Destroying the "Dialectic" of Hegel: "God's Mirror"

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Destroying the "Dialectic" of Hegel: "God's Mirror"

Unread post by SaiGirl »

A critical review of Hegel’s dialectic = “ The mirror of God”.

He see’s Hegel’s philosophy as derived from the “Orphic religion” of Pythagoras and Heraclitus

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Re: Destroying the "Dialectic" of Hegel: "God's Mirror"

Unread post by rachel »

This is rather good @napoleon , at 26 minutes it sounds a lot like Neo's matrix human batteries. I've never watched The Matrix, any of them, I just am aware of the references.Yep, at 30 minutes he says it.

He's talking about God's refection in a mirror, the black mirror? 35 minutes he's talking about the Trintiy.

Hegel refers to it as a system of circles, which aligns with traditional Hermeticism. But in reality, it’s a system of triads. A triad is a union of three, otherwise known as a “Trinity”. This is not a coincidence. Hegel structured his entire philosophy around the Christian Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and that’s where the three points of his dialectic comes from.
As I keep saying, the Trinity is not Christian, it's Pagan. The symbolism isn't a coincidence, because this is the real religion of the Papacy and Anglicanism these days.


I suspect synthesis somehow feeds eventually to ONENESS.

dialectc materialism.png

Really good, at 46 minutes he's basically explaining where The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola come from.


Quite enjoyed that, TIK is good.
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Re: Destroying the "Dialectic" of Hegel: "God's Mirror"

Unread post by napoleon »

i love the cults ,the aversions and policing they do to themselves in public forums about 911 is literally my high and the template for all my interacting injection points ,only because i like to fuck around with people

im still a novice to paganism and catholocism and incorporating all these doctrines into a practice ,it's easier for me to do what i have for years and listen to the scholars with a belief behind what their opinion is (depending on sincerity and reason),because mine changes weekly

i can't help but think it all stems back to a simgularity ,you could say the garden of eden ,or a form of society that was gone a millenia before babylon ,perhaps atlantis perhaps

but either way they have a shematic that sets a fire in mans mind and the kindling seems to be a scientific separation of spirit earth and heaven,reasoning so to speak

i have no problem at all accepting the majesty and magic that created this place also created me via my parents ,its the same as the answer to hitchhikers guide

This new computer will incorporate living beings into the "computational matrix" and will run for ten million years. The computer is revealed as being the planet Earth, with its pan-dimensional creators assuming the form of white lab mice to observe its running. The process is hindered after eight million years by the unexpected arrival on Earth of the Golgafrinchans, and is then ruined completely, five minutes prior to completion, when the Earth is destroyed by the Vogons to supposedly make way for a new hyperspace bypass.

so i can grasp ,creation no problem
and mans reluctance to accept it due to arrogance or stubborness,i have that stubborness in other areas ,i can even understand the generational loyalty to a group of controllers ,but its the psience that they flaunt and lies they push that really clues me in to why they wanna remove fath

anyway imn wafffling this below made me laugh

Narrator: There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory mentioned, which states that this has already happened.[7]
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Re: Destroying the "Dialectic" of Hegel: "God's Mirror"

Unread post by rachel »

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola in action...


"Compassionate Systems Awareness" combines social emotional learning mindfulness techniques, physical deprivation and psychological manipulation to get children to become activists for leftist political causes.

Is this school or a POW camp?

This is for 6 and 7 year olds...because "not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten".

From Fabian Bertrand Russell's 1953 book, The Impact Of Science On Society.

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Re: Destroying the "Dialectic" of Hegel: "God's Mirror"

Unread post by rachel »

Walter Veith goes into apostate Protestantism.

Walter Veith - The Religious Conflicts | The greatest war ever to be waged on this planet

"The system has become Spiritualism."


@napoleon, you know I was saying "the builders performed a Masonic ritual with a 'ground-breaking ceremony in 1912 that laid a cornerstone' of the Wilmette Baha'i Temple", well guess what...

corner stone.png
papal authority.png

It's because it's all the same religion, it just has nothing to do with Jesus Christ.


It all leads to this. The New World Order of Bahaʼu'llah.

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Re: Destroying the "Dialectic" of Hegel: "God's Mirror"

Unread post by SaiGirl »

If history is "a lie agreed upon", then what is the truth?

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