The Devil's Playground

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Re: The Devil's Playground

Unread post by napoleon »

911 was a hundred years in planning and the lads who pretended they were 911 researchers have had their arses handed to them ,some even jumped ship and reanimated more rosicrucian space bullshit or still frequent the fakeologist audios occasionally duping ab with donations
the cult behind 911 has vast resources and hires all the deviants and braindamaged individuals, so dismissing 911 as a topic is why you are confused on the tranny subject i think

just like farcevalue

he goes against it instead of getting to the route of the problem ,and that problem is most of the lads pushing trannies are masons

so complaining about it or defending one only allows the discussion to carry on

i cant expalin a man in a dress anymore than i can explain a man in a suit bouncing on the moon ,dillusions are usually personal

i have no prejudices in discussing anything and i will give an honest opinion ,but id much rathe have a place to discuss these topics that is not innundated with halfassery from the housclowns still distractibng ab
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Re: The Devil's Playground

Unread post by napoleon »

theres been men walking in dresses down the high street as long as i can remember
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Re: The Devil's Playground

Unread post by napoleon »

for instance there was an audio last from the fakeologist ,allshotsclot

and the chap ab had on was a clear distraction agent probably thrown in at the last minute to distract ab ,sure they had previous chat but this lad is 100 percent agent controlled

now during that chat i could tell ab wanted or wished he had installed a trapdoor to pull a lever and remove these houseclowns ,now thankfully he just interupted and said this is bollocks in his own way

now will we see that behaviour with friendly agents who piss all over his site and work and take up his audiostreamer no ,will he say stop blaming the jews to the agents will he just wash his hands of rollo and them othe retards
but what i can tell you is the moment he does manup ,the following week your tranny questions will be answered in full by clever apes than me

so treat 911 as whatever you want ,but to ignore the one evnt that binds all these lying sacks of shit that call themselves fakeologists who all ignore 911 like you ,because after all this is fakeologist the only oplace where 911 is explained accurately

so im sorry if i was critical of your research or observations

maybe your not cut out to be a fakeologist
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