Hybrid Warfare Combines the Cognitive with the Kinetic

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Hybrid Warfare Combines the Cognitive with the Kinetic

Unread post by SaiGirl »

For many centuries, the idea of “combined forces” has preoccupied generals and field marshals.
The Romans, Byzantines, Normans, etc. all closely considered the most effective ways to COMBINE different combat assets, in order to deploy them to maximum effect.
In the beginning it was about combining combat infantry with cavalry (light or heavy) and archers, slings and chariots.
Then siege engines came along.
Battering rams, siege towers, catapults, ballistas, trebuchets and ""Greek fire" became critical strategic necessities in ancient and medieval wars.

In time, specialists like Bonaparte and Clausewitz learned to integrate the musket / rifle, canon (artillery) and cavalry charge, to maximum effect on the battlefield; or in laying siege to cities.

But ALWAYS and everywhere, at the top of the list of strategic priorities, is the skill with which one combines KINETIC assets (“special effects”) with COGNITIVE. assets (psywar), in order to break the will of an adversary and shorten the time and cost of conflict.

Modern warfare is a complex and multifaceted socio-political phenomenon of a hybrid nature.
It uses a variety of forces and means in a complex manner. It is carried out in almost all spheres of life and activity of people and states.
in his memoirs, the Minister of Industry of Germany (1943-1945) Albert Speer pointed out that it was enough for the Allies to bomb several factories producing bearings and the entire industry and military equipment would stop within a few months.
In a contemporary analogy, if electronic microchips and bearings imports to the Russian Federation stop due to economic sanctions, then in a few months the production of electronics for the military sphere and mechanical engineering may stop there.
But if, due to appropriately changed beliefs, worldviews, attitudes, and emotions (modulated and transformed because of purposeful cognitive influences), the employees of these factories consciously begin to sabotage the work that contributes to the war, the same result can be achieved much more efficiently and effectively without the use of conventional weapons.
An even more powerful effect occurswhen cultivating and promoting false scientific views and theories- for
example, denial of climate change or COVID-19.
Then the state, its economy and science are hampered in their development for many years and even decades. Sometimes the result of such an effect is almost impossible to overcome at all. It will manifest itself in one way or another in the future.
This was the case in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, where cybernetics and genetics were declared as pseudo sciences, hampering biological and environmental sciences for decades.
As combined operations, these can be characterized as resilience targeting or weaponization of vulnerabilities.
As closely related concepts, they grew out of concern over deliberate destruction of environmental systems,
with resilience targeting focusing initially upon postwar reconstruction.
If, for example, many thousands of accurate to describe this not as a combat operation but a deliberate
attempt to prevent farming communities from returning to those fields after the war.
The same processes can be found in cyber operations, where. norms, beliefs and values are shifted to such an extent that, to paraphrase Thomas Wolfe, one can never go home again.
Not only will physical infrastructure be targeted, as we are witnessing with energy supplies in Ukraine by fall 2022, but psychological landscapes are being heavily influenced as well, with the intention of permanently disjointing what had been functioning communities.landmines were spread in agricultural fields in Bosnia,

https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/cgi/view ... ontext=jss
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