The “scientific eugenic hygiene” legislation of the Third Reich

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The “scientific eugenic hygiene” legislation of the Third Reich

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There were three amendments by 1935, most making minor adjustments to how the statute operated or clarifying bureaucratic aspects (such as who paid for the operations). The most significant changes allowed the Higher Court to renounce a patient's right to appeal, and to fine physicians who did not report patients who they knew would qualify for sterilisation under the law. The law also enforced sterilization on the so-called "Rhineland bastards," the mixed-race children of German civilians and French African soldiers who helped occupy the Rhineland.

At the time of its enaction, the German government pointed to the success of sterilisation laws elsewhere, especially the work in California documented by the American eugenicists E. S. Gosney and Paul Popenoe, as evidence of the humaneness and efficacy of such laws. Eugenicists abroad admired the German law for its legal and ideological clarity. Popenoe himself wrote that "the German law is well drawn and, in form, may be considered better than the sterilization laws of most American states", and trusted in the German government's "conservative, sympathetic, and intelligent administration" of the law, praising the "scientific leadership" of the Nazis.[3] The German mathematician Otfrid Mittmann defended the law against "unfavorable judgements".[4]

In the first year of the law's operation, 1934, 84,600 cases were brought to Genetic Health Courts, with 62,400 forced sterilisations.[5] Nearly 4,000 people appealed against the decisions of sterilisation authorities; 3,559 of the appeals failed.[6] In 1935, it was 88,100 trials and 71,700 sterilizations.[5] By the end of the Nazi regime, over 200 "Genetic Health Courts" were created, and under their rulings over 400,000 people were sterilized against their will.[6]

Along with the law, Adolf Hitler personally decriminalised abortion in case of fetuses having racial or hereditary defects for doctors, while the abortion of healthy "pure" German, "Aryan" unborn remained strictly forbidden.[7]
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Scientific Eugenics: "Life Unworthy of Life"

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Those classified as "life unworthy of life" are also referred to as "useless eaters".

Is it possible that the Germans of the 1930s thought they were only acting on the best science and ethical analysis of the day? They had notable men such as Binding and Hoche providing the ethical basis for their actions. The German people were on their side (a 1925 poll of parents of disabled children indicated that 74% were in favor of euthanizing their children). The world had embraced ‘applied evolution,’ otherwise known as eugenics. The Germans, yes, even the Nazis, thought they were good people acting on good evidence and a solid ethical basis .

This question is also worth pondering, because many of Binding and Hoche’s arguments are common today. Academics such as Peter Singer, Jacob Appel, and Julian Savulescu have made identical or at least very similar arguments. In America and elsewhere, parents abort their disabled children the majority of the time; in some countries, such as the Netherlands, they can, and are, euthanized under the Groningen Protocol. Genetics organizations such as the American Society of Human Genetics look to improve the ‘gene pool,’ coordinating genetic counseling programs throughout the world .
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Who’s a “Jew” and who isn’t, in the Third Reich?

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On 11 April 1933 the regime promulgated the First Supplementary Decree for the Execution of the Law of Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, colloquially known as the First Racial Definition. This implementing decree stipulated that a person would be regarded as a racial Jew for purposes of the law[1] if he had one Jewish parent or one Jewish grandparent, i.e. if the ancestor was "of the Jewish faith."[2]

Under the law, Jews were to be discharged from the civil service, unless they had been employed since before World War I or unless they had fought on the front lines in the war, or had a father or son who had been killed in the war.[2]

The "one Jewish grandparent" rule was predominant for a period of time in the Third Reich, and had typically been the test incorporated into the Aryan Paragraph, which had been in currency before Hitler's assumption of power on 30 January 1933. However, various social and political factions militated in favor of a new set of discriminatory laws, which were forthcoming at the NSDAP party rally in 1935 in Nuremberg.

The Nuremberg Laws,[3] as originally promulgated in September 1935, used the term "Jew" but did not define the term. The definition of the term was problematic for the Nazis and it was not until the issuance of a supplementary regulation in mid-November 1935 that a legal test that was specific to the Nuremberg laws was formally published.
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The genius who invented "Zyklon B"

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In 1933, four out of the six German Nobel Laureates in chemistry were of Jewish descent—Adolf von Baeyer, Fritz Haber, Otto Wallach, and Richard Willstätter. Several high-profile members of the academic association DChG were also Jewish: the society’s president, Alfred Wohl; its vice president, Arthur Rosenheim; and the long-time editor of the “Beilstein Handbook,” Bernhard Prager. Within months of Hitler’s ascension, all three “were asked to tender their resignations,” Deichmann notes, as were six Jewish staff members of the “Beilstein Handbook.” It was an example of “anticipatory obedience,” she says, given that they were not legally required to do so. In addition, as early as 1935, both societies rejected new-member applications from Jewish or half-Jewish chemists, Maier says, and began expunging existing Jewish members.

DChG board members tried to hide their early adoption of Aryan ideals from international members, who they realized would object to the behavior. From board meeting records, Maier found that the association’s leadership adopted a strategy “to Aryanize in an opaque way, to avoid showing it to the public,” he adds.
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The propaganda version of the narrative:
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Exceptions to the "Jewish policy" in the Third Reich

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In June 1941, just hours before Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union, renowned biochemist Otto Warburg was summoned to Nazi headquarters in Berlin.

As other great Jewish scientists such as Albert Einstein, Fritz Haber and Lise Meitner fled the country in the 1930s due to persecution, Nobel laureate Warburg defiantly stayed put as director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Cell Physiology in Berlin.

Overly assured and notoriously arrogant, the half-Jewish and apparently gay Warburg withstood all intimidation from Nazi officials. The way he saw it, he and his genius predated the Nazis, so he would not be bullied or succumb to threats.

However, Warburg feared the compulsory June 1941 invitation to Nazi headquarters signaled that his luck had run out. Fortunately for Warburg, Hitler and the Nazi leadership were more concerned about the exponential increase in cancer cases among the Aryan master race than about Warburg’s mischling (part-Jewish) status.

Regardless of whether Hitler himself was personally aware of Warburg’s research, there were enough people in Hitler’s inner circle who believed that Warburg’s expert knowledge of the metabolism of cancer cells could offer hope for a cure to the disease. Warburg would have to move his lab to a different location, but he could stay.
UNQUOTE ... ring-wwii/
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