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Re: Fightback

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 11:32 am
by rachel
Banned by Youtube

Youtube is doing it again, it took down Prof. Dolores Cahill's interview with Computing Forever, now it has taken down an interview with Prof. Karol Sikora - Professor of Medicine at the University of Buckingham, former advisor to WHO and cancer specialist.

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Banned by YouTube: Professor Karol Sikora discusses Covid-19

Karol Sikora's main gist seems to be the stats show the virus seems to be burning out, so we need people to stop being frightened. This coming from a cancer specialist who is extremely worried about non-treatment of cancer patients and the suspension of cancer testing.
Masks and schools
– Evidence on masks is just not there either way so it should be an ‘individual decision’
– We should move to 1m social distancing which means restaurants and bars could reopen
– More schools should reopen in June as ‘children are not the transmitters of this virus’
– We should be getting back to the ‘old normal’ not a ‘new normal’

Re: Fightback

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 1:38 pm
by xileffilex
Spiked never questions the official MSM narrative, it just nibbles around the edges.

Re: Fightback

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 2:24 pm
by rachel
Absolutely agree. When I first started reading Spiked, I thought, this is refreshingly different, but after about a month's worth of articles, yep, you know their subjects, you know their take.

But I do like some of their guest writers - Frank Furedi, professor of sociology at the University of Kent, is usually a good read.

Their podcasts are good, particularly Last Orders - Public Health absurdities, but only really of relevance to a UK audience.

Re: Fightback

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 3:30 pm
by rachel
Fake Sky News Report On Mexico City Crematoriums and Death Counts Exposed ... vQhwEZpDPE

Bitchute Channel:

Re: Fightback

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 4:08 pm
by rachel
I've copied this post verbatim from another site, the proposition seems interesting, though some of the names quoted seem part of the thesis/antithesis narrative. I'll put it up as the WHO map, mentioned below, looks like something worth taking a look at.

At 2:05 in this documentary video by The Mirror Project you are shown how to access this map. The author, who states he has worked at the highest level of the MSM for years, describes it as The Holy Grail of information on their plans for at least the next decade or more. He describes it, and quote,”it is one of the most complex mapping systems I have ever seen. In the heart of it is Covid 19. The list is endless and there are at least 200 layers to this map and you cannot imagine how far and deep the topics get!” I recommend you take a look. ... y_Bj8I01AI

This guy, with the help of many others, wants to create “The Mirror Project”, a map of our own. Only this map will be full of truth and anti-propaganda!

Re: Fightback

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 11:15 am
by xileffilex

Re: Fightback

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 1:31 pm
by rachel
Coronavirus: Mental health problems will now soar

International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, predicts that there will be twin pandemics of anxiety and depression as a result of lockdown and social distancing policies. Dr Coleman analyses the damage being done by the raising of stress to unprecedented levels for no good reason.

For more unbiased information and predictions about the coronavirus and many other important matters, please visit

Re: Fightback

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 11:31 am
by rachel

And to remind us, MSM berating Dominic Cummings for ignoring the Corona Virus Act whist in the process...



Re: Fightback

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 11:45 am
by rachel
DC-mob.jpg (98.28 KiB) Viewed 1472 times

Re: Fightback

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 3:24 pm
by rachel

Transcript of the above video, this type of information can be used in challenging letters
Every politician in this country needs to answer this question about the government mandated lockdowns here we go:

If the risk of COVID 19 transmission intra-family is high, and it is according to German epidemiologist Professor Hendrick Streak, who found that the risk of contracting Covid 19 is highest among your own family while locked down in your home, but Covid 19 transmission risk via casual contact is low, and it is, according to the Taiwan CDC who tracked the contacts of 32 infected people and found zero transmission of the virus outside people’s homes and family members,

and if extreme social distancing, aka government mandated lockdown reduces herd immunity, and it does according to Harvard researchers who say: “too strict social distancing could cause a giant second wave of the virus when the extreme measures are relaxed, because of low herd immunity”,

and if the risk of elderly people contracting the virus is higher because of the lock downs, and it is according to a New York physician who teaches at an Ivy League institution, because the lock downs don’t stop transmission, they just slow it down temporarily, and therefore the longer it takes to build herd immunity the more at-risk people are at risk,

and if the projection models were wrong from day one, and they were,

and if our hospitals aren’t overwhelmed and forced to deny care to Covid patient’s, and they’re not, if the only hospital shutting down or closing because they don’t have any patients, because government officials have prohibited so-called non-essential surgeries and procedures,

and if sunlight kills the Cova 19 virus, and it does according to a new US government study that the Department of Homeland Security says could eventually change public policy,

and if the prevalence of Covid 19 in the population is higher than originally assumed and therefore the infection fatality rate is much lower, and the hospitalization rate is lower too, and it is according to antibody prevalence studies in Santa Clara California that found a 3% incidence rate, which reduces the infection fatality rate to .13%

and in LA County which found a 4.1% incidence rate which reduces the infection fatality rate to between .1 and .3%,

and in Chelsea Massachusetts where tests found 32% of those tested, tested positive for Covid 19 antibodies,

and at a New York City maternity ward where 210 asymptomatic pregnant women were tested, and a whopping 13.7% tested positive for the virus,

and out of Boston homeless shelter were half the residents tested positive but only one ended up showing symptoms, not to mention the German Dutch and French studies all showing the same, thing,

and if we know people die from the lockdowns because of the lockdowns from delayed medical treatment, suicide, starvation, abuse, and economic devastation, then how can politicians imposing the lockdowns on us justify the lockdowns, and pretend to care about science, if you care about science and the data, then the lockdowns are insane, and the data shows it.