Anyone know any ex-truthers?

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Re: Anyone know any ex-truthers?

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Given the likelihood the protesters where paid extras to give significance to the G20 Summit, and that it was brought to us by the creators of the City of London Ian Tomlinson unlawful killing affair, with subsequent inquest and trial of PC Simon HARWOOD; the following, from wiki, can be seen in a totally different light...Cha-ching... ... t_protests

G20 RIOTS SAT 26 JUNE 2010.jpg
G20 RIOTS SAT 26 JUNE 2010.jpg (8.87 KiB) Viewed 8059 times

Public protesting and demonstrations began one week ahead of the 2010 G20 Toronto summit, which took place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on 26−27 June. The protests were for various causes, including poverty and anti-capitalism.

Protests mainly consisted of peaceful demonstrations and rallies but also took the form of a riot as a group of protesters using black bloc tactics caused vandalism to several businesses in Downtown Toronto. More than 20,000 police, military, and security personnel were involved in policing the protests, which at its largest numbered 10,000 protesters. While there were no deaths, 97 officers and 39 arrestees were injured, and at least 40 shops were vandalised, constituting at least C$750,000 worth of damage.

Over 1000 arrests were made, making it the largest mass arrest in Canadian history. In the aftermath of the protests, the Toronto Police Service and the Integrated Security Unit (ISU) of the G20 Toronto summit were heavily criticized for brutality during the arrests and eventually went under public scrutiny by media and human rights activists. There has been legal action in the form of a class action lawsuit towards the Toronto police on behalf of all of those who were arrested despite the Toronto Police's several attempts to stop court proceedings by appealing the case. As of November 10, 2016 The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that it will not hear the Toronto Police Services Board's appeal. As a result, a class action lawsuit was able to proceed on November 25, 2016 towards trial. On August 17, 2020, The Canadian Press announced that the lawsuit had resulted in a $16.5 million settlement. Those arrested were each awarded dollar amounts ranging from $5,000 to $24,700.

TOP TIP: As soon as you see the word "POVITY" else "THE POOR", then you can be sure it's the calling card of the Pope. The Church of Rome deliberately keeps its flock poor so it can cry "POVITY!"; and then it uses this excuse to take from everyone else, no matter the circumstance, until they have nothing. The type comes directly from Judas Iscariot.

Then Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him. Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment. Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein. Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this. For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always. — John 12:1-8

Judas was a Jew, yes, but more importantly, he was a disciple of Christ Jesus, therefore a CHRIST-IAN. Today, do any Jews accept Jesus as the Messiah? ...No. Therefore the Jews don't fit the type, it instead has to be someone who claims to do the work of Christ...something like 'THE VICAR OF CHRIST'. :idea:

Continuing down the wiki article, I think we get an insight into the recruiting methodology of activists...the etymology of that word being ACTIVE + -IST and looking at ACTIVE: "grammatical use of active, SIGNIFYING PERFORMANCE and not endurance of an action, dates from mid-15c".

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and members of the Joint Intelligence Group (JIG) began approaching activists in February 2010. There were visits to organization offices, meetings, and activists' houses. It was later revealed via Freedom of Information requests that "at least 12 undercover officers infiltrated groups" spanning Vancouver, southern Ontario, Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa, in one of the largest-ever such operations internal to Canada.

A Royal Bank of Canada branch in Ottawa was firebombed just before dawn on May 18, 2010. The attackers posted video on YouTube showing a large fireball igniting inside the bank. The video then listed the manifesto of a previously unknown group calling itself the FFFC. The message stated that the attack against the bank was because of the growing suffering of Vancouver's poor in the shadow of RBC's major sponsorship of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics and Paralympics in Vancouver and Whistler, British Columbia and claimed these events were held "on stolen indigenous land."

So basically the Mounties start recruiting ACTOR-VISTS in February 2010 for their little G20 Toronto shindig, meantime this is just before Danny Shine stands on the steps of St Paul's and says his final "GOODBYE!" to 'The Love Police'...he's definitely, definitely, definitely, moved on. Then next we find out "at least 12 undercover officers INFILTRATED groups", but isn't it more likely, they were the coordinators that told the groups where they need to be, and when, for the media circus?

And...did you notice something else, Danny Dicks started his film with the RBC Bank fire, but people outside of Canada wouldn't probably click on that RBC stands for Royal Bank of Canada. Hmm... So we have the ROYAL Canadian Mounted Police and the ROYAL Bank of Canada almost in the same breath... And we also can guess one big reason Youtube was created; not for cat videos unfortunately, rather to forward Tony Blair's 'TERRORISM TERRORISM TERRORISM' narrative.

Here comes the shoehorning of the GREEN...

In addition to social issues and aboriginal land claims, the video claimed the actions were sparked by environmental and deforestation related concerns surrounding the Alberta tar sands projects in "Canada's" prairies, in which the video claims RBC is substantially involved and which G8/G20 decisions furthered. The attackers also stated their intention to be present during the G8 and the G20 Toronto summits the following month.

The projected recurrence of such acts of violence and the escalating rhetoric of anti-summit protest plans caused the G8/G20 Integrated Security Unit (ISU) to increase its security measures. The attacks were quickly and widely criticized by the media, politicians, and other protest groups.

Three suspects were arrested on June 19, 2010; with one, Roger Clement, being convicted in December 2010 while charges against the other two were stayed for lack of evidence although only one of those two faced charges for the arson, while the other's charges were for a separate vandalism of a different RBC ATM. Clement, a 58-year-old retired federal government employee, formerly working for the Canadian International Development Agency, eventually received a 3½ year prison sentence, that included 6 months for vandalism of another RBC branch in February 2010. An undercover police agent who had infiltrated the local activist community was revealed during the fire-bombing trial.

So signposting ahead of time, don't miss the riots, and "quickly and widely criticized", I think that's a typo, shouldn't it read "quickly and widely advertised by the media, politicians, and other protest groups". And I can't help feeling the name Clement, was so we naturally think "clemency".

clemency.png (23.07 KiB) Viewed 8059 times

Yep, CLEMENCY for the International Development Agency worker!!


May as well add this... Compare and contrast:

2010: The damaged front of a Starbucks restaurant in Toronto during G20 summit
2010: The damaged front of a Starbucks restaurant in Toronto during G20 summit
2021: An activist from the Extinction Rebellion shatters a window at HSBC headquarters in Canary Wharf
2021: An activist from the Extinction Rebellion shatters a window at HSBC headquarters in Canary Wharf

Extinction Rebellion has better corporate branding, otherwise it looks like a rinse-and-repeat. Oh, and you know who else used to be into turquoise and purple? Only David Icke. And something I never knew, he used to be a member of the GREEN PARTY. You couldn't make this stuff up...well, clearly they did...but get the description even if you have no intention in watching the video.

Gay Byrne talks to David Icke days after his controversial interview with Terry Wogan on the BBC.

During the interview with Terry Wogan, David Icke outlined how he believed he was the son of the Godhead. Speaking on the Late Late Show he explains this claim that he is the ‘Son of God’ and discusses his predictions about the future of the world.

"We are all the children of God. We are all created by God. We are created by the thoughts of God .... But some people come to earth, Jesus was one ... that are actually part of the soul of the Godhead ... to try to bring the truth to a planet that has lost that truth."

David Icke explains his ‘Son of God’ assertion

"No one is special... Godhead loves all of us as if there is one of us"

Gay Byrne introduces David Icke’s earth transformation hypothesis which is outlined in his third book ‘Truth Vibrations’

The world, the planet, as we know it, is destined to be destroyed in the near future, unless we, all of us, all the peoples of the planet, change their ways and get into line with the natural environment and start protecting the world and start protecting the environment and the planet, otherwise things are coming to a crunch.

David Icke is an English writer and public speaker in new age philosophies and conspiracy theories. He is known for his predilection for turquoise because the colour is a conduit of positive energy, love and wisdom for him.

A former professional goalkeeper, BBC sports broadcaster and Green Party Spokesman, his change in career originated in 1990 when he was told by a psychic that he was a healer who was on Earth for a purpose and in March 1991 he announced he was a “Son of the Godhead”.

"The Godhead .... a Master Spirit at the Centre of All Creation."

This episode of The Late Late Show was broadcast on 10 May 1991. The presenter is Gay Byrne.
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Re: Anyone know any ex-truthers?

Unread post by rachel »

It's funny how anti-globalists aims line up directly with globalists aims. From the 'Black bloc' wiki page...
When we smash a window, we aim to destroy the thin veneer of legitimacy that surrounds private property rights... After N30 [30 November], many people will never see a shop window or a hammer the same way again. The potential uses of an entire cityscape have increased a thousand-fold. The number of broken windows pales in comparison to the number of spells—spells cast by a corporate hegemony to lull us into forgetfulness of all the violence committed in the name of private property rights and of all the potential of a society without them. Broken windows can be boarded and eventually replaced, but the shattering of assumptions will hopefully persist for some time to come.
— ACME Collective, quoted in Paris (2003)

It's the same people with the same ideology. And they both put on masks and pretend to be something they are not.

G20 Black Bloc action Toronto, Canada
G20 Black Bloc action Toronto, Canada
Changing faces: Jean-Claude Juncker exits stage left as Klaus Schwab is catapulted onto the world scene with "The Great Reset"
Changing faces: Jean-Claude Juncker exits stage left as Klaus Schwab is catapulted onto the world scene with "The Great Reset"

Klaus Schwab, the clue is in the name. And that probably means he has been written back into history as if they had a TARDIS. My guess, his first real appearance as a name is some time mid-2015. Everything before that point is a fake insert. This is when his bio is first captured by Wayback, on 11 June 2015, as an entry on the DAVOS website ( to bet that's no coincidence). ... us-schwab/

It doesn't change until the 25 June 2017 capture. At this point two pictures are added. I'm guessing between 2015 and 2017, Klaus Schwab only existed as a name on paper, his look and the actor to play him having yet to be cast. ... us-schwab/
Schwab-bio JUNE17.png

For some reason the Wayback page doesn't display the two pictures, but if you click on them, Wayback does have them archived. Guess who? The first, Tony Blair of course...I don't know the second person, the name is Aliko Dangote, according to wiki the first African billionaire, and 'The Guardian Man of the Year 2015', so another bullshit character with a dodgy name.

Klaus Schwab with Tony Blair
Klaus Schwab with Tony Blair
Klaus Schwab with Aliko Dangote
Klaus Schwab with Aliko Dangote

25 June 2017 page text:

"The place where leaders meet"

Born in Ravensburg, Professor Klaus Schwab led the first European Management Symposium in Davos in 1971, which was renamed as the World Economic Forum in 1987.Over the years, the event has lead to unprecedented media reports around the world.Schwab himself achieved a common house which sets an example, with his meeting of economic, political and cultural leaders in the middle of the Alps.

From the start, Klaus Schwab lined up the Media in the Centre, which would allow him to set up a kind of global pinboard .This notice board using media (obviously long before the advent of the internet) is one of the main reasons for the phenomenal success of the WEF.Although the WEF is only attended by small circle of around 3,000 delegates, it has an enormous effect on the worldwide population.

Schwab made Davos the leading location for global conferences
Professor Klaus Schwab and the WEF have made a decisive contribution to the European Alpine region not only being associated with hiking and skiing, but also as the ideal surroundings for congresses between politicians and economic leaders from all over the world.The ability to be a host and bring people together, even in difficult times, was one of Klaus Schwab’s greatest accomplishments.His bond with the mountains joins him with Davos, which he made the leading city for meetings in the mountains on a decisive impulse.As a result, today Davos is nothing less than “The Best Meeting Place in the World”.

Prof. Klaus Schwab is a member of various supervisory and executive boards for international companies. He has been awarded countless medals and prizes and holds an honorary doctorate from several universities. He lives in Cologny, near Geneva, together with his wife and their two children.

The text remains the same from the 2015 to the 2017 grab, the only change being the tagline: "The Best Meeting Place in World", is updated to "The place where leaders meet", and pictures are added...the point in time that Klaus Schwab gains a face, I'm guessing.

The Tony Blair image is significant, because I think it is code for 'The Crown'. This is therefore the point in time the contract has been awarded and DAVOS gets to display the equivalent of the Royal Coat of Arms. And more confirmation of this, from 16 October 2017: ... ation-4-0/

IMPORTANT | 2017-10-16
13 October the regalia of honorary doctor of Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) were awarded to Professor Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, the international organisation, which is encouraging the collaboration between public and business organisations. Professor Klaus Schwab is the 45th Honorary Doctor of KTU.

You notice there is no sound. So really, based on what we see, it's just a bunch of people in a room. And this is where we get the famous images of Klaus Schwab, as if he always existed in the background.

Chairman of the Senate Professor Rytis Krušinskas
Chairman of the Senate Professor Rytis Krušinskas
Professor Schwab with Chairman of the Senate Professor Rytis Krušinskas and Vice-Chairman of the Senate Professor Vytautas Janilionis
Professor Schwab with Chairman of the Senate Professor Rytis Krušinskas and Vice-Chairman of the Senate Professor Vytautas Janilionis
Professor Klaus Schwab became the 45th Honorary Doctor of KTU
Professor Klaus Schwab became the 45th Honorary Doctor of KTU
After the Honorary Doctor’s Regalia Award Ceremony, Professor Schwab read an open lecture “Leadership Challenges in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”
After the Honorary Doctor’s Regalia Award Ceremony, Professor Schwab read an open lecture “Leadership Challenges in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”

Spring 2017 onwards is significant, it fits with the first photo appearance of Dame June Raine of the MHRA, undertaker John O'Looney setting up his private business, the BBC's commissioning of 'Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic'... This all after the British Establishment failed to secure a Remain vote in the 23 June 2016 Referendum it decided to run with the fake murder of Jo Cox (JOKE OX). The fall out being, David Cameron resigning, Nigel Farage resigning, the UK cancelling its turn taking on the EU presidency which was due to begin on the 1st July 2016, you know, a week after the vote; and Jeremy Corbyn having a three month long bollocks leadership challenge, a diversion just so the mainstream media could talk about something else other than the triggering of Article 50 to legally remove the UK from the EU as per the actual Referendum result.

Anyone still thinking The Crown secretly wanted the Leave vote to win?
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Re: Anyone know any ex-truthers?

Unread post by rachel »


Just before leaving this image, do you get a feeling the perspective is wrong, that the picture is taken at a lower angle on Klaus Schwab than it is on Tony Blair? Tony being more straight on, leading to an Escher painting feel. And the image in the background, I think Tony Blair's head is deliberately positioned to block most of Tony Blair's face, because it's the same picture manipulated to fake a different angle.

But even if you think it's an actual unedited photo of a real event, why is it on the DAVOS website? It wasn't there in 2015, it wasn't there in 2016. It appears some time between 22 May 2017 and 25 June 2017. For reference, this is a grab taken from a Tony Blair interview filmed in 2017.

tony blair.png

Even if like me, you subscribe to the idea that Tony Blair is fake-aged, we can still guess that picture of Tony and Klaus is officially dated years before 2017. Likely back to when Tony Blair was the UK's Prime Minister. So what's the logical reason behind the picture suddenly appearing on Klaus' bio page two years after the page itself was created, given that the picture apparently pre-dates the bio page? The answer, none. It should have been there from the start, else a current picture used to update the bio. The logical conclusion; an apparent old picture that was actually newly created, was added to his bio to give the impression Klaus Schwab has a history that dates back further than it actually does, and which includes Klaus meeting Tony Blair when he was Prime Minister.

Finally, some grabs from that Kaunas University of Technology video where Klaus Schwab gets his Honorary Doctorate. He's really quite small in stature.


I know what springs to mind...but it's not a concern of this particular thread. I'm more interested in getting back to that 'Into The Fire' video, because there are some interesting parallels with 2010 and 2020's COVID-19.


Just before leaving this subject; from what we can ascertain from the presentation images, I'll leave the reader to look at the image below which came out in 2021. You should be able to answer the following questions.
  1. Is this a real image of a close to naked Klaus Schwab walking on a beach?
  2. Is it instead a fluke by chance look-alike that just happens to resemble Klaus Schwab?
  3. Why was it particularly important for this bizarre apparent naked Klaus Schwab image to exist?
  4. Who therefore created and circulated this image widely?

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Re: Anyone know any ex-truthers?

Unread post by rachel »

Back to INTO THE FIRE; I don't really fully understand its aim, but I know it isn't what it claims to be. It's not an alternative view to the mainstream media, it's a complimentary view. Interestingly, on an artists wheel, complementaries are opposites.
Two colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel. This combination provides a high contrast and high impact color combination – together, these colors will appear brighter and more prominent.


I think from that definition we get an idea the actual point of alternative news. It's fundamentally there to make the mainstream media reporting more real...brighter.

So, still in the introduction section of the documentary, Danny Dicks brings up the subject of agent provocateurs:

Into The Fire - Full Film8.jpg

Danny Dicks to police officers:
Our intention is to provide some alternative information to people who are looking to learn about the G20; as opposed to the mainstream media slant on things.

Are you familiar with what an agent provocateur is?

Into The Fire - Full Film10.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film13.jpg

...Well, in Montebello back in 2007, there was three police officers who were dressed as aggressive protesters with rocks in their hands, wearing masks. in an attempt to incite violence.

20 August 2007,  Montebello, Canada. Three police agent provocateurs captured on film outside the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America meeting
20 August 2007, Montebello, Canada. Three police agent provocateurs captured on film outside the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America meeting

Danny Dicks to Constable George Tucker:
George, as a representative to Toronto Police. Can you assure us that the Toronto Police will not engage in any police agent provocateur activities?

Constable George Tucker, Toronto Police Service:
Security matters, I'm not at liberty to discuss those matters. Obviously, with these people coming into town, this is a huge international event, it puts Toronto on the global stage. We obviously have to take the steps that we deem necessary to provide that protection for them to visit Canada.

Into The Fire - Full Film15.jpg

I'm not going to go through this scene by scene ripping it apart, but here, Danny is talking to two female police officers. It's staged; Danny is short, the choice of the female officers is because they are shorter than male officers. I have included the extra grabs to show the relationship between Danny, the female officers and male officers in the scene. See there is a slight incline in the road, and the male officer is stepped back from Danny and the females, the incline and angle of the wide shot is used to even out heights.

Then onto the Montebello police agent provocateurs, let's see what wiki has to say about the 2007 event. ... rnal_links
Agent provocateur

An agent provocateur (French for 'inciting agent') is a person who commits, or who acts to entice another person to commit, an illegal or rash act or falsely implicates them in partaking in an illegal act, so as to ruin the reputation of, or entice legal action against, the target, or a group they belong to or are perceived to belong to. They may target any group, such as a peaceful protest or demonstration, a union, a political party or a company.

In jurisdictions in which conspiracy is a serious crime in itself, it can be sufficient for the agent provocateur to entrap the target into discussing and planning an illegal act. It is not necessary for the illegal act to be carried out or even prepared.

Prevention of infiltration by agents provocateurs is part of the duty of demonstration marshals, also called stewards, deployed by organizers of large or controversial assemblies.

On August 20, 2007, during meetings of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America in Montebello, three police officers were revealed among the protesters by Dave Coles, president of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, and alleged to be provocateurs. The police posing as protestors wore masks and all black clothes; one was notably armed with a large rock. They were asked to leave by protest organizers.

After the three officers had been revealed, their fellow officers in riot gear handcuffed and removed them. The evidence that revealed these three men as "police provocateurs" was initially circumstantial—they were imposing in stature, similarly dressed, and wearing police boots. According to veteran activist Harsha Walia, it was other participants in the black bloc who identified and exposed the undercover police.

After the protest, the police force initially denied, then later admitted that three of their officers disguised themselves as demonstrators; they then denied that the officers were provoking the crowd and instigating violence. The police released a news release in French where they stated "At no time did the police of the Sûreté du Québec act as instigators or commit criminal acts" and "At all times, they responded within their mandate to keep order and security."

During the 2010 G20 Toronto summit, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) arrested five people, two of whom were members of the Toronto Police Service. City and provincial police, including the TPS, went on to arrest 900 people in the largest mass arrest in Canadian history. The RCMP watchdog commission saw no indication that RCMP undercover agents or event monitors acted inappropriately.

You might wonder what I'm seeking to highlight. Firstly, why would someone jump to the conclusion, "THESE THREE GUYS ARE COPS EVERYBODY!" when the fact they are dressed as people about to cause trouble should be enough to get them ejected from the area? ...The person writing the wiki article sees this glaring problem and seeks to minimise it by stating that although circumstantial, the three officers were wearing boots akin to police boots — I'm guessing police boots don't actually have a label on them declaring their status — yet this was enough for the UNION PRESIDENT to conclude they were police, and then later apparently it turns out it was actually BLACK BLOC PARTICIPANTS that exposed the undercover police. Again, the question, why would black bloc participants know? Do they first perform background checks on every protestor that turns up so they know their occupation before being allowed to join the protest? The story doesn't hang together as authentic, so we can file it under B for bullshit.

What then would be the actual point of the story? ...It's contained in the wiki article. The "police force initially denied, then later admitted that three of their officers disguised themselves as demonstrators", then it goes on to say; basically, a demonstration might be used as a honey trap to get people arrested. Therefore what you need to prevent infiltration by agent provocateurs are (paid?) demonstration marshals, also called stewards, to be deployed by the organizers of large or controversial assemblies ...Remember this?
rachel wrote: Sun Oct 22, 2023 8:11 pm Image
Who purchased and branded the high visibility jacket?

I'm sorry, but DEMONSTRATION MARSHALS and CONTROVERSIAL don't belong in the same sentence. It tells us that in point-of-fact "controversial assemblies" are just massive circle-jerks between the ruling elite, multinational companies, domestic governments, workers unions, police, the judiciary, mainstream media and supposed alternative versions. The best thing anyone can do is not join in at all in any shape or form.

Then finally, amusingly, we have the Canadian police seen 'taking the knee' to 2020.

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Re: Anyone know any ex-truthers?

Unread post by rachel »

The title is displayed and we begin the film proper. Danny meets Charlie on the streets of Toronto, both brandishing cameras. A section of Charlie's 'Love Police' backstory is shown minus Danny Shine. I get it, for the plot, let's not complicate things by introducing irrelevant characters.

I saw this:

Into The Fire - Full Film16.jpg

And it brings me back to this:
rachel wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:22 pm

This is the end of 2009 going into 2010, it starts with Charlie on the steps of Tate Britain in London, it has a message on it's front, 'EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT'. Charlie told us when he met Danny on May 1st 2009, he was holding a sign which said, 'EVERYTHING IS OK'. Do we think any of that is coincidence? We can instead pencil in the idea it was all orchestrated as part of the 2009 financial crash and Swine Flu pandemic, and it has the likes of the Tate, along with the Ritz, etc, playing their parts in the narrative.
So it wasn't just Danny Shine signposting this message, it was instead, what do you call it...a corporate campaign. Next, the titles indicate it's Thursday, June 24th, the day before the conference. They do their introductions, Danny says he's been based in Toronto for 10 to 12 years. Then this exchange:
CHARLIE: It's funny; we're still one day away from the actual event and it's already massively locked down.

DANNY: Yeah, massive is an understatement. This is a completely unprecedented amount of police. I've never seen anything like it.

CHARLIE: Alright, well, thanks. We'll see you in jail.
Is that Charlie and Danny introducing the word LOCKDOWN into normal everyday conversation? I personally had never heard of it before 2020, yet as soon as the CORONAVIRUS had been declared, MSM, governments, experts, social media, alternative voices, etc, etc. all started using it as if it had always been a thing relating to everyday life... NOTE: the likely point of "trusted media voices", paid to pretend whatever the latest deranged crap is, it's always existed, and it's always been normal.
CHARLIE: Well, I'm kind of amazed Dan, of the intense police presence, and the incredible Berlin Wall style gating going on here. You can really almost taste the money they've wasted on policing and surveillance of this city. And as we saw walking past, they've got mobile CCTV units, you've been stopped today twice, asked for ID asking who you are, I've been stopped once. So I'm just really looking forward to getting the megaphone out and speaking a bit of my supposed truth...for the security personnel here.

DANNY: Absolutely. So let's continue our trip down to blast people with some truth.

I was going to say I don't get the point of the megaphone...but here it is. There is eight or nine minutes of Charlie using his megaphone in various situations, talking to police, interacting with private security. Then at around 16 minutes Charlie gets arrested for filming in a restricted area then failing to give his identity and is taken away. I would suggest this is a plot device and allows both the film makers and MSM to introduce the idea of the Public Protection Act. PROTECTION, PROTECTION, PROTECTION. The film cuts to a police officer being interviewed on a Canadian news channel about the act, and how Charlie Veitch was arrested using it, complete with video filmed by Danny of the events leading up to the arrest. Remember the complimentary colour example and the way it works?

Original Video filmed by Danny
Original Video filmed by Danny
Canadian Mainstream News Report
Canadian Mainstream News Report

Interesting, at 23 minutes, Charlie talks about his arrest and recounts that he was driven about fifteen minutes to the Toronto film studios...FILM STUDIOS. And they had video cameras setup to video him in the complex. Not only that, they gave the video to Danny to use in his film. Fancy that.

Do we think any of those guys leading Danny around the film studio are police officers, or might they just be actors, acting like police officers? Are any laws broken if someone impersonates a police officer within their own private property? I think not.

Into The Fire - Full Film43.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film44.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film47.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film48.jpg

It's like an episode of 'I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!'

Into The Fire - Full Film50.jpg


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Re: Anyone know any ex-truthers?

Unread post by rachel »

I didn't pick it out in the last post, but I found the turn of phrase from Charlie "...GETTING THE MEGAPHONE OUT AND SPEAKING A BIT OF MY SUPPOSED TRUTH." revealing. I think that's the real man leaking into the character, and he's telling us it's not his truth at all.

Whatever we think, it can't be that easy doing what Charlie does. The level of disguise he uses can only be a thin veneer, so for all intents and purposes he is youtube Charles Veitch. The thing is, when you habitually act a particular way, the mask sticks. This is Christian transformation, but also works in reverse. It's more than learning lines, he's got to live and speak and think the way the character has been written. It's more, 'these are the fundamental beliefs of this character, so if I'm responding as this character this would be what I would say'. It could be totally the opposite to what the man behind the character thinks or believes, but over time the two start converging.
"Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" — 6:16 KJV

Interesting, in gematria, that's 'sixes and sevens'. And here's an example of the force it might exert on a person.
rachel wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 12:21 am Konstantin Kissin total change of heart on taking the COVID vaccine

As I say, the PoliticoYT chap couldn't understand why Konstantin Kissin changed his opinion. I couldn't find the original video to check its date, it appears to have been live, but no longer exists on youtube. So we'll have to make do with a grab from the video above working on the principle it was created within days of the original video.


In the video PoliticoYT says the video was from July last year, and we see from the grab, his tweet was 10 July 2021, and it was at least billed as a live clip. But, it could have been pre-recorded and played live. It would have been nice to know if it was actually filmed around the beginning of June.

From the video, probably on the 9 July 2021, Konstantin states:
"I'm never taking the vaccine, and the more they push it the less likely I am to take it."
"I'm not taking the vaccine on principle."
Then fast-forward to the 9 Jan 2022, Konstantin states:
"The reason I am thinking about getting vaccinated, is your natural immunity can't be boosted, so when it waines, the only way you can boost it is by getting covid again."
Even though PoliticoYT can't work out Konstantin Kissin's change of heart, I think we can.

Matt Hancock resigned as Health Secretary on 26 June 2021, Sajid Javid is announced as his replacement the same day. Sajid Javid remains in post for just over a year until 5 July 2022, at which point he resigns.

The post continues regarding the state of affairs in Britain when Sajid Javid became health secretary, and how the 'TAKE THE VACCINE' pressure was ramped up. He had the honour of announcing it in the House of Commons, and being interviewed by the dogs at the BBC, ITV, etc. This is the main way the Crown gets people on its side. It buys them off. But this can only truly work when freedom of information is restricted and poverty and scarcity rule. Hence, anyone promoting the 'green economy' and 'saving Gaia' is building their own prison and enslaving their children, and assuredly will be spat on by future generations.

But back to 2010.

toronto film studios.png

From the 'INTO THE FIRE' film, we have direct proof a major film production unit was directly involved with Canadian police in staging the 2010 G20 event and surrounding circus show. At the start of looking at the film I posted a transcript of the introduction. I highlighted the following: "Over six kilometres of fencing is going to be put in this area, which actually ended up costing OVER $5 MILLION." I very much doubted that was a factual cost, so where did the money go? Well, we have an idea, because film studios don't do shit for free, and this is actually where I think a large proportion of our taxes actually disappear. To pay to film people like Danny doing their 'PERFORMANCE ART' where he tells us 'TAX IS THEFT'. If you really believe that tax is theft and you think it's immoral Danny, get a different job, leave the industry which steals from all of us.

I know, it's difficult. No one wants to pay for this work. In a capitalist society it therefore shouldn't exist, should it? Is this the real reason why all the 'luvvies' want to destroy capitalism? Because ultimately it means they have to create fake wars so they can steal the money from taxpayers to fund their endeavours; and anyway, if we had actual peace instead of fake war and controversy, then they'd have nothing to write about. There is a reason the English threw the Jesuits and their theatre out of the country during the Reformation. It's because they are a cancer on society with their "lets pretend, and not break character under any circumstance". In fact, I think this is the reason Mark Steyn was terminated at GB News. I just re-watched some of this show from November 30 last year, the previous night, Mark mentions his toupee. He is seriously beginning to break character in his last few shows when he does his monologue...and then, what do you know, he's gone.

Mark Steyn | Wednesday 30th November 2022

Look at the names mentioned in the show, predictably, from the usual suspects.

gm tweet.png

I don't believe for one second the person who turns up on screen pretending to be Sajid Javid or George Monbiot actually wrote those tweets. Rather, we have people employed in a social media job capacity with the task of thinking, if I was Sajid Javid/George Monbiot and had the background and set of beliefs Sajid Javid/George Monbiot had, then I would likely write this. This appears to be what now underpins most of Western society. People pretending to be something they are not, then not taking responsibility for their actions because they aren't the person they are pretending to be. But the person they think they actually are, never gets to see the light of day, so in truth, that person doesn't really exist.

I'm going to try and remain in 2010 until the end of this post. There's an account about a wrongful arrest, which might be entirely valid. I mean in "'I'm a Celebrity...", created by a film production studio, they do real forfeits and eat bugs and shit... Right, of course, WEF and their tripe about eating bugs to save the planet. ... te-change/

Are we getting am idea of the people actually behind the WEF, the WHO, the G20, etc, etc. wearing those plastic faces in face masks, hence double-masked. These are the class of people who told us, "YOU MUST GET THE VACCINE."

Matt & Boy George face ' La Cucaracha Cafe' eating trial | I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!

And in light of that, we move on to the actual events captured during the G20 meeting in 2010.

Into The Fire - Full Film17.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film19.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film20.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film34.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film36.jpg

Why does each clip show police with slightly different uniforms? Is this stock video cut into the actual footage to make the presence of Canadian police look much more impressive than reality? Or is it that the uniforms aren't police issue at all, but rather the Toronto Film Studios property; actors dressed in a mix of their pretend police outfits and other sets hired from sister film studios?

What I do know, having been to both, Toronto and Ottawa are very close considering the size of Canada. So it would be no problem for the Toronto Film Studios to also be the hidden hand behind the 2022 Canadian Freedom Convoy which ended in Ottawa, the capital.


Screenshot 2023-10-28 at 19.31.54.png
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Re: Anyone know any ex-truthers?

Unread post by rachel »

At 29 minutes is where the Saturday, June 26th event starts, the day of the riots. We see footage that looks to be shot by other filmmakers. The first set of people look like the sort of groups who are bussed in by unions to protests with flags and banners provided on arrival.

Into The Fire - Full Film75.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film76.jpg

Then they have a climate change talking head being interviewed for a Canadian News channel who's clearly scripted, and a guy in the background with an INVESTIGATE 911 t-shirt. It turns out he's with PRESS FOR TRUTH. I'm guessing that little setup wasn't by chance since the News had already used footage of Charlie's arrest in a previous broadcast.

Into The Fire - Full Film77.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film78.jpg

Interesting, Danny and Charlie look like they can't get to the protest. But if the police officer is so adamant no one can pass beyond that point, how did those three people behind him get there, and why aren't they now being tackled by police? It looks like they just came out of a cafe bar to the side or something.

Into The Fire - Full Film79.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film80.jpg

So basically the officer says there is a line solid right across, and then Danny films sections of the line. I find it interesting the main people there are the police and the media. I know Danny discusses the actions of agent provocateurs later. Well, it might be that the lines of police(?) are there to keep ordinary citizens away from the area where the riots are to be filmed. I'm of the opinion what we are about to see is a film set.

Into The Fire - Full Film56.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film57.jpg

I don't think any of the riot footage is actually filmed by Danny or Charlie, it appears to be cut in from third party sources. It starts with setting the scene on Queens Street. It's full of all sorts of people just standing around. Then it focuses on people dressed in black with flags. They have that Extinction Rebellion vibe about them.

Black Bloc Protesters 2010
Black Bloc Protesters 2010
Extinction Rebellion 2019
Extinction Rebellion 2019
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Re: Anyone know any ex-truthers?

Unread post by rachel »

I've got to say, I've got little interest in going through the entire film, from what I understand from Danny, he's seeking to discover if agent provocateurs were used during the Canadian G20 protests. I personally think he's not going after a big enough fish. I would suggest the whole shebang was put on by the state in collaboration with media, and with the help of unions and universities. That if the latter two didn't promote it and particularly the union side, provide free busses to get people to the starting location, no one would be there.

Below is the diagram of the ring of steal which was shown at the beginning of the film, and below it is a sightly bigger map of surrounding area with the locations of the events as per Saturday, June 26th, the protesters later apparently dispersing to Queen's Park. I've not tried to plot any of the action there accurately, I was more interested in the main demonstration route.



At the top there is a pink square indicating Queen's Park, and to the right of it there is another pink square where the Police Museum gets its windows smashed. Remember, if the police are in on it, smashing police windows is not a crime, it's art. I don't think I can be bothered really looking into that, it would appear most of the complaints of police violence come from Queen's Park, the thing is, it's a Saturday, and right next door to the University of Toronto. How many people in the park were just people in the park?

So instead, I'm looking at the actual demonstration, you can see I've made a red outline of the exclusion zone as per the image above it, and the black line connects the starting and ending point of the demonstration with the route the film shows it taking. The light blue square is the location of the H&M store, it's the easiest one to pick out in the video for location reference. Interestingly, along with other big names on that stretch, it closed this year. ... -15-years/
One of Toronto's original H&M stores just closed after more than 15 years
4th January 2023

One of the first fashion giants that helped turned Queen West into the brand-saturated retail corridor it is today (or was, at least, a few years ago) is calling it quits on the once-trendy neighbourhood, shutting one of its first-ever Toronto stores after nearly 16 years in business.

Goodbye, Queen Street West H&M, and thanks for all the cheap, last-minute party dresses.

First opened in August of 2007, the Swedish retailer has been a reliable presence at 427-429 Queen Street West since the neighbourhood started...


...H&M might be one of the largest global giants to bow out of Queen West in recent years, but it's far from the only one.

Over the past five years alone, the tourist-heavy strip of Queen Street between University and Bathurst has lost its flagship location of The Gap, GUESS, Le Chateau, RYU, EB Games, NYX, several major fast food joints and the independent but completely iconic Condom Shack, among other businesses.

Many have blamed exorbitant commercial rent prices for the visible explosion of vacant retail spaces along Queen Street West over the past decade, but it's unclear why H&M has left the area or if any tenants have been earmarked to take over the multi-storey heritage property's lease...

The pink squares on the black route, A is roughly where the smashed police car is, B the smashed Starbucks, C the torched police cars. The green tags are the places where Danny and Charlie were. It doesn't quite stack up what they say. You know the police officer said to them, turn around and go South to Kings, you are not going North unless I arrest you. Well the next time we see them they are north of their previous location (positions A B C). And we see them again, and they are even further north. But I get what we are actually seeing.

Queen Street West, police car smashed
Queen Street West, police car smashed

That's the green tag, position C, on the map. What becomes clear, the police have blocked all roads leading to Queen Street West; so it is basically a closed set. It looks, from Danny and Charlie's filming positions, they never actually manage to get into the area of the main demonstration. Yet the police, while blocking non-authorised people from Queen Street, never-the-less do not attempt to stop the smashing of storefront windows, they even leave a car to be vandalised, and its number is 766...'AT SIXES AND SEVENS' and a '66' calling card.

Blocked from joining Queen Street West protest by row of police
Blocked from joining Queen Street West protest by row of police

The thing I note about the vandalism, it's one or two guys with a baseball bat smashing things, and everybody else surrounding him are people with cameras, half of them in hardhats, you know, came prepared for the flying glass.

King Street West, Financial District, police car smashed
King Street West, Financial District, police car smashed
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce windows smashed
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce windows smashed
Bank of Montreal windows smashed, police car on fire
Bank of Montreal windows smashed, police car on fire

Then, on the corner of Wellington Street West just opposite the burning police car, we have riot police(?) lining up in front of the metal fencing to take on...the cameramen...maybe? Because that seems to be the sum of people milling around the torched cars at this point. After that, the police seem to let the police cars burn until the media has got all the images it requires.

Police outside the ring of steal on Wellington Street West.
Police outside the ring of steal on Wellington Street West.
Police leave police cars to burn until people with cameras leave
Police leave police cars to burn until people with cameras leave

I find it interesting, with the exception of the Police Museum, all the retail smashed glass happened on QUEEN Street, and this culminated in bank smashed glass and torched cars on KING Street. Fast forward to the 2022 trucker convoy which ended in Ottawa, what was the name of the main man leading the truckers? ...Pat KING.
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Re: Anyone know any ex-truthers?

Unread post by rachel »

Some other points of interest, what does Lez Luthor say about ILLUSION WARFARE; look for something like an Opera House. I haven't actually spied that, but look at the area the G20 decided to hold their conference, it's within the Entertainment District.

Screenshot 2023-10-29 at 20.03.17.png

And we have CBC Broadcast Centre. That'll be where Danny sold his video of Charlie's arrest. That's if they didn't already have some formal arrangement. I was going to go to wayback, but the text hasn't changed so much.
CBC Studios located in the heart of downtown Toronto

The facilities at the Toronto Broadcast Centre are managed by its CBC Studios department and we pride ourselves on providing services that are user friendly, flexible and responsive, at competitive rates.

The Toronto Broadcast Centre is a unique, high quality HD production environment that offers studios, technical crew, post production and graphic design facilities, equipment rentals, broadcast and maintenance services and a Design consulting service. These services are available separately or collectively - all under one roof.

The studio facilities include sound stages ranging in size from 4,345 to 13,287 square feet featuring flying staging and lighting grid systems. The HD control rooms come equipped with Sony 1000 and 1500 cameras and we also offer Tricaster and Black Magic multi-camera solutions for smaller productions. Technical Stores rents a wide variety of equipment including video, camera support, jib platforms, audio and lighting as well as power distribution. Our technical crews are experienced and talented in all craft categories and available for hire if required.

Post Production offers a range of services including 32 edit suites for edit and finishing services on an AVID platform and 6 post audio recording and mixing rooms with protools 5.1 surround mixing.

Graphic Design is an industry leader in original motion design and animation and is staffed by over 30 art directors, designers and animators.

Looking at the map, the pink square with the 'C' is where the burning cars are; the green tag with the 'D', is where Danny and Charlie are standing, taking the video you see a grab from below. They apparently got to this point and were turned back again by police. But why I took the grab, I noticed the name on the building behind the policewoman to the left. It's the National Film Board of Canada. And we can see a load of apparent police officers standing directly outside it and waiting. Then with a crop in on the background, wouldn't you say it looks like the men in black actually came out of the Film Board building? ...Police or extras?

Into The Fire - Full Film102.jpg

I've missed out a whole load of personal stories and impact, because it's not the point of this thread. I just happened to notice at 58 minutes, guess where we end up again? Only Toronto Film Studios. They are actually situated near the lake off the original map to the right, else East. It looks like a demonstration there, I think this is on Sunday.

Into The Fire - Full Film114.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film132.jpg

Street theatre just outside the studios, you couldn't make it up. I'm guessing none of them are actually police officers. Isn't there laws against impersonating the police? Or is it okay as long as it's "theatre"?

Into The Fire - Full Film134.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film135.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film136.jpg

Isn't it interesting the fact both the police and protesters all ignore the man with the camera in their face, as if he's not there. That's an actual skill, and it's called acting. There is like another hour of the film to go, but I'm happy to stop at this point. A reminder, from wiki at the start.

rachel wrote: Sun Oct 22, 2023 8:11 pmThe total combined cost between the 36th G8 summit in Huntsville and the G20 summit in Toronto including security, infrastructure, and hospitality, was determined to be approximately C$858 million.

Our TAXES aren't going up and up because of green technology, they are going up because all of this stuff has no production value. In the brave new world of CARBON OFFSET, they're not suddenly going to cut down on the amount of latex and fake hair stuck to actors heads to talk the same scripted bullshit to us through no end of electronic screens, since no one is allowed to cough on this stuff even exists.
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Re: Anyone know any ex-truthers?

Unread post by rachel »

There was something I wanted to point out with the film. We have Black Bloc and Swine Flu in 2009 going into 2010. Then they run the same scam again, but in 2020 it's XR and COVID-19.

Into The Fire - Full Film2.jpg
Ladies and gentlemen, you must respect the G20. The group of 20 industrialised and soon to be industrialised nations have your best interests at heart. Trust me, globalisation is good for business. Shop faster. Get your credit cards ready, you have to pay back one billion dollars we've spent on policing you for the G20 Summit. Please be very carful, the person standing next to you could either be a terrorist or might have swine flu. Stay terrified...

Then something else I've just noticed. It's a small world; this looks to be Saturday night after the police cars were torched. Police matching on Adelaide Street West, the street between King and Queen, at the corner of Bay Street, the stretch the cars were set alight.

Into The Fire - Full Film3.jpg

Did you catch the name? It might not be clear in the dark. Here's Street View from 2009 and again 2012.

June 2009, Trump International Hotel and Tower Toronto
June 2009, Trump International Hotel and Tower Toronto
August 2012, Trump International Hotel open for business
August 2012, Trump International Hotel open for business
The St. Regis Toronto is a mixed-use skyscraper located in the downtown core of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was built by Markham-based Talon International Development Inc., which is owned by Canadian businessmen Val Levitan and Alex Shnaider. The hotel portion of the building is owned by InnVest Hotels LP, which acquired it in 2017.

The building is located in Toronto's Financial District, at 325 Bay Street, on the southeast corner of Bay and Adelaide streets. Including the spire, it is the second-tallest building in Canada, the tallest mixed-use building in Toronto and the fourth-tallest structure in Toronto, as of 2020.

The building opened in 2012 as the Trump International Hotel and Tower Toronto. The Trump family-owned The Trump Organization held the management contract for the hotel and was a minority shareholder in the project. This affiliation with Donald Trump – then a real estate developer and reality-television star, later President of the United States – was controversial, and led to public calls to drop the building's Trump branding.

The management contract was bought out by JCF Capital in June 2017, and the hotel portion of the building was then purchased by InnVest Hotels LP, a subsidiary of Bluesky Hotels and Resorts. The hotel management shifted to Marriott International, which operated it on an unbranded basis as The Adelaide Hotel Toronto during renovations. After the renovations were completed, the hotel became part of Marriott's St. Regis Hotels & Resorts on 28 November 2018, adopting its present name.

It all appears to be filmed in the same couple of areas. We have the police(?) in riot gear acting like the cameraman is not there again. Still on Bay Street, the Town Hall in the background. I think that's Saturday before the riots.

Into The Fire - Full Film6.jpg

The march takes place and ends on the corner of King Street West and Bay Street with a member of the Black Block jumping on a police car while another member smashes its front window in. Seemingly the only people surrounding them, people with cameras. Then the cars get set alight; but wait, there is something in between....


Continuity places this after jumping boy, but before the police cars are set alight. Doesn't it look like the mass of people are just milling around, waiting for something? Hardly an angry mob.

Into The Fire - Full Film10.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film11.jpg

It looks like they're waiting for the next scene to begin... Then more action for the people with cameras as a police car is set alight. But wait a minute, all the protesters seem disperse before the second police car goes up in flames?

Into The Fire - Full Film13.jpg
Into The Fire - Full Film14.jpg

If the protesters have left the area, who set light to the second police car?

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