Vaccine health effects on babies and children

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: Vaccine health effects on babies and children

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The Forgotten Side of Medicine ... use-autism
How Do Vaccines Cause Autism?
22 JUL 2023

One of the most challenging things for me throughout my time in the medical field has been watching children become neurologically damaged by vaccines, and the widespread blindness of the medical profession to this issue. Unfortunately, because so much money has been spent to engineer the societal belief that vaccines do not cause autism, anyone that asserts otherwise is immediately subject to widespread ridicule, to the point it’s mostly a lost cause to convince medical professionals vaccines aren’t always safe. In many cases, the only thing that can open their eyes is their own child being severely injured.

The business of using propaganda (public relations or PR) has gradually evolved into a more and more streamlined formula that reuses the PR techniques found to be the most effective for manipulating the public. Because of this, once the COVID-19 vaccine push started, those who already had firsthand experience with the PR techniques used to prop up the previous vaccinations immediately recognized that something bad was in the works. More importantly, since the exact same vaccine PR scripts were reused to gaslight those with COVID-19 vaccine injuries, it led many to begin questioning the earlier scripts, like those used to debunk any link between vaccines and autism.

Recently Steve Kirsch started looking at that question, and in an attempt to bring attention to the issue, raised three very important points:
  1. Contrary to popular belief, there is actually a great deal of compelling evidence linking vaccines to autism. For example, regressive autism always develops shortly after vaccination—but never before, something that cannot happen unless one causes the other. Likewise, there is a significant amount of evidence correlating vaccine uptake with autism rates.
  2. There is presently no accepted explanation for what is causing the explosion of autism we are facing.
  3. The explosion of autism is one of the costliest diseases facing our country, so decades of hand waiving that has insisted there’s no scientifically valid explanation for this explosion doesn’t cut it.
You might notice how these three points mirror what we are now seeing with the massive wave of (often unmistakeable) side effects from the COVID-19 vaccines.

One of the major stumbling blocks in proving that vaccines could autism has been to explain their mechanism for doing so. In this article I will start by describing the most commonly cited mechanisms followed by the two‚ I believe play key roles in both vaccines causing autism and the current wave spike protein injuries. Since all of these mechanisms are interrelated, treating one often improves the others...

...In my eyes, there are three core reasons why vaccines cause autism:
  1. They create chronic neurological inflammation.
  2. They cause a zeta potential collapse.
  3. They create a sustained cell danger response in the body.
Additionally, each of these can cause the other two, making their separation be somewhat arbitrary.

There are a few important correlates of these three processes.

The first is that things besides vaccines can also trigger each of these occur (e.g., a congenital rubella infection). The difference with vaccinations is that they are highly likely to cause each of them and more importantly, are something (almost) every child is exposed to. As a result, the most common trigger for autism is vaccination, but other things can also serve as the trigger for each of these processes. This helps to explain much of the confusion on exactly what causes autism.

Secondly, these are the same critical processes that underlie many other diseases such as Alzheimer’s and the myriad of COVID-19 vaccine injuries. One of the most compelling data points I have come across supporting this relationship comes from Ed Dowd’s recent discovery of England’s disability claims data, within which the rate of adult autism requiring disability support spiked in parallel with the vaccine roll-out:

Note: this dataset is for claims in individuals aged 16 and older
Note: this dataset is for claims in individuals aged 16 and older

Third, most of the treatments I have seen that effectively treat autism ultimately addressed one or more of these three processes. For example, one large survey of parents with autistic children found virtually all the medications they were prescribed did not help, but four things did:
  • Addressing food allergies (e.g., by removing gluten from the diet).
  • Addressing an underlying candida infection.
  • Addressing genetically impaired methylation.
  • Removing heavy metals from the body.
There are a few other treatments I have also seen significantly improve regressive autism, and I believe each of those treatments likewise improves one of more of the three critical processes. Many of those treatments have also been quite helpful in treating COVID-19 vaccine injuries, so I believe they are even more important to understand now...
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Re: Vaccine health effects on babies and children

Unread post by rachel »

Just a reminder from 20 Jun 2022.

GMA3 & ABC News reporting on the CDC giving the 'Green Light Go' for the scoops for children from 6mths - 5yrs. Of course this was going to be approved. God bless all these little children. Enjoy the day!

From news report:
  • "Starting here with the developments late today just before we came on the air, the CDC giving the green light for covet shots for some of america's youngest children. President Biden calling it a monumental step forward in our nation's fight against the virus. CDC director Rachelle Wolenski agreeing with the findings of a CDC panel. Today that group voted unanimously to recommend the shots, one member saying they had more information available now than they often do for other vaccines. 18 million children from six months to five years old are now eligible the first doses are expected to start going into arms early next week .

    12 yes's zero no's and so the motion would pass the stand.

    A panel of CDC advisors unanimously recommending both the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for children 6 months and older. 27 percent with children under the age of five said they would definitely not get their kids vaccinated."
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