I was told by an antichrist to "listen to GAIA directly, not books, nor me" my response.

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dave j
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I was told by an antichrist to "listen to GAIA directly, not books, nor me" my response.

Unread post by dave j »

Genesis 1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the Earth.

Gaia in the instance above is used to reference the idea of Earth. Why would I listen to another creation of God when God my Lord Jesus Christ is my friend.

Now then moving towards the idea of why these fallen lost antichrist characters want you to look at Gaia or the Earth or the ground for guidance. Why would someone tell you to listen to Gaia.

First I would like to show you the hypocrisy of even the quoted title it says listen to Gaia directly not books not me" in simple gematria Gaia equals 18..(G7 , A1, I9, A1)=(18)That just so happens to be the same as"ME"... Now then if the title is hypocra-full .. then the entire series is to be dismissed.

The idea of Earth worship or Gaia worship is pantheism, what pantheism then does is offers individual little gods for all of the different interactions that the Earth faces as if it is some terrestrial battle Royale.

Whether it be the Earth the wind the fire or the water each one is given their own God who is in constant conflict with each other.

All of this is idle worship much like an engine in idle it will take you nowhere and only use or consume energy and thus is a complete waste of time.

Time split in the reflection is it/\me then it and me combined above you will see allows you to become one with a lesser creation and thus you become dust by your own choice and worth nothing in the end you simply dissipate.

Now then there is no one that you know of or have ever talked to that was born from the dust you were born from a woman and you were born after the water broke in order to live in the truth in the Christ the light of this world you must be reborn and this happens when you answer the call of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Make no mistake it is not a choice made by the individual man or woman you are called you are chosen and it is by your will that his will be done.

You become the light of the world in which the darkness will not overcome you any longer it is now dead to you as you have overcome death itself and have passed into true life by the consumption of the true living water.

Now then this is why you must listen to what others say to you look at the words they use look at the ideas they are trying to pass to you and then ask yourself if you already know better and if you do know better return to the mind that gave you life


I have noticed that there is a large contingent of fence sitters atheists and outright Satanist that run and find comfort within the fakeologist so-called community and associated web pages and blogs.

I am here to tell you now that you have no resting place and at no point is any corner hidden from me.
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