What is the gender of this vile individual?

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Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

The eyes are feminine here and we can see the mask. I'm not sure about the younger version though, it would explain the weird face.
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Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

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Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Unread post by xileffilex »

Bobby Zines intelligently asks -- Was Savile a Psy-op?

Well, almost certainly. A fountain of stories and scare stories which will run and run.

Why should we believe anything in the mass media? Was Jimmy Savile a lifetime actor?
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Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Unread post by Samson79 »

My 2 cents is when do we take these people on their own word?

This is to say Jimmy did allude to his perversion on live tv more than once.

The best clip is the one of him/her/it on HIGNFY and another show where clearly says to read between the lines and pretty much he is the one saying it.

Now assume he was lying.
That makes him a liar. Cannot be trusted as a liar cannot be then taken on his own word without the doubt as a liar can and will lie again.

So he is telling you he/her/it is either a liar or a pervert.

Which one is it? Your presented clearly with the choice of two evils.
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Re: What is the gender of this vile individual?

Unread post by rachel »

Actors are professional liars. What don't you get about that? Do you think on Casualty you have to be a qualified doctor to play a doctor in the show? Or does the person just learn the lines given to them and pretend...or another word for it...they lie.

Part of the con is, we think there is an actual thing called a presenter or a news reader or a DJ. But really these are all just subsections of what an actor can do to earn money. To get on British television you have to be a member of Equity. Now I don't know how strict the rules are after the deregulations were introduced with Cable and Satellite, but at the time Jimmy Savile was active, contracts were locked down.

Only members of the Union (Equity) were aloud to have speaking parts. Non-speaking part members, or I guess what is called 'extras' these days, were not aloud to say more than twelve words in any one scene. In speaking that thirteenth word, the actor must have signed the Union contract. They stated, this didn't apply to members of the public (who don't get paid), but this is where we need to twig what is meant by "member of the public". Someone like this...

BBC1 | Swap Shop | 1981

What they don't mean, an audience member who asks a question on something like Question Time. That is a job for someone, because the question is decided before hand, and it's just a means to discuss the things the producers want discussing in the show. While they've dropped the occult 13 from their language...never-the-less, the same terms still exist. Originally from the Equity site.

https://forums.digitalspy.com/discussio ... -act-on-tv
Do you have to be a member of equity to act on TV?

Good grief - excuse me for thinking you could read for yourself... :)

Don’t you need an Equity card to join Equity? Yes.

Will I have to sell a kidney to get one?
No, no, no, my dear – put your top back on. It’s not like the old days when you couldn’t work unless you had an Equity Card, but you couldn’t get an Equity Card unless you had work. These days, as long as you are working professionally, or have been offered professional work as a performer, then you can apply to join Equity. There’s also a Youth branch of Equity, and a Student branch of Equity.

Must I have an Equity card in order to get work?
In theory, no; but in practice, the BBC, ITV, and the independent television production companies which form PACT, have agreements with Equity which make it rare and difficult for non-Equity members to find employment within these companies as performers. And in all honesty, you’re far better off working under the umbrella of Equity, as it’s far better to be earning Equity rates than trying to negotiate your own. See Links for website address for more details about joining and benefits.

How do I get work?
The Bible for acting work is the weekly industry newspaper The Stage, (see Links for website address), which you will find on sale in most major newsagents every Thursday. Televison, Film and Theatre producers also use Spotlight. (See Links for website address.) The third way of getting work is to get yourself an agent who will hopefully find the work for you. (See D is for Dressmaker at our Punch The Clock website for more details on getting an agent, and on how to cope with, and prepare for, auditions).

Two other small things I’d like to know.
Please, be my guest.

Is plastic surgery compulsory?
Not always.

Do I have to wear a cravat?
Yes. Cravats and smoking jackets are compulsory for all actors and actresses, and you will not be allowed to join Equity without them.

Future prospects
Depending on whom you wish to believe, at any given time 75%-90% of all Equity registered actors are out of work. Now that is a colossal percentage of any profession, and generally it’s got nothing to do with how talented you are, or how willing to work you are, it’s all to do with luck, timing, and perseverance. Just one final word of doom: last year, during the making of the film Gladiator, one of the stars, Oliver Reed, died before shooting was complete. Undeterred, the film’s director, Ridley Scott, used computers to ‘re-create’ the actor for the scene he didn’t shoot. It was the first celluloid evidence of a future wherein human actors will be obsolete.
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