UK related articles

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Re: UK related articles

Post by nickw »

xileffilex wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:07 pm There are no paid shills © John le Bon [the world's greatest sceptic]

There was a post about a week ago about this article: I can't find it anywhere on his site, or YT, or here but maybe another remembers it ??

jlb stunned me as he said= Oh look at this here, that's proof to me ... what I thought! "Wow that's how you work your magic then"
[I've only been here a short time so I don't know longterm reps]

'A preliminary investigation found the September spike was not linked to Covid'
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Re: UK related articles

Post by xileffilex »

Update, January 19 2023

subtle change of the story, an inquiry by "experts" having been initiated. ... hs-begins/
Any link to Covid vaccines has been ruled out on the basis of international evidence demonstrating their safety in pregnancy **, but PHS confirmed that it had not checked the vaccination status of any of the mothers affected.
**phew, that's a relief then.

Nothing to see here:
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Re: UK related articles

Post by Cognitive Dissident »

Gemma O'Doherty shall be interviewing a terrain realist tomorrow, Friday 10/02/2023.

I have a feeling that it is Mike Stone of viroliegy fame:

She has excellent credentials, being a former journalist for the Irish Times, founder and editor of 'The Light' newspaper, close associate of John Waters and, Irish Far-Right Neo Nazi, because of course.

I shall post it when it becomes available. 8-)
GOD Screenshot 2023-02-09 144526.png
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Re: UK related articles

Post by rachel »

Higher Excess Deaths Clearly Linked to Higher Vaccination Rates in England, New Analysis Shows ... sis-shows/
The more vaccine doses an area of England has received, the greater the number of excess deaths it has experienced, an analysis of official data has found – adding to worries that the novel Covid vaccines are contributing to the sharp rise in excess deaths seen since mid-2021.

The analysis looked at excess death rates and vaccination rates for all 300-plus lower tier administrative areas in England. It used the pre-pandemic five-year average (2015-19) as a baseline and controlled for confounding factors such as age and deprivation by comparing the findings in the vaccination era to those in the first Covid wave, before vaccines were available (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Vaccinations as of March 7th 2021 (first dose only), deaths from spring 2020 Covid wave
Figure 1: Vaccinations as of March 7th 2021 (first dose only), deaths from spring 2020 Covid wave

In the first wave (March 15th to June 21st 2020) the areas which would go on to be more highly vaccinated had lower excess deaths on average (the reference vaccination rate is as of March 7th 2021, first dose only). This is a result of the healthy vaccinee effect, whereby people who choose to get vaccinated tend on average also to be people who had better health outcomes pre-vaccine (note that vaccination and health both tend to correlate with wealth). As a result, even if the vaccine was a placebo that had no effect, more-vaccinated areas would have fewer excess deaths on average than less-vaccinated areas. The downward slope in the chart above is thus a baseline for what happens after vaccine rollout. After the vaccination rollout, if the slope becomes steeper then it means that the more-vaccinated areas have even lower excess deaths than they did before the rollout, indicating the vaccine may be lowering the death rate and saving lives as intended. On the other hand, if the slope becomes shallower or reverses direction then it means something is counteracting the background health advantage of the more-vaccinated areas, suggesting the vaccines may be having the opposite effect of the intended one and increasing excess deaths.

The analysis looked at the three periods of excess deaths in England after the vaccine rollout (Figure 2). These are, broadly, the Alpha period of winter 2020-21 (December 20th 2020 to March 7th 2021), the Delta period of the second half of 2021 (June 27th 2021 to January 9th 2022) and the Omicron period of 2022 (March 27th 2022 to January 1st 2023) – though it’s important to keep in mind that for the Delta and Omicron periods many or most of the excess deaths were not Covid related.

Figure 2
Figure 2
It continues to show to show people who are wealth (middle class) and more boosted are having a greater level of excess deaths than less vaccinated areas.
Here, the significant upward slope indicates that the excess deaths in 2022 are much more concentrated in more-vaccinated than less-vaccinated areas of England. This would be bad enough, but recall that the baseline is the ‘healthy vaccine effect’ whereby the excess death rates pre-vaccine were significantly lower in what would become the more-vaccinated areas. Putting the two charts side-by-side (Figure 6) shows the stark difference in excess death rates before and after the vaccine rollout.

Figure 6: The left-hand image shows excess deaths by area of England during the first wave, before vaccination, using first-dose vaccination data as reference; the right-hand image shows excess deaths in the same areas for the Omicron period. The reversal in the slope is indicative of a major reversal in the health outcomes of the more-vaccinated areas.
Figure 6: The left-hand image shows excess deaths by area of England during the first wave, before vaccination, using first-dose vaccination data as reference; the right-hand image shows excess deaths in the same areas for the Omicron period. The reversal in the slope is indicative of a major reversal in the health outcomes of the more-vaccinated areas.

The reversal in the slope is indicative of a major reversal in the health outcomes of the more-vaccinated areas. It may be that the reason for this change is not the vaccine – full data by vaccination status are required to confirm or refute this. But given that most of the other likely factors (e.g. age, deprivation, background health conditions) are controlled for by the fact that areas are being compared to their own historic baselines, it is hard to think what it could be. (To be fair, some of it may be mortality displacement from 2020 owing to more people in the less-vaccinated areas dying earlier on, though that can’t be all of it given the trend gets worse for the more-vaccinated areas over time rather than better.)

At any rate, it offers no support to the claim that the vaccines reduce overall deaths, suggesting that any finding that claims they do may be a result of the healthy vaccinee effect.
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Re: UK related articles

Post by rachel »


Of all the many claims based on dubious statistics that have sustained the whole covid narrative, none have been as widely accepted as the claim that the jabs stopped people becoming seriously ill and dying of covid. But the claim was always based on deliberately murky record keeping - some new examples of which (from FOI requests from hospitals) are shown in this short video. And it’s all just another statistical illusion of efficacy that was manufactured by simple miscategorisation.
All links here: ... -at-higher
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Re: UK related articles

Post by rachel »

'Never vaccinated' vs 'Ever vaccinated' mortality rate illusion: survivor bias & how to overcome it

Shows a simple example of how a ‘placebo’ vaccine is certain to result in reduced mortality rate. But it is just another statistical illusion
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Re: UK related articles

Post by rachel »

The Lockdown Files Psyop
by IAIN DAVIS - 29th March 2023
The whole point of the recent Lockdown Files media storm is to wage psychological war on the public. The Lockdown Files "story," carefully managed as mainstream media propaganda, is designed to convince you of a series of fundamental falsehoods.

The MSM and its government partners want you to believe that you still have a free and pluralistic mainstream media that take their duty to question power seriously. This controlled release of information, already extensively and comprehensively exposed by the so-called "alternative media," is, in part, a mainstream media cover-up to obscure their own role as the state propagandists that misled the public throughout the pseudopandemic.

The mainstream media themselves are culpable for the harm caused to the British people by the British state, as they unquestioningly assisted the UK Government's attack on the public. The mainstream media rarely, if ever, question power and they are neither independent nor objective.

The intention behind seemingly exposing government "failings" is to persuade you that catastrophic government policies and legislation were politically motivated mistakes. While they were certainly politically motivated, the policy decisions were deliberate. There were no "mistakes." The assault on the public was intentional.

The Lockdown File fairy tale has been spun to deny both the Government's intent to cause harm and to divert attention away from its real motivations. The pseudopandemic was a hybrid warfare operation undertaken by a global public-private partnership (G3P) to accelerate the transformation of society and the global economy.

As British people continue to die in unprecedented numbers, the Lockdown Files have been released to shift the entire blame for increased mortality to "failures" and "errors" in public health policy. It is an attempt to avert any exploration of the apparent role that the Covid–19 jabs have also played in killing people.

As G3P "partners," both the UK Government and its propaganda arm, the mainstream media, have colluded to manipulate public opinion and control the British people once again. The whole Lockdown File narrative is just another mainstream media deceit...

Audio version of article:
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Re: UK related articles

Post by Marfer »

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Re: UK related articles

Post by rachel »

The Delingpod: The James Delingpole Podcast

Ben Rubin spent 18 years transforming how companies operate using advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. During this time, Ben realised much of the Western system is fundamentally corrupt and needs to be replaced.

He is Founder of Rise UK -
Founder of Pattern -
And a Trustee of Public Health Collaboration -
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Re: UK related articles

Post by rachel »

Government confirms horrific figures on COVID Vaccine Deaths: 1 in 482 died within a month, 1 in 246 d died within 60 days, & 1 in 73 died by May 2022 ... ne-deaths/
...The following chart shows the overall number of deaths following Covid-19 vaccination in England between 1st Jan 2021 and 31st May 2022 based on the figures provided by the ONS –


According to the Office for National Statistics between 1st Jan 21 and 31st May 22, a total of 41,117 people died with Covid-19 following Covid-19 vaccination, and a total of 565,420 people died of any other cause following Covid-19 vaccination. This means that in all, 606,537 people sadly died by 31st May 2022 following Covid-19 vaccination.

According to the UK Health Security Agency, in England, 44.5 million people have received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.


Therefore, using simple maths, we find that 1 in every 482 vaccinated people has died within 1 month of Covid-19 Vaccination in England.

44,480,115 (People vaccinated) / 92,146 (deaths) = 482= 1 death for every 482 people vaccinated

1 in every 246 people has died within 60 days of Covid-19 vaccination in England.

44,480,115 (People vaccinated) / 180,659 (deaths) = 246 = 1 death for every 246 people vaccinated

And 1 in every 73 Covid-19 vaccinated people in England were sadly dead by the end of May 2022.

44,480,115 (People vaccinated) / 606,537 (deaths) = 73 = 1 death for every 73 people vaccinated

Of course, some of these deaths can be attributed to other causes and would have most likely occurred anyway, but the figures are representative of a real serious problem. We know this thanks to further data from the Office for National Statistics confirming the unvaccinated population in England has the lowest mortality rate per 100,000 population in all age groups...

NHS still offering boosters to over 75s.

Getting a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine ... 9-vaccine/
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