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ONE HEALTH - human health and other animals

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Get back in your cage, smelly human.

'Underpinning the Berlin Principles is a broad One Health ethical framework...

... the impossibility of protecting human health in isolation from the health of other animals and the environment.' ... 06/content
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Re: ONE HEALTH - Berlin Principles

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Been a while since I went through the Berlin Principles aka One Health 2.0.

It’s good to revisit old ground, to ensure your current understanding still integrates with your old, but also to potentially fit another piece or two into the puzzle.

In short, it strongly drags in the convention on Biological Diversity, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the WHO Pandemic Treaty, makes clear this is about, essentially, Planetary Health, and should use an Ecosystem Approach in terms of land management.


Already in principle one, the biodiversity conservation is included for sakes of protecting life on planet Earth. Principle two builds upon this, requesting strong institutions, ie global governance, is rolled out to guarantee said.

Principle 3 adds the ‘climate crisis’ leading to biodiversity losses, and 4 refers to ‘land and sea use decisions’ driving illness driving same losses, but through planning.

Principle 5 request predictive capacity - surveillance leading to adaptive management - and principle 6 calls for full integration of all levels of… quack science.

Principle 7 requests a funding mechanism to carry out this program, and principle 8 refers to surveillance and the sharing of said with other ‘stakeholders’

Principle 9 is paying those ‘indigenous peoples’ they will promptly remove from their home territories should it be financially worthwhile, and principle 10 calls for worldwide education of the above for sakes of ‘global citizenship’, which should emphasise human health depending upon preying to Gaia. ... 06/content

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Re: ONE HEALTH - Baha'i governance

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I put this because it's not just me who says this, and if anything _Esc has spent far more time reading Baha'i documents relating to the UN than I have.

Baha'i governance is essentially a top-down totalitarian dictatorship, with 'social scientists' attempting you to tell you it's the express opposite.

Fits right into the collectivist plan. ... rspective/

... and there's that emphasis on educational transformation, shared morality yada yada - this might just as well have been penned by a Theosophical Society nut.


I like this from XaureliusX, the exact same connection I've noted.

Baha'i Universal House of Justice seats nine members -- who must be men only.

Of course, the Baha'i are not the only such esoteric group to have such a council.

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Re: ONE HEALTH - Total Human Ecosystem

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The Total Human Ecosystem: Integrating Ecology and Economics. Zev Naveh [2000]

Longer subs tag breaking this down when I get some time - but this is actually important, consequently posting very short version here.

What it seeks to do - in intentionally complex, confusing terminology, and impenetrable jargon - in the name of environmentalism take every field of science (especially 'soft'), and integrate these under a hierarchical, 'holistic' umbrella, replace the existing land-use model (elimination of property rights), eliminate fossil fuel and nuclear power, switch from objective truth to 'contextual reality' (arbitrary rule) - all facilitated through means of Cybernetics and General Systems Theory (even Laszlo is thrown in):

'At the global scale, this integration can be realized only as part of an all-embracing environmental revolution. Such a revolution, as envisaged by Laszlo (1994), will guide the bifurcation of cultural evolution on its leap toward a higher organizational level of the emerging sustainable information society'

The 'higher organisational model' means that power will be concentrated at the top, post-Marxist revolution.

'An important step to achieve these goals in regional sustainable development will be the replacement of the ruling neoclassical market economy incentives for quantitative growth with a more far-reaching and just socioecological approach that is based on the Total Human Ecosystem paradigm.'

Yes, Marxist. The aim is to eliminate the capitalist free market economy model.

From here, you can then work your way towards 'Urban Ecology' which appears a contemporary hot topic, or move in the direction of the Odum brothers, who regularly are referenced, and who also snap easily to General Systems Theory.

Is this the 'end boss'?

'It could eventually lead to the full integration of these disciplines in a major post-industrial transdisciplinary Total Human Ecosystem science.'

Could be. It seeks to fully integrate 'these disciplines', and those cover... essentially everything. It's 'holistic', 'hierarchical', 'trans-disciplinary', seeks to eliminate property rights, ... wait, let me quote the article itself -

'These systems include living systems, ecological systems, social systems, and solar energypowered biosphere landscapes.'

Unsure what's missing. Well, apart from Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. ... 357/270767
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Re: ONE HEALTH - Total Human Ecosystem

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Oh deary, deary me. Zev is a very, very interesting character.

Here he is, waffling on about the 'Holistic Approach' at a - no kidding - NATO SEMINAR on Land and its Uses!

In 1982!


Let's just cut to the chase.

These are Marxist revolutionaries dressing up their words in complex terminology.

They seek holistic, arbitrary rule, and land-use reform. And in 1978, he considered turning scenic and recreational values into 'qualitative parameters'.


it's also interesting, because Wiki claims Naveh/Lieberman proposed this in 1994.

That document is from 1982, and points to even older documents.


no mention of Egler as the origin of the 'total human ecosystem', as claimed by Naveh.

yeah, no, Naveh - you're not running from this

oh I see, so now it includes people from arts as well

it's Marxism dressed up in verbiage ... 4601002092

oic, yeah, naturally with Ervin Laszlo playing the drums



these guys are through and through Marxists.

also - *snigger* 69 times in a single document???

Total Human Ecosystem

suspect this term is NOREACH4U by the spy satellite for remote sensing global surveillance owner here

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Global Surveillance Satellite Systems

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More Naveh, more Landscape Ecology.

This is the second edition from 1993, and it's worth including here, because the early 90s saw the progressive rollout of GOOS/GTOS/GCOS - ie, satellite systems, for 'monitoring' aka surveillance, only for these to merge into GEOSS in 2003.

However, one phrase you'll find a lot in especially early UNEP documents relating to GEMS - Global Environment Monitoring System, aka Global Surveillance 1.0 - is the term 'remote sensing', which commonly leaves the impression it's wiretapped cameras, or microphones. It isn't. In fact, there's a comprehensive definition on page 114 of the document:

'Remote sensing is simply defined as the acquisition of knowledge by unattached means. Remote sensing includes, in addition to aerial photography and satellite imagery, radar, thermal imagery, and side-looking radar.'

Naturally, the claim is that this is for sakes of monitoring forest fires, plant disease, desertification, and so forth. However, UNEP/GC/24 from 1974 specifically dragged in public health surveillance and epidemiology, both of which in fact were outlined in SCOPE 3, released in 1973.

But this document one-ups SCOPE 3, stating that not only had UNFAO regularly engaged in use for remote sensing for planning purposes by 1974, this practise had actually begun 25 years earlier, ie 1949.

Further, an unexpected draught in Mauritania in the 70s called for Landsat satellite imagery from 1972 to similarly be put to use. But obviously, contemporary capabilities far surpass these examples, with SpaceX recently having been outed, having signed an agreement to deliver more then 300 spy satellites for the US intelligence services, leaving a source in the Wall Street Journal simply commenting 'there will be nowhere to hide'.

The document further details 'critical indicators', which we finally came to experience through the 100 Aichi Targets, released in 2011 by the Convention on Biological Diversity's Global Biodiversity Framework 2011-2020. And following the later Kunming-Montreal GBF 2030 release in late 2022, GBIOS came to be; a derivative of GEO BON, which itself is a derivative of GEOSS; the Global Earth Observation System of Systems.

These indicators, in first round, relate to the desertification, which amazingly kicked off at the exact time UNEP and GEMS were launched. And the suggested system should be global, it should be integrated, it should include satellite imagery, and a small global coordinating body should be established... at the UNEP GEMS headquarters. The regional and national, however, should be coordinated by UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere national committees. Yes, the same MAB, of which those UNESCO Biosphere Reserves are a part.

Finally, the early role of USAID is revealed, and the document further points to a similar centre existing in Nairobi, which of course makes perfect sense, as it's where UNEP and consequently GEMS was headquartered at the time.

Where this slots in with the other Naveh documents, and particularly the Total Human Ecosystem, General Systems Theory, and Cybernetics is here -

Adaptive Management - of which they are very fond - requires a continuous reading of the state of the system managed.

And that's where the global surveillance satellite systems comes in.

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Carl Teichrib: Religions uniting for Global Order

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Something different, but part of the Total Human Ecosystem is religion, so this seems a good place to add this 2023 presentation from Carl Teichrib, because for every United Nations Global Climate Action events that takes place with governments and NGOs, running concurrently is always a interfaith event.

Carl Teichrib: Spiritual Politics - Religions uniting for Global Order

17 Feb 2023
Global political pressures have increasingly been felt, especially during these last few years. But what role do religions play as global actors, and how does this collide with the Gospel message? In this session we will explore the interfaith movement as an ideological catalyst.

Collide Conference 2023
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Re: ONE HEALTH: One Digital Health

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Al-riiight, let's get the Total Human Ecosystem Party off the ground!

LOVE the 'holistic approach to governance', might as well have come right out and said 'totalitarianism'.


And from @hypernomale

Holistic approach of policy. Holistic approach of technocracy. One Digital Health: A Unified Framework for Future Health Ecosystems.


New Narrative for Europe
The “New Narrative for Europe” project is over now, it ran for five years (2013-2017), having begun as a Pilot Project and continued as a Preparatory Action, both supported by the European Parliament.

From July 2013, A COMMON PURPOSE....

Barroso's provocation - New Narrative for Europe

11 Jul 2013

The EU is inviting its citizens, in particular artists, intellectuals, and scientists to engage with and contribute to a reflection on the European 'story'. During his opening speech, President Barroso has challenged the audience: "What can you, what can men and women of culture, of science give also to the European Project?"

Text version ... ECH_13_626
Published online 2021 Feb 5

One Digital Health: A Unified Framework for Future Health Ecosystems

One Digital Health is a proposed unified structure. The conceptual framework of the One Digital Health Steering Wheel is built around two keys (ie, One Health and digital health), three perspectives (ie, individual health and well-being, population and society, and ecosystem), and five dimensions (ie, citizens’ engagement, education, environment, human and veterinary health care, and Healthcare Industry 4.0). One Digital Health aims to digitally transform future health ecosystems, by implementing a systemic health and life sciences approach that takes into account broad digital technology perspectives on human health, animal health, and the management of the surrounding environment. This approach allows for the examination of how future generations of health informaticians can address the intrinsic complexity of novel health and care scenarios in digitally transformed health ecosystems. In the emerging hybrid landscape, citizens and their health data have been called to play a central role in the management of individual-level and population-level perspective data. The main challenges of One Digital Health include facilitating and improving interactions between One Health and digital health communities, to allow for efficient interactions and the delivery of near–real-time, data-driven contributions in systems medicine and systems ecology. However, digital health literacy; the capacity to understand and engage in health prevention activities; self-management; and collaboration in the prevention, control, and alleviation of potential problems are necessary in systemic, ecosystem-driven public health and data science research. Therefore, people in a healthy One Digital Health ecosystem must use an active and forceful approach to prevent and manage health crises and disasters, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Leonard Swidler. 1995.

As we progress toward growing calls by the United Nations for 'Global Citizenship', we can't rely on simply laws, we need an accompanying 'Global Ethics'.

Here's one. And this one is somewhat interesting, because beyond the usual calls for universal human rights, justice, interdependence (collectivism), peace and so forth, it also calls for a conservation of the earth, and... well, I don't want to spoil the surprise just yet.

All of this, ultimately, is about a 'movement toward a global order' built upon a 'global ethic', which should state 'universally recognised norms and principles', leading us to a 'moral framework within'.

And all this calls for a 'consensus' (just like science!), which must be in broad agreement with - this will come as a shock - the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the United Nations. I mean, who could have predicted?

It also clarifies that 'no person or social entity exists beyond the scope of morality; everyone... is obliged to do good and avoid evil'. Just imagine the power you'd have, if you somehow got to dictate good and evil!

Regardless, 'humans are a part of nature, not apart' which broadly lines up with One Health-ideology, and - here's the kicker - 'ethical concerns extend beyond humanity to the rest of the earth, and indeed the cosmos' - that's right, it's 'not just anthropo-centric, but cosmo-anthropo-centric'.

Fundamental rule is 'do onto others...', before a range of principles are outlines, including... lots, and lots of exceptions!
  • People are free... provided they don't infringe.
  • Humans should unite.
  • True human love is self-love, which... includes everyone else... almost as though we're truly just minor cells in that super-organism, described by General Systems Theory.
  • Men and women must 'learn to live with another', which I though the wife and I had for decades already.
And here cometh thy exceptions -
  • All should be treated equally before the law... which clearly doesn't happen at the United Nations, or any sovereign government at the moment - provided said laws are just, so if you're ie Antifa, just go right ahead and ignore those laws you find 'unjust'.
  • All have the right to follow a religion, provided said produce maximum benefit
  • All have the right to free speech, provided said isn't a 'distortion' or 'cover-up' as defined by... well, United Nations, no?
  • All adults have a right to a voice, provided said strive to produce maximum benefit for society
  • All have the right to meaningful work and recreational activities, provided said carries out his or her obligations.
  • All have the right to an education, provided said accepts the obligation to contribute
  • All have the right to work to peace, provided said works to cultivate it
  • All have the right to enjoy the environment, provided said works to protect it, and stops the population from exploding.
The section on peace deserves re-iterating. What it, in short, states is that you have a right to peace provided you 'cultivate' it. However, violence is acceptable when its absence would lead to a greater evil. Which, I guess, is where you not cultivating said enters play.

And the second part which deserves re-iterating is that this declaration isn't just anthropo-centric, but...

... cosmo-anthropo-centric. ... +Ethic.pdf

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The 'forgotten' WHO Commission on Health and the Environment report released in 1992;'Our Planet, Our Health' -

Rio 1992 is primarily known due to the formulation of Agenda 21 (with considerable input from the ICSU), and the carbon agenda unfolding through the establishment of the UNFCCC, which is a function to control emissions, and hence, private enterprise. Less known is the Convention on Biological Diversity, the 'solution' to the issue established by the UNFCCC, which through a stakeholder economy, sets out to monetise nature though the GEF for its 'ecosystem services', typically pledged as UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.

This document describes itself as the follow-up to Brundtland's 1987 landmark report; 'Our Common Future', and on that account alone, it deserves attention. Another reason is provided by the introductory summary, and I quote - 'Integrating development, the environment, and health'.

So if you in a contemporary settings see some ludicrous claim of health risk because of the concentration of plant food in the air, this is very much a major stop on a reverse, chronological trail.


First off, the usual reduction of population growth is outlined, along with overconsumption and waste generation. And while the former entails educating women and delivering abortions, the latter largely comes down to creating awareness of conservation, and incentivising through financial means.

Organisational changes are envisaged within government structures, where those at the local levels will be held to account, while simultaneously, more weight should be put on the 'scientific evidence' during the 'decision making' process. And in order to achieve 'better science' the only way is for the scientific community to cooperate with international agencies, and NGOs.

As for those governments, a commitment is required to support health promotion along with conservation efforts, and higher priority should be given to 'laying the foundation of international consensus on a large range of environmental, health, and economic issues' (another 'consensus', but the obligatory 'it's critical' claim strangely missing). Further, action programmes should be rolled out... until the world's population is stabilised. (Slightly editorialised, but hey)

Chapter 8 - Transboundary and International Problems strictly ties in with the agenda, as not only the long-range transport of air pollutants detailed, but ozone depletion, climate change, ocean pollution, and even biodiversity is dragged in - and this most impressively then drags in zoonotic pathogens, which predictably leads to vaccines.

Finally, all major accidents involving exposure to chemicals should be recorded in a central database, along with remedial actions taken.

And as for the WHO - they should develop closer bonds with international organisations working in the fields of development and the environment, leading to a continuous flow of information.


1992 also conflated health and environment through the WHO

This led to 1997 H5N1 which was BS, ESWI’s (WHO) pandemic plan in 1999,
2004 One Health through 2001 Pilanesberg, and onto 2009 bs flu season, and then 2020 scamdemic and treaty 2024

It all makes sense.

1968 UNESCO biosphere conference
1979 ‘carbon consensus’
1987 4th World Wilderness
1992 Rio
1995 Our Global Neighbourhood
2000 [WIP]
2009 Copenhagen Accord

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