WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty

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UK Column had James Roguski on their News Extra, that section is not usually open to the public, but they've decided to make it available for sharing. It's on the link below.

UK Column News Extra - 27th November 2023
https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-colum ... ember-2023
Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 05.40.48.png

UK Column members felt that this UK Column News Extra should be made available to non-members as well. We agree. Please share this discussion with James Roguski on the International Health Regulations and the Pandemic Treaty as widely as possible.

James Roguski has been previously interviewed by Fakeologist, links below:

October 2, 2023: FAK767-WHO treaty takeover with James Roguski

June 19, 2023: FAK732-James Roguski says stop the WHO

June 5, 2023: Mike Martin’s interviews James Roguski

April 28, 2023: James Roguski: It’s not the WHO IHR it’s the Amendments

Thanks Alex for your accurate report on the reality of the Estonian "rejection" of the WHO documents. An Estonian friend of mine, Lembit Tork, has posted the following reply to The Exposé's article:

As an Estonian let me comment. This appeal to the Directer-General of the WHO will be a matter of heated controversy and possible shouting matches, as intended. Or, it will be ignored alltogether by our mainstream politicians and media.

It's Monday morning, and thusfar I've heard nothing new. Estonia's PM and our political status quo had, no doubt, a very troublesome weekend thrashing out what to do next, what not to do. As per Kalle Grünthal's recorded telephone conversation with Elen Ohov, it's pretty clear that our government was hoping this whole backroom hanky panky would pass without a sound, as per the instructions of their EU and WHO friends. Helpers, handlers, mentors unt minders (take your pick).

In a word, whether Estonia has officially rejected the Pandemic Accord and ammendments, or not, is a matter of jurisprudence. The PM's or president's voice is missing. But does it matter? Not for the purposes intended, which I applaud, because we've been steamrolled for too long.

What seems to have happened is a savvy fraction of populist parliamentarians found a loophole, a precipitous moment in time and space, and took it upon themselves to write this "letter of rejection" claiming there was no legal basis for Estonia handing over decision-making in this question to the EU commission in the first place.

Apparently that was a decision "voted" upon with 7 yeses (2 less than are now rejecting it) out of a potential 101 parliamentarian, allegedly led by former PM and EU Transport Minister, our old fox Siim Kallas, the father of the present PM Kaja Kallas. Essentially sneaking the decision past the legislature, might be the accusation.This is a fight of jurisdiction, of blurry distinctions: who was right to be given, or to take, the right to say what, to represent the Estonian people?

So now the cat is out of the bag, and our vaunted ''reformist globalistas'' and co got a bit of their own medicine. The sparks should fly high, exactly as is needed for the required media attention. Remember, Kaja Kallas's contention was that "the Estonian people are not interested in this". Yeah, only if they don't know about it...

In my opinion this Letter of Rejection is a courageous response to high stakes anti-democratic political treachery. Now unfolding in real time, it is in reponse to our political class's hubristic ''fait accompli'' sovereignty-busting default position. .

I say bravo to our parliamentary patriots who've taken the step of their careers, who likely feel they have nothing left to lose but their shackles.The Pandemic Accord is a monstrosity of looming authoritariansim, and well deconstructed by Swiss lawyer Phillip Kruse who just visited Estonia. This is kind of a Singing Revolution redux, not against the Soviet Union, this time against the EU and WHO behemoths bumbling into the techno-feudalist future dear to so many of the elites's WEF, et al, hearts. More power to the grassroots, the intention here was to bring the subject onto the radar. Let's see what happens.
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The WHO and the "Pandemic Preparedness Treaty"

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The United States Constitution provides that the president "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur" (Article II, section 2).
Treaties are binding agreements between nations and become part of international law.
Under our Constitution, treaties become the supreme law of the land. They are, indeed, more supreme than ordinary laws for congressional laws are invalid if they do not conform to the Constitution, whereas treaty law can override the Constitution.

https://www.who.int/news-room/questions ... nse-accord
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Re: WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty

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Very interesting discussion. The WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty is actually a trade deal and very little to do with health.

WHOse time is running out?—James Roguski
1st February 2024
https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/whose-ti ... es-roguski
The deadline (27 January 2024) for WHO member states to submit any proposed amendments four months in advance of the 77th World Health Assembly at Geneva has passed. It is the responsibility of every sovereign member state of the WHO to defend the rule of law and enforce Article 55.

James Roguski, author, activist, researcher and dedicated reader, has been keeping his fingers on the World Health Organisation’s pulse and has the unenviable task of translating its agenda, regulations and treaties into everyday language for the public to understand. Roguski works tirelessly around the clock, dedicating his life to bring the public the truth. His dogged determination is unmoveable and he vows never to give up. But he can only do so much, and he believes it is up to each one of us to take back control and to orchestrate the changes that must happen to retain sovereignty of our nations and our freedom of choice.

James Roguski joins Debi Evans for this interview to give a vital update on the progress of amendments to the World Health Organisation’s International Health Regulations and the proposed Pandemic Preparedness Treaty. He makes a cogent case that what is going on in the name of health here is a neo-colonialist trade deal, with genomic sequencing as the lucrative raw material. It will continue to menace the world, he argues, until gain-of-function research ceases.

Actions speak louder than words. What can you do to stop the planned power grab? Action is needed from all of us. Who represents your country at WHO meetings and assemblies; whose hands are your lives in? For all its apparent obscurity, IHR Article 55 and due process on it is vital to your future.

With crucial WHO meetings scheduled within days and with the next full meeting of the World Health Assembly to be held in May, time is running out. To find out more, please go to StopTheGlobalAgenda.com, which will take you to Roguski’s comprehensive and informative blog, where you can find e-mail templates that you can send to your parliamentarian or government. Discussions must be had, debates must be heard and the people must choose.

James Roguski positively welcomes e-mails and phone calls. Don’t be shy: if you have information that could help him, please get in contact.

Please support James Roguski’s work. Without his expertise and knowledge, none of us would be any the wiser on what is poised to be foisted on us at Geneva. We are all indebted to him for his extraordinary contribution to the survival of humanity.

His counsel is:

If you are fearful, you are in the wrong place.

UK Column News covered the list of representatives of WHO member states, and the British representative Laura Collins, on 26 January 2024. The UK Government aims to be a life sciences superpower and thus merits more scrutiny than others in this pressing matter.
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Re: WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty

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https://x.com/TruthorConseq12/status/17 ... 8732052626?

The WHO Pandemic Treaty will usher in another tyrannical wave of censorship. It's in Article 17.
"Conduct regular social listening and analysis to identify the prevalence and 'profiles of misinformation', which contribute to design communications and messaging strategies for the public to counteract misinformation, disinformation and false news, thereby strengthening public trust." Article 17 of the WHO Pandemic Treaty.


In regards to the WHO Pandemic Treaty, one of the elements of the treaty is the adoption of a mandatory universal medical passport which could be used domestically or internationally. The WHO medical passport would only be valid if you are up to date your shots. This treaty is a binding agreement that supersedes US sovereignty. 11 weeks until this is passed by the WHO.
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Re: WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty

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Dr. David Bell: Public Health Is Moving Toward ‘International Fascism’

“People are thinking COVID has gone away and we’re getting back to normal. But in a sort-of international public health world, that’s not the case at all. We’re building new institutions, we’re expanding institutions, and all the expansion is around pandemic preparedness and response.”
In this episode, I sit down with public health physician and Brownstone Institute fellow Dr. David Bell. A former World Health Organization medical officer, he recently published “Pandemic Preparedness and the Road to International Fascism” in the American Journal of Economics and Sociology.

“The hope of writing the paper, and I think of us talking, is to try to get the public health world, who are very much on board with this and going forward with it, of stepping back and really thinking what they’re doing, because they’ve repeatedly done huge harm to society over the last couple of hundred years. And it’s clear that they’re on that path again,” says Dr. Bell.

He argues that public health played a large role in justifying the takeover of populations by colonial empires of Europe, and that given new International Health Regulations, which will have force under international law, it is likely that history may repeat itself.

“Forerunners to the World Health Organization were the Paris Agreements and other agreements of the late 19th century around stopping pandemics coming from the colonies to Europe,” says Dr. Bell.
https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/d ... sm-5500635

Jan Jekielek:
Dr. David Bell, such a pleasure to have you on American Thought Leaders.

Dr. David Bell:
Thanks. It’s good to be here.

Mr. Jekielek:
You wrote a really interesting paper recently, “Pandemic preparedness and the road to international fascism.” Given the title, I’m shocked that it actually got published in a journal today. It paints an important picture that we should all know about, and I want to discuss that paper today with you.

Dr. Bell:
The way that public health has gone recently has become clear. As a public health physician, it’s disturbing to see what has happened, but it’s not surprising. It’s about the path we’re taking to international fascism. Public health is playing a lead role in that through Covid and the pandemic preparedness agenda that we’re on now. I’m trying to point out that this is not new, and that this would be expected historically.
Going back to the colonialist era, public health played a large role in justifying the takeover of populations in the colonial empires of Europe. The pandemics played a big part in that. The forerunners to the WHO, [World Health Organization] were the Paris agreements and other agreements in the late 19th century around stopping pandemics from the colonies from coming to Europe.
We move on from there to the eugenics era of the 1920s and 1930s and the overt European fascism where doctors were overrepresented in the Nazi party and also in Mussolini’s fascism. Now we are facing an era of emergency rule, rule by decree, and a very close symbiosis of large corporations and government, which can be called corporate authoritarianism, which really was Mussolini’s definition of fascism.
We are seeing public health policy pushing this. We’re seeing very strong coercion, censorship, and vilification of people who don’t comply. This is all being pushed based on a series of lies and fallacies, which are really obvious. It is the classic fascist approach, and in the same way it’s concentrating wealth among the few that are orchestrating it.
The hope in writing the paper and of us talking today, is to try to get the public health world who are very much on board and going forward with this to step back and really think about what they’re doing. They’ve repeatedly done huge harm to society over the last couple of hundred years, and it’s clear that they’re on that path again. We can go into a number of reasons for why they comply with that, but first they have got to face the reality around them.

Mr. Jekielek:
Whenever you say the word fascism, that’s one of those-

Dr. Bell:
It’s a trigger.

Mr. Jekielek:
Exactly. You can throw out that word, you can use it, but no one ever wants to be called that. It’s used liberally in inappropriate ways to basically demonize people.

Dr. Bell:

Mr. Jekielek:
We have to put extra attention today on justifying your statement. Again, I’m surprised that it was published with that concept of fascism, but you’re very serious in your treatment. You’re not casually throwing this word out. All the steps that you’ve seen in the fascist model are being replicated today. What are those steps?

Dr. Bell:
First, we see this very tight cooperation between large corporations and government. That has been increasing over the last few years in public health. It started off with these public-private partnerships which seemed good at the start. Fascism is a trigger, but it’s also a real thing. It’s a trigger because of what happened in the second World War. Fascism also dominated the whole technocracy movement and the eugenics movement of the 1920s and ‘30s. The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health started off around eugenics.
This was mainstream public health. It’s the thought that all people are not equal, but you have an elite that will manage the rest for the greater good. This was a corporate/government elite that worked together very closely. People have forgotten, but this was mainstream public health. It was the mainstream thinking in the ‘20s and ‘30s in North America.
It then became discredited and pushed aside for several decades after WWII. We associate fascism with the idea of black and white pictures of people in jack boots. But in the ‘20s and ‘30s, this was the progressive way forward, pushed by large corporations, high levels of government, and by certain professions. It’s a very attractive way, because the idea is that the experts decide what the masses do, but it also leads to the forced sterilization of people who are considered inferior.
Again, this was mainstream public health in North America not that long ago. It can go to the excesses that the Nazis took, but it is not people in jack boots breaking windows. It’s a progressive worldview pushed by wealthy people, which will eventually benefit them. But we have to look at it with colored glasses, and not through the black and white film of the 1930s. We need to recognize the progressive movement now is very much aligned with that way of thinking, and it’s an easy place to fall into. It also arose very much from the Left, as we call it now.

Mr. Jekielek:
Typically people will juxtapose communism on the Left with fascism on the Right, but you’re saying that fascism is actually a progressive movement.

Dr. Bell:
That’s how it was seen, and that’s how the New York Times saw it. It’s how Time magazine saw it, and they had Hitler as a Man of the Year in the 1930s. Right-Left is a totalitarian way of viewing things. It differs from classic communism, where supposedly, all people are equal. In fascism they are not, and you’ve got an elite who are dictating. But in the end, they both have a totalitarian approach.
Kudos to the journal that published the paper with that title. It shows that not all publishing is completely bought off, and some are willing to publish a diversity of views. But if we stop and observe, we can see where we are going with this pandemic preparedness agenda. We are really co-opting public money for the benefit of private interests for a fallacy—the idea that pandemics are an existential threat.
They weren’t in the 1990s, and we should be even better at it now. They haven’t been since the 1920 Spanish flu when we didn’t have antibiotics and people died of secondary infection. Health-wise, when people die, they die of many other diseases; heart disease, cancer, along with tuberculosis and malaria in other countries. These outbreaks, even of Ebola, are a tiny fraction of life-years lost and of mortality.
The whole agenda now that pandemics are an existential threat are built on a fallacy. It’s simply not historically true. The only way it can be true is if we have a whole series of lab leaks or the release of engineered viruses, because it’s not going to happen naturally. If this agenda is built on a fallacy like that and strongly pushed and takes over public health policy and society, then we need to look at what is going on and why this is happening.
This is not a normal way for humans to act and to massively overemphasize a threat like this. Then you have to look at who is gaining from this. During the Covid outbreak, when we had a virus that appeared to almost certainly be engineered and accidentally released, but we don’t actually know, hundreds of billions of dollars accumulated in the hands of relatively few people.
At the start of the Covid outbreak, these people in corporations said, “We should throw away all prior public health knowledge on how we handle an outbreak,” where it has already been published that we never lock down and we never do those things. A couple of thousand years of knowledge about natural immunity was thrown out. All of that was thrown out. We had a series of lies, one of which was. “Natural immunity doesn’t work against respiratory viruses.”
We had a virus that kills people at the average age of about 75 to 80, which we knew about from the very start of 2020 because of what happened in China. Certain people and entities pushed very strongly that we lock down everyone in society, that we close businesses, and that we pretend that we have no natural defense against viruses. They claimed that we have no medicinal defenses against this virus, even though things like vitamin D are scientifically proven to improve our immune function which we use to fight the virus ourselves.
Inevitably, by doing that, we shifted wealth from all the people who used to work, to the people who were gaining from these lockdowns. Initially, this was very much the software companies. Then we shifted to mass vaccination with an injectable vaccine, which we already know is not going to work very well against respiratory viruses. Anthony Fauci published a paper in January 2023 pointing out that we always knew it wouldn’t work.
The net result was a shift of hundreds of billions of dollars to the vaccine companies and their investors. We have this situation where there’s no public health basis for this unorthodox public health policy. There’s no scientific basis for what happened. You have to look further, and then you find it’s a push to change society to a very different fascist or feudalistic structure.

Mr. Jekielek:
Isn’t it a technocratic structure?

Dr. Bell:
It is a technocratic structure which was tried in the ‘20s and ’30s, and it is being tried again. Greed is a normal human trait and is very strong in all of us if we don’t control it. Greed means you want to take stuff from other people for the betterment of yourself and your family.
If you have individuals who start to get the wealth of whole countries, which we have seen over the last few decades, then this normal human trait will lead them to use their money to buy governments, media, and the software companies who control the public discourse. They will use that control during something like Covid to further increase their wealth. It’s hard to find really wealthy people who don’t want to get wealthier.

Mr. Jekielek:
Do you envision a constant state of health emergency to facilitate this transition?

Dr. Bell:
Yes. We now have this pandemic preparedness agenda. People are thinking Covid has gone away and that we’re getting back to normal, but in the international public health world, that’s not the case at all. We are expanding institutions, we’re building new institutions, and all the expansion is around pandemic preparedness and response. In a couple of weeks’ time, the UN General Assembly will be releasing a report on this.
It’s about 30 pages of language around equity, children’s rights, and the importance of education by these people who’ve just closed schools in Uganda for two years. They have put hundreds of millions of children out of school and increased poverty. But within that, it essentially says that we need to stop disinformation and censor people. It says that pandemics and health emergencies are an existential threat, and to manage this the world has to give more authority to the World Health Organization, in particular, and the UN, in general.
Next May, the WHO is moving to change international health regulations, which most people still aren’t aware of, but which have force under international law. Rather than just being recommendations from the director general of the WHO, the countries that sign them will be implementing these recommendations, essentially making his recommendations the rules that they will follow.
They expand the idea of a health emergency from demonstrated harm to anything that the World Health Organization considers a threat. They even expand it beyond pandemics and viruses to things like climate change or this one health agenda where anything in the environment or society that could harm human wellbeing in any way can be seen as a public health emergency. It puts in place the ability to essentially have a permanent state of emergency, which we’re seeing anyway if you look at the media over even the last few months.
The state of emergency will allow, and this is within the International Health regulations and the treaty that’s going with it, it will allow the mandating of border closures, quarantine, mass vaccination, and required medical examinations of the population. Essentially, the states will be doing this whenever the director of the World Health Organization says that they should do it.

Mr. Jekielek:
These new variants of Covid, Eris and Pirola, are out there right now. The fear narrative is coming back, but not nearly as strong. How do you view that in light of everything you’re talking about right now?

Dr. Bell:
To bring in something as stupid as this you need fear, because it’s not rational. It is not rational for us to be terrified of the next virus when we haven’t really had a bad one since the 1920s. Even then, most people went through it pretty normally, so it’s not rational. You need fear to work on people’s minds.
Mr. Jekielek:
Please qualify what you said. Most people think the 1920 pandemic was extremely serious. They also think that the initial wave of Covid was actually extremely serious.
Dr. Bell:
In parts of California where they have looked and done audits, the actual mortality reported is 30 to 40 percent lower than the official figures. We know that early on the way that patients were managed had a significant impact on mortality. In New York, 85 to 90 percent of people who were intubated didn’t get off the ventilator, and they died.
That’s not surprising. If you have frail old people who have respiratory disease, and then you intubate and paralyze them, there’s a very high mortality rate. Part of the mortality is in the way that we manage things. Part of it is from people dying for other reasons. Part of it is people actually dying from Covid, which was a significant disease. But it was mainly for quite old people who had other comorbidities such as diabetes and severe obesity.
In that high-risk group, there was significant disease. For the rest of the young college students who are now being locked down again in some colleges, less than one-in-a-million healthy college students would be expected to die. For the vast majority of the population, it isn’t much different than the flu. If you look at it globally, it was around a 1.15 percent mortality rate. About one in 500 people probably died with the virus.

Mr. Jekielek:
That shouldn’t qualify as a giant health emergency.

Dr. Bell:
In public health, a number of things went out the window in early 2021 in the way that we look at disease burden and at life-years lost. Almost everyone in society would agree with the following; if a five-year-old child dies of pneumonia or malaria, they lose 70 years of life. It’s a tragedy. If an 85-year-old who is already sick dies, they probably lose six months to a year. It’s also a tragedy.
If you have a choice to put resources into malaria or childhood pneumonia, or an 85-year-old who is very sick, has six months to live, and then gets a respiratory virus, where are you going to put your resources? The bigger burden of disease is in the children, so you would put your resources there. It doesn’t mean that one life is more important than the other, but we’re talking about how we can use resources most effectively.
Covid was a real disease which affected people, and some people died from it. But we put measures in place that we knew would increase poverty. We know that poverty shortens life expectancy. We know that closing clinics that screen for cancer will increase cancer deaths. That’s why we screen for cancer to reduce it. We know that making people scared to go to the hospital when they have chest pain will increase heart mortality.
We know that closing the clinics in other countries will increase tuberculosis and malaria, so we try to make these balances. We have a relatively minor disease, and then we have these major diseases that kill most people. Even during the height of Covid in the United States, cancer and heart disease were killing more people than Covid, and at a younger average age.
Therefore, you don’t make them worse to address this relatively minor issue. The World Health Organization essentially pretended that the one thing that mattered was this virus, and that this virus was doing far less harm than a whole range of other diseases that we normally cope with every day. In that, it was certainly a grossly exaggerated threat. Undoubtedly, we have done net harm to health by concentrating on the virus at the expense of everything else.
The vaccine is an example of spending about $10 billion trying to vaccinate 70 percent of the whole world. We spend $3.5 billion dollars every year on malaria which kills over half-a-million children every year. In life-years lost and in disease burden, malaria is far worse than Covid globally. But in this pandemic preparedness agenda, we are putting three times more resources just in the Covid vaccine, and leaving everything else aside.
Now, we are putting a system in place to try to stop the next pandemic, which historically we would expect in a couple hundred years time, but we are being told it could come at any moment. The World Health Organization and the World Bank and others are advocating that we put in $31.5 billion a year, and $10.5 billion of that will be new money. We’re on the road to this right now.
These treaties are using public money. It is taxpayer money from people who are getting poorer. It’s going to fund a huge surveillance network which is now being put in place. Every country will be inspected every two years, and there will be a report on how well they are doing. There’s a whole bureaucracy being funded for this. They will go out and find variants, because it’s normal to find viral variants.
This is how nature works. They will then have the power to say, “This is a potential threat. We will lock down this country and close the borders.” They will impoverish the people while they make their hundred-day vaccine. There will be billions of dollars going into a hundred-day vaccine program.
It will be an mRNA vaccine. They will then mandate or coerce the population to take the vaccine in order to get out of the lockdowns, so that they can get back to their families and get back to their businesses.
The population will take the vaccine. This will put a few hundred billion more in the pockets of these companies who are involved in running this whole network. It is a self-perpetuating way of concentrating wealth for this very, very small disease burden. It will be at the expense of all the other diseases which actually kill people.
We are being sold this as if this is essential for the future of human society and the human race. If you tell a lie enough times, people will believe it. We have white papers from the WHO, the World Bank, the UN, the Wellcome Trust and elsewhere that state categorically in their introductions that pandemics are becoming more frequent and more severe. It’s a fallacy, it’s wrong, and it has no historical basis.

Mr. Jekielek:
It’s like we’re conveniently forgetting history, public health policy, and epidemiology, all in the name of a fascist impetus.

Dr. Bell:
How do you explain all this? Some people say it’s a Marxist takeover, and we can fiddle around with words. There is a relatively small part of society that is benefiting, whereas most are being impoverished and losing their basic human rights in this process. A tie-in of corporations and government is running this.
When we talk about national governments, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum said he has penetrated the cabinets of a whole bunch of countries. A lot of our leaders now are from the World Economic Forum and the Young Global Leaders Program. When we talk about countries now, we’re talking about a level of people who are working together in this corporate club.
There is increasing censorship of the media. We are seeing a pushback now in America with the court cases around what’s happened at Google and Facebook and Twitter. We’re seeing this vilification of people in society with these labels, “Pandemic of the unvaccinated,” and “These people are killing your grandma.” These labels fit in the fascist mold.
There is actually some benefit to putting these labels on people in order to wake them up and make them think about it. You don’t take these labels lightly, but you also don’t avoid them if they are in front of your face. You have to call a spade a spade, as we would say in Australia. If we start doing that, then we can start undoing what is happening.

Mr. Jekielek:
Seeing it for what it is and acting on it somehow.

Dr. Bell:
Yes, exactly, acting on it. Acting on it can mean a number of things. It can start by just not complying with stupidity. This system relies on people putting on a mask whenever they’re told to, which shows their compliance. If you walk down a street where everyone is masked, it’s very different from walking down a street where you can see people smiling.
If you put on a mask at the door of a restaurant and you take it off at the table, that’s an idiotic thing to do. You are just showing that you are complying with the authority of these people who just made hundreds of billions of dollars out of your increasing poverty. You can do that, or you can say, “I’m not going to do that. I’m a sovereign individual. In the end, the government is there to serve me and not to tell me what to do.”
Fascist and totalitarian regimes rely on compliance in order to work. From the public health point of view, people in my profession have to go back to looking objectively at disease burden and looking at the history of immunology. If you impoverish people, then you shorten life expectancy and increase mortality. This has been very well demonstrated.
If you damage economies, you increase mortality, especially in low-income countries. But we have done this. We’ve pushed girls into child marriage, we’ve increased child labor, and we’ve done many things over the last few years that are all very harmful from a public health point of view.
We’re coping with it by putting out these memos that say equity and inclusion and make it look as if we’re thinking about that. But at the same time, we are putting in these policies for a putative virus or a current variant, which we know will make this far worse, and which don’t hold up from the point of view of disease burden. The reason this is happening is because this is where the money is in global health.
It’s in pandemic preparedness, and it’s there because the people who are managing the whole system will gain from that in the long run. But almost everyone doing it knows that this doesn’t make sense. They should know the history of public health and how this ended up in the past.

Mr. Jekielek:
Are you saying that the WHO is the hub of a global command and control system?

Dr. Bell:
The WHO is mainly a tool. It’s not an organization trying to take over the world. It’s being used by people who want to do that for their own benefit. If you look at how the organization should work, it should be there to convene meetings between countries and facilitate exchange of ideas and information.
When countries ask for help, it should be there to help. China has 1.3 billion people, a large chunk of the world’s population, so it should have a significant influence. If you are looking at the population size, so should India, and so should sub-Saharan Africa.
But that’s completely different from having an organization that can direct people in the country to be locked down and mandated to take a vaccine. That is a sovereignty issue. The WHO and the UN shouldn’t even be there in the first place. The WHO is significantly funded by private interests. Its second-largest funder is a private organization that has significant pharma investments.
Clearly, there’s a conflict of interest. You wouldn’t want that entity deciding on who should have what drug in the country. It’s funded by certain countries, and the United States and Germany are the big ones who are very big in the drug industry. Nearly all of their funding and all the private funding is directed, which means they don’t give it to the WHO so that the WHO can decide what’s best for the world. They give it to the WHO to do a specific task that they request. They will even direct them to employ certain people, or to have meetings in certain places.
It’s very directed funding, and the WHO is just a tool they’re using with their funding to get something they want. That can be good, and it can be bad. Again, in a democratic society you would not let that organization have any power over your people. It would be completely irrational to do that. A country like the U.S. has far more expertise on infectious disease within its borders than the bureaucracy at the WHO.
You’re not there just because you’re an expert, and it’s not a pool of expertise. It’s a pool of bureaucrats who are there to manage coordination of certain aspects of health internationally. You can look at their track record around Covid.
They do not understand immunity, how masks work, how the virus was almost all in old people and not in young people, and that if you close schools and massively damage the education of hundreds of millions of children you will push them further into poverty, having bad health effects on them and their country.
If you don’t understand that, you’ve proven that you’re not competent to give public health instruction to countries. Again, it’s completely illogical to go down the path we are going at the moment where we give more power to this organization to tell to and control over our own health policy.

Mr. Jekielek:
Dr. David Bell, it’s such a pleasure to have you on the show.

Dr. Bell:
Thanks, Jan.

Mr. Jekielek:
Thank you all for joining Dr. David Bell and me on this episode of American Thought Leaders. I’m your host, Jan Jekielek.

This interview was edited for clarity and brevity.
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Re: WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty

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https://escapekey.substack.com/p/the-pa ... -the-whole
The Pandemic Treaty and the Whole of Society Approach
ESC, APR 08, 2024

...Now, if you read my recent article on Selective / Primary Health Care, you’d see me state that information is to be dictated top down (along with vaccines), and in this context we see -

‘“relevant diagnostic, therapeutic or vaccine” means a diagnostic, therapeutic or vaccine that is prequalified by WHO or has received a positive WHO Emergency Use Listing assessment or an authorization from a national regulatory authority for treatment, diagnosis or prevention of a disease in relation to which WHO has declared a public health emergency of international concern or characterized as a pandemic;‘

It might not be explicit, but the top-down ‘prequalified by WHO’ approach is obvious. And the national health planning agencies will ultimately, too, take their orders from the above, with the WHO providing the ‘secretariat’. More on that in a bit.

We also see mention of Universal Health Coverage ‘without financial hardship’, which in the context of delivering said simply means if a community can’t afford it, then it won’t have it. Because ultimately it’s the community delivering said; the central organisation will provide education, information and vaccines only. You could almost summarise those though ‘the best available scientific consensus’. Almost.

Article Two we can ignore but Article Three goes beyond the typical well-sounding verbiage and adds ‘accountability to achieve the common interest’ where said is dictated through ‘the best available science and evidence’, which should be used as ‘the basis for public health decisions’.

The key here is who controls said ‘science’ - ie, ‘scientific consensus’, aka explicit anti-science - and the ‘accountability’ will see your doctor fired for not carrying out orders. It happened during the scamdemic, after all.


Article 4 introduces the surveillance aspect - which not only is a part of the early warning system, but also detailed by Selective Primary Health Care - needs to be multisectoral (they will loop in any other surveillance data source), should lead to ‘community-based early detection and control measures’, discussed by the Declaration of Alma-Ata and in short means a top-down method to - by force - contain people, but even worse - ‘implement active infection prevention and control’, which could well mean a right to - by force - inject you with yet another mRNA atrocity tested on 3 mice, and a Sustainable Markets Initiative Digital Twin4 on any grounds, cooked up on a whim by those, etablishing ‘the best available scientific consensus’, who will further silence and quite possibly prosecute you, should you speak up on grounds of ‘dangerous misinformation’, whilst simultaneously claiming that ‘the science changed’ after you took said ‘vaccine’.


I don’t know how to make it more obvious. The science is cooked. And crooked. Who controls the science is attempting to establish said as a new religion, because whatever they claim is science absolutely is not, yet you’ll be forced to believe. And you can see the same pattern unfold in ‘biodiversity’ and ‘climate science’ as well, where said ‘science’ is exactly as ‘settled’ as it was in regards to ‘Covid-19’ during the scamdemic… at least until ‘the science changed’ for the 278th time.

The surveillance of course is required to monitor the claim of zoonotic illnesses, but should also include water, sanitation, and hygiene - meaning we now straddle far beyond One Health’s original premise. Vector-borne disease surveillance follows along with antimicrobial resistance (AMR), before requesting a full, national rollout of related policies. And then comes another telling inclusion -

‘The Parties recognize that environmental, climatic, social, anthropogenic and economic factors increase the risk of pandemics and endeavour to identify these factors and take them into consideration in the development and implementation of relevant policies, strategies and measures, including by strengthening synergies with other relevant international instruments and their implementation.‘

The surveillance information gathered, in other words, will be lumped in with environmental, climatic, social, anthropogenic surveillance, and econonomic factors. In yet other words - they are not just going to run public health surveillance here, they are going to take said, and integrate every other surveillance data stream that they have.

It’s global surveillance on steroids. It’s EO4HEALTH. It’s GEO BON, CIT-SCI, GEOSS, GBIOS, and all of this started in 1971 with SCOPE’s first report on Global Environment Monitoring, leading to UNEP’s GEMS programme in the early to mid 1970s. I have covered all of this in detail...

It get worse.
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Twitter post from November 2021, just retweeted.

Just released Georgetown law/O’Neill Institute. Major points for the writing of the ‘Pandemic Treaty’. 30 pages / mention vaccines 60 times. As far as I can see it’s a sell more vaccines/create them faster plan. #Jesuits

https://oneill.law.georgetown.edu/wp-co ... _D1_P5.pdf

From the PDF...what a bunch of corrupt bastards.

On May 25, 2021, the World Health Assembly (WHA) of the World Health Organization (WHO) called for a Special Session to be convened in late November to consider developing a convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response. On September 8-9, the O’Neill Institute and FNIH convened 30 of the world’s leading authorities on global health law, financing, biomedical science, implementation, and emergency response along with leaders from prominent international organizations involved in defeating the pandemic. The high-level experts had in-depth discussions on the weaknesses and persisting gaps in global pandemic preparedness and what a new international agreement might include to address them. This meeting was followed by regional consultations convened in Africa, Latin America-Caribbean, and Southeast Asia. This report summarizes the major themes that arose across the listening sessions, along with specific project or program proposals, potential avenues of international collaboration, and operational considerations for use by policymakers and the international community as they consider how to move forward. This summary report is not meant as a consensus document, but a compilation of the ideas and diverse perspectives offered.

All sessions proceeded under Chatham House rules. The O’Neill Institute and FNIH facilitated the discussions. The O’Neill Institute drafted these findings with input from the FNIH and the listening session experts. A portion of the project was funded by a grant from the FNIH’s Pandemic Relief Fund.
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Re: WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty

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https://dailysceptic.org/2024/05/07/eve ... -briefing/
Everything Wrong With the WHO Pandemic Treaty: The UsForThem Briefing
7 MAY 2024

In the past fortnight, revised drafts of the World Health Organisation’s Pandemic Accords (a draft new Pandemic Agreement, and a package of amendments to the existing International Health Regulations) have been made available. Although the new texts, especially as regards the IHRs, mark a significant improvement on the egregious overreach of the previous circulated drafts, significant concerns remain.

This briefing paper explains the key changes and persisting issues. In summary:

Many of the most egregious proposals in the original IHR amendments package have been dropped or significantly scaled back, including:
  • Proposals which would have ordained the WHO with powers to issue binding directives to Member States (dropped)
  • Proposals which would have erased reference to “dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms” (dropped)
  • Proposals which would have allowed the WHO to intervene on the basis of having identified a mere “potential” health emergency (dropped)
  • Provisions which had proposed to expand the scope of the IHR’s to include “all risks with a potential to impact public health” (dropped)
  • Provisions expressly favouring the use of digital health passports (dropped)
  • Proposals which aimed to construct a global censorship and ‘information control’ operation led by the WHO (dropped, though the texts still commit States to enhance their abilities to counter ‘misinformation and disinformation’)
  • Plans for the WHO to police compliance with all aspects of the IHRs (scaled back).

Significant issues remain across both texts, including:
  • Affirmation of the WHO as “the directing and coordinating authority on international health work, including on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response”. Whilst attempts to supercharge the WHO’s authority and power have been scaled back from the original proposals, the Pandemic Agreement and the IHRs are still intended by the WHO and its Member States to form a strengthened mandatory global framework agreement for pandemic management as part of a longer-term transfer of public health decision-making away from community and national levels.
  • Covid interventions as a blueprint for future pandemic action. The proposals start from the premise that the array of Covid interventions actioned during the pandemic are a suitable blueprint to direct future pandemic response behaviour. This is an extremely controversial starting point, which for the U.K. hugely prejudges the findings of the Covid Inquiry.
  • Proposals which envisage a strengthening of national pathogen surveillance hardwire in a surveillance-first strategy which seems guaranteed to increase the perception of regular pandemic threats and the likelihood of triggering drastic responses to routine outbreaks.
  • Proposals which grant the WHO Director General power to declare a pandemic emergency continue to vest unacceptably significant discretionary power in just one individual.
  • In promoting the use of behavioural science and ‘risk communication’ the texts ordain the use of nudge, propaganda and censorship. A more appropriate strategy would be to embed legal and practical protections for scientific debate and free speech.
  • Taken together the two Accords would commit the U.K. to supporting the WHO’s global response strategies come what may, and would seek to commit us to significant new funding obligations as part of that. There is no good reason to bind ourselves to the WHO, with its poor pandemic management track record, at least until major reform of that organisation, including its funding model, has been secured.
  • The texts assume the need and desirability for an interventionist response to future pandemics, using the Covid response as a starting point. That flawed assumption further relies on an assumption that there are properly functioning and effective national regulatory regimes in place. The reality across all major jurisdictions is systemic regulatory capture by private industry which, in the U.K., parliamentarians and experts have already called out as a clear threat to patient safety.

As of the time of writing, there are only three weeks left until the vote on these proposals is due to be put to the World Health Assembly. Reports suggest that negotiations across many key provisions are still ongoing, and as a result further changes can be expected to these generationally important texts. Any sensible period for scrutiny is over, and the democratic illegitimacy of forcing through a vote on these controversial agreements within the originally planned timeframe will further decimate trust in public health, and the World Health Organisation.

Legitimate questions have also been raised about the legality of any adoption vote for the IHR amendments taking place in May 2024, given the impossibility of complying with necessary legal notice periods under Article 55 of the IHR.

More broadly, it is inappropriate for the U.K. now to deepen its integration into a multilateral organisation about which serious governance, ethical, conflict and competency concerns persist: in relation to its senior personnel, its duplicity and mishandling of these negotiations and its private funding arrangements and motivations. Each of these points is discussed more fully below...
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