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Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:33 am
by Samson79

In the UK, all your health history, your blood type, ethnicity and family (genetic) history is known to the very people your asked to book your appointment with in advance of the appointment.

So when someone is choosing/consenting to be "vaccinated" they have then been documented and digitally filed as which vaccine was given, to who and when. Pre decided (wether by AI or "consultant on pay roll").

The posibility therefore exists, that specific people of a specific genotype could be targetted, ie given a deadly vaccine, while others are given a placebo (useful idiots).

Also people being given a placebo can be used to offer plausible benefits by their example of no side effects to being vaccinated.


Re: EU=genics

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:40 am
by Samson79

CC = 33 (masonic baal canaan.....etc)


XX = 33