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9/11 Truth, Jodie Foster & Aimee Terese Simping, Judeo Critical Race Theory


Dissident Right Wingers Are Always Wrong About Everything


Date: September 18, 2021Author: bannedhipster54

A nice long rant about Covid, Jews, and Anglos.

The only systemic critique of capital on the right comes from the white nationalist sphere, who see fascism as a viable alternative to free market capitalism. But here we run into two problems. The first is fascism itself, which is both untenable in the western context and massively problematic for a ton of reasons. The second is their hyper focus on the Jews. If you listen/read these guys long enough, you realize that what they call “the Jews” is more often than not simply capitalism. Whatever their role in it, they are not IT. So “the Jews” are behind low birth rates and offshoring and predatory finance and everything else. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fully aware of the Jewish role in everything (otherwise I wouldn’t read your blog). But in the minds of WNs, if you got rid of Jews, all of their problems would vanish. Which of course they won’t. It might lessen them, it might curb their worse excesses, and certainly certain racial and foreign policy issues would be resolved. But it won’t change the system itself, even if one were to believe that Jews single handedly created it (which I don’t). So again, “the Jews” become a racial stand in for a particular class and their interests. And you could substitute “the Jews” with “cabal of satanic pedophiles” or “Freemasons” or “adrenochrome drinking lizard people” for the lunatic right. Anything other than a systemic critique. — amalekite, What’s Right

The other day I took a well aimed swipe at two right-wing factions that are increasingly annoying: TradCats with their Judeo-Masonic-Illuminati-Republican-Communist Conspiracy Theory, and Anti-Anglo Nazi LARPers. I got the response I expected, of course, but just on a hunch I checked Wikipedia and, yeah, I was right:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_o ... in_Germany
Just read through a mainstream account, and adjust for the Oy-Vehing. What you will find is, of course, the exact opposite of what right-wingers – and Jews – claim. Far from being “anti-semitic” the Catholic Church and the German aristocracy privileged Jews over non-Jewish Germans, granted them a financial monopoly, and protected them from backlash by the enslaved masses of Germany.
Long before the Reformation – long before the British Empire. As usual, the right-wingers are just wrong.

Jewish migration from Roman Italy is considered the most likely source of the first Jews on German territory … The first authentic document relating to a large and well-organized Jewish community in these regions dates from 321. … Jews were otherwise free to follow any occupation open to indigenous Germans and were engaged in agriculture, trade, industry, and gradually money-lending.

Charlemagne … employed Jews for diplomatic purposes … The Church forbade Christians to be usurers, so the Jews secured the remunerative monopoly of money-lending. This decree caused a mixed reaction of people in general in the Frankish empire (including Germany) to the Jews: Jewish people were sought everywhere, as well as avoided. This ambivalence about Jews occurred because their capital was indispensable, while their business was viewed as disreputable. This curious combination of circumstances increased Jewish influence and Jews went about the country freely.

In pre-Reformation Europe, Jews were a caste. “Money lending,” i.e., finance, was one part of the occupation of their caste and as we can see, diplomacy – i.e., international relations was another. Because of the Jewish Diaspora, they had Jewish communities – oftentimes, as small as a few hundred people – in every major city and formed a network that provided economic and diplomatic links between European nations and the Ottoman Empire.
Anti-semites like to talk about how many countries Jews were expelled from. In their efforts to demonize Jews, they completely miss the larger significance of that. Jews were expelled because they were diplomats and financiers of the Holy Roman Empire and other European empires, as well as the Ottoman Empire.
The revolt against Jews were of a kind with the Iranian taking of hostages at the American embassy in 1979.
What about the explusion of Jews from England by King Edward I in 1290? If you ask a Jew, he will tell you it was because of “irrational anti-semitism” due to Catholicism. If you ask a Catholic, it was a based decision, only to be overturned by the Protestant heretic Oliver Cromwell. Of course, both sides are missing the significance for shallow, self-serving reasons.
First, why were there Jews in England in the first place? They were “invited” there by Catholic imperialist William the Conqueror in 1066. Why? Because he wanted them to perform their caste duties of finance and diplomacy.

The first Jewish communities of significant size came to England with William the Conqueror in 1066, when William issued an invitation to the Jews of Rouen to move to England, likely because he wanted feudal dues to be paid to the royal treasury in coin rather than in kind, and for this purpose it was necessary to have a body of men scattered through the country who would supply quantities of coin.

Based Catholicism, inviting Jews into a country to farm taxes, exploit the peasants, and maintain imperial diplomatic links to the Holy Roman/Germanic/European Empire and the Ottoman Empire. “[The] court and major Barons bought Jewish debts with the intention of securing lands of lesser nobles through defaults.”
Both Jews and anti-semitic Catholics like to make this some moral issue, but in reality this was a political-economic move. Jews would love you to believe that evil Crusaders were going house to house kidnapping and murdering tens of thousands of innocent Jewish merchants.
How many Jews were expelled?
Two thousand.
That is how many Jews were in England. Two thousand. Once again, you are not talking about a “community” or a “religion.” You are talking about a caste – essentially, a company, foreign agents, an embassy. The King and his nobles were cancelling their international debts and expelling the bankers. You know who objected? The Germans who were in league with the Jewish financiers. And the Ottomans.
When Cromwell brought the Jews back, it had nothing to do with religion, he was re-joining the European wide diplomatic and financial network. But now, the Catholic Church could no longer guarantee Jewish monopoly on finance, now Protestant financiers and merchants could write insurance contracts for shipping, too. John Calvin broke the Jewish-Catholic monopoly, and the Protestant countries had a golden age of discovery, economic growth, and scientific and industrial progress.
Those damn Protestants, especially the philosemitic Puritans, right? Well, no, quite the opposite. “Overall the strongest political group of the 1640s and 50s, the English Puritans, had a negative view of toleration, seeing it as a concession to evil and heresy.”
If you look at the rest of the expulsions throughout Europe, it all follows much the same pattern. “The Jews” were not a persecuted religious minority, they were a political and economic caste engaged in finance and diplomacy.
Both the Jews and the anti-semites complete evade the material factors at play.
The White Nationalist’s conflation of Jews with Capitalism, as critiqued by Amalekite above, is very similar to the TradCats conflation of Jews with Imperialism. In what is a constant reactionary cycle, Jews and their philo-semites claim that Jews are responsible for only good, nothing bad, then the anti-semites react and claim that Jews are responsible for everything bad, and nothing good.
Jews, wrongly, claim that “anti-semitism” just sort of happens, by accident. Jews show up in some area, then, for no reason at all, people become “anti-semitic.” The infamous former head of the Anti-Defamation League, Abe Foxman, once said in an interview that what the ADL does is “make America user-friendly for Jews.”
Just consider the implication of that sentence, and the mindset behind it. For Americans, America is our home, our land, our nation. For Jews, America is an object to be used. It’s the opposite of JFK’s adage, “what your country can do for us.” It is also, not coincidentally, the mindset of a narcissistic sociopath who can only relate to others transactionally.
Even more hysterically, I listened to the Two Mikes podcast with the infamous Michael Scheuer, the man who failed to get Osama Bin Laden and prevent 9/11, and their guest, the leader of the John Birch Society. The John Birch Society is a particularly amusing right-wing group formed to “fight Communism.” The smarter faction of JBS realized that the actual Communists, the ones taking orders from Stalin, weren’t the “real conspiracy.” The “real conspiracy” were the “Globalists” like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Rockefeller apparatus.
Just after a stirring denouncement of Globalism, the hosts ask the President of the John Birch Society if their donations were growing, and the President proudly explains, yes, they are gaining more and more donors from Europe, Central and South America, and even Asia.
An anti-globalist society proudly detailing their global growth. I get it, right-wingers cannot do irony, but there it is. One is tempted to adapt Matt Taibbi’s legendary description of Goldman Sachs; it seems the John Birch Society is simply jealous of a competitor, it wants to be the “great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessy jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.” The guest conspiratorially quotes David Rockefeller:

For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure–one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” ― David Rockefeller, Memoirs

It is just so frustrating. During the Cold War, the same right-wingers demanding the United States withdraw from the United Nations would have been demanding a nuclear strike on Moscow or The Hague if it had moved there without United States participation. The same right-wingers denouncing socialism and cheering for capitalism turn around and complain about the very globalism that is demanded by capitalism.
Ted Kaczynski had their number twenty five years ago:

The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values. — Ted Kaczynski, Industrial Society and Its Future

Guest linked this excellent article about the Covid Phenomenon and what was really behind the “Covid Lockdowns.”
A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Systemic Collapse and Pandemic Simulation, by Fabio Vighi

In pre-Covid times, the world economy was on the verge of another colossal meltdown. Here is a brief chronicle of how the pressure was building up:

June 2019: In its Annual Economic Report, the Swiss-based Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the ‘Central Bank of all central banks’, sets the international alarm bells ringing. The document highlights “overheating […] in the leveraged loan market”, where “credit standards have been deteriorating” and “collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) have surged – reminiscent of the steep rise in collateralized debt obligations [CDOs] that amplified the subprime crisis [in 2008].” Simply stated, the belly of the financial industry is once again full of junk.

Remember back during that time period, and what came immediately afterward, and remember what the right-wingers told us. “The Z-Man” was telling us that “Trump was doing pretty good on the economy.” But of course people who know what they are talking about, like the economists at BIS, knew that the economy was “overheating” due to “leverage.” When the lock-downs were implemented, and Trump sent out a measly $1500.00 for people to live on, right-wingers like RamZPaul screamed bloody murder, what about the inflation?
The inflation was in the stock markets and the financial assets. But right-wingers like Z-Man and RamZPaul love it when there is massive, historically high inflation, in the financial system. They consider that a “strong economy” and even – laughably – call it a “free market.” Then, when the economy “overheats” and we enter the inevitable deflationary spiral, these right-wingers are the first to start warning about … inflation.
You just can’t make it up.

9 August 2019: The BIS issues a working paper calling for “unconventional monetary policy measures” to “insulate the real economy from further deterioration in financial conditions”. The paper indicates that, by offering “direct credit to the economy” during a crisis, central bank lending “can replace commercial banks in providing loans to firms.”

Right-wingers love massive money inflation, and high levels of debt, as long as it has the fig leaf of “capitalism” by laundering all of that money printing through commercial banks. You get the inflation – inflation in asset prices – and you get the debt – not just public debt, but private debt too. This is well functioning capitalism. This is what right-wingers want, this is what they demand. Then, when it all blows up, they blame anything except for their own policies.
It’s stunning. Right-wingers are always 180 degrees from truth and reality. To paraphrase a real conservative, Chesterson, right wingers reject the new, progressive lies, not for the truth, but for the old lies they were used to.

15 August 2019: Blackrock Inc., the world’s most powerful investment fund (managing around $7 trillion in stock and bond funds), issues a white paper titled Dealing with the next downturn. Essentially, the paper instructs the US Federal Reserve to inject liquidity directly into the financial system to prevent “a dramatic downturn.” Again, the message is unequivocal: “An unprecedented response is needed when monetary policy is exhausted and fiscal policy alone is not enough. That response will likely involve ‘going direct’”: “finding ways to get central bank money directly in the hands of public and private sector spenders” while avoiding “hyperinflation. Examples include the Weimar Republic in the 1920s as well as Argentina and Zimbabwe more recently.”

Pay close attention here: “going direct” – getting “central bank money directly in the hands of public and private sector spenders.” This is what right-wingers scream about, but the actual people who know how the system works – who are not brainwashed by right-wing economic illiteracy – understood that if the newly printed money went into the banks, the banks would just continue to inflate asset prices and offer lower and lower quality loans – thus, making the systemic problem even worse, which would lead to … another, even worse deflationary collapse six months later.

22-24 August 2019: G7 central bankers meet in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, to discuss BlackRock’s paper along with urgent measures to prevent the looming meltdown. In the prescient words of James Bullard, President of the St Louis Federal Reserve: “We just have to stop thinking that next year things are going to be normal.”

15-16 September 2019: The downturn is officially inaugurated by a sudden spike in the repo rates (from 2% to 10.5%). ‘Repo’ is shorthand for ‘repurchase agreement’, a contract where investment funds lend money against collateral assets (normally Treasury securities). At the time of the exchange, financial operators (banks) undertake to buy back the assets at a higher price, typically overnight. In brief, repos are short-term collateralized loans. They are the main source of funding for traders in most markets, especially the derivatives galaxy. A lack of liquidity in the repo market can have a devastating domino effect on all major financial sectors.

Hilariously, The Z Man is infamous for telling everyone how they “don’t understand economics” then turns around and says, “I just don’t know what these Wall Street guys are doing.” The “Wall Street guys” were doing exactly what people like Z-Man and RamZPaul demand, inflating the stock market, lowering taxes, thus increasing debt, and something irrelevant, like cutting food stamps, because poor people are just “lazy” and “dependent on the government.”

17 September 2019: The Fed begins the emergency monetary programme, pumping hundreds of billions of dollars per week into Wall Street, effectively executing BlackRock’s “going direct” plan. (Unsurprisingly, in March 2020 the Fed will hire BlackRock to manage the bailout package in response to the ‘COVID-19 crisis’).

Before Covid. Were the right-wingers sounding the alarm about this “big government” activity? No, they were celebrating Trump’s strong stock market!
Again, before Covid:

19 September 2019: Donald Trump signs Executive Order 13887, establishing a National Influenza Vaccine Task Force whose aim is to develop a “5-year national plan (Plan) to promote the use of more agile and scalable vaccine manufacturing technologies and to accelerate development of vaccines that protect against many or all influenza viruses.” This is to counteract “an influenza pandemic”, which, “unlike seasonal influenza […] has the potential to spread rapidly around the globe, infect higher numbers of people, and cause high rates of illness and death in populations that lack prior immunity”. As someone guessed, the pandemic was imminent, while in Europe too preparations were underway (see here and here).

18 October 2019: In New York, a global zoonotic pandemic is simulated during Event 201, a strategic exercise coordinated by the Johns Hopkins Biosecurity Center and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

21-24 January 2020: The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting takes place in Davos, Switzerland, where both the economy and vaccinations are discussed.

23 January 2020: China puts Wuhan and other cities of the Hubei province in lockdown.

11 March 2020: The WHO’s director general calls Covid-19 a pandemic. The rest is history.

Now, we don’t want to get into any conspiracy theories here, because we know that right-wingers like RamZPaul and The Z-Man don’t believe in conspiracy theories, but it’s all pretty obvious to anyone who prefers truth to lies, either new lies, or the older lies preferred by right-wingers.
These issues are all related. The anti-Anglo Nazi LARPers hate the British Empire for using the exact same tactics that German – and Austro-Hungarian – imperialists had used for thousands of years. They leveraged the Jewish diaspora for their own imperial interests. The Jewish expulsions from Spain were just a continuation of their fight for independence from the Moorish Empire, as Jews were performing their traditional role in the Muslim empires.
Hitler and the Nazis would not have had to fight the Communists if Imperial Germany had not assisted Lenin in staging a Communist revolution in their enemy Russia. The Roosevelt family, more than any other, are responsible for the rise of the American Empire, and no – they were not Jews. But they were surely hooked into the Jewish networks around the world. Frankly, the Americans took advantage of the weakness of the British, a traditional rival, after World War I to enlarge their own Empire.
Jewish power in America rests on their ethnic nepotism mostly in the media. They were junior partners, as they have traditionally been, until the Cultural Revolution of the 60’s, where they really did take center stage. A huge amount of Jewish power is based on the Mishpucka, Jewish organized crime, the “Jewish Mafia.” The Anti-Defamation League has always acted as a front for that. It’s hardly a coincidence that as soon as Andy Jassy took over Amazon, they announced a partnership with the ADL to censor the Internet.
The problem with Jews in America is they hate America and Americans, even their secular version of Judaism has maintained its antigoyimism. But Jews are hardly the only ones that hate America, the entire leadership class of the Democratic party is devoted to Global Imperialist Capitalism. Jews – as usual – leverage their power to assist and organize imperialism, globalism, international finance, and mass immigration. But they surely could not do these things by themselves. As always, there are structural, material factors that drive these things.
It has got to be one of the most absurd ironies that you have a “Catholic” – meaning “universal – Church, itself an engine of imperialism that has privileged Jews for two thousand years – complaining about Jewish power and imperialism. Even more absurd, a bunch of Anglo-Americans with a Hitler fetish chaining themselves to a dead ideology and a conquered political party that wouldn’t have had them as members anyway. You can forgive the Confederates, because they are advocating for their own people, they are defeated, but not gone, they are still there. To blame World War II on Jews, or the British, or the Americans, is just ahistorical fetishism. One can fervently wish the World Wars never happened, as they were the greatest tragedies of human history. But you cannot change the past.
Jews, due to their hateful cult, have declared Americans the enemy. It is built into their religion, it is what it means to be “a Jew.” Because of this hatred, they will always take the anti-American side on any issue.
Jews leverage their power to actively discriminate against Americans in institutions they control, such as the Ivy League universities and corporations they control.
Mexican Catholics in southern California cheer for the Mexican soccer team and boo the American soccer team. This is simply a function of ethnicity, and if all Americans converted to Catholicism tomorrow, Mexican Catholics would still cheer for Mexico and boo for America. That is simply how ethnicities work.
The Indians, especially the upper class Brahmins, hate Americans nearly just as much as the Jews do. Jews will, and do, leverage their power to privilege these foreign groups over Americans. The Chinese? The Chinese are “the Jews of Asia” due to their large, diaspora population, the so-called “Overseas Chinese.” It is hardly coincidental that they are hated throughout Asia. Chinese “American” Andrew Yang hates Americans so much he said he would cut off his famous UBI Freedom Dividend to “white supremacists.” It is not due to being a Yellow Devil, it is due to normal ethnocentrism that is found in all people except for Northwestern Europeans who have the cognitive feature of “individualism” that has proven so adaptive in the past and so maladaptive under ethnically diverse multiracialism.
We must resist the right-wing temptation to demonize the outgroup. I don’t have to hate the Chinese to not want them here. I don’t have to hate Jews to recognize they hate us. I don’t have to demonize Mexicans to want them in Mexico.
All you have to do is read what these two “dissident right” groups, the TradCats and the “NS” say. Sure, they hate the Jews. And they hate us. They hate America. So, what is the point? Like Jews, they have declared themselves the enemy. Unlike Jews, however, they have no power and are simply a liability to any pro-white American movement.
Why do the TradCats like the E. Michael Jones fans spend so much time on the white right message forums? Because they don’t even have control of their own Catholic institutions. We’re the only ones who will listen to them. Instead of getting together with their fellow Catholics, they try to recruit the “white boys” to fight the Jews for them. If the Catholic Church was such a strong bulwark against the Jews, why are they expelled to the outer darkness with us? All they want to do is blame us for their Jewish problem. They are basically saying, “we hate the Jews and you.”
Well, what is there to say, then?
The same goes for the NS. I find some NS content informative, like “Jazzhands McFeels” of Fash the Nation. But he hates us, he hates America, he has declared us to be the enemy. I find Mike Enoch pretty funny – I also found it quite hilarious when it was found out the Internet’s second most famous Nazi was married to a Jewish woman, who was sometimes even a guest on his show. Mike Enoch’s not even an American, he’s a Serb, living in New York City, the least American city in America. Quite obviously, the National Justice Party is never going to win a single election of any kind.
I’m just not a right-winger. I have no interest in joining a political party dedicated to hating me and my country. I have no interest in a religion that hates me and my country and my ancestors. Right-wing ideology is not just a failure, it is a comical failure.
They always want to fight the last battle. Every country in the West in facing a global technocratic police state and we’re about to be dragged into literal concentration camps and injected with experimental gene therapy, and these right-wingers want to complain about the British Empire from a hundred years ago, or the Protestant Reformation from 500 years ago. They are all just a bunch of cranks.
What is quite telling, too, is that if a Jewish banker like Larry Fink DIDN’T do what he is doing right now, the right-wingers like RamZPaul and The Z-Man would be lining up to lynch him, as under a real “free market” their 401ks would be marked to zero.

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[https://0]Black Label

September 18, 2021 at 1:48 pm

Good stuff. OT Foxnews pumping the Niki Minaj twitter drama breaks the record for the cringiest pandering I think I have ever seen that it defies belief. Tucker giving her the stunning and brave treatment makes me want to puke, not to mention that bitch is stunningly hideous and disgusting.



September 19, 2021 at 3:50 am

It’s the dumbest psyop I’ve ever seen. Plus, isn’t Minag’s husband a pedophile?


[https://0]Black Label

September 19, 2021 at 10:44 am

I wouldn’t call it a psyop, just really, really pathetic “owning the libs” bullshit. Her husband raped a teen when he was also teen, so he is a registered sex offender. Tucker and Foxnews would easily know that information. In my view rallying behind that twat comes off as really desperate to say the least.

[https://0]Black Label

September 19, 2021 at 10:57 am

I just want to add this is mainly theater, and like most culture war bullshit, just distracts. I kind of wish I didn’t bring it up at all but I just can’t believe how low the bar is now.


September 18, 2021 at 2:53 pm

This is fun.
Utter Contempt is a one man proof of the “Anti-Semitic Trope of Jewish Dual Loyalty.” American born, even though he is only “half Jewish” – and on his dad’s side – he didn’t sign up for the US military after 9/11 – no, he joined the IDF, a foreign military. Now, he’s infiltrating the White Right in Idaho, obviously for Mossad. He’s the poster boy for Colin Liddell’s abandonment of European interests to go full time Israeli Hasbara and anti-anti-semitism.
But boy, does Utter Contempt have TRS’s number.
https://uttercontempt.wordpress.com/202 ... ask-bigot/
> A couple weeks ago I was listening to an FTN podcast, and within the first ten minutes, one of the presenters, referring disdainfully to conspiracy theories about COVID-19, says, “If you can convince me that Bill Gates is Jewish, I’ll believe this conspiracy.”
> Putting aside the fact that in the current year, of course Jewish plutocrats are involved in ruling class machinations for social control, FTN here encapsulates my whole problem with alt-right JQ memes. Bill Gates is fucking shady. COVID-19 is shady. The government’s whole response to it is shady. It’s obviously a huge psyop. Yet in the absence of Jews ex machina, none of this interests TRS. Months after they happened, these guys are still disparaging the anti-lockdown protests (~45:10) in terms resembling those used by liberal pundits. What remains of Spencer’s cohort is likewise still treating COVID-conspiracy theory dismissively (~38:00). This isn’t just a difference of opinion about the numbers. It’s moral support for a plutocrat agenda from people who brand themselves as dissidents.
My former co-blogger liked to point out that TRS was always anti-9/11 Truth – isn’t that weird? Mike Enoch went out of his way to say “Israel did 9/11 is just a meme.” No, Enoch, it wasn’t a meme – it’s a fact. Funny how the most anti-semitic people want to defend Israel on 9/11. Interesting, that.
> They do the same thing with 9/11—not just to their audience, but to their colleagues. A few years ago on a podcast (~50:00), podcaster “The Mad Wop” starts in with a bit of trutherism. Promptly, and with a lot of pretentious sighs and awkward pauses, Enoch and McNabb start steering him away like a couple of boardwalk con-men, claiming there’s no hard evidence for alternative theories, blaming Saudi Arabia and “bureaucratic incompetence.” McNabb then asks, supposing it was an inside job, “what does it get us” to promote 9/11 truth?
> IDK, what does it get you to promote Goebbels and Himmler? The fuck outta here.
> First they say al-Qaeda did it, then they say they’ve “always been skeptical” (~20:00) of the official narrative. Then they say the Jews did 9/11 at the same time (~20:00) they say the Jews “created the whole 9/11 truth movement.” None of this makes sense. Noticers aren’t supposed to not notice things. Professional noticers are not supposed to run a sideline in telling their audience, “Move along, nothing to see here.”
> TRS says many true things, and they also have a propensity for obscurantism that’s very odd considering the boldness of their worldview in other areas.
> There’s a name for this kind of thing. It’s called gatekeeping. Beyond that, I won’t speculate. I don’t have to.
Hey – it is always worthwhile to pay attention to enemy spies like Utter Contempt. I’ve wondered the same thing about these “Nazi” types. They want to “debunk the Holocaust” but they won’t touch 9/11 Truth? They think it’s a crazy conspiracy theory to say Israel did 9/11, considering who had physical control of the WTC, who ran the security at the airports, the Dancing Israelis, the 200+ Israeli agents rolled up afterward?
Also – yeah – it is quite suspicious how many so-called “dissidents” on the “Right” went nuts attacking “Covid Conspiracy Theorists.” RamZPaul noted that they were the ones with legal issues hanging over their heads due to Charlottesville … some of them didn’t just accept the official narrative, they immediately turned into full time Covid propagandists.



September 18, 2021 at 5:32 pm

“some of them didn’t just accept the official narrative, they immediately turned into full time Covid propagandists.”
Wasn’t their position that if you’re going to shut down the economy then people should be paid monthly? And that the mask thing, while annoying, was something to divert energy into? They never told anyone to get vaccinated.
If you wouldn’t mind, could you link to your immediate posts and articles when corona started up in the media so we could all compare? And how many years ago is that 9-11 podcast from?
It’s suspicious how much you go after jew-namers, especially ones putting out genuine journalism like Striker exposing the real-world details of specifically how the FBI implements the jewish anti-White agenda. And how consistent you are in reminding us that we got this jewish thing all wrong and some jews are A-Ok. And then you always want to tie in people who don’t have anything to do with each other, like NS and RamZPaul. It’s weird and disingenuous. You come across like a left-wing Jared Taylor, miffed that the jews didn’t keep you in the catbird seat.



September 18, 2021 at 6:00 pm

Yeah, I get it. I touched a nerve here. If you aren’t acting like a stereotypical (((Hollywood Nazi))) then you must be a “buttgoy.” Have you told me to “Read Siege” yet? Told anyone to join Patriot Front? Atomwaffen?

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Re: Who are they?

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Sorry, is Ab for serious, "the Jews did it", seriously?

This is like saying "follow the money", like Ab did on the Eve call.

If you truly believe this reality and how it is controlled is all about the Money, you are still in 1st grade truther hell.

Unless Ab/fako is a 1st grade honeypot itself, seem to remember Ab saying they're an Atheist.
If you're still an Atheist after looking at this stuff, self declared, for more than 10 years, you are just feeding the beast system which some of us are trying to get the fluck out of and never want to return to.
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Re: Who are they?

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I am an agnostic.

I may have missed the point - I don't think that article states "the Jews did it".

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Re: Who are they?

Unread post by RadicalEgg »

Title of topic = "Who are they"
And rest of post a tirade of the Jews.

Did you miss the point of your own post perhaps.

So now you are Agnostic?
A couple of calls back in a FAK and several others you labelled yourself as Atheist.

So which is it, the two are not remotely related or interchangeable.
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Re: Who are they?

Unread post by Samson79 »

RadicalEgg wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 4:13 pm Title of topic = "Who are they"
And rest of post a tirade of the Jews.

Did you miss the point of your own post perhaps.

So now you are Agnostic?
A couple of calls back in a FAK and several others you labelled yourself as Atheist.

So which is it, the two are not remotely related or interchangeable.
Hey RadicalEgg

I see this happen alot.

People are tooooo quick to come to a conclusion on a major premise by the fundamental technique of moving the focus onto a minor premise.
While I respect your comment (I heard Ab state in his chat with MrE that he was "agnostic") maybe you could state where Ab speaks of being Atheist?


Having a well reasoned and fully informed debate about "Jews" is simply NOT possible without contextual and clearly defined knowledge of the interchangeable synonymous meanings of the term "Jew".
It requires knowledge of biblical, historical and contemporary contexual analysis.


Jewish (individual identity), Jew (Judean/adherent of Jewish religion/Judahite/Hasidic/Khasar/Shephadic ....), Jude (Jew), Judaism (Jewish religion), Judean (national identity), Judah (Israelite tribe), Judahite (individual Israelite identity), Israel (biblical character), Israel (geographical landmass), Israelites (12 tribes), Israeli (contemporary national identity)....
Etc etc....

Alot of purposeful obfuscation and confusion surrounds this complex array of definitions and that in itself is the perfect enviroment for claims to be made by imposition.

If you can clarify the context of the use of the word "Jew" you used and not leave the ambiguity to supercede the opportunity to give a clear definition, I could and perhaps should, question your charachter or motive?

See how easy it is to do what you did?

What I AM showing you is as individuals we have to be clear about our motives on the usage of words.
It's possibly the only debate "Who are they" (Jews) that stands in the way of knowledge regarding the world.

It's a great topic to research but not so easy to debate where the primary motive is to seek knowledge on the identity/identities of Jews.

If you use Jewish literature, encyclopedias etc you can include Jew to be synonymous with further reaching historic definition, ie

Canaanite, Jebusite, Girgashite, Edomite....

Without context the better question might otherwise be:

When is a Jew not a Jew but still be a Jew?
Or in todays dumbed down societal terms...
Is it even possible to attain a truthful definition of "who are they?"
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Re: Who are they?

Unread post by Samson79 »

Another observation....

No mention of Jewish child sacrifice, something I had researched years ago, not a nice topic to be acquainted to by reading detailed historical accounts, many still easily verifiable.
From memory the financial usury claims are (while completely true) overshadowed completely by the European historical record of the expulsions being instrumentally caused by retaliation to child sacrifice (not usary).
Also the Catholic church was the world leader of documenting this by canonizing the young victims.

The world is run by sexual perverts, where young children are being traded between Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Satanists .......all the banners are meaningless because the crime remains the same regardless of "affiliation" (religious or otherwise).

Pizzagate seems old hat now that people are more concerned about a fake virus...
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Re: Who are they?

Unread post by Samson79 »

Shem. (People of Shem).
Son of Noah who was present on the Ark.

Shemites:Semites:Semitic peoples

Semitic languages...

Shem had 5 sons.

Anti-semite is one of the greatest fake/false claims in use of the English language.

First people who claim someone is "anti-semitic" hides amongst the notion of being semitic.

Jews (modern day adherents of the religion called Judaism) are NOT semitic.
Jews (same context) use a semitic language sure...
How many people here or anywhere do you personally know who have looked closely and studied the descendants of Shem and truely KNOW how to verify (obtain the truth) regarding someones credentials of a claim to be: Semitic?
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Re: Who are they?

Unread post by xileffilex »

Bullard is clearly an insider.
Alison McDowell reminds us that Bullard of the Fed put on his medical hat in early April 2020 to tell us that daily "testing" would be the new normal
https://wrenchinthegears.com/2022/01/02 ... n-society/

Here is a list of the authors of the "Going Direct" plan unveiled at Jackson Hole in August 2019 before there was ever any crisis
https://wallstreetonparade.com/2020/06/ ... -the-plan/

https://wallstreetonparade.com/wp-conte ... Direct.png
BlackRock Authors of “Going Direct.” Top, left to right: Stanley Fischer, Philipp Hildebrand. Bottom, left to right: Jean Boivin, Elga Bartsch.
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Re: Who are they?

Unread post by fakeologist »

Yes I posted that on fakeotube long ago. Daily testing to see if you can leave your house. It will have nothing to do with anything health wise.
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Re: Who are they? 12 tribes of Israel

Unread post by Nesrality »

The famous 12 tribes of Israel and their strange symbolism with snakes & wolves have always fascinated faithfuls & skeptics alike. But no evidence has ever been found that these perticular “tribes” have really existed, and it also doesn’t make any sense that a kingdom — or spookery — could be founded by humble desert nomads. And upon closer analysis, the “tribes” seem to be just punny phrases, yet another parable about spookery.
Many people are obsessed with the poetic-mysticist description of the “12 tribes of Israel” — with “lions”, “snakes” & “wolves”! — and the mainstream’s everlasting hunt for the “lost tribes”. Some truth-seekers even believe that spookery can be explained by mysterious “tribes” harboring some grand secret, and then conquering the world with it.

I don’t, and I can now disprove the speculation: If you pun-decrypt the garbled text, it is the usual general introduction to spookery, which explains that the aristocracy is simply better off when they don’t admit their power & corruption, but instead put an additional layer of deception & disguise on top.

This is also evidence that the people who invented spookery were already powerful aristocrats, probably already the most powerful. The text never explains how to attain power, or how to defeat other powers. Rather, it starts with something like “lordship by birthright, you are the beginning of my strength”, where rˀwbn-bkr “Reuben the firstborn” puns with rbnw-bkr “leadership by birthright” (Genesis 49:3). So lordship by birthright is how power really starts. The only problem are the pḥz-k-mym “uncontrolled waters”, i.e. the pḥz-k-ˁmym “uncontrollable people” (Genesis 49:4). In my opinion, this confirms Miles’ analyses of spookery as a very simple & ham-handed deception, by which powerful people can only fool their powerless subjects. Spookery simply adds even more power to existing power.

Overall, the word šbṭ “tribes” seems to be a pun with šbṭ in the sense of “veil”. This meaning is not attested, however. I found only the meaning of “pressed cloth” & “plating”. But since many rare words for “veil” are derived from similar attributes, this may be the intended pun.

As an interesting sidenote: Not all of the 12 “tribes” are actually aspects of spooky deception. Rather, some are apparently used as pun-encryptions for “the subjects”, e.g. Benjamin, Simeon & Levi. Others describe traditional aspects of power, e.g. Reuben, Dan & Gad. So the “tribes” are not exactly symmetrical here, but tweaked to suit the punnery. I think this is because the spooky parable was saddled on an older non-spooky parable (probably like most Bible stories). It was perhaps about aspects of traditional power, because šbṭ “tribes” also puns with šbṭ “scepters”. I doubt that it would contain great secrets though, even if we had the assumed original text.
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