Product Demos dressed up as REAL

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Zelensky fakery

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PotatoFieldsForever wrote: Mon May 22, 2023 3:27 pm Did he just correct his finger position? it's subtle but it's there.

Yep, it looks it. It's an M or W. That whole set seems somewhat odd compared to previous ones.

I notice the BBC article, previously linked, got the snap where Zelensky is doing the M sign, rather than the open hand.

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Re: Product Demos dressed up as REAL

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Hard to tell if it's intended
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Adam Curtis' HyperNormalisation

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Adam Curtis' HyperNormalisation - Putin Trump Excerpt, from the "A World Without Power" section, toward the end.

It's come to us all now.
HyperNormalisation is a 2016 BBC documentary by British filmmaker Adam Curtis. It argues that governments, financiers, and technological utopians have, since the 1970s, given up on the complex "real world" and built a simpler "fake world" run by corporations and kept stable by politicians. The film was released on 16 October 2016 on BBC iPlayer.
Full film, I think I've watched it twice. One of my first normie wake-ups, because a lot of it fits.

HyperNormalisation ... perience:a
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Re: Product Demos dressed up as REAL

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I managed to get through a super obscure text that is not available anywhere - Dr Coleman's Tavistock text from 2005. This book has not been in print for many years but I made my way through it for you guys. We will cover the first half and in so doing we will see how, like the Committee of 300 text, it was spot on for where our world was designed to go and how far we've come in this emergent dystopia, as well as what is to come.jay dyer

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Re: Product Demos dressed up as REAL

Unread post by Samson79 »



"Watching it in slow motion I had a feeling it might be 3D graphics, though it does seem too real with regards to his hand touching the bodies. But there is no logical explanation for the lighting acting the way it does as he moves around the scene other than it is a computer rendering. "

Looks pretty real to me, accurate lighting and digital distortion reflecting the jerky agitated panic of somebody discovering a massacre, checked as many for sign of life (first thing you do ...) and just add, Im glad he went "live".

Saying that....
You then have the narrative and opinions to answer to afterwards, ie when was this footage taken, where and to accept people often use footage of serious incidents to attach propaganda to as it is a very emotionally framed video, with little to no background apart from that of the uploader and no translated dialogue that I could find (which gives clues to area as has been proven in large areas of a single country there would be local dialect and accent nuances in the dialogue to give geographical likelyhood).

No evidence, no proof but I suspect that is as real as any other digital capture and also regarding lighting, it works the same as audio that has been compressed then expanded to its former resolution you should expect "artifacts" in the video as with all digital media, once it has had its resolution reduced you cannot add it back going from 32bit floating point to mp3@192kbps and then mixed in a software programme you get all the top end literally sloshing around in the audio, same with video, only you get delay artifacts and bits filled in with random pixelation making detail render fingers or hands edges and especially fluctuations in light intensity due to movement in the video keeping up with its resolution.

Regarding the clothing and his grip, you might want to consider how cold and stiff everything would be, clothing and plastics go stiffer in subzero temps, so does finger and hand grips become weaker as the person is acting on adrenalin and likey touching as many subzero surfaces and plastic clothing may reduce the movement of his fingers, imho.
I think it is real video, but details accompanying it....who knows, like triangulation of video location stamp, metadata showing camera make model sd card resolution focus perameter etc)
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Re: Product Demos dressed up as REAL

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Im not sure if it is to make people over question or see stuff where to be quite honest....there isn't is something to consider, on forums in general I find forms of content which creates an enviroment for exagerated sensing, much like the lighting in a major supermarket coupled with all the smells and colourful packaging creates an over stimuli that can effect the shoppers focus, designed to create an enviroment where the shopper makes poor economic choices or feels rushed or "managed", so to put that into perspective....if we go on a forum that is specifically focused on finding fakery, regular viewing can cause am overload of focus on specifically trying to find fakery, sometimes at the expense of confusion over what is fake because distorted, the effect might be a person cannot focus on the opposite, or loses their ability to question whether something isn't fake as opposed to always looking at everything as potentially fake.

Im open to the idea of the major share of things, even the majority of specific things in a given sphere of knowledge (ie media news banking television films politics etc) likely is fake, but the opposite can also be evidenced that other specific areas are likely not fake, like the vast majority of small youtube channel content is not in the game to fake or have a budget to produce fake content (even if exceptions can be found). What that does is it distorts the minds ability to distinguish between the two realities, a blurring effect can arrise where benefit of the doubt can make a person see fakery where there is none and it look plausible or the other way around, denial of fakery where it is clearly fake to the presenting factor as that is the intention.

I think AI is less about achieving something to appear real but to simply confuse the senses and with its rollout allow goverments to ride the plausible deniability and confusion it is intended to create.

Goverments spend more on psychological warfare than actual munitions as we are in an information war, not a physical might is right war, sure the latter is a big player and a credible back up for non compliance and pushback, but considering the psychological warfare is hinged on creating compliance through fear, so we can deduce that alot of this mindcraft is suseptible to being called out for what it really is, bluff.
Creating content that simply projects an over reach of technological prowess is a factor and always has been a factor in manufacturing consent and creating fearful and thus compliant individuals, individuals making up society as a whole.
So the question arrises how much of all this is simply AI (used for time convieniences) to project omnipresence that really only lives behind a screen?

On a completely different angle, the elite, the governments, the authors of dischordant life for lawabiding citizens are actually contradicting themselves also, as we are meant to focus on all this AI fearmongery, the elites are actually consolidating, preparing openly for a planet with a drastically reduced population, not one that really fully embraces AI or robotics or any of this technological woo pioneered by WEF bond villans... it is almost as if they need you to swallow it but their actions and fruits are being focussed on surviving a natural and universally accepted calamity that has been prophecied and neither denied by the elites (shown by their more esoteric building projects) consistantly.

It looks like they need us to invest in, focus on and become totally immersed in concepts that live primarily in their theatre narrative future world projections, instead of focusing on what they know we really should be focusing EVENT, one that signals their demise (the one thing their actions signal and try to hide).

AI relies on computing and robotics and computing (going hand in hand) requires maintenance, heavy, detailed, consistant maintenance, by dedicated, trained skilled labour....not by robotics, sure robotics can 3D print anything, but none of it can work alone, maintain itself or function outside of mans help, instead your drip fed scary new shock horror AI videos showing you how futile it is to think any different than your kids being cyborgs and being controlled by micro-chip cashless fundamentals. Nobody asking how we could possibly get there with most of the worlds population fearlessly saying up-yours.

Its all careful projection of fearful dystopian army of doom prophets all whining about a future that will be somehow created with less people and an increase in robotics that require maintenance, the maths doesnt add up unless you absorb a Orwell quote here, a Elon Musk rocket there....and you arrive at a juncture of thought of self convincing omnipresence on behalf of the bluffing smirking...I need bodyguards to go for a piss individuals who cannot function unless someone else to help them....and they are killing them off, the indigenous and migrant alike are expendable, simple as that....BillGates buying what, he farms are maintainable by consent of nature, period.

Why push for higher competition using migration when you could train a migrant to maintain robotics....none of it makes sense unless you look at and consider the concept of bluff, how it has helped emotionally manage people in the past, stick a few programmes on like Doctor Who or tommorrows world "lol".....
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Re: Product Demos dressed up as REAL

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Regarding the post before last, and the video, it is definitely VR, I found the maker's signature on the numberplate.

Who knows if he released it, or someone else scraped and used it under a different title. The guy is from Costa Rica and doesn't appear to speak English, would he even know it was circulating as a Ukraine shooter? I doubt he was trying to fool anyone, more likely it exists as an example of his work sent to potential employers and someone else repurposed it.

Here's the part that proves it's got a creator.
rachel wrote: Sat Mar 05, 2022 8:28 am So this following still became very interesting, the lettering renders sharp in one frame only and it looks like an overly - it would not be spotted played in realtime. A signature?




A search on the Internet to see what, if any, hits came up and I get the following:

A369HC - - Spanish


Page translation, and yes indeed it links to a person's Resume.
  • Álvaro José Carazo
    Architect working for a development company in which I would like to enhance the three-dimensional visualization experience in order to better understand projects for both company colleagues and customers.
    Creative and dreamer, I love the details and it is in this part where it seems to me that a correct use of these tools can enhance understanding the details to which it is intended to arrive and that they give the projects.
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English verson -

I think part of the problem we are in is capitalism. We have all these fancy tools and nothing to use them for, so a whole industry of fake terror has been created in order to give an excuse for using them. Which is not to say I don't think it's not satanic, it's just we no longer know what satanism is. It's drip, drip, drip, it gets you in the end.
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What's wrong with RFK Jr

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I skipped past the talking heads because I wanted to take a look at Kennedy himself, and I noticed something odd in his movements. It looks like the wrong frame rate, or reduced frame rate, yet the people interviewing him, while in soft focus, compared to the likely animated background, they don't have the same jittering look.

RFK reminds me of Max Headroom.
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Pinscreen AI-Driven Virtual Avatar face-swap

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It occurs to me it might be trickery, and RFK isn't really there. I don't know, but the jittering is distracting and creepy. Why would the WEF sponsor a company that creates hyper-real digital avatars if they didn't intend to use them in situations that appear to be real?



But the above doesn't explain the overall jerkiness of JFK. That should only produce face glitches. Below is a head and body, but no arms.
rachel wrote: Sun Oct 17, 2021 11:49 am To understand why Tobias is working so hard to get rid of in-person meetings between constituents and MPs, we need to understand the level of the fraud the people behind the World Economic Forum are attempting to pull off. They want to do away with ALL in-person meetings with MPs and councillors so they can get rid of the pretence of politicians all together. It very much looks like they plan to replace the said 650 MPs with AI algorithm driven bots and a handful of paid actors. But it won't stop there, that's why they've put in place Mayors. All councils will be done away with.
Pinscreen: AI-Driven Virtual Avatars
The world’s most advanced and photorealistic AI-driven virtual avatars. Full solution for human-like virtual assistants and fully automated virtual avatar digitization. Our goal is to build autonomous virtual avatars that indistinguishable from real humans.

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Zelensky Hologram

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Then we have the Zelensky hologram.

Behind the Scenes: President Zelenskyy's Holographic & AR Address to Europe's Tech Community

28 Jun 2022

With the help of our friends at Talesmith, Garden Studios, Evercoast and ARHT Media, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed Europe’s tech leaders via 3D hologram, live from Founders Forum London 2022. He urged our community to donate to United24’s Rebuild Ukraine fund and invest in the digital transformation that will define the country’s long-term rebuild, highlighting Ukraine’s resilient development, despite the ongoing war.

Talesmith’s founder, Martin Williams and Evercoast’s founding CEO, Ben Nunez, travelled to Kyiv to record the President volumetrically and ensure we delivered his message in 3D, showcasing the potential for Ukraine to leapfrog into a better, tech-enabled world, post-war.

By broadcasting President Zelenskyy’s address via hologram and 3D avatar, our aim was to exemplify the world-changing innovation our community is capable of delivering and inspire our network to develop new technologies that can help rebuild Ukraine and promote truth dissemination.

We worked with ARHT Media to bring their holographic capsule to three other European cities, enabling the President to appear on stage simultaneously at the UK’s Founders Forum, Stockholm’s Brilliant Minds, Amsterdam’s The Next Web and Paris’ VivaTech. We also live-streamed his telepresence to Dublin Tech Summit, London Tech Week’s AI Summit and SuperReturn Berlin, to bring the President’s message to nearly 200,000 leaders across every vertical of the tech industry. You can view President Zelenskyy’s address via Evercoast’s mobile augmented reality experience at

The volumetric capture hardware used for the project has been donated to the Ukrainian government, to enable continued communications in extended reality formats, and ARHT Media is donating the equipment used for the hologram capture to the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, located in Kyiv.

Our mission at Founders Forum is empowering entrepreneurs at every stage of their journeys to drive positive change through technology. We are continually inspired by the creative technologies our community develops to solve problems and overcome challenges both big and small, and we believe wholeheartedly in tech as a force for good in the world. We believe in tech as a means of empowering democracies to prevail over autocracies.

We are proud to have hosted several Ukrainian thought leaders at FF London 2022 including Dima Shvets, Viktoriya Tigipko, Igor Zhadanov, and Irra Ariella Khi. Thank you to The Kyiv Independent’s Olga Rudenko and Daryna Shevchenko who travelled from Ukraine to join us in person.

Thank you also to Amanda Holden, Bernard Henri-Lévy, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Gayle King, Nile Rodgers, Oleksandr Balabanov, Ozwald Boateng and Peter Gabriel, who helped us amplify the President’s message and shared powerful words of support from the FF stage.

Thank you to our generous community who contributed significant funds to United24's Rebuild Ukraine Fund in addition to well over $1 million USD to Sunflower Relief's humanitarian aid fund, in immediate response to President Zelenskyy's address at FF London.

Thank you to The New York Times, The Times and The Guardian, BBC and Rolling Stone for helping shed light on this project and expanding the reach of President Zelenskyy’s message.

Thank you as well, to Thomas Hoegh, who created and produced the project alongside Talesmith’s Martin Williams, Mark Wright and Ruth Roberts.

This is only the beginning – we stand with the Ukrainian people and are ready to do everything we can to help #RebuildUkraine.

Please reach out to if you’d like to get involved.

It's an interesting list of institutions Talesmith’s founder thanks at the end. We know where all the apparent arms money is really going. To create a fake world in 3D where they can stage their alien invasion and backflipping human shaped robots that cannot exist in the reality...while we're all locked own in our Babylonian Smart Cities sacrificing babies to the sun gods...Christianity is such a fucking curse, isn't it @YouCanCallMeAl.

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