Bird Flu incoming...

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Bird Flu incoming...

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Avian influenza (bird flu)
Last updated 3 November 2022
All bird keepers (whether you have pet birds, commercial flocks or just a few birds in a backyard flock) must keep a close watch on them for signs of disease and maintain good biosecurity at all times. If you have any concerns about the health of your birds, seek prompt advice from your vet.

You should register your poultry, even if only kept as pets, so we can contact you during an outbreak. This is a legal requirement if you have 50 or more birds. Poultry includes chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, pigeon (bred for meat), partridge, quail, guinea fowl and pheasants.

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Latest situation
There have been 91 confirmed cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in England since 1 October 2022. There have been 225 cases of (HPAI) H5N1 in England since the H5N1 outbreak started on 27 October 2021.

Update 3 November
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 was confirmed in commercial poultry on 3 November 2022 at the following:

fifteenth premises near Attleborough, Breckland, Norfolk
second premises near Halesworth, East Suffolk, Suffolk
A 3km protection zone and 10km surveillance zone are in place around each of the premises. All poultry on the premises will be humanely culled.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 was also confirmed in non-commercial other captive birds at a premises near Lancaster, Lancashire. A 3km Captive Bird (Monitoring) Controlled Zone is in place around the premises. All birds on the premises will be humanely culled.

Update 2 November
Mandatory housing measures for all poultry and captive birds are to be introduced to all areas of England from 00:01 on Monday 7 November: these were announced on Monday 31 October.

The housing measures legally require all bird keepers to keep their birds indoors and to follow stringent biosecurity measures to help protect their flocks from the disease, regardless of type or size.

This will extend the mandatory housing measures already in force in the hot spot area of Suffolk, Norfolk and parts of Essex to the whole of England, following an increase in the national risk of bird flu in wild birds to very high. See our press release for more information.
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Re: Bird Flu incoming...

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WHO is building a narrative for a bird flu pandemic and is already working to ensure vaccines are available ... -pandemic/
The World Health Organisation (“WHO”), helped by the usual suspects, is building the narrative for another flu pandemic. This time it’s not a novel coronavirus but a novel bird flu virus.

Because of a recent spillover of bird flu to mammals, WHO has warned that while the risk to humans currently remains low, it cannot be assumed that this will remain the case. So, WHO is working with manufacturers to ensure supplies of vaccines are available....

...When a government has been actively spreading covid lies for the past three years without remorse, we know they will continue to use the same tactics. Repeated slogans and words are part of those tactics. Using the word “biosecurity” is designed to instil feelings of danger, urgency and a war-like footing to justify draconian controls and possibly to set up an excuse for wanton destruction. Such words warn us to question the narrative, scratch beneath the surface and search for more truthful information...

...“What is currently unfolding appears to be an intentional pattern of calculated actions. Modern warfare has evolved into much more insidious techniques. Weather modification, electromagnetic weapons, and bioterrorism are real threats. What better way to assault society than to go after the very essentials needed to sustain life?”
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Re: Bird Flu incoming...

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Here is what I have to contend with in my town - ... ltry-farm/

Are the birds dying from toxic poisoning or being destroyed after bogus testing.
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Re: Bird Flu incoming...

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Well since the UK Government has form on mass culling to push agendas, I wouldn't trust them not just to be killing so they can help declare another pandemic.

Insight: Slaughtered on Suspicion ... -suspicion

Made in 2014 and recently removed from the Internet when Vimeo shut down the UK Column channel. Viewer discretion is advised.

This documentary covers the UK Government's 'slaughter on suspicion' policy, designed by Imperial College's Neil Ferguson, which saw millions of cattle unnecessarily slaughtered to 'prevent the spread' of foot-and-mouth disease.

This is the same Neil Ferguson whose computer models drove the UK's Covid-19 policy recommendations.
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Re: Bird Flu incoming...

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Are they after eggs? one of the cheapest source of proteins and nutrients dense food on the market.. Who would eat bugs when eggs are available?
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Re: Bird Flu incoming...

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Who would eat bugs when eggs are available?
Its quite possible not to eat either.
And its good to remember that protein is made by the bacteria in our gut, eating protein is no guarantee for the bacteria to make protein.
Proteins, Bacteria and Technocracy
If you are in the mood for eating eggs, you also should consider that the food industry is very closely supervised. The norms and rules for producing food has a large number of protocols and best practices - especially for labels like organic or natural. When it comes to meat and poultry, every producer needs to follow and respect health protocols that include veterinary checks, nutritional supplements, medication and - most importantly - vaccination schedules.
Human vaccination doses seems to be elaborated in accordance with our estimated life expectancy which is 70-90 years. This means humans are not subjected to overly aggressive doses of poison/vaccination as we are expected to live long lives. For livestock animals its quite different - their lifespan is so short that its possible to administrate much higher doses of vaccination/poison as their lifespan is so limited.
When livestock animals and poultry are heavily medicated and vaccinated, they are not in danger of dying from such aggressive treatments as they will be slaughtered and processed as soon as they reach their desired size and maturation. The total livespan for chickens is 28 to 48 days for broilers (chicken meat) and up to 1,5 years for laying hens. Normal lifespan for chicken would be 7-8 years.
Not surprising therefore that its possible to inject a lot of poison into animals and that will not live long enough to process these toxic substances and get ill and die. The animals will not have time to chelate (expel) any of the poison either, so its safe to say that us meat eaters will consume the poison with the meat and derivatives - like eggs. Organic farmed meats and poultry have to meet the same hygienic standards as non-organic meats & poultry, its just the feeding quality that change, not animals health protocols or vaccination schedules...
So, eating eggs may well be good for protein, but bad for poison.
Egg laying chicken vaccination schedule (here)
Day 00 - Marek’s disease vaccine
Day 09 - Newcastle disease vaccines
Day 12 - 1st infectious bronchitis disease vaccine
Day 14 - Infectious bursal vaccine (Gumboro)
Day 17 - Fowlpox vaccine
Day 28 - 2nd Gumboro/ IBDV vaccine
Week 04 - 2nd Newcastle disease (NDV) vaccine
Week 04 - 2nd infectious bronchitis vaccine
Week 08 - Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE) vaccine
Week 09 - 1st Infectious coryza vaccine
Week 10 - 3rd Newcastle disease vaccine
Week 12 - Fowlpox vaccine
Week 12 - 2nd infectious coryza vaccine
Week 12 - 3rd infectious bronchitis vaccine
Week 16 - Laryngotracheitis vaccine
Week 17 - The 3 in one vaccine for egg drop syndrome, IB, and ND
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Re: Bird Flu incoming...

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It seems like we are in a tight spot since they have made the animal based foods non healthy, for instance, eating food containing antibiotics and others poisons may be counterproductive. However, I was thinking about how they could change our behavior by making some basics products scarce like they are doing with energy right now in Europe, then poor people will have no choice but to "eat the bugs" to remain healthy. To me veganism is a NWO diet, promoted alongside climate change, I don't think most people can make it work and vegetables are overrated. I don't believe in caveman but whatever we were doing before was working.
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Re: Bird Flu incoming...

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PotatoFieldsForever wrote: Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:50 am To me veganism is a NWO diet, promoted alongside climate change, I don't think most people can make it work and vegetables are overrated. I don't believe in caveman but whatever we were doing before was working.
When you look at the oldest people around, some smoke some don't, some eat fish some don't, some drink coffee or tea some don't...
As a very basic observation, there seems to be no particular diet or regimen that keep us healthy. Exactly what we eat does not seem to be the most important factor in longevity and health. Such basic observations seem simplistic, but the implications may be of significant. And going by articles* on vitamins and proteins by Jim O'Kelly and Northern Tracey - the food and medical industry are plain wrong about how to label and classify nutrition.
In other words, its probably not only vegetables that are overrated - all food seems to be.
The fact all food is overrated would diminish the value the entire food and health industry who needs special diets and supplements to create high gross products. Maybe we should not care so much as to what we eat as we can be healthy on any diet. And looking around us - even looking at ourselves - we all obviously have one giant, common problem : we all eat more food than we actually need. And apparently for no good reason as nutritional values, vitamins and other food concepts all must be suspected to be faulty concepts.
If our bodies are overloaded with a greater volume of food than necessary, its impossible for the body to work properly. And once the body does not work properly, we do get different forms of illness that can helped by different types of remedies, medication, diets etc. What is common here might be the same thing however : too much food*. The body is not able to detoxify properly from an overload of processing.
Its therefore not surprising that one remedy that seems to work on a very large number of diseases is NOT EATING - which is an inexpensive and a very accessible method for curing ourselves from disease. Of course, if we are not plagued by illness, just eating less* should be enough in itself for our bodies to heal on its own.
Seems a good idea to avoid having pesticides and vaccines in the food we consume, and drink clean water without an overload of chemicals, minerals and other toxifying substances.

* the problem we have with all kind of eating is clearly the level of toxicity that is ramping up in foods
* too much food means more toxins, and the more the food is toxic in itself the worse overeating becomes
* articles:
•Jim O'Kelly: Vitamin D exposed - All vitamins are made in a lab
•Northern Tracey: Proteins, Bacteria and Technocracy
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Re: Bird Flu incoming...

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No, of course Russia is not part of the globalist coup...

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Re: Bird Flu incoming...

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Good one by Off-Guardian, maybe we should all go the bookies. I've just copied sections so you get the feel. ... -pandemic/
Bird Flu, Censorship & 100 Day Vaccines: 7 Predictions for “The Next Pandemic”

Apr 19, 2024

...Of course by “pandemic”, we really mean “psy-op”, because nothing about the next pandemic will be any more real than the last pandemic. Hell, given the leaps forward in AI technology, it could be considerably less real next time.

We don’t know any of the details yet, but there’s enough vague coverage to tease out some guesstimates.

Probably the most important question. We already mentioned monkey pox, but that doesn’t look likely anymore.

Right now they are mostly talking about “disease X” – a term which caused a little panic in certain sections when it first appeared on the scene – but that isn’t some top secret gain of function super disease, it’s literally a place holder name.

And it’s a placeholder name which does its job, for the time being.

After all, they don’t really need an actual name yet, any more than they need an actual disease, they just need the idea of a disease to hold over people’s heads while they construct the legislative rules of their health-based tyranny.

Indeed, the vagueness “Disease X” provides is helpful, as it keeps the legislation vague too.

That said, they will likely want and/or need to produce an actual disease at some point.

When that time comes around, it will almost certainly be another respiratory disease, because they are easy to “fake” using pre-existing endemic diseases and their uniform symptoms.

The prime candidate is bird flu, which has been slow-boiling in the news for two years now and has recently got a big uptick in coverage due to it allegedly passing to people from cows.

The UN reports “pandemic experts” are “concerned over avian influenza spread to humans”. Just yesterday, Jeremy Farrar of the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that “[the] threat of Bird Flu spreading to Humans is a great concern”...

...Bird flu is a convenient pick because it enables them to push their health tyranny and their food transition at the same time. They can claim that dairy, beef, chicken and eggs have become “dangerous” as an excuse to ration them or at least force scarcity while they drive the prices up.

They will then push the idea that veganism and/or lab grown meat “prevents pandemics”. Something they’ve been claiming since at least 2021...

...The downside to bird flu is that it’s hard to work the climate change angle into the narrative, so maybe they’ll go with something else...

Some interesting comments.
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