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Genocide of medical "food"

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 12:49 am
by Cassandra
Starving useless eaters to death has a long history and has become very popular in the last century. Nazis killed more than 100,000 disabled and psychiatry patients this way during the 2nd world war (the origin of the "low fat" diet). Operation Paperclip brought this ideology abroad. In an era of food abundance the method was perfectionized. The old and sick were routinely put on a feeding tube and fed an chemical concoction that reminds of modern vaccines and which has a similar health effect and which is not evidence-based either. Every year millions die of poisoning or literally starve to death on high-caloric-high-protein medical (fake) nutrition, which has gone unnoticed by conspiracy researchers. Many branches of the nutritional supplements industry are a scam, e.g. protein powder.
I'm speaking of first-hand experience and the medical mafia attempted to murder me in order to cover up this genocide. Please share!