Rob Skiba (and related flat earth theory)

NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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Re: Rob Skiba

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From Darren Nesbitt's Model:

4D Explained and Illustrated 2.gif
4D Explained and Illustrated 2.gif (2.21 MiB) Viewed 14798 times
4D Explained and Illustrated 4.gif
4D Explained and Illustrated 4.gif (7.85 MiB) Viewed 14798 times

Revelation 6:12-17 BSB - The Sixth Seal: Terror
And when I saw the Lamb open the sixth seal, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black like sackcloth of goat hair, and the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars of the sky fell to the earth like unripe figs dropping from a tree shaken by a great wind. The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.

Then the kings of the earth, the nobles, the commanders, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and free man hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. And they said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide usb from the face of the One seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of Theirc wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?”

The unwinding nature of time culminating in the heaven departing as a scroll when it is rolled together.

musicbox5.gif (6.65 MiB) Viewed 14798 times


Revelation 20:11-15 BSB - Judgment before the Great White Throne
Then I saw a great white throne and the One seated on it. Earth and heaven fled from His presence, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne.

And there were open books, and one of them was the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their deeds, as recorded in the books. The sea gave up its dead, and Death and Hades gave up their dead, and each one was judged according to his deeds.

Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death—the lake of fire. And if anyone was found whose name was not written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
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Re: Rob Skiba

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Is Rob Skiba dead? I would say, yes and no. Yes the entity the we knew as Rob Skiba no longer exists, I guess in the same way that when a company is liquidated because of debts, that company cannot come back without paying off its debts, so it doesn't come back. But no, I hope the man himself might one day read this and smile.

Administration and liquidation of The Rangers Football Club plc ... l_Club_plc
Rangers, a football club in Scotland, entered financial difficulties during the late 2000s. The club, trading as The Rangers Football Club plc, entered administration in February 2012. It owed substantial amounts to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), who subsequently refused to allow Rangers to exit administration via a company voluntary arrangement (CVA). The Rangers Football Club plc entered liquidation on 31 October 2012.

The refusal of the CVA forced the administrators to sell the business and assets of Rangers to a new company, operated by Charles Green. The other member clubs of the Scottish Premier League refused to allow the new company to adopt the league membership of the old company. Green then successfully applied for membership of the Scottish Football League. After obtaining the old company's Scottish Football Association (SFA) membership, Rangers (now trading as The Rangers Football Club Ltd) entered the Third Division (the fourth tier of the Scottish football league system) in time for the 2012–13 season. Rangers gained promotion to the first tier of the Scottish leagues in 2016, and in 2021 won their first Scottish league title since the insolvency.
So famously, Glasgow Rangers owners ran up vast debts including unpaid taxes to the HMRC. I don't know the ins-and-outs, but the owners asset stripped the company, intended to bankrupt it so they could write off all debts, then pick up where they left off under a new company debt-free. This is pretty much what they succeeded in doing. The other clubs didn't want them back in the premiership, and that name should have been barred permanently. But they were allowed to rejoin under an almost identical name, see above, but not the same name. It only took the new Rangers three years to get back to where they were. I suspect netting the owners a much better yield than any equivalent investment market.

What has this got to do with Rob Skiba, well actually, it has more to do with Eric Dubay. And this is one of those chance things I didn't actually set out to look at. Dubay never really grabbed me as a content creator. So, believe it or not I was in the process of replying to Unreal and I mentioned Zionism, and I thought I should check what the official understanding of Zionism is, because I don't actually know.


And having previously seen multiple Olympics logo spelling Zion, I looked that up and came to this post.

The Conspiracy Olympics
It is easy to be sceptical and to criticise many of the so-called occult elements of the London 2012 Olympic Games. For instance, I live in East London and can confirm that there are many biblical street names in this part of the city. I can also see loads of underdeveloped areas from my balcony. Nevertheless, proponents point out that the first London Olympic conspiracist to go public with these ideas was a 28-year-old man by the name of Rik Clay, who managed a blog called the Cosmic Mind. Clay was found dead in August 2008, 3 months after exposing the London Olympics’ occult connections. Those sceptical of foul play reference the fact that he was simply regurgitating ideas that had already been developed by the British researcher, Ian R Crane, who had a considerably farther media reach than the young blogger. Furthermore, Clay’s parents acknowledge that their son had been depressed and are comfortable with the cause of death being suicide.
I'd never heard of Rik Clay, so I thought I'd just put his name in the search engine to see if anything popped up about him, and what do you know, he's got his own Foundation. Rollover Tony Blair, Rik Clay has entered the building.

Rik Clay Foundation
When a big force and character passes away, the initial effects are devastating. At first you mourn the loss and even reproach yourself then, as time passes, you look to the future, focussing on the positive elements. What have we lost? What can we learn? Richard John Clay, born 5th August 1982 in Scunthorpe, UK, was a musician, graphic designer, web designer, writer, researcher and charismatic genius whose mission was to bring fairness, abundance and joy to all human beings. At school in Scunthorpe he achieved top grades in nearly everything he did. It was during this time, whilst studying for his “A” levels, that Rik found his passion for music

Attending Leeds Metropolitan University from 2001 to 2004, graduating with a 2/1 degree in Multi Media Technology, Rik subsequently went on to work in graphic / web design for a number of companies.

At the age of 16 he founded the band FULC, who, over the course of their youthful development went on to become a highly respected rock band. Between the years 2001 and 2005 FULC released 4 records – “Void” EP ( 2001 ), “The Fallen” EP ( 2002 ), “Biting Insomnia” Album ( 2003 ), “Embrace.Destroy” Mini Album ( 2005 ) – all critically acclaimed nationally in the UK Rock Press. FULC toured the UK relentlessly for 4 years and toured Germany in 2005 to support the release of the records there.

Rik joined rock band Ten Seconds of Chaos between 2006 and 2007 and started his solo project Somewhere Not Here during 2006.

In July 2006 Rik met his life partner Mick Bullock and together they began an escalating campaign of travel and research. He developed interests in a great number of fascinating fields, including crop circles and sacred geometry, Reiki and Shamanism, free energy research, ancient mythology and Pyramidology, the global consciousness and the noosphere, reincarnation theory, 2012 and the Mayans, precession of the equinoxes, talismans, synchronicity, telepathy, holographic universal theory, and all things esoteric.
You get the picture...oh actually, this is the picture....

And still I hadn't clicked, but I thought, could this be a chap @Unreal told me about. I remember him saying something about a bloke who died that looked like Eric Dubay before Eric Dubay was a thing. He posted up a picture, but it was low resolution so you couldn't really tell. They looks similar in general, and I remember Unreal talking about the name. Rik Clay. Eric Dubay... Yes, the rhyme, this is that person. And we have a better picture.

Because I've only got one picture upload left on this post, you'll have to wait for my interesting little match, but in the mean time, let's get up a picture of Eric Dubay... Rik from Scunthorpe, hey; he might have picked that town because it's one of those funny English names, it's up there with Skegness.

Old Eric likes wearing his eye makeup for pictures I've noticed. I wonder if the Rik Clay Foundation was his idea?
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Re: Rob Skiba

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We know Rik Clay's and Eric Dubay's face are very similar in general, they have the same sort of square chin and beard line; they both have a lean wiry body frame, and below we see they also have the same finger traits and arm vein lines.


So, as proof-of-concept, we have a PERSONA in the flat earth community who has definitely played his part in a fake death and re-emerged as someone else. And the previous PERSONA lives on as a legend. Again, read the bio on the front page of the Rik Clay Foundation website, I'm not making that up.

And with Rik and his band FULC, we have another UK link; Rik/Eric would appear to just scrape into the BRITPOP generation, one of his contemporary's being Professor Brian Cox with his band D:REAM and its one-hit-wonder, 'Things Can Only Get Better'.

1997 Labour Party Political Broadcast - Things Can Only Get Better

It's amazing how much NUDGE UNIT subliminal messaging is in that ad. It becomes clear that the BRITPOP years had one specific purpose, and that was for the British Establishment to get Labour and Tony Blair into office as UK Prime Minister. And this they succeeded in doing at the 1997 General Election, the date, of course, the 1st May or May Day. So John Harris below is wrong, it wasn't a doomed affair, it was instead a completed project.

7 May 2003 ... 03571.html

In the rosy Blairite dawn, it seemed that New Labour and Britpop were made for each other. After the break-up, the true story came out: the drugs, the cynicism, the betrayal. John Harris looks back on a doomed affair
In February 1996, Tony Blair made one of the strangest speeches of his career. Those were the days when he had yet to take on the onerous responsibilities of government, so he found sufficient space in his diary for a visit to that year's Brit Awards. There, in addition to watching Jarvis Cocker's celebrated send-up of Michael Jackson, he was charged with the responsibility of presenting a Lifetime Achievement statuette to David Bowie. When he arrived at the podium, he dispensed sentences that were predictably light on verbs, and assumed a facial expression that suggested an amateur-dramatics enthusiast's attempt at statesmanlike destiny. The meat of his speech, however, was hardly the stuff of standard political oratory.

"It's been a great year for British music," said Blair. "A year of creativity, vitality, energy. British bands storming the charts. British music back once again in its right place, at the top of the world. And at least part of the reason for that has been the inspiration that today's bands can draw from those that have gone before. Bands in my generation like The Beatles and The Stones and The Kinks. Of a later generation: The Clash, The Smiths, The Stone Roses..."

We should pause there to consider, in retrospect, just how surreal that moment seems. Tony Blair – friend of Bush, chum of Rumsfeld, international agent of Christian neo-imperialism – was celebrating the influence of The Clash, authors of such songs as "Hate And War", "Clampdown" and "Rock The Casbah". His nod to The Smiths perhaps implied a recognition of the brilliance of their best album, The Queen Is Dead. If The Stone Roses seem a rather less incongruous choice, it should still be noted that the peak of their fame, five years beforehand, had been founded on the collision of rock music and the drug ecstasy. The church-going Blair would also surely have bristled at their most fondly loved anthem, a rather blasphemous tune entitled "I Am The Resurrection".

Twenty minutes prior to his Brits speech, Blair had been trailed by an unexpected warm-up act. Oasis, for whom the ceremony had been little short of a coronation, had received three awards. After being handed their gong for Best Group from The Who's Pete Townshend, Noel Gallagher stepped up to the microphone and paid tribute to himself, his group, Alan McGee – the boss of his record company, Creation – and the Leader of the Opposition. "There are seven people in this room who are giving a little bit of hope to young people in this country," he said, while visibly steadying himself on his feet. "That is [sic] me, our kid, Bonehead, Guigs, Alan White, Alan McGee and Tony Blair. And if you've all got anything about you, you'll go up there and you'll shake Tony Blair's hand, man. He's the man! Power to the people!"

Both Noel and Blair's words were emblematic of the Britpop era, the period that stretched from 1994 to 1998, and – as Blair noted – saw the UK's rock music achieving sky-scraping commercial success while proudly drawing on the influence of the past, and the Sixties in particular. There were times when, scanning the acres of newsprint devoted to Britpop, one rather got the impression that London had mutated into some Austin Powers-esque film set, crowded with bright young things, and soundtracked by successors to The Beatles and The Stones. It is testament to the Blairites' canniness that the Leader of the Opposition was included in this fantasia: compared to JFK, applauded for his wish that Britain should reinvent itself as a "young country" (whatever that meant), and sent invitations to all the right soirées.

Of course, his glad-handing of Britain's newest musical celebrities came with the odd risk. Regular and pretty extreme intoxication was de rigueur for the Britpoppers – and, as was well known, the Gallagher brothers were particularly fond of chemical refreshment. When the Blairs approached Oasis's table, their demeanour suggested they had been warned. "They were very sheepish," says Paul "Bonehead" Arthurs, then the band's rhythm guitarist. "Cherie Blair was like, 'Would you mind awfully signing something for my kids? They're very big fans." We just went, 'Waaaargh'. We were fucked." In the recollection of Tim Abbot, who was one of Oasis's closest associates, "There were literally ounces of cocaine, just a couple of feet away from them."...

The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead
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Re: Rob Skiba

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The Rik-Eric Clay-Dubay research was made back in 2015 on FAK forums - and not widely accepted.
Straight out of the DCP – Eric Dubay (sep 2015) ... ric-dubay/
Face comparison Clay versus Dubai - facial traits remain unmistakably the same
The typical conspiracy hat on Clay... Did they use this evident fake truther attire knowing already Dubay would rise from the clay later ?

Its quite important to be able to actually prove that fake celebrities are suicided and re-employed thereafter in the same field and specialisation, and there are very few instances of valid examples. The lack of interest to Dubay/Clay at the time was unfortunate, so good that @Rachel brings the topic back with a new insight.
The FE movement is now past its peak of public attention and the subject matter has quite predictably run out of steam as there is only so much much time the fake front figures can run around the same stale century old arguments before getting stuck in their evident lack of investigation and logic - as hinted at in the South as Centre theory in the apparent discrepancy of landmass, shape and weather between the North and South hemispheres.
Journey to the Center of Flat Earth (mar 2021)
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Re: Rob Skiba

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Earthen Vessels

Cosmology Conflict, more from Chris Sparks about the Copernicus model and how the Globe model comes from Plato via the Papacy.

In this three-part series, Brother Chris Sparks explores the significance of the heliocentric globe in the great controversy between truth and error. Part 1 begins with a brief outline of Hebrew cosmology, followed by an analysis of the men responsible for bringing the heliocentric theory to the world; Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, and Newton. In this sermon, Brother Chris focuses on Nicolaus Copernicus and his connection with the Catholic Church, to ultimately reveal the role that this new theory played in the counter-reformation. For not surprisingly, those whose watch-word was ‘solo scriptura’ - the protestant reformers such as Luther, Calvin and Melanchthon - all brazenly opposed the notion of Copernican astronomy which Rome endorsed. The relation between the five aforementioned scientists and the occult is also alarming, and the inspiration behind their theories can clearly be seen in the writings of the ancient Egyptian sun-worshipper; Hermes Trismegistus. The message concludes with a frightening parallel between the heliocentric globe model and two other well-known Catholic doctrines which find their root in pagan sun-worship.
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Re: Rob Skiba

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Hahahahahaha...we've got another one @napoleon. Jesuit astronomer Guy Consolmagno, because of course, anyone vaguely famous call Guy is almost certainly a woman.

From the second video in my last post, masks are so apparent to me these days, it's definitely a magic eye, though this one is easy, Vauxhall Conference level.

ScreenShot-VideoID-9KUlvlJcJ7Y-TimeS-459 (1).png

Finger extensions and a female thumb. Nice.

Ever wondered why the Lord made circumcision a sign of the Jewish Covenant with Abraham? I would suggest because He saw this shit coming so chose to be perfectly clear on what sex his disciples were, on record, from day eight of their birth.

And interestingly enough, I thought old Rob had quite feminine hands in some shots. Might have to check that one out again.
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Re: Rob Skiba

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Since this is the Rob Skiba thread:

Rob Skiba exposes NASA in the country that exposed moon rock as petrified wood

In this segment from the 2nd lecture I gave in Amsterdam, I give plenty of evidence to show that NASA is not to be trusted - beginning with the meaning of the word "nasa" in Hebrew. I found it more than poetic that I was able to do so in the nation that exposed at least one of the moon rocks are fraudulent.
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Re: Rob Skiba

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Sand pendulums - Lissajous patterns

Sand pendulums are an easy and beautiful method for students of all ages to learn a bit about the harmonic motion. These devices are easy to build and can be adjusted to give a variety of patterns. A pendulum that begins with two point of support can alter the periods of the pendulum as it moves on two perpendicular axis at the same time. The video gives simple instructions on the materials needed and how to adjust the configuration to vary the design.

Stunning Resonance Experiment with Salt and Vibrations

This is quite a fascinating experiment using just salt, a metal plate and frequencies through a tone generator and a wave driver.
courtesy of Izismile
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Re: Rob Skiba (and related flat earth theory)

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This video is part of a playlist documenting my evolving understanding of the exciting new grass roots approach to questioning the ultimate physical properties of the Earth realm, which can be found here:

Flat Earth Theory

A Flat Earther Responds To "An Astronomer Responds To Flat Earth Theory"

Quantum Flat Earth Theory - The Limitations Of Materialism
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Re: Rob Skiba (and related flat earth theory)

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What is Biblical Cosmology?
What do we mean by 'Biblical Cosmology'? Scripture describes our earth, its face, its pillars, and the firmament. If we were able to behold these descriptions, what would it look like? What is above it, below it, and all around it? This video shows us a view of Biblical cosmology, faithful to Scripture.

0:00 Introduction
0:50 The Firmament and the Waters
2:06 A Circular Face With Ends
2:51 Fixed Upon Foundations and Pillars
4:08 The Divine Dwelling
4:45 Geocentric not Heliocentric
6:12 Conclusion

Read 'The Cosmology Conflict' by Chris Sparks:

For more information visit:
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