UK related articles

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: UK related articles

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From UK Column News - 6th May 2020

One of the UK Column viewers wrote to Neil Ferguson, the Imperial College researcher who's computer model is sighted as responsible for the global lockup. It was questioning the rational particularly in light of real data as opposed to his modelling.

Deaths per million in Non-lockdown (GREEN) Lockdown (RED) countries updated 01/05/2020
lockdown_graph_01052020.png (143.06 KiB) Viewed 9196 times

This is Neil Ferguson's response...
nf-response.png (140.57 KiB) Viewed 9196 times

He say's Sweden's data is not on the EUROMOMO site, it is and it shows Sweden has a far lower spike in deaths compared to places that have enforced a lockdown, much lower than the UK's excess death spike, and is well over the curve.

Death rates in Sweden up to week 17
sweden.png (68.14 KiB) Viewed 9196 times

He say's, the models show, if it hadn't been for the controls introduced, the impact would have been a lot worse. It's a pity reality doesn't agree with his factious model universe.

He say's 50 to 70 percent of deaths are COVID, but as we if we look at the article above this one, COVID 19 IS A STATISTICAL NONSENSE, we see how the Coronavirus Act 2020 has totally trashed the safe guides that were in place for death reporting, and that now "there is no requirement for any signing doctor to have even seen the deceased prior to issuing the [Medical Certificate of Cause of Death}". And all over the country NHS workers are reporting empty hospitals due to cancellation of all non-emergency treatment.

To top it off Neil Ferguson takes a sideways swipe blaming none COVID 19 deaths on people who feel more reluctant to go to hospital. Well considering the stories of elderly people 'pressured to sign do not resuscitate forms' and some of the comment from the Mumsnet link above - "I’m talking to friends who are ill. Doctors won’t see them. I’m hearing stories of ambulances being denied unless patients are bloody blue in the face. Enough already!!!!" - something has seriously gone wrong with the NHS, or excess death from non-treatment is now UK Government policy.

Lest we forget this prevailing sentiment in parts of the mainstream media after we voted, as a nation, to BREXIT... Remainer Lineker's dark dig at Brexit voters who ‘will be dead by the time we leave EU’
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Re: UK related articles

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Latest Office for National Statistics figures for EXCESS MORTALITY, 2020 WEEK 17, issued on 5th May.
Orange line showing 5 year average; red line, this year's excess deaths; the red dotted line, deaths attributed to "DIED WITH" on death certificate.
excess_mortalities-wk17-COVID.png (133.46 KiB) Viewed 9191 times

Shaded area, EXCESS MORTALITY not attributed to "DIED WITH COVID 19", so are as a direct result of Government Policy in cancelling normal NHS operations and treatment for other life threatening and terminal conditions, and from the lockup itself. This fits with Neil Ferguson's admission (se email grab in last post) that up to 50% of deaths could be caused by Government lockup policy.
excess_mortalities-k17-difference.png (129.86 KiB) Viewed 9191 times

But it gets worse, because there is a vast difference between a death being attributed to COVID 19 and a death being as a result of COVID 19, and we have Professor Walter Ricciardi suggesting Coronavirus Death Rates in Italy may be Exaggerated:
On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three.

Speculatively reflecting this "12% direct causality from coronavirus" finding to UK ONS data, we get the following picture of excess deaths not directly caused by COVID 19...
excess_mortalities-wk17-12percent.png (132.43 KiB) Viewed 9191 times
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Re: UK related articles

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Link to audio interview with Iain Davis, writer of the first article on this thread - COVID 19 IS A STATISTICAL NONSENSE

Corbett Report Interview 1543 – Iain Davis on COVID-19, LOKIN-20 and the Death of Statistical Sense

Today we’re joined by Iain Davis of for an update on how Britain is reacting to the coronavirus madness that is sweeping the globe. We talk about COVID-19, the Coronavirus Act and other legislative nightmares, the statistical chicanery that is perpetuating this crisis, and how people across the UK and around the world are reacting to the new normal.

One of the upshots of this interview, the Nazi type powers passed into law by the definitely not a banana republic UK Parliament can click into action by a positive result from the RT-PCR batch test, which inventor, the late Kary Mullis said 'cannot be used to identify a virus', it was never intended to be used for such a purpose, and an Oxford University study estimates from 5-80 percent of people who test positive do not have symptoms of Covid 19.
“Scientists are doing an awful lot of damage to the world in the name of helping it. I don’t mind attacking my own fraternity because I am ashamed of it.” – Kary Mullis, Inventor of Polymerase Chain Reaction

Read more about Kary Mullis, who died last year, and Dr David Rasnick, bio-chemist, protease developer, and former founder of an EM lab called Viral Forensics...

The Corona Simulation Machine: Why the Inventor of The “Corona Test” Would Have Warned Us Not To Use It To Detect A Virus
I asked Dr. Rasnick what advice he has for people who want to be tested for COVID-19.
“Don’t do it, I say, when people ask me,” he replies. “No healthy person should be tested. It means nothing but it can destroy your life, make you absolutely miserable.”

One of the countless head-spinning mysteries of this whole Corona Situation has been the advent of famous people, from Tom Hanks and his wife, to Sophie Trudeau, to Prince Charles announcing they had “tested positive” for COVID-19 and were self-quarantining. In all these famous-powerful people cases, the symptoms were either non-existent or mild. Why, one wondered, did they make such hay about it? The British Royals, especially, seemed to contradict their ethos of secrecy in this case. So what did it mean? It signaled, if anything, that COVID-19 is not all that deadly. That the virus can be present without causing the disease. That host factors matter. And that being “positive” for COVID-19 is neither a PR death sentence nor an actual death sentence. Maybe in their elite and esoteric language, it means some kind of prestige, or sacrament to a Pagan Virus Deity. Who knows? In the case of the Trudeau, Sophie tested positive, and had symptoms, while her husband Justin, the Prime Minister, never got sick, and was never tested. (He didn’t want to appear privileged; Not everybody can get tested in Canada, you must have symptoms.)

We do live now in a world dominated by a Corona virus, as my friend Kevin Corbett, a retired nurse in the UK puts it, “with knobs on it.” Shrek-Green is the color that was chosen. We’re lost in a simulation, seeking to grab hold of “truth” and reality. One way that I do that is to grab hold of words, slow them down, and analyze them. Globalists love to weaponize words and make spells out of them. Hypnotics. To this end, they invent new words, and force you to use them and live them. Words like “Corona Virus,” and “Social Distancing.” “COVID-19.” “Tested Positive.”

Whether we realize it or not, this phrase is an echo of HIV-think, which I swam through for most of my so-called career in journalism, choking and spitting all the way out. The globalists write code. They encode “viruses” and give them a weaponized, video-game identity. In this video game, you lose all your freedoms, and must display gratitude and servitude. Viral code trumps all other forms of politics. Nothing can counter it. Especially not “science.” The virus is also a sweeping metaphor for the spread of “misinformation,” which means anything outside their religious doctrines, not recognizable by classical virology.

The code, the potential scenarios, the mysticism and superstition about how the virus spreads, must not be questioned, If you wish to remain a person, as opposed to an un-person. It’s a form of post-globalist environmental socialism gone malignant: Demand that all people submit to an equal chance to be killed by a virus. Act out the theatrics of worshiping the virus with fear as the measure of inverted faith. This is why celebrities love this kind of thing. It gives them a chance to debase themselves, to self-flagellate as fellow sufferers. As I write this, from my window in New York City, at 7 pm every evening, people are heard hollering, clapping, and blowing horns from their windows, to show solidarity to the health care workers on the front lines. Was any such thing ever devised for the mass deaths from opioids? No, they weren’t significant deaths for the global elites. It’s not “death,” this play is about. It’s socialist contagion theology. You can’t go to the grocery store without encountering new displays of Corona Heroica. Only viruses interest these people, these haters of liberty. Yet they refuse to learn the first thing about the natural life of viruses and humans. If they did peer into this world, they would find beauty, truth, and wonder. They would find that viruses are rarely deadly, always misunderstood, and actually trying to protect us. The reason the globalists are obsessed with “spread” and “viruses” is because they want to shut down all forms of communication and information exchange that threatens their New World Order.
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Re: UK related articles

Unread post by xileffilex »

Very interesting graphs and bar charts, rachel

I haven't looked much at Belgium. The difference between that country and its neighbour Germany is striking. I'd love to see data from the various Laender in Germany, and also the age spread of the deaths. In UK ONS releases, the majority of deaths are in the over 80s. Unfortunately we can't see 5-year averages of the percentages in each 5-year group of deaths by age.

Taiwan is another interesting case.
If "something" is killing off the oldies in huge numbers, then one would expect the resilient onces without underlying health conditions to survive and create an undershoot in future death stats. If there's the mysterious 'second wave' [I doubt it...] then the ONS will be running out of people to declare 'dead'.

And what's killing off the Swedes? They do have an old population, but not as old as Germany [or Japan for that matter!] So it's not just old age, there are some fascinating differences in reporting.

i can't believe the whole world is faking numbers on an industrial scale but with such bizarre differences at national borders.
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Re: UK related articles

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Thanks xileffilex, the looks to be another interesting site regarding crunching statistics. It shows a huge anomaly in the UK stats on the 29th April.

We are looking at between 350 and 980 deaths a day between the 1st of April and latest figure on the 7th May. But on 29th April the number of death shoots up to 4,419, that's about three and a half times the next worse day. Also, considering we are in lockdown, unlike Belgium, new reported cases do not seem to be dropping, in fact our figures are more like non-lockdown Sweden.
UK-stats1.png (41.17 KiB) Viewed 9174 times

Belgium's highest deaths in a day was on the 10th April, at 496. This seems to be dropping except for a spike of 323, within the range, on 6th May.
Belgium-stats1 .png
Belgium-stats1 .png (41.26 KiB) Viewed 9174 times

Sweden, not in lockdown, highest deaths in a day is currently 185 on the 21st April, current number on 7th May is 99. Their chart seems to be following a similar pattern to the lockdown countries.
Sweden-stats1.png (42.3 KiB) Viewed 9174 times
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Re: UK related articles

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Another interesting set of graphs, percentage of European cases versus percentage of European deaths. Again for UK, Belgium and Sweden.

UK-stats2.png (45.14 KiB) Viewed 9172 times
Belgium-stats2.png (44.11 KiB) Viewed 9172 times
Sweden-stats2.png (44.02 KiB) Viewed 9172 times
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Re: UK related articles

Unread post by xileffilex »

Interesting site, Virusncov.....
First cache March 15 ...
Notice the key player with a separate column, the Diamond Princess cruise ship off Japan which still maintains a presence in the header only in the current page.
it looks like it's part of the scam. These are deaths for the whole of the UK, only with "Covid-19" mentioned on the certificate.

The UK figures make no sense with that huge spike - it will be interesting to compare it with weekly total deaths.
It seems totally implausible that the number of deaths in any day upto YESTERDAY [LOL!] for which , May 7 , the website shows 538 Covid deaths in the UK. It's NONSENSE.
Germany has a spike of 328 deaths from Covid yesterday lol!
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Re: UK related articles

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From "The Sun" newspaper <a href=" ... kdown/">10 May 2020</a>

Are all these 80 plus people really dying in hospitals, the bulk of the- Covid=19 death spike? [i.e. deaths where there's 'mention' of Covid on the death certificate. No chart to show where ALL deaths occur.
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Re: UK related articles

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Normzy Esq. QTπ @NobodyNorman
Why is nobody talking about the jump in NON-Covid related deaths? ONS data confirms lockdown is killing people. Over 10,000 Non-covid excess deaths in April! 7:00 am · 11 May 2020
Normzy Esq. QTπ @NobodyNorman

12 May

Updated with latest ONS figures
At least 12,765 excess deaths not related to Covid in April.
Image ... 9389506561
Gabriel Fox @GabrielFox_1
I think the lefty theory is that these are all COVID deaths, but are being recorded as something else to boost the economy.
12 May[/quote]

Yes, what IS going on?
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Re: UK related articles

Unread post by xileffilex »

Toby Young has been running a site called lockdown sceptics and this is a ... -covid-19/
How Many Excess Deaths Are Due to COVID-19?
4 April 2020. Updated 1 May 2020.

One of the stats most commonly latched on to by lockdown sceptics is the number of people who would normally be dying at this time of year in the absence of coronavirus because it seems to show there’s been no increase (or, rather, it did before the death toll began to peak)
i.e upto the end of week 12, there was little observable difference between total deaths compared with previous years. Was this seen as a problem by government?
Since then, the Total recorded number of deaths has sky rocketed.

This is an analysis of a Guardian piece by David Spiegelhalter, April 30 ... -countries

We cannot trust or verify the ONS death figures, but that's all we have to go one. Whether we are analysing a lie or truth cannot be tested without wading through tens, hundreds of thousands of death certiicates, even if we could get hold of them.

From the sceptics blog paraphrasing Spiegelhalter, a Cambridge University statistician
many of the people who died of COVID-10 in Week 14would have died later in 2020 anyway from another cause. By the end of the year, when we have all the data, we may conclude that the effect of the virus will have been to squeeze deaths that would have otherwise have been spread out over the course of 2020 into a narrow window in March/April, without increasing the total
[and no doubt those in later weeks] Only subsequent total death stats will show if this is correct.

And from Spiegelhalter's own article
Covid-19 mainly harms the elderly, with the average age of deaths above 80, and its fatality rate doubles every seven years as a person ages.
but my cold, statistical approach is to wait until the end of the year, and the years after that, when we can count the excess deaths

So we won't even be able to prove that the ONS has been lying for a very long time.
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