Stage Managed

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Stage Managed

Unread post by rachel »

While looking up July 6th and George Floyd, I came across this BBC article.

George Floyd: Timeline of black deaths and protests

It has "a timeline of major incidents since 2014 involving police officers which resulted in the deaths of black Americans." ...The first photo is clearly staged.

17 July 2014: Eric Garner
A protest over the death of Eric Garner at the hands of New York police

Sorry, but two apparent police offices wearing eye makeup = ACTORS PRETENDING TO BE POLICE.


Need I go any further in this investigation? Or is it safe to conclude the BBC is extremely unlikely to mix the timeline of real murders with staged fake ones. So I'm guessing we can auto-hoax...
  • 17 July 2014: Eric Garner
  • 9 August 2014: Michael Brown
  • 22 November 2014: Tamir Rice
  • 4 April 2015: Walter Scott
  • 5 July 2016: Alton Sterling
  • 6 July 2016: Philando Castile
  • 18 March 2018: Stephon Clark
  • 13 March 2020: Breonna Taylor
  • 25 May 2020: George Floyd
  • 11 April 2021: Daunte Wright
Studying the photos, the next one looks like the result of a student project.

22 November 2014: Tamir Rice
A solitary toy is left as a memorial near where Tamir Rice died

Another clearly staged we think the photo journalist put it up for an award? How many times did the "police" run at her?

5 July 2016: Alton Sterling
A lone protestor confronts a line of police in Baton Rouge

Yes, because the first thing anyone does when they find out their friend has been killed is get on the computer, create a piece of artwork with #JUSTIC4 PHILANDO, then go to the local printers to get them to run up a set of placards. What do we think the turn around on a job like that would be?

6 July 2016: Philando Castile
A friend of Mr Castile weeps during a protest

It gets better though, because going external to the article, we find out the printers didn't just run up the placards, we have different sizes, more printed placards, a big printed photo.


Yes, they really look upset at the injustice, don't they?


What do we think, another university project for their performing arts and film media students?

11 April 2021: Daunte Wright
Clashes erupted following Daunte Wright's killing, which occurred during the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin

Yes, another one where "my mate's been killed by the police, let's create some artwork"...and the local printers makes a killing again.

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Re: Stage Managed

Unread post by xileffilex »

Of course, the 2011 London riots were ignited [sic] by another lazy police hoax.

It was very carefully chosen location by intel - easily sealed off, no houses on one side, on the other a still unfinished and empty high rise block ***
Check the street view from September 2011 at this location. ... ?entry=ttu

but there was an amazing line of sight from the upper floors of a newly completed student block where "Witness B" [ho ho] filmed with a potato lens ... ark-duggan
The aftermath of the shooting was filmed from the ninth floor of a nearby building, by a member of the public known as Witness B. They begin filming around 40 seconds after Duggan was shot, and continued for 15 minutes. The footage is shaky, and low-resolution.
as always, shaky and blurry, the hoaxers' hallmarks.

spontaneous protest

The fuzzy footage later was given to the BBC, no doubt with anything awkward for the narrative edited out

Note the addition of red buses through the cordon to add some reality. Always buses involved in these hoaxes. The CGI of the "attack" adds so much credibility....
The scene bears many similarities to the abject Westminster Bridge/Parliament hoax of 2017, which probably isn't surprising, coming from the same production team.

Naturally, the lawyers had an all expenses field day after this event, with inquests, inquiries... what's not to like on top of the burning of parts of the city?
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Re: Stage Managed

Unread post by rachel »

That BBC report talking about witness footage, "...we've had his comments analysed by an independent expert". What with COVID, that statement hasn't aged well.

One thing I remember about Mark Duggan story was the photos. Apparent independent voices going on about how they had been cropped by the media. Thinking about it, because multiple people decided to talk about that aspect and not something else, it was likely built in and part of the given script. Here's an example.

Picturing Mark Duggan

Last week the controversial killing of 29-year-old Mark Duggan by police in North London was ruled lawful by a jury. His killing sparked riots across London and elsewhere in England. To many, it seemed like another unnecessary killing of a young man found prematurely guilty in the minds of police by virtue of the color of his skin. While the court case is over, many still believe that Duggan was murdered without cause.

In the meantime, the news covered Duggan’s case quite extensively and, while there is a lot to say, here I want to draw attention to how the story was illustrated. A Google search for his name offers a glimpse into the many faces of Duggan, as uploaded by the media. Outlets choose which to picture to include, ranging from a smiling face with cherubic dimples (upper left), to a posturing blue “hoodie” photo (bottom left), to the stoic stare with a knitted brow (upper right hand corner).


Each of these, together with a headline, potentially leaves the reader with a different impression.

Cropping matters too. You might notice that third image from the left in the top row is a cropped version of the bottom right. Two other frequently used photos were also cropped. All exclude connections to others: a visit to a grave site, a plaque commemorating a daughter (“Always in our hearts”), and a baby in his arms.




It may make journalistic sense to exclude context and focus on the individual. Likewise, I don’t know why some photos were chosen over others and surely there are factors that I’m unaware of. So, I don’t mean to criticize the media agents making these decisions. I do want to draw attention, though, to the fact that these decisions are being made. And they inevitably color our reading of the news stories they accompany.
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Re: Stage Managed

Unread post by pasterno »

Each of these, together with a headline, potentially leaves the reader with a different impression.

Cropping matters too. You might notice that third image from the left in the top row is a cropped version of the bottom right. Two other frequently used photos were also cropped. All exclude connections to others: a visit to a grave site, a plaque commemorating a daughter (“Always in our hearts”), and a baby in his arms.

It may make journalistic sense to exclude context and focus on the individual. Likewise, I don’t know why some photos were chosen over others and surely there are factors that I’m unaware of. So, I don’t mean to criticize the media agents making these decisions. I do want to draw attention, though, to the fact that these decisions are being made. And they inevitably color our reading of the news stories they accompany.
Looking at things there is the:

1. event
2. immediate reaction by media / NGOs with a clear framing
3. the copying and multiplying of the frame
4. public reaction

On this site the event is a lot discussed. Way too much. It's not really important. It can be staged, but for many events they can prepare a script.

E.g. it is certain 200 blacks will be shot by cops in a year in the US. Just statistics.

The deception is not the event, it's the reaction.

Cropping is framing.

The story is manipulated. And that makes it fake. The narrative is very different from the truth.

Wether or not George Floyd was an actor doesn't really matter. it was never on the event.

it's about the effect in the mind of the public.
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Re: Stage Managed

Unread post by rachel »

With some of the other apparent riots, the 2010 G20 Toronto summit protests and the recent Israel-Palestinian student protesters to name two instances, I'm convinced the main recruiting ground for "protesters" are performing arts/film media departments of the local universities. The participants don't get paid, instead it is part of a major project where they get a picture of the victim and a couple of paragraphs about the back story. They then use this as a basis for creating banner designs, etc, etc, etc, and of course they need a protest, so not only do the graphic design students get some milage, but also the film media department and performing arts students. We can therefore predict these types of riots will only happen in cities relatively close to universities with a major Performing Arts departments.

News media organisations then work hand-in-hand, because the students will end up going into the industry, and it's also a cheap way to produce "news". And the more the industry expands the more fabricated events need to be created to support all the graduates, to keep those bums-on-seats paying student fees at university. Western civilisation eats itself to keep the 24/7 fake news cycle going.

Mother_Pelican_feeding_her_young_with_her_own_blood.jpg (61.86 KiB) Viewed 1927 times

Grabs taken from the Columbia University student protests, April 2024. Note the professional camera equipment being used. As a reminder, this is filmed on the private land of Columbia University campus, so the people in apparent police uniforms need not be actual police officers, but rather clothing that looks like police uniforms from a distance. As long as it's done in the private, it's not against the law to impersonate a police officer.

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