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All things 9/11
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Re: Hello. New guy here

Unread post by Jerms9654 »

rachel wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:55 pm Quite obviously the towers existed, and now they don't. And we know what date and time one became the other. But there are serious problems with some of the videos which magically stop being problems if we concede the events portrayed on screen were not the actual events happening at the time. It might seem a bit way out to then use movies to circle on what actually occurred, that was the first thing I thought when I saw napoleon's Star Wars stuff...I'm not a Star Wars fan, but it was when I was looking at the COVID stuff and I kept finding Doctor Who references, it dawned on me, @napoleon is on the money, this is the language they use to pass information to each other incognito.

It's hard to hear, I'm sure, for a New Yorker who lived through it. I met a guy who left New York, left America because of it. He couldn't go up tall buildings without having a panic attack as a result. I got talking to him randomly in a bar in Prague when I was on holiday probably a year after. He chose Prague to do a degree because of its low skyline. He was fine then, but it broke up his relationship, his family thought he was an idiot. It's funny how the conversation comes back. But I didn't ask him about the actual day and what he saw, given he'd just explained his terror. It would be fascinating to know what you remember.

Regarding deaths. Unless people died due to misadventure, not following the authorities advice, we think it is unlikely anyone died that day. we don't think the towers were what they were claimed to be, so the people who apparently worked there were always fake people. This is not to say there was no office space in a least one of the towers, but it was used to help foster the pantomime. The initial explosions, though it is unlikely they matched the explosions we see in the videos of the planes hitting, were to give the emergency services the excuse to evacuate the surrounding areas.
Interesting. Having 2 close friends that responded as firefighters that day and seeing what i saw i think there were definitely people in at least one of the towers that day. Like i said before—im not sure if any planes hit any buildings that day.
The obvious question i would have for you is why would the people who pulled this off do it with empty buildings? Are they the type of people that dont have the stomach for killing thousands of people?
I have been under the assumption that the government blew up the buildings so they can get into wars that last for decades. But remember that you are talking to a guy who believed the official story of Arabs taking over planes with box cutters until about 3 years ago.
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Re: Hello. New guy here

Unread post by rachel »

Did you ever go in the buildings, are you sure they were what they were claimed to be? Don't you think the window design is odd given their size? If you look at some of the internal shots of the artist taking pictures at the windows. It's a pokey space they are all standing in, and it's clearly unfinished. I know it's just one area, but it's a bit of a tell all is not quite what it seems.




I think there is a massive drop behind that board, as I say in this thread, it reminds me of the Eiffel Tower and the Blackpool Tower, which too has a ballroom at the top.


When I started looking for internal picture of the office space, those pictures also posed more questions than they answered.

Did you ever go to the top?
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Re: Hello. New guy here

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911 was known in detail decades before ,and was played out in the minds eye with pop culture albeit on a fantasy platter ,remember i said im gonna make truthers be obfuscaitors ,thats not because im twisted

well i am but that's besides the point ,the point is the fairystory delivery method is far more scary ,than a bunch of controlled opposition getting uptight ,the fairystory of 911 serves as an innitiation ,sy no more no what i mean nudge nudge wink wink

agreed fairystories are just different lies ,i prefer to explain the ceremony of 911 33 years in the making this space odyssey ,
dest_hp_oz_v3 (1) (1) (1) (1).jpg
dest_hp_oz_v3 (1) (1) (1) (1).jpg (22.69 KiB) Viewed 2021 times
you dont get this many controlled opposition idiots reading fakeologist and me explaining judy wood and the stars etc but ignoring it ,unless everyone is controlled
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Re: Hello. New guy here

Unread post by napoleon »

thats the kicker about 911 ,people can ask what happened ,but showing them what happened ie how hollywood works ,does not pay
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Re: Hello. New guy here

Unread post by Jerms9654 »

First off how can i just reply to the thread without quoting everything and all the pictures you post in replies to me? Im retarded with this stuff. I was at the top of the building on the inside and outside observation decks when i was a teenager, but never in any other part of the building. I dont know anything about engineering or architecture so i dont know if the windows are strange or not—it is the only building ive seen like that though.
So here is what i think i know. I saw people jumping from the tower that was supposedly hit by the first plane. The second tower that fell had lots of people pouring out of the stairways to leave the building. Im pretty sure a lot of firemen died that day, unless they faked their deaths and disappeared.
I have no clue as to whether or not these buildings were pretty empty like you think they were.
Do you think it was a long term plan to keep the buildings empty to create 9/11 so we can go to war? Or was this all done for a different reason?
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Re: Hello. New guy here

Unread post by Jerms9654 »

napoleon wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 4:59 pm
911 was known in detail decades before ,and was played out in the minds eye with pop culture albeit on a fantasy platter ,remember i said im gonna make truthers be obfuscaitors ,thats not because im twisted

well i am but that's besides the point ,the point is the fairystory delivery method is far more scary ,than a bunch of controlled opposition getting uptight ,the fairystory of 911 serves as an innitiation ,sy no more no what i mean nudge nudge wink wink

agreed fairystories are just different lies ,i prefer to explain the ceremony of 911 33 years in the making this space odyssey ,dest_hp_oz_v3 (1) (1) (1) (1).jpgyou dont get this many controlled opposition idiots reading fakeologist and me explaining judy wood and the stars etc but ignoring it ,unless everyone is controlled
Ok so a quick read through your link it looks like 9/11 was foretold in the movies but didnt actually take place? Sorry if im not understanding correctly. Ive heard of Judy Wood but im not familiar with her work. Do you think she has the story right?
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Re: Hello. New guy here

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The reply button is at the bottom of the post. I deleted the copy of the pictures, etc.

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Re: Hello. New guy here

Unread post by rachel »

I don't know what you saw, but this is the first tower apparently being hit, from the firemen documentary.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/ ... tower.html

And this is where the E-TEAM had they "art space".


And this is in the E-TEAM's book they published before 911. July 2001, to be exact, from this post.



Do you not think it is beyond coincidence that the area I think you are telling me you saw jumpers is exactly the area the E-Team were working and in their book published just over a month before 911, they show a picture of a jumper.
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Re: Hello. New guy here

Unread post by Jerms9654 »

So you think what i saw werent actual people jumping? That it was some type of special effect? Its possible but ive never actually considered something like that.
Do you not believe the US government is evil enough to blow up buildings with actual people in it?
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Re: Hello. New guy here

Unread post by Jerms9654 »

And i definitely think that the E-team whoever they really were—-were there planting explosives to help bring ghe building down.
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