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Re: ONE HEALTH - Manhattan Principles

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From the previous substack article:

...The report specifically names ‘One Health’. And this, in a document titled ‘White Paper on a GEF COVID-19 Response Strategy’. It also refers to the ‘Manhattan Principles’ which were defined in 2004. The World Bank also referred to these, so let’s have a look at what these are about.


Those can be found over here. ... ept04.html

In short, in 2004, at the Rockefeller Centre, the world’s leading global institutions met debating “One World, One Health”. One of the primary co-authors here were William B Karesh… who also works for EcoHealth Alliance. Yeah, that EcoHealth Alliance — they were partners in terms of engineering covid-19.


The very first ‘Manhattan Principle’ is this - a request that humans, and animals be considered one and the same.

Which is highly likely why they were adamant that Covid-19 came from bats. They had to sell One Health down the road, after all. In fact, the front page of the World Bank report above outlines this expressly as well — zoonotic.


Principles 3-5 outlines in brief a surveillance apparatus to ‘control and mitigate diseases’. As does principle 9.


And to re-iterate, Georgetown worked on the surveillance technology in the 2010s, while the World Bank worked with the CGD and EU to implement Digital IDs.

Principle nine furthermore considers vaccines / pharmaceuticals an area where we should further invest in global health. Principle 4 briefly mentions this as well, ‘human health programs’. Finally, principle 10 outlines the importance of centralisation (WHO), and principle 12 pushes for education on the topic.

To protect us, of course.


In the early years of the 2010s, the United Nations University - yes, they have one, though they claim it’s a think tank - released this strategy plan for the years 2011-14. Their ‘Thematic Clusters’ are in short what they focus on. Items 3 and 4 are those of significance in this regard.

Global health, food/water safety, combating illness. All apply here. Climate change, ecological health, biodiversity, sustainable land. Again, all apply to the ‘Manhattan Principles’.


Ah, but it’s a coincidence. It’s just a coincidence.

Well, in 2020 the ‘Publishers Compact’ was announced. Sustainable Development Goals, etc. It’s exactly what you expect, they all align on this - they will shove their equality, sustainability, justice in your face at every given opportunity. Does that sound like relevant to the contemporary situation?


The list of members include a great numbers of large publishing houses. Elsevier, being one. Elsevier, for one, own the Lancet, but they also founded the ‘Climate Change and Health‘ journal - in 2021...
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oh golly - in 2010, Cochrane found that all evidence of flu vaccine effectiveness was basically null and void


... naturally, that yielded an immediate up-is-down reply from noted ESWI lobbyist, Ab Osterhaus - he had reviewed the evidence in 'independent' capacity and found it all to be just stellar

what are the odds ... via%3Dihub


... I mean, I guess it comes down to whether you believe in provably the premier quality word on the matter, or a group financed exclusively by big pharma, yet operating in independent capacity because it states so on their website
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Re: ONE HEALTH - Berlin and Manhattan Principles

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One Health: The Berlin and Manhattan Principles

In 2004, The Manhattan Principles were released. These are, in short, the 12 rules making up ‘One Health’. They go as per below -


I’ve spent a fair amount of time trying to decipher their legit meaning. In general, some concepts encapsulate a number of these components; One Health is the ecosystem, which is what all life live within; humans, domestic animals, and wildlife animals. The biodiversity is - for lack of better description - the ratio of each sub/group (ie lions, or livestock cows, or humans) relative to another. And by ratio, I don’t really mean some explicit number, but rather a rough estimate.

Naturally, this is somewhat academic, as nature itself sets catastrophic events onto herself from time to time. The resilience of the ecosystem is the ability for it to overcome, but there’s no guarantee this will indeed happen. The Rockefeller Foundation, however, appear to think that if you micromanage the entire planet with surveillance and vaccines, you can.

Or rather, they don’t. Because this is ultimately about control, and all the well-meaning stuff will promptly be discarded once you’ve been cut down to size and learn to own nothing and be happy.

Regardless, the Manhattan Principles does not consider natural disasters, say, a vulcano destroying Hawaii. They, in short, consider everything being the direct result of loss of habitat or due to environmental damage, be it land or water. And the cause is always because of humans. It’s a pretty naive interpretation of reality, or rather, it’s a politically expedient lie.


The official explanation is that this is about saving the planet, which on the surface of things appear well reasoned and intentioned.

Or so you would have though, anyway, unless you start looking for a hidden meaning, because a number of those principles are very clumsily worded, and appear significantly out of order. It seems somewhat intentional, and the motivation could be to hide a message in plain sight. They very frequently do this, but natually, this is speculative.

One Health, for instance, has been repeatedly buried in public health messages, starting certainly 2015, but probably from 2013 onwards. And always in the same way - in the spot in the text you’re least likely to pay attention. Usually around 70-80% down the page, in general, to account for those weirdos who read books by reading the final chapter first. I’m one of those weirdos, incidentally.

And the thing is - there are a number of words which could hypothetically be reinterpreted; principle 8, for instance - what does ‘more broadly’ refer to, exactly? And then merge this with principle 6, ‘fully integrate’ - does this mean we should impose the same solutions upon humans as that of animals, and if so, does mass culling in principle 8 apply to humans, and does principle 9 outline how - by vaccination? It would appear somewhat likely, at least, given what we experience at present with excess deaths showing no sign of abating.

But, as said, all of this is speculation, of course. But they do like to hide messages in plain sight.


The update to the 2004 Manhattan Principles was released in 2019, and goes by the name ‘The Berlin Principles’; they go as below -


There are a lot of similarities. But there are also differences. Some of the more ‘problematic’ wordings are now gone (mass culling, being one)… but is it, though? Because they really do like hiding things in plain sight.


So with this in mind, I decided to compare the two, side by side.

Yellow marker means copied from original (2004 Manhattan Principles), green means addition (2019 version only), red means deletion (2004 version only), and cyan means it’s been reworded, but practically retains its original meaning.

And here they are, side by side.

I have furthermore underlined what I personally find of interest in this regard. And I will start by saying that I’m not really crazy about this update. And I will outline why below.


The issues I have are -
  1. Global citizenshop has been added to principle 10. That would suggest the end of sovereignty.
  2. Climate crisis has been added to principle 3. This was somewhat expected, and you can somewhat map this to the Manhattan Principles, but still, not entirely.
  3. Strong institutions is repeatedly hammered in. This covers centralisation, globalisation, authoritarianism, possibly. What exactly is the meaning here?
  4. There is no call for funding via sovereign governments. In fact, funding is expected to come from an international funding mechanism (principle 7), which probably means the World Bank. Or in the context of global citizenship, could essentially mean a combination of world government, and NGOs. National governments no longer exist, or at least, not in the same capacity.
  5. One Health was supposed to be about health. Yet, there is no mention of human health programs or equivalents - which existed in the 2004 version (principle 4).
  6. Vaccinations and mass culling are no longer explicitly mentioned. While this could appear a good thing, it could also mean they hide, vaccines in principle 8 (under the more covert industry). I will get back to the culling aspect in a minute.

But you know what the single most worrying aspect in this regard is, from my perspective? It’s that while in 2004, humans were considered as a separate group, and consequently specified explicitly, they now appear sided with the other animals. And consequently, the wording somewhat hints at while the same passive measures (surveillance) being applied to all, the active measures used to control disease will similarly be applied to all, and hence, humans.

And in that regard, the mass culling isn’t truly gone. Because already in principle 1, the Berlin Principles state that we need to ‘take action to retain the conservation and protection of biodiversity’. Humans are just no longer stated as a separate category, they’re part of ‘biodiversity’, and consequently, if culling other species, humans might well be in line just as well. And to compounds the matter, Berlin Principle 6 explicitly outline how ‘human health and well-being’ should be integrated in the ‘biodiversity conservation perspectives’, just as the case was in the Manhattan Principles.


And there is one final thing which I’ve struggled to let go, down in the footnotes.

‘One Health’ is not the final stop. Footnote 1 states ‘… while recognising Planetary Health’. That’s not coincidental. Before you know it, the narrative construction will shift gears, and it’ll be about ‘Planetary Health’, and ‘One Health’ will have moved within the Overton Window.


It continues...
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Re: ONE HEALTH - Covid-19

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More info dump:

You didn't really think Covid-19 was over, did you? ... unication/


you recall the conversation on Wikileaks and material potentially removed?

I think I just located some


that's what they were after.



the emails they removed from Wikileaks were about ONE HEALTH


I have found a number of the documents linked to elsewhere, and there are a lot of job posts about epidemic workers… in 2018

Sure, not about covid, but the same job posts are recycled in 2023 (I posted a link elsewhere) mentioning that

And USAID were in 2005 One Health dox

They all fall under ‘Global Health Security Agenda’ which is One Health by stealth
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Re: ONE HEALTH - Manhattan Principles

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More from twitter @_Escapekey_

With the WHO only recently promoting ‘One Health’ day, I though it fair to explain -

What is One Health?

To understand, let’s take another look at the Manhattan Principles, as delivered by Gates Foundation fellow and Rockefeller board of trustee, William Foege, in 2004.

However, as the language of the 12 principles penned by Robert A. Cook, William B. Karesh and Steven A. Osofsky appears somewhat opaque, let’s attempt to decode these.
  1. human needs (health, food and economies) should be integrated in biodiversity conservation perspectives [Black: 1, 4, 6]
  2. biodiversity is required by healthy ecosystems [Purple: 1]
  3. ecosystem change (regarding land and water use) drives disease, which in turn threaten humans and their needs [Pink: 2]
  4. disease prevention and control should be adaptive, predictive and holistic, and integrate wildlife health science [Green: 3, 5]
  5. disease prevention early warning systems should integrate human, animal, and wildlife health surveillance [Blue: 9, 11]
  6. surveillance data should be shared, standardised, and timely, to improve coordinated stakeholder response (governments, big pharma and other NGOs) [Cyan: 9, 10, 11]
  7. disease control driven by scientific consensus should protect biodiversity health through mass culling [Orange: 8] ... index.html

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twitter @_Escapekey_

let me just quickly post my comments on this document, released by the WHO in 2021.

it's about their global surveillance initiative. or - perhaps I could say - the data input source for the DoD database.

it's honestly a pretty poor document. ... 8dc28ab6_5


whether it's because they're trying to hide their intent, or because of gross incompetence, I do not know. I would ask @DrTedros
but seeing as he ignores all other attempt at communicating, unsure if he'll bite.

happy to entertain debate on surveillance.


it's not that it's chock full of buzzwords. it's not that it hides intent. it's not that it's full of filler material. it's not that it mixes in all the buzzwords, including 'interdependence', 'equity', and so on.


it's not that it spews buzzwords left, right, and centre, which contextually, really are just a terrible attempt at masking intent.

it's not that they set aside pages to basically incessantly self-promote like an insecure 20 year old.


it's that, even those transparent attempts are just... poor. you're not even good at masking your odious intent.

you're lucky I have a far worse document detailing how this surveillance data will be sent to the DoD, or I'd actually put some effort in here.

poor, @WHO.


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ONE PLANET - Baha'i Connection

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This one ties in the Baha'i Faith...remember them?


last time I took a look into the corporate structure of Rothschild, I found an utter spiders' web of corporations, with tangled ownership.

how influential are they actually? skip the conspiracy theories, what can be proven?

we know that Thierry Breton is a former Rothschild

we know Emmanuel Macron also is a former Rothschild
and he launched the One Planet Summit ... -82?page=4

... and it's interesting. really is. because some of the best links I find via wayback, in documents which refer to webpages which no longer exist. like this one.

this points to charter99 dot org... ... &Itemid=55

this is what that page looks like now
fishing apparel?


... but this is what It looked like in 1999. ... tures.html

... and here's their charter -
which includes the 'One Planet Initiative'

strangely absent from wiki. ... tures.html

... if you read on, they basically point fingers at the financial superpowers, wanting to 'hold them responsible'


... and they also propose the solution -

the United Nations, to fix
  • the environment
  • biodiversity
  • climate change, and
  • epidemics


but do you want to see what else I dug up on the One World Trust?
Wendi Momen. Trustee and chairman of the One World Trust.

and founder member of the European Bahá'í Business Forum ... %20NED.pdf

in the event you never heard of that, here it their wiki page... wait for it... ... 3%AD_Faith

and what do they believe in? I kid you not - ... %BC%C3%AD)

and for those not quite grasping the significance here, let me do this one again, in detail

'"new world order" in the Baháʼí Faith ... replacement of the collective political norms ... worldwide governance ... unity and justice for all nations, races, creeds, and classes'


There are no coincidences.

Did Kelly realise the religion was overtaken by 'dark actors'? Had he worked out the plan and who was steering it?

g8 kelly.png

Oh wow I did not know that
And I don’t think the religion had been taken over by anyone - read their own documents
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Re: ONE PLANET - Baha'i Connection

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Oh ok, then

Either I’ve had to much to drink or too little ... yer-chain/

‘We are delighted that Brighton and Hove has become the first One Planet City. This inspiring and forward thinking Sustainability Action Plan …’

One Planet City? ... ewords.pdf

… also WWF

Soo was this the entire thing launching in 2019 or some component?

Now, that is interesting. 2013.

‘Planetary Health’ only launched in 2015, mentioned first in 2014 by Richard Horton

Wendi Momen. Trustee and chairman of the One World Trust.
Oh wow, she wasn't just a board of trustee member, she was the chair


Say what now?

'UNICEF believes that learning about rights and responsibilities, as laid down in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, provides an excellent values framework for learning about, and becoming both a local and a global citizen'

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Re: ONE HEALTH - Zoonotic Diseases

Unread post by pasterno »


What a word.. What do the high priests of the UN say today?

man = animal = dog = zoo = ant

We are all the same, we consume the "healthy oxygen" and exhale the poisonous "carbon-dioxide".

The high priests are like Noah, they think the earth in an arc, only for some people, but enough of every species, one species should never dominate.

2 men, 2 dogs, 2 ant, 2 giraffe

The docs that are shared here are religious documents, making themselves gods, those writing these papers.

The UN is the Vatican, where the priests gather in conferences, who decide what sacrifices we need to make to make the earth happy.

Build a million windmills, lock us all up in our houses, maintain the zoo well, so prevent contagion.

These people are unhinged.
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Re: ONE PLANET - Baha'i Connection

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I couldn't resist throwing @_Escapekey_ a couple of links to historic Baha'i info.

Here's a 1914 link for you...
Baron Edmond James de Rothschild > ‘Abdu’l-Bahá > King George V ... -zionists/


Baha’is, the UN and Universal Peace - The initial framework for the United Nations, spring of 1945 ... sal-peace/

Summit on Religions and Conservation, 29 April-4 May 1995 - Hosted at Windsor Castle by HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, World Bank mentioned ... nservation

Baha'i International Community United Nations Office Statements - Feb 1999-Aug 2002 document link page ... -e-com.htm

_Esc has just hit upon the Baha'i link, here's his latest thread.

Somewhat of a pattern does appear to be forming...

... one once you see it, kind of hard not to... ... tation.pdf

... and some of these appear somewhat radical... ... overnment/

... in fact, somewhat appear relevant to what I've been on the trail of... ... 3%AD_Faith

... and it doesn't take much imagination to apply this to contemporary material... ... mon-faith/

... and some of these, do tie in elsewhere... ... ss-of-god/

Now, I don't actually know much about this faith...
[yep, MSM and alt-media are silent about it, somewhat surprising considering its multi-faith iconology pervades all western education material, and it's World Centre is in Haifa, Israel, on Mount Carmel..."In the Bible it is the scene of the defeat of the priests of Baal by the prophet Elijah (I Kings 18)."] ... man-family

... but it's just kinda impressive for how long I can keep this up. ... habitation

Some of these appear a bit... laboured. ... 10165.aspx

... but yet, here we are. ... 1890688304

[He's not finished page...]
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