The Climate Change Agenda

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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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what do reckon being a tranny costs in COz ,more or less than a caveman ,some clever fool will work that out
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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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I love that this story got to a New Zealand board. ... cba1185463

Good set of arguments on how to fight electric vehicle take-up by local authorities.
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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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Body Blow To Activists: Whopping 82% Of Berlin’s Voters Refused To Support 2030 Climate Neutrality ... eutrality/
Last Sunday’s “Berlin Climate Neutrality By 2030” referendum failed resoundingly despite the more than a million euros spent in a massive run-up campaign that included plastering the city with posters, concerts by famous performers, huge support and propaganda by the media and hefty donations coming from left wing activists from the east and west coasts of USA.

Once the dust of the referendum had settled, it emerged that the “yes” side fell way short of the quorum 608,000 votes needed to pass the measure. Only 442,210 cast a vote in favor, which represents only 18% of Berlin’s eligible voters. The activists expected a far greater turnout. 82% refused to lend any support.

Berlin’s rejection of the climate neutrality by 2030 mandate is a massive body blow to the the radical Fridays for Future and Last Generation movement in Germany, and it will take months for the radicals to recover, it ever, from this setback.

The Berlin initiative to make the city climate neutral by 2030 was led by rich, upper class youths like Luisa “Longhaul” Neubauer. But Berliners, having been harassed for months by activists gluing themselves to the streets and blocking traffic, saw the folly of the initiative and the high costs it would entail politically and financially. They decided resoundingly they’d wanted no part of it.

The agony of referendum defeat was palpable as some of its leaders reacted by lashing out and insulting those who refused to vote “yes”, In a video, movement co-leader Luisa Neubauer sank into cynical accusations against the majority, even calling the uncooperative Berliners “fossil cynics” and “climate destroyers”.

Neubauer added: “There are forces in this city that are doing everything to get the last spark of climate destruction out.” In Neubauer’s view these forces include the vast 82% of Berliners who refused to vote “yes”. So troublesome democracy can be.
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Absolute Zero

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Twitter -
This important report by Michael J Kelly (FRS FREng Emeritus Prince Philip Professor of Technology, Univ of Cambridge) explains why the net zero agenda will come unstuck for want of manpower, materials, money & popular buy-in. ... Report.pdf

Climate Change: What Is ‘Absolute Zero’? ... 13151.html
The British Government recently confirmed it’s committed to end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030, as part of the push for Net Zero. But there are concerns the Net Zero agenda will increasingly restrict people’s lives. Earlier, NTD spoke to Professor of Risk Information Management, Norman Fenton, who analysed a government-funded report titled “Absolute Zero”—a report that suggests, among other things, closing all airports by 2050.

It's insane. And for what?

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Re: Absolute Zero

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More about "Absolute Zero"
Professor Norman Fenton spoke to us about the realities of net zero, and climate lockdowns.
2050, no road traffic. Food, energy and heating all 60% of today's level. Beef and Lamb phased out by 2050.

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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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Note, she's all in green.

Strong's Greek: 5515. χλωρός (chlóros) -- pale green, pale
And I looked, and behold, a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and hell followed with him. And power was given to them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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Like chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is responsible for the green color of many plants and algae .
- Wikipedia
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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

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Not just the green attire: the green eyes, the red roses, and red hair too.

"Red and green never should be seen."

As with zero Covid, so too zero Carbon.

Coke Zero. Pepsi Zero.

Psyop Zero. 8-)
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Re: The Climate Change Agenda

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

'The planet is fast reaching the point of no return.'
ahem.... Gaia's memory goes back longer than Ducky York...


Year Without a Summer (1816)

thanks to the eruption of

Mount Tambora

the phenomenal location of my honeymoon...


and then we had

Huaynaputina (1600)

all the way in Peru, causing the Russian famines of YEARS in a row....

Russian Famine of 1601-03

and so much more to be heard in the next Eye am Eye Radio release, where we cover many NEW points against the Climate Craze, stay tuned to receive the best, latest and greatest from our mentalversity providing aiducation on also the Anthropogenic Global Warming Scam !
aSHIFT. - take control over your OWN life

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