Revisiting the Pearl Harbor "sneak attack"

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Revisiting the Pearl Harbor "sneak attack"

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Published in 1954
THE "final secret" that Admiral Robert A. Theobald would have his countrymen and the world believe is that President Franklin D. Roosevelt purposefully enticed the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor in order to unite the American people behind him in a war that he was provoking with Germany and Japan. ... arl-Harbor

Published in 1999:

Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor is a book by Robert Stinnett. It alleges that Franklin Roosevelt and his administration deliberately provoked and allowed the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor to bring the United States into World War II. Stinnett argues that the attacking fleet was detected by radio and intelligence intercepts, but the information was deliberately withheld from Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, the commander of the Pacific Fleet at that time.
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Re: Revisiting the Pearl Harbor "sneak attack"

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I didn't think this was up for discussion whether fake or real. What evidence is there Pearl Harbor wasn't the 9/11 event for the Great Depression/World War II Generation (Silent Generation?). I have seen zero evidence this was a real event. Blooper propaganda reels don't cut it.

Lynn, you're taking a script from the script writers of Pearl Harbor and analyzing it as real. It's just a script for a film just like what we saw in 2001 with the film featuring Cuba Gooding Jr. So to take that seriously is like the movie goers who take movies seriously when they walk out of the theater wondering why the characters didn't do this or that.

Until I see evidence of Pearl Harbor being real, I'm looking at as another fake event to usher in the start of World War II. If Dave J saw this thread, he would declare nobody died and nobody got hurt. I think he would be right about that.

We have to realize all these events are open to fakery scrutiny going back thousands of years. It's Magick. Witchcraft. That's how people get fooled. The Wizards are faking people out using the dark arts and that includes writing scripts for a fake attack that later gets made in films for further propaganda and money making purposes. Nobody has to die or get hurt to fake people out. Yeah you run drills and simulate the bullshit, but that's all it takes and people are hooked into a real event taking place.
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Re: Revisiting the Pearl Harbor "sneak attack"

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Grand Illusion wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:15 am Lynn, you're taking a script from the script writers of Pearl Harbor and analyzing it as real. It's just a script for a film just like what we saw in 2001 with the film featuring Cuba Gooding Jr. So to take that seriously is like the movie goers who take movies seriously when they walk out of the theater wondering why the characters didn't do this or that.

Until I see evidence of Pearl Harbor being real, I'm looking at as another fake event to usher in the start of World War II. If Dave J saw this thread, he would declare nobody died and nobody got hurt. I think he would be right about that.


I'm merely examining the documentary record of these narratives for internal consistency or cognitive dissonance. If these are not the official narratives, then they are counter-narratives. You speak as if there were no real material consequences to these events.
As if they only happened at the movies. That would include the drafting of millions of men, rationing of basic food commodities and other goods, imprisonment of Japanese Americans and the seizure of their property.
I have no expertise in film or video analysis. So I dissect the various versions of the narrative.
If you have convinced yourself that "Nothing happened", why even bother to analyze the AGENDAS behind it? You can just assume the passive pose of a movie goer or TV watcher.
I prefer to deconstruct the narrative. And so approximate some guess as to what actually happened. And whether anyone was actually wounded or killed.
Or whether real life suffered any impact at all.
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Re: Revisiting the Pearl Harbor "sneak attack"

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Grand Illusion wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:15 am
Until I see evidence of Pearl Harbor being real, I'm looking at as another fake event to usher in the start of World War II. If Dave J saw this thread, he would declare nobody died and nobody got hurt. I think he would be right about that.

And the CONCURRENT Japanese conquest of the Phillipines and Malaya?
Was that only an illusion as well?
Did you think that ONLY "Pear Harbor" was targeted?

We were already in an undeclared war with Japanese forces in China,
Because the USA had various secret treaties and agreements with the Republic of China.

The "war" you refer to had already been ongoing in both Spain and China (1936).
The key to understanding this is to grasp the concept that "wars" start a lot earlier than we are told from the official "start" dates.

Ever heard of the "Spanish Civil War"?
Italian conquests of Libya and Ethiopia?
Japanese conquest of Manchuria?
All these were in progress by 1936-37.
Two years before the German / Soviet invasion of Poland. ... erritories
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Re: Revisiting the Pearl Harbor "sneak attack"

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SaiGirl wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:42 pm I'm merely examining the documentary record of these narratives for internal consistency or cognitive dissonance. If these are not the official narratives, then they are counter-narratives. You speak as if there were no real material consequences to these events.
As if they only happened at the movies. That would include the drafting of millions of men, rationing of basic food commodities and other goods, imprisonment of Japanese Americans and the seizure of their property.
I have no expertise in film or video analysis. So I dissect the various versions of the narrative.
If you have convinced yourself that "Nothing happened", why even bother to analyze the AGENDAS behind it? You can just assume the passive pose of a movie goer or TV watcher.
I prefer to deconstruct the narrative. And so approximate some guess as to what actually happened. And whether anyone was actually wounded or killed.
Or whether real life suffered any impact at all.
I'm not saying nothing consequential happened because of Pearl Harbor Psyop. It clearly motivated high testosterone young men to enlist in the military and risk their lives being sent to foreign lands. I don't dispute that at all.

Drafting took place, rationing took place and the work camps for Japanese took place.

All that stuff isn't 1940s airplanes bombing aircraft carriers or the pilots committing suicide by crashing into them. Death verses actions of military occupation, drafting or rationing are worlds apart. The evidence for Pearl Harbor is the equivalent to the fake nuke test footage. Made in a Hollywood basement or Lookout Mountain Hollywood. Just because I suspect Pearl Harbor is staged event that doesn't translate into everything about World War II didn't happen. Just like with 9/11. Two towers were brought down, the Pentagon fakery and Shanksville fakery but it resulted it major changes in America and the moving of the American Military to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq.
SaiGirl wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:42 pm And the CONCURRENT Japanese conquest of the Phillipines and Malaya?
Was that only an illusion as well?
Did you think that ONLY "Pear Harbor" was targeted?

We were already in an undeclared war with Japanese forces in China,
Because the USA had various secret treaties and agreements with the Republic of China.

The "war" you refer to had already been ongoing in both Spain and China (1936).
The key to understanding this is to grasp the concept that "wars" start a lot earlier than we are told from the official "start" dates.

Ever heard of the "Spanish Civil War"?
Italian conquests of Libya and Ethiopia?
Japanese conquest of Manchuria?
All these were in progress by 1936-37.
Two years before the German / Soviet invasion of Poland. ... erritories
Again, you're equating me calling an event staged with everything that followed must have been staged. I was never saying that at all. For instance the sinking of the Lusitania was staged to start whatever the Spanish Civil War was (no idea if injury or death took place, same thing with the American civil war), I'm not saying what followed these events was staged. Occupations of countries happen. Land clears happen. People get moved around.

I was talking to a 30 something Russian born dude from Northeast Philly the other day about what is really going on in Ukraine near Russia or what he hears back in his home country. He said definitely hears about evacuation of the Ukrainians from the area the alleged fighting is taking place in. That's what I think a lot of these wars are, land clearing and relocating of people. Guess what, you don't need to kill people to make that happen. Just intimidate them with brute force. The visual alone is enough to scare people.

As far as real fighting, I'm skeptical because people don't naturally won't to kill others unless under the influence of some demonic force whether through drugs or alcohol that opens up portals to that dark spiritual world. People aren't naturally inclined to harm others. Something else in a world we can't see motivates people to do that. I don't think all these soldiers are harming each other unless they became possessed which is few and far between.
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Re: Revisiting the Pearl Harbor "sneak attack"

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The sinking of the Lusitania by German U-boats in 1915 was the result of an "unrestricted submarine warfare policy" proclaimed by Germany; which became a pretext for US entry in World War I against Germany; together with media exposure of the "Zimmerman telegram":

Americans overwhelmingly opposed US involvement in World War I, which made the Wilson administrations efforts to create a pretext extremely difficult.
The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was a military coup against the Spanish republic by General Franco and his Moroccan troops, with the support of German and Italian aerial bombardment on the civilian population.
The aerial bombardment and machine gun strafing of Guernica (a Basque city in northern Spain) by Italian and German planes was considered without precedent in European warfare.
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Re: Revisiting the Pearl Harbor "sneak attack"

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Wow, sorry, I was thinking of the USS Maine not the Lusitania. The Maine allegedly got sunk to start the Spanish American War

I get my fake Navy Ship sinkings mixed up sometimes. There's so many to keep track of since the Psyop writers use the sinking of Navy Ships Script over and over again.

Then I was thinking of the Spanish American War when I said the Spanish Civil War.

Again, do these wars take place as portrayed by the mass media, films, etc.?

Did these alleged attacks that are supposed to be the prerequisite for Wars happen? Because I see a pattern. There always has to be one. Remember the Weapons of Mass Destruction with Iraq or Jim Morrison's Dad, Admiral Morrison doing the Gulf Of Tonkin? Turned out to be phony. It feels like the elite are fucking with us to have their reasons to start the "Wars". Do you see what I'm saying? The governments can't just start wars without justifications.

Like with the Lusitania for World War I, another staged event possibly, for America's entry into World War I? Do submarines get used in War or are they another prop? I've been on one at Disney Land and it barely went below the water surface and I remember there have been subs in films like Batman (1966)

Is that to sell me subs as real?

I can't tell for sure what the military presents as real verses fake. Do missiles exist which was a big theme of the Gulf War?

Getting back to Pearl Harbor, I feel it has to be staged. The film reels don't give me any proof of real. The Cuba Gooding Jr. film seems to be a like the Oppenheimer film, to sell people on events being real 60-80 years after they occurred. Like don't let people forget.

I think these prerequisites to war or laws getting passed (9/11 Patriot Act) are necessary. America couldn't enter World War II without a justification and nobody needs to die or get hurt to create some Hollywood theatrics in 1941 to make people think an attack happened like Pearl Harbor. It's all about stirring that emotion with some razzle dazzle from the film industry and it worked. People bought into a lie and young men enlisted and people suffered in order to go along with the theater of War, World War II.
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Re: Revisiting the Pearl Harbor "sneak attack"

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Check out the detailed analysis of Axis strategy during WW II, featured in a Quora thread.

From the sound of it, both Germany and Italy did everything possible to LOSE the war by either default or deliberate self-sabotage. ... arl-Harbor

I have no expertise in film or video analysis. So I dissect the various versions of the narrative.
If you have convinced yourself that "Nothing happened", why even bother to analyze the AGENDAS behind it? You can just assume the passive pose of a movie goer or TV watcher.
I prefer to deconstruct the narrative. And so approximate some guess as to what actually happened. And whether anyone was actually wounded or killed.
Or whether real life suffered any impact at all.

I'm not saying nothing consequential happened because of Pearl Harbor Psyop. It clearly motivated high testosterone young men to enlist in the military and risk their lives being sent to foreign lands. I don't dispute that at all.

Drafting took place, rationing took place and the work camps for Japanese took place.

All that stuff isn't 1940s airplanes bombing aircraft carriers or the pilots committing suicide by crashing into them. Death verses actions of military occupation, drafting or rationing are worlds apart. The evidence for Pearl Harbor is the equivalent to the fake nuke test footage. Made in a Hollywood basement or Lookout Mountain Hollywood. Just because I suspect Pearl Harbor is staged event that doesn't translate into everything about World War II didn't happen. Just like with 9/11. Two towers were brought down, the Pentagon fakery and Shanksville fakery but it resulted it major changes in America and the moving of the American Military to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq.
SaiGirl wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:42 pm And the CONCURRENT Japanese conquest of the Phillipines and Malaya?
Was that only an illusion as well?
Did you think that ONLY "Pear Harbor" was targeted?

We were already in an undeclared war with Japanese forces in China,
Because the USA had various secret treaties and agreements with the Republic of China.

The "war" you refer to had already been ongoing in both Spain and China (1936).
The key to understanding this is to grasp the concept that "wars" start a lot earlier than we are told from the official "start" dates.

Ever heard of the "Spanish Civil War"?
Italian conquests of Libya and Ethiopia?
Japanese conquest of Manchuria?
All these were in progress by 1936-37.
Two years before the German / Soviet invasion of Poland. ... erritories
Again, you're equating me calling an event staged with everything that followed must have been staged. I was never saying that at all. For instance the sinking of the Lusitania was staged to start whatever the Spanish Civil War was (no idea if injury or death took place, same thing with the American civil war), I'm not saying what followed these events was staged. Occupations of countries happen. Land clears happen. People get moved around.

I was talking to a 30 something Russian born dude from Northeast Philly the other day about what is really going on in Ukraine near Russia or what he hears back in his home country. He said definitely hears about evacuation of the Ukrainians from the area the alleged fighting is taking place in. That's what I think a lot of these wars are, land clearing and relocating of people. Guess what, you don't need to kill people to make that happen. Just intimidate them with brute force. The visual alone is enough to scare people.

As far as real fighting, I'm skeptical because people don't naturally won't to kill others unless under the influence of some demonic force whether through drugs or alcohol that opens up portals to that dark spiritual world. People aren't naturally inclined to harm others. Something else in a world we can't see motivates people to do that. I don't think all these soldiers are harming each other unless they became possessed which is few and far between.
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How Hitler's favorite general cut and run. ....

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By 1943, everyone in Germany knew the war was lost.
But they plodded on.

All of them knew It would be far preferable to surrender to US or British troops, rather than the Soviets.

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