days by God, and another where the whole thing was faked with Jesus swapped out. How can you know which of those is the truth? If it even is one of those 2 options..