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Are Judy Woods' energy weapons real?

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:46 pm
by rachel
I thought I'd put this here because we have similar in this thread.

I've just been watching a couple of 'The Healthy American Peggy Hall''s videos. And I caught this one with a discussion of some of the pictures from the latest U.S. "wild fires".

UN-NATURAL FIRES -- Expert Analysis by forensic Arborist Robert Brame

A few of the pictures they discuss.


Re: Are Judy Woods' energy weapons real?

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:45 pm
by rachel
This one was claimed to be from the Maui fires. I think whatever the truth of it, the same method of burning was used on both.

I still can't help thinking this is purposely staged to promote the idea of energy weapons. Because if we didn't already get it, a CORONAVIRUS, else THE COMMON COLD, is part of the plot from 'WAR OF THE WORLDS'. just as ALIENS with ENERY WEAPONS are.

We have Richard D. Hall who promotes ALIENS and ENERY WEAPONS, and we know Hollywood constantly reboots the same story over and over and over and over again. So what's the odds they will eventually run the 'WAR OF THE WORLDS' scam all over again.

Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 - Complete Broadcast.


Jeff Wayne & Liam Neeson - Exclusive Interview

The War of The Worlds - The New Generation - TRAILER


Liam Neeson Presents Schindler's List 25th Anniversary Curriculum for Educators

SaiGirl wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:55 am Shoutout to fakenukesphil:

Liam Neeson on behalf of UNICEF.

Once again, the MESSAGING is clear: Only the "United Nations" (UNWRA, UNICEF, etc.) and its agencies can be trusted to solve "problems" like Gaza.

Metascript messaging: We need the UN to supersede existing regimes and establish their loving and benevolent governance OVER us.

Everyone loves Liam Neeson and his movies, right ?

Or is he getting a bit over exposed? Like Tom Hanks, for example.
They can't deploy these Hollywood celebrities too often or too aggressively without risking blowback.
Especially as entertainment derived from AI, makes Hollywood, movies and actors
obsolete and no longer marketable.
A digtial synth of "Liam Neeson" could do just as well as the "real" celebrity.


Re: Are Judy Woods' energy weapons real?

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:58 pm
by napoleon
judy wood is a coordiantor as such like wildtimes logs what people believe and where they live ,judy wood was the same kind of honeypot ,she would have been used firstly to detract from hollywoods go to method of miniatures ,if ever addressed at all by the cointel she orbits ,but she is also part of the chamber of reflection ceremony ,her being the witch with the wand and twister ,solomons temple where heaven crosses the earth same principal as above so below ,the meeting point one from heaven and one from the fairystory mk ultra oz played over 911 explanation ,magick
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if you know the ceremony of by heart then the counterpart or a much better word is synthesis of the star alignments and the source psinema material ,the overlap as it were ,where fantasy and celestial alignments overlap on that dream of a day
the overlap becomes dr judy wood ,she has a right honker for a start ,a twister ,a wand dew,and her copilot j hutchenson uses the wizard of oz repertoire magic ,ie yellowish stones = yellow bricks
flying broom
magic water
and his o point enrgy battery is modelled on a lightsaber
this is why all the controlled opposition even the ones that take us to september clues level must not address the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. of 911,the oz schema of 911 or the miniatures of 911,and the best part is george lucas uses all three methods in star wars ,lukes friends are mirror images of ddorothys .we see 911 all over star wars ,and judy was to highlight the star alignment on that day at that time making the star of solo-man,ergo george lucas made his overlap in the same method we get judy woods ,its very psimple as 911 was ready in 1980 all they had to do is add the foregrounds to the filmed ,collapsed miniatures ,so long answer is judy woods directed energy was metaphorical and she even states it was above the towers ,just as sirius the rainbow star was
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what you have to remember rachel is when i got here they had already settled on judy being a lie but they never explained why grown men belived it was a real collapse ,it wasnt til i found they were just not interested in explaining the next logical step after september clues ,and after i got hacked and they all made mad claims about me,before too long the idea of talking to people about 911 got turned into a farce,so i just decided to solve it myself oh and the masons who run jlb and ips wanted me to join them too ,instead we get them in his chats now lol ,shame really cos abs not changed his mind i just suspect after 5 years of allowing frauds to dictate your audios hes got used to it,they can never bring up oz anyway so the old charlatans are lost its fun to listen to liars,i played through all the moves they had in mid may 2018 and miniatures inevitably leads to i.l.m and star wars ,so this was why i got targetted ,and funnily enough the reason i said in our first chat to ab i call 911 the millenium fall-con ,911 toys are not in any allowed truth about 911 ,as i say its very clever and fun to be a fakeologist as you know ,i just hop more turn up i get embarrassed at ab having to talk to them ,a napoleon wilson day would get rid of most ,cheers
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lots of different directed enrgy weapons

Directed energy weapons which use photons such as light, infrared, or even gamma and X-rays in a tightly collimated beam that can either externally burn or internally damage critical components to destroy a vehicle. In space, 50 miles might be easily achieved.

For use on the ground or air, 50 miles may be a problem due to a phenomenon known as “blooming” where the air heated to extreme temperatures defocuses the beam making it lose energy before hitting the target.

Considerable effort has been put into ground and air based lasers. Some are chemically pumped using reactive gases. Others use electric power stored in capacitors for a very brief and extremely powerful pulse. Weapons that blind sensors already exist and require far less power.
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its a great way off showing ab his contemporaries were cunts and controlled from day 1 ,and that he is special you see ,cheers doll great question by the way

Re: Are Judy Woods' energy weapons real?

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 2:32 pm
by xileffilex
rachel wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:45 pm This one was claimed to be from the Maui fires. I think whatever the truth of it, the same method of burning was used on both.

Which method might that be? Just curious.

Re: Are Judy Woods' energy weapons real?

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 4:28 pm
by rachel
The official explanation for such fires are lighten strikes; the tree being ignited from its core, so it burns from the inside out.

200-year-old pine tree burns after lightning strike in California

I'm guessing once the concept was learned, forestry commissions employ it as useful way to remove single trees. I've found no written evidence, but they probably drill into the tree and use some sort of chemical agent as the ignition source.

On that first clip I posted earlier, that looks like archive footage taken somewhere in Europe, there is something about it, maybe it's the tree type, or the grass scrub. Also, the fire is bottom to top, not top to bottom.

Re: Are Judy Woods' energy weapons real?

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:21 pm
by xileffilex
And all the cars were hit by lightning?
Don't worry [or a big red flag!] it's been fact-checked by Full Fact. Glass melts in forest the right conditions... ... r-windows/

Re: Are Judy Woods' energy weapons real?

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:09 pm
by napoleon
told yas the linchpin of 911 is the the ceremony that uses one narrative ,the same narrative gave us the name of the funding of the terre-ist ,the same narrative dictates the shape of the hole at shanksville ,the same narrative is off limits to controlled fucks and explains that the american dream is in technicolour ,the same narrative gave us judy a wand and a twister ,i aint trying to describe what fakeology is either ,i can tell you what it isnt ,it isnt what abs been doing in the audios since may 2019 ,and it isnt what passes off a sleuthing to lyn or phil or whatever tosspot you wanna hold up high as a fucking show ,tell you what if your having a show ,show me something or read something ,ab puts up with so so so much halfassery i cant believe it
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what is fakeology ,well at the moment and since 2019 its been ab accepting people who make it into the discord are a bonus to talk to ,nah going downhill fast since covaids stopped ,what we had trannie wars .chemtrails ,psilly ass truthers

Re: Are Judy Woods' energy weapons real?

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:16 pm
by napoleon
and people saying judy woods officiandos like mr e or gosmell the others are good men ,fucking embarrassing what shit heads get away with ,you need some real men in the audios reading the fucking blog ,not these paid truthers from nist or backroom researchers with google on hand and the accepted truth about 911 ,i accept nothing but the best about 911 ergo i came here and solved the cunt
its a fucking soup kitchen where a microphone and a ddonation you get a room ,ill stay in my car till the fumigators have been
shabby as fuck

Re: Are Judy Woods' energy weapons real?

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:27 pm
by napoleon
good job i have integrity and principals cos i got fuckall else ,and i never even played the game when i knew it was diana rigged

pull that plug ab ,its not helping you ,let the fucks have to atleast work their way in via merit

Re: Are Judy Woods' energy weapons real?

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:30 pm
by rachel
Don't get disheartened @napoleon. Silence is to be expected. Silence means they are yet to pick a side.
And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word. - 1 Kings 18:21 KJV