When the White House is "Weekend At Bernie's"

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When the White House is "Weekend At Bernie's"

Unread post by SaiGirl »

The Presidency of Woodrow Wilson is famous for so many revolutionary innovations:

1) The first Federal "income tax"
2) Creation of the "Federal Reserve"
3) Consolidation of the new "progressive" regulatory state (FDA, AMA, etc.) begun under Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft.
4) A nation wide military draft and US entry into "World War I"
5) Creation of the first global "League of Nations", proposed by Wilson at Versailles but rejected by the American people and the Congress.

A stroke rendered Wilson a practical vegetable for the last year of his Presidency.
His wife, Colonel House, Bernard Baruch and others managed the office during that period.

https://www.historynet.com/how-woodrow- ... er-a-year/

The extent of Wilson’s disability will never be known, but there is little doubt that he was severely compromised. Sen. George H. Moses (R-New Hampshire) wrote to a friend that the president was “absolutely unable to undergo any experience which requires concentration of mind” and predicted that Wilson would never again be a “material force or factor in anything.”

White House usher Ike Hoover, who had seen Wilson nearly every day for eight years, noted that the president “did grow better, but that is not saying much…There was never a moment during all that time when he was more than a shadow of his former self.” Wilson could “articulate but indistinctly and think but feebly,” Hoover said. Not until March 3, 1920, was the president able to ride in an auto, even as a passenger—and minders shooed photographers before they were able to take pictures of Wilson.

On April 14, 1920, a post-stroke Wilson met with his cabinet. The sight of him shocked Treasury Secretary Houston, who had had last seen Wilson in September. The president “looked old, worn, and haggard. It was enough to make one weep to look at him.” During the cabinet meeting, Houston said, Wilson had “difficulty in fixing his mind on what we were discussing.”

Wilson never believed himself disabled, and even after his stroke toyed with the idea of a third term.

The lack of a fully functioning president became more and more noticeable. In November 1919, Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and sidekick J. Edgar Hoover began rounding up suspected communists on shaky evidence, but there is no indication that Wilson knew of or approved the so-called Palmer raids. On December 2, 1919, the date set for Wilson’s annual message to Congress, the president did not appear, a first. Instead, he sent lackluster remarks Tumulty had written. “I confess I didn’t see any trace of the president in the message,” said House Speaker Frederick H. Gillett (R-Massachusetts), “and I think that is a compliment to the president.” Twenty-eight bills became law without Wilson’s signature or even his attention, and he did not address Congress in December 1920, either.
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