Aaron Dover scraps

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Re: Aaron Dover scraps

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Interesting, in this one Dover states the Pyramids were originally sitting on the banks of the Nile. That makes sense, in terms of what I've found regarding port cities...New York being no exception.

Aaron Dover - The truth about the Pyramids of Giza?
Were pyramids actually powerplants and harnessing atmospheric energy?

Dover is talking about batteries at eight minutes, but there are different ways to store energy, which doesn't necessarily have to be in cells; and actually I've heard gravity batteries are a very efficient way to store energy, just impractical in many situations.

A gravity battery is a type of energy storage device that stores gravitational energy—the potential energy E given to an object with a mass m when it is raised against the force of gravity of Earth (g, 9.8 m/s²) into a height difference h.

In a common application, when renewable energy sources such as wind and solar provide more energy than is immediately required, the excess energy is used to move a mass upward against the force of gravity to generate gravitational potential energy. When customers eventually require more energy than the sources can provide, the mass is lowered to convert the potential energy into electricity using an electric generator. Though solid masses such as concrete blocks can be used, more commonly, pumped-storage hydroelectricity generation involves pumping water to higher elevations and later guiding it through water turbines to generate electricity.

Pendulum clock driven by three weights as "gravity battery"
Pendulum clock driven by three weights as "gravity battery"


When I was looking at the WTC building layout, the thing that got me was the design of the elevators. It did seem to suggest the towers where built to move masses of people up and down - from a facts and figures website: "There were 198 elevators in the Twin Towers and 15 miles of elevator shafts." - that would be, of course, 99 elevators in each tower. But what if it wasn't people they were moving up and down?

As you say, looking at the towers documentation, only a handful of the floors seem evident as existing, therefore the elevator design seems a major over-kill; almost like the intension was to build full-occupation, but this was abandoned after the elevators were installed. Dover suggests they were all false doors, which might well be true. But wouldn't it be an elegant solution if the battery storage was actually in the form of weights being moved up and down the towers? Like a big grandfather clock.

Below is a earlier post explaining the elevators according to the official story. Considering the vast number, there only seems to have been one set of two, direct from ground to the Observation Deck or Restaurant on the top floor of each building.
rachel wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:43 pm With the help of a plan of floor 95, I think I've identified all the elevators in 1 WTC so the building layout makes sense. I'll get the floor 44 skylobby plan up again as an overview, then show what the transfer lobby is about.



The second diagram is the elevator area of floor 44. If we start with the top row of twelve elevators again, these are the express elevators that go to the floor 78 skylobby. The four orange outer ones on both side do not stop at floor 44, but the four middle blue ones do; this is why it's called a transfer lobby. So, if I'm on floor 49 again, and this time I want to go to floor 88, then let's work it out; I could do it in two ways. The long way, I would first get the local elevator down to floor 44, and then the express elevator down to ground, I then walk over to the bay of elevators for the top third of the building, and get the express elevator to floor 78 skylobby, and then walk over to the bay of local elevators that serve floor 88 and get one of those to my destination.

Because that's quite mental, the 'transfer lobby' was included in the design. So this time, again starting at floor 49, I get the local elevator down to floor 44, and this time I walk across to the transfer lobby; here I can get one of those four blue express elevators up to the floor 78 skylobby, there will be no other stops. Once I'm at 78, I can go to the bay of local elevators that serve floor 88 to get to my destination. So the transfer lobby goes to ground, 44 and 78, but not 107. That row of express elevators all stop at 78 according to the floor 95 diagram.


When we add the information from the floor 95 diagram we can assign all the areas that look like elevators. We see from ground level, there were eight express elevators that went to floor 78 skylobby only (orange) and eight express elevators that went to floor 44 skylobby only (yellow). Four express elevators went to both 44 and 78 (blue) The green express elevators are the only ones that went strait from ground to floor 107, I suspect that while the diagrams to list them with openings on 44 and likely 78, they couldn't actually be called from these floors. They were the express elevators we see videos of people getting from ground to the Observation Deck or Windows on the World. On the floor 95 diagram we see them highlighted in pink. The yellow areas on the 95 diagram are service shafts, so not for people. The interesting one is the one I've highlighted purple in the top diagram. It's called 'Elevator 50' and I doubt it was for public use. Because it appears on all diagrams, I suspect it was a staff service lift and could stop on any floor.

One final point, I seriously wonder if, as well as no floors, there were no windows...think of the Eiffel Tower structure. This would therefore explain why the window holes were designed to be so narrow. Below, I'm guessing a bit of a coded tell from the gelatin boys.
(...) the tower windows, similar to the narrow windows in Yamasaki´s Michigan Gas Company Building in Detroit, were narrow for the same reasons. With floor to ceiling windows. Yamasaki felt comfortable only if the window width was narrower than his own shoulder span. According to the Roths, Yamasaki had a full-scale model of the window in his office, and by way of demonstration pushed Malcolm Levy into it; Levy´s shoulder stuck. (...)

Designed narrower than a person's shoulders as a safety measure...because there were no windows in the window holes. If this is so, the gelatin guys didn't have to remove a window to use their balcony.

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WTC Free Energy Atmospheric Tower

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Actually, the antenna of the 4 Times Square skyscraper is higher than expected : 127m which is massive...
After the broadcast equipment atop the World Trade Center's towers was destroyed during the September 11 attacks in 2001, the main transmitters for radio stations WKTU, WNYC-FM, and WPAT-FM and the backup transmitter for WSKQ-FM were transferred to 4 Times Square. In 2003, the original installation was replaced with a 385 ft-tall (117 m) mast. This allowed WKTU, WNYC-FM, and WPAT-FM to build main transmitters at the Empire State Building without disrupting existing FM tenants there. The topmost antenna, designed for Univision's WFUT-TV, was removed in 2015 and replaced with a very high frequency (VHF) antenna for television station WJLP, bringing the mast to 416 feet (127 m) tall.
- Wikipedia
Seems overkill to have over 400 ft (120m) tall masts to transmit radio and TV. Especially nowadays with the internet and fiberoptic cables. As a sense of scale here, there are just around 300 buildings that are as tall as the WTC One and 4 Times Square antennas. So, these antennas are taller than most buildings which is easy to forget as they are stuck ontop of skyscrapers.
So, the antennas are not antennas, they are their own structure or technology rather. And this is even more inevitable to notice today when we no longer have the same use of strong antennas for deploying ancient long wave radio signals.
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WTC Free Energy Atmospheric Tower

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Great find @Rachel - that is a very good Dover video. He clearly is all into his research here as there are so many converging points to be made from the pyramids and its importance in freemasonry. As Dover points out, there is a profound meaning behind putting the Cheops pyramid on the dollar bill.
So, just as the Cheops pyramid is the essence of Egyptology likewise the Twin Towers are the crux of 911. Clearly there can be no misunderstanding of 400 feet high antennas on top of these skyskrapers - its technology. And as Dover speculated, if you take away the golden capstone or the WTC tower antenna - you will have no clue to the true purpose of these buildings.
What's curious therefore is why there was a need for 2 buildings in 1968 and just 1 building in 2006. It you recall, the main difference between the WTC North and South towers is the antenna - only the North Tower had an antenna. So why build 2 equally tall and massive buildings to collect electricity from 1 antenna ?
rachel wrote: Sat Nov 30, 2024 11:22 pm One final point, I seriously wonder if, as well as no floors, there were no windows...think of the Eiffel Tower structure. This would therefore explain why the window holes were designed to be so narrow. Below, I'm guessing a bit of a coded tell from the gelatin boys.

Designed narrower than a person's shoulders as a safety measure...because there were no windows in the window holes. If this is so, the gelatin guys didn't have to remove a window to use their balcony.
The answer to why they built 2 towers with 1 antenna might be the same to as why there are other pyramids close by the Cheops pyramid : battery capacity. And in this sense what you refer to @Rachel in regards to missing windows might exactly match this utilitarian purpose of a storage facility - NOT EMPTY TOWERS.
911 Empty Towers sales picture HOAX
What most people have got sold on is one single iconic picture of the WTC towers empty... The point i have made about this picture since way back is that the picture is impossible. The famous "EMPTY TOWERS" picture is a hoax. Why ? Because for anyone who understand architecture and its representation in form of scale models knows this is a picture of a scale model.
Transparency is kind of an architects dream and when buildings are imagined and planned, the models made can be very deceptive because of the high degree of traansparency its possible to achieve on such a scale. So only architectural models are actually transparent - once a building gets built everything changes : light conditions make reflection inevitable, joinery makes window surface smaller, curtains and furniture are present.
Overall, only model buildings in architecture are truly transparent, especially for high rise structures. Yes they can be clad in glass, but you cannot see through the glass. So a tower can be shiny but not see through other than in a model. And in regards to the WTC it is plain obvious the structure and columns are the same width as the windows. If you then take into account the depth of the WTC structure - aproximately 60cm - it is the same as the aproximate with of the actual window - 60cm.
That is a recipe for a completely opaque facade in natural lighting on at least 3 of 4 sides - in accordance with sun exposure.
All buildings are opaque in real life - especially with the facade design of the 1971-2001 WTC towers
As the Art project Gelatin team show here - even from the inside the WTC tower was not very open or see-through
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Re: Aaron Dover scraps

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If we suppose that the WTC North tower and now the WRTC One tower with their 120m + antennas are able to harvest free atmospheric electricity, it really does change the how we should try to reverse engineer the events of 911 much like Aaron Dover suggested.
Dover analysed structure of the Cheops pyramid as an atmospheric electricity powerstation to have been a result of the technology they had available. Without a performant steel industry and automated machines, its not possible to build masts and towers like they did in 1968. Building in stone, the pyramid shape makes a lot of sense and while it might not seem so tall today with modern steel constructions to compare to - it was the tallest structure on Earth until the Eiffel tower was built in 1897.
What changed then between 1968 and 2000 that might have forced decisions for WTC atmospheric electricity powerstation to need a rebuild ? This is a question that is difficult to answer and as multiple factors likely would be important. For one i'd think of the advancement in batteries and energy storage. Also the pressure against fossil fuels could change the demand for electricity in years to come.
If the WTC was in reality a free energy powerstation that needed two gigantic buildings to be dissimulated, what can we expect to find the present day in the new and exactly as tall Freedom Tower? Maybe all the digging post 911 made it possible to dissimulate a much bigger amount of storage capacity. Maybe the Memorial waterpools also serve for watercooling powersurges. Who knows as nobody are looking nor thinking on the topic ?
National September 11 Memorial & Museum (wiki)
The two square reflecting Memorial pools were opened September 11, 2011
What is very compelling with Aaron Dover's insight and research is that if the WTC towers and compound was a free energy powerstation it makes more sense how the buildings were built, why they were built and also why they were demolished. And the disinformation, propaganda and gatekeeping around 911 equally makes lot more sense with the WTC as a couvert free energy powerstation.
For starters, the fact the controlled opposition played the free energy weapon card kind of came out of the blue. It was over the top in many ways - but it makes perfect sense if the couvert operation was designed obfuscate the true purpose of the tower complex : free energy harvesting - not a weapon.
Secondly, seeding the empty towers hoax image* equally leads us in the complete opposite direction from the fully functional unit the WTC was.
By reverse logic, nothing now makes more sense than than windowless, full storage utility WTC towers making free energy harvesting from atmospheric electricity. Its the polar opposite of what controlled opposition are doing their best to convince us of. Empty towers, free energy weapons.

* oh forgot to mention how you hardly ever need to make any floors in an architectural model - which further hits home the fact its a giant model we're looking at, photographed outside with real skies and sunrise
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Re: Aaron Dover scraps

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Regarding Aaron Dover scraps, i've found a number of his videos available from Bitchute which is encouraging. It would be practical to have all of Dovers work more properly referenced of course, maybe even stored in one location.
Realize that the discussion in this thread has shifted a bit into 911 territory albeit with an Aaron Dover twist, sorry. Maybe setting up a Free Energy Atmospheric Towers thread in the 911 section of the forum* would be appropriante.

* there are many well researched threads in the 911 section already - ie the "Artists at work" thread is really good
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Re: Aaron Dover scraps

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I was thinking the same thing when I posted my bits relating to 911. I can move this thread over the 911 section and leave a ghost in Ball Earth for a few weeks. There is another Arron Dover thread there that might be suitable for a merge too, but I'd need to check the dates to make sure posts don't clash.

EDIT: Tis done.
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Re: Aaron Dover scraps

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On the subject of gravity batteries...it's quite amusing how the narrator is pushing the "NEW" idea, and that the are looking for abandoned mines, only mentioning the possibility of buildings at the end of the section, and definitely no mention of atmospheric electricity.

How gravity batteries could change the world

The design is basically a lift housing two huge concrete blocks.

gravity-batteries.gif (2.87 MiB) Viewed 2309 times

Officially 198 across the two towers...99 in each building. Oh and guess where the prototype above has been built? The PORT of Edinburgh in Scotland.

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Re: Aaron Dover scraps

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It is very clear that the storage of atmospheric energy is a major part of free atmospheric energy harvesting - as we likely are dealing with every time we face the highest structures built around us - beginning with the pyramid - or the churches - then in obelisks and other monuments of tall stature.
Aaron Dover pointed out the Washington Monument (obelisk in shape) but also drew attention to church spires and TV broadcast masts (the tallest structures are not only buildings, but also TV masts).
The KVLY-TV mast, 629 meters. Completed in Blanchard, North Dakota 1963, it was once the tallest structure in the world
KVLY-TV mast compared to the tallest buildings in the world today
But going back in time before the advent of the steel industry, its clear that the height of buildings was much lower which made sculptures and monuments proportionally bigger and possibly interesting for the early development of free atmospheric harvesting.
Lateran Obelisk 45.7 meters (150 ft) erected in Rome on 9 August 1588

The Washington monument is an electricity mast - Aaron Dover
direct link: https://seed307.bitchute.com/etJx2NWNW5 ... Nlyt5S.mp4
Last edited by rachel on Fri Dec 20, 2024 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The elefant in the Towers

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rachel wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 1:14 pm looking for abandoned mines, only mentioning the possibility of buildings at the end of the section, and definitely no mention of atmospheric electricity.

The design is basically a lift housing two huge concrete blocks.

Officially 198 across the two towers...99 in each building.
The most obvious part of a free energy harvesting system is clearly the tower or mast, whereas the energy storage system is hidden or dissimulated - possibly in plain sight. The tricky part seems to be the size needed for storage, and the subterfuge necessary to hide it. The elefant in the tower,,,
And indeed @Rachel the gravity battery principle is very fitting. Its intriguing that they built so many elevators, especially if there were far lesser office workers and space than admitted.
But if there were so many elevators, what about all the empty floorspace and extra volume - how can they use all the empty space to improve the efficiency of the gravity energy storage concept ?
What is intriguing about the WTC is clearly why they built two identical towers needing just one antenna. This was probably no happenstance decision and there must effectively be some type of synergy from having two highrise structures as part of the same system.
In addition to gravity systems, there are also pressure based systems with air and gas that are efficient for storing energy without depletion. With the available volume in both towers, one can imagine this type of system would be very efficient - and also need a lot of vertical tubing just like elevator shafts.
Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is an intriguing method for storing energy, especially in contexts where renewable energy sources, like solar and wind, generate power intermittently. This storage system plays a pivotal role in balancing energy supply and demand, showcasing a notable capacity for large-scale applications
CAES technology is relatively slow in discharging the stored power capacity, but has among the highest system power rating together with batteries and pumped hydro storage technologies.Therefore, the amount of energy this technology can store in a large scale system is among the highest of the energy storage technologies currently available
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Re: Aaron Dover scraps

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Unreal wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2024 2:49 pm If the WTC was in reality a free energy powerstation that needed two gigantic buildings to be dissimulated, what can we expect to find the present day in the new and exactly as tall Freedom Tower? Maybe all the digging post 911 made it possible to dissimulate a much bigger amount of storage capacity. Maybe the Memorial waterpools also serve for watercooling powersurges. Who knows as nobody are looking nor thinking on the topic ?
National September 11 Memorial & Museum (wiki)
The two square reflecting Memorial pools were opened September 11, 2011
What is very compelling with Aaron Dover's insight and research is that if the WTC towers and compound was a free energy powerstation it makes more sense how the buildings were built, why they were built and also why they were demolished. And the disinformation, propaganda and gatekeeping around 911 equally makes lot more sense with the WTC as a couvert free energy powerstation.

While looking up gravity batteries, I find the more popular design is hydropower...you don't think they replaced one means of battery storage with another...in plain sigh...and called it a memorial?

Water Gravity Battery Powered by Excess Solar Energy using a DYI Microturbine

If it's atmospheric electricity, then I'm guessing there wouldn't be a problem collecting day or night. The fountains are apparently shut off at night for cleaning...it can take up to eight hours.

What is Pumped-Storage Hydro

I'm guessing it would be classed as a closed system with the ability to add water as needed via the harbour.

Closed-loop pumped storage hydropower systems connect two reservoirs without flowing water features via a tunnel, using a turbine/pump and generator/motor to move water and create electricity.
Closed-loop pumped storage hydropower systems connect two reservoirs without flowing water features via a tunnel, using a turbine/pump and generator/motor to move water and create electricity.

And rather than having an open upper reservoir, the water may be stored in piping a pipe type system? See at the bottom of the time-lapse, the layers of what is probably piping...and how the whole structure is built up.

911 Memorial Reflecting Pools-1a.png
911 Memorial Reflecting Pools-2.png
911 Memorial Reflecting Pools-3.png

Official 9/11 Memorial Museum Tribute In Time-Lapse 2004-2014

https://www.poolmagazine.com/pool-news/ ... ing-pools/
The two reflecting pools at the 9/11 Memorial
The North and South Fountains at the 9/11 Memorial have combined recirculating systems that pump up to 26,000 gallons of water per minute non-stop every day of the year. The water flows over the memorial’s two deep reflecting pools’ walls before being recirculated into catch basins.

The September 11 Memorial utilizes a method of keeping water constantly flowing from a 30-foot drop regardless of the weather New York City gets. The pool is engineered in such a way so that it’s reflective qualities and the sound of falling water remain consistent through the changing seasons.

Both the North & South pools have a 30 foot waterfall
Both the North & South pools have a 30 foot waterfall

There were more than a few challenging engineering feats Delta had to achieve in order to build the pools for the 9/11 memorial site. The weir structure they devised had specific requirements, one was the ability to easily adjust and level water flow to within 1/16th inch over 1400 linear feet.

16 pumps blast an impressive 26,000 gallons a minute over the 30-foot deep black granite walls of the 9/11 memorial
16 pumps blast an impressive 26,000 gallons a minute over the 30-foot deep black granite walls of the 9/11 memorial

How the reflecting pools are controlled and maintained
By far one of the most impressive aspects to these two reflective pools is the sophisticated smart chemical filtration system they use. The system is able to anticipate and react to New York’s inclimate weather conditions on the fly.

Chief Engineer – Anthony LoCasto, says it takes a crew of three men to clean the pools 5 nights a week and roughly 8 hours to clean, vaccuum and brush each of the memorial pools.

Both of the pools utilize a total of 16 pumps to circulate 26,000 gallons of water each minute. The system is responsible for circulating over 480,000 gallons of recycled water.

There is also a cutting-edge networked control management system which effectively monitors over a thousand different data points about the pools to maintenance personnel, making it one of the smartest pools on the planet.
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