NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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a young sator(MAGIC SQUARE) finding gold in the rubble of his closed city ,notice the green environment green shards indicate vitriol ,so we can guess this is another clue as to where we are heading, the land of oz .
more oz vitriol from nolan

The 2020 film Tenet prominently features a fictional Soviet-era closed city in Siberia called Stalsk-12 in its storyline
The Sator Square is a two-dimensional acrostic class of word square containing a five-word Latin palindrome. The earliest squares were found at Roman-era sites, all in ROTAS-form, with the earliest discovery at Pompeii. The earliest square with Christian-associated imagery dates from the sixth century.
magic square, sator arepo tenet opera rotas, ring solomon. e-book: The kept truth
Dorothy quickly finds the all-important Yellow Brick Road which will lead her to the Emerald City. In the world of mind control, the Yellow Brick Road is the path laid out by the handler for the slave to follow during programming.Astronomical ceiling of Sethi I
Magic Square: Rotas Opera tenet Arepo Sator, reveled the enigma of the Magic square. Egypth, Imperial Rome, Crusades, Templars... An interesting and original work that put on discussion the Darwin evolutionistic theory's.

The Magic Square, this is the name with which it's known, is a palindrome formed by five words of five letters that can be read in the same way from four directions of the side of the square itself.
This formula (ROTAS OPERA TENET AREPO SATOR) was very widespread in the places of the Roman Empire, probably propagandised by the legionaries of garrison. In 1937 it was found five times in Mesopotamia and there are some specimens of it in Egypt, in Cappadocia, in Britain and in Hungary. There are most recent specimens, I refer to the ones aren't proper to the epoch of the Roman Empire, but it's necessary to make a reference to Middle Ages and especially to the sacred buildings which are attributed to the Order of the Templars and to buildings which are connected to them.
magic square of PompeiiThe most ancient and easy datable specimens, with reference to the period, were found in Pompeii, that was buried by the eruption of Vesuvius at 79 A. C., RETURN TO OZ HAS PEOPLE TURNED TO STONE!!
the return to oz has a wheeler that briefs dorothy ,same as tenet ,protagonist gets briefed by ........yes wheeler,mk ultra homage to the fake war coming in oz ,and tenet starts in the ukraine opera arepo
No-lens oz movies are fun
palindromes are tight, i love them , i did guess No-lens next film would be a palindrome in 2017

In Pompeii, before the eruption of 79 A. C., was spoken and written a vulgar Latin, foundation of the Romance languages.
It needs to make a reference to this language to arriving at the solution of the enigma that the "Sator" contains, because the indication of the reading key is in this language and some words of the solution belong to it.
The vulgar Latin wasn't only a language spoken by the lowest classes of the population, but it was the language spoken by all the people, with shades according to the place of origin and to the social class of belonging.
As it knows the specimen of "Sator" found in Pompeii, has above itself a triangle and has under itself the writing "ANO". This geometric figure and this short word are the key to "unhinge" the hidden secret of the enigma.
The word "ANO" means ring (from classical Latin ANUS, ANUM); the ring to take into consideration is the ring that contains the triangle.
The ring par excellence corresponds to the figure; it's the Signed-Ring of Solomon, that he received by his father David, from whom derives the name of the symbol that is obtained by the union of two triangles: the star of David or Hexagram.
It's the key that shows the way, the way to reading that it's necessary to do through the letters contained in the square.
Superimposing the star upon the "Sator" it's observed that these two figures are complementary:
Medieval version Roman version
Starting from the point turned to the top and going on the left, a determinate tracing is obtained, through that it goes just once on every segment (it's the only way that originates a translatable phrase). The word "AENEAS" is obtained by the letters that are out of that determinate tracing. Reading the letters on that determinate tracing the following phrase is obtained (colours show the following course):
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anyone please feel free to add or critique
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heres your rainbow jedis religion
"When a new philosophy is presented to the world it is met in different ways by different people".
One person will grasp with avidity any new philosophical effort in an endeavor to ascertain how far it supports his own ideas. To such a one the philosophy itself is of minor importance. Its prime value will be its vindication of his ideas. If the work comes up to expectation in that respect, he will enthusiastically adopt it and cling to it with a most unreasoning partisanship; if not, he will probably lay the book down in disgust and disappointment, feeling as if the author had done him an injury.

Another adopts an attitude of skepticism as soon as he discovers that it contains something which he has not previously read, heard, or originated in his own thought. He would probably resent as extremely unjustified the accusation that his mental attitude is the acme of self-satisfaction and intolerance; such is nevertheless the case; and thus he shuts his mind to any truth which may possibly be hidden in that which he off-hand rejects.

Both these classes stand in their own light. "Set" ideas render them impervious to rays of truth. "A little child" is the very opposite of its elders in that respect. It is not imbued with an overwhelming sense of superior knowledge, nor does it feel compelled to look wise or to hide its nescience of any subject by a smile or a sneer. It is frankly ignorant, unfettered by preconceived opinions and therefore eminently teachable. It takes everything with that beautiful attitude of trust which we have designated "child-like faith," wherein there is not the shadow of a doubt. There the child holds the teaching it receives until proven or disproven.
The Bow in the Cloud
by Max Heindel

I have a few preliminary explanations to make, a few reasons why the subject of "The Bow in the Cloud" is taken up. I recently dictated the manuscript for a book which I since have been editing. In the course of the dictation, certain points came up, one of them being the life force that enters the body through the etheric counterpart of the spleen.

Upon investigating, it was seen that this force manifests in different colors, and that in different kingdoms of life it works differently; therefore much was to be looked up before making the information public. A friend, after reading some of the manuscript, sent to his library in Seattle for a book published about forty years ago called Babbitts' Principles of Light and Color. I referred to this book and found it most interesting, written by a man who was clairvoyant. After spending an hour studying the book, I turned to investigation myself, with the result that a great deal of new light was shed upon the subject. It is a deep and profound subject, for the very life of God seems to be embodied in these colors.

In tracing light and color back through the Memory of Nature, I came to a point where there was no light, as has been shown in The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception. Then I followed the different stages of planetary formation and continued on down to the point where the bow was seen in the cloud. The whole investigation made such a profound impression upon me as to fill me with devotion.
It is stated in the Bible that "God is Light," and nothing can reveal to us the nature of God in the same degree as that symbol. If a clairvoyant went back into the far, dim past and looked upon this planet as it was then formed, he would see at first, as it were, a dark cloud, without form, coming out of chaos. Then he would see this cloud of virgin substance turned by the Creative Fiat into light -- its first visible manifestation a luminous fire mist. Then he would see a time when moisture gathered around that fire mist, and later, the period spoken of as the Moon Period. Still later he would observe the darker and more dense stage called the Earth Period.

In the Lemurian Epoch of the Earth Period, crustation of the Earth began when the seething, boiling water was evaporated. We know that when we boil and reboil water, it incrusts the kettle; likewise, the boiling of the moisture on the outside of the fiery Earth ball formed the hard and crusty shell that constitutes the surface of the Earth.

The Bible says, relative to the next epoch, that it did not rain upon the Earth, but that a mist went forth from the Earth. From the damp Earth at that time issued a mist that completely surrounded it. Then it was impossible for us to see the sunlight as we do now; the Sun had the appearance of a street light of the present time on a dark night; it had an aura around it. In that misty atmosphere, we dwelt in the early period of Atlantis. Later the atmosphere cooled more and more, and the moisture was condensed into water, finally driving the Atlanteans from their land by a flood such as is recorded in the various religions
When that misty atmosphere enwrapped the Earth the rainbow was an impossibility. This phenomenon usually occurs when there is a clear atmosphere in some places and a cloud in others. At last, humanity saw the rainbow for the first time. When I looked upon that scene in the Memory of Nature, it was most wonderful. There were refugees who were driven from Atlantis, which is now partly under the Atlantic Ocean and also included parts of what are now known as Europe and America. These refugees were driven eastward till they came at last to a place where the land was high and where the atmosphere had partially cleared. There they saw the clear sky above. Suddenly there came up a cloud, and from that cloud came lightning. They heard the roll of thunder, and they who had escaped peril by water and had fled under the guidance of a leader whom they revered as God, turned to him to ask: "What have we come to now? Shall we be destroyed at last?" He pointed to the rainbow which stood in the cloud and said: "No, for so long as that bow stands in the cloud, so long shall the seasons come one after another in unbroken succession;" and the people with great admiration and relief looked upon that bow of promise.

When we consider the bow as one of the manifestations of Deity, we may learn some wonderful lessons of devotion, for while we look upon the lightning with awe and hear the thunder with fear, the rainbow in the sky must always provoke in the human heart an admiration for the beauty of its sevenfold path of color. There is nothing to compare with that wonderful bow, and I wish to call your attention to a few physical facts concerning it.

In the first place, the rainbow never appears at noon; it always appears after the Sun has passed downward and has traversed more than half the distance from the meridian to the horizon. The closer the Sun is to the horizon, the larger, clearer, and more beautiful it is. The bow never appears in a clear sky. It usually has for its background the dark and dreary cloud, and it is always seen when we turn our face from the Sun. We cannot look toward the Sun and at the same time see a rainbow.
When we look upon the bow from below, it appears as a half-circle above the Earth and us. But the higher we get, the more of the circle we see, and in the mountains, when we reach a sufficient height above the rainbow, we see it as a sevenfold circle --sevenfold like the Deity of whom it is a manifestation.

Now with these physical facts before us, let us go into the mystic interpretation of the subject. In ordinary life, when we are at the height of our physical activity, when prosperity is the greatest, when everything looks bright and clear to us, we do not need the manifestation of the divine light and life. We do not need that covenant, as it were, that God made with man upon his entry into the Aryan Epoch. We do not care about the higher life; our bark is sailing upon summer seas, and we care for nothing else; everything is so good to us here that there seems to be no reason why we should look beyond.
But suddenly there comes the tempest, a time in every life when sorrow and trouble come upon us. The storm of disaster tears away from us every physical foundation, and we stand, perhaps, alone, in the world in sorrow. Then when we look away from the Sun of physical prosperity, when we look to the higher life, we always shall see upon the dark cloud of disaster the bow that stands as a covenant between God and man, showing that we are always able to contact the higher life. It may not be best for us then to do so, for we all need a certain material evolution, which is best accomplished when we do not contact too closely the higher life. But in order to evolve and progress and gradually seek a higher and higher state of spirituality, troubles and trials which will bring us into contact with the higher life must come to us in time. When we can look upon trials and tribulations as means to that end, sorrows become the greatest of our blessings. When we feel no hunger, what do we care about food? But when we feel the pangs of starvation and are seated before a meal, no matter how coarse the fare, we feel very thankful for it.

If we sleep every night of our lives and sleep well, we do not appreciate what a blessing it is. But when we have been kept awake night after night and have craved sleep, then when it comes, with its corresponding rest, we realize its great value. When we are in health and feel no pain or disease, we are prone to forget that there ever was such a thing as pain. But after recovering from an illness or after we have suffered much, we realize what a great blessing health is.
So, in the contrast between the rays of the Sun and the darkness of the cloud, we see in the latter the bow that beckons us on to a higher life. If we only will look up to that, we shall be much better off than if we continue in the paths of the lower life.

Many of us are prone to worry about little things. This reminds me of a story of a little boy who had climbed a ladder. He had been looking up as he was climbing, and had gone so far up that a fall would have meant death. Then he stopped and looked down, instantly becoming dizzy. But someone above called to him and said: "Look up, little boy. Climb up here. I will help you." He looked up, and at once the dizziness and fear left him, and he climbed up until taken in at a window.

Let us look up and endeavor to forget the little worries of life, for the bow of HOPE is always in the cloud. As we endeavor to live the higher life and climb the sublime heights toward GOD, the more we shall find the bow of peace becoming a circle and that there is peace here below as well as there above. It is our duty to accomplish the work we have to do in the world, and we should never shrink from that duty. Still, we also have a duty to the higher life.
We should remember that we each have within a latent spiritual power that is greater than any worldly power, and as it is unfolding, we are responsible for its use. To increase that power, we should endeavor to devote part of our leisure time to the cultivation of the higher life, so that when the cloud of disaster comes upon us, we shall by the aid of that power find the bow within the cloud. As the bow is seen at the end of the storm, so also, when we have gained the power to see the bright rainbow in our cloud of disaster, the end of that disaster has come, and the bright side begins to appear. The greater the disaster, the greater the needed lesson. When on the path of wrong doing we sooner or later are kindly but firmly whipped into line by the realities of life, we are forced to recognize that the path of truth is upward and not downward -- and that God rules the world.
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What is the geometry of One World Trade Center?
One World Trade Center – SOM
At its middle, the tower forms a perfect octagon in plan and then culminates in a glass parapet whose plan is a 150-foot-by-150-foot square, rotated 45 degrees from the base. The building's overall effect is that of a crystalline form that captures an ever-evolving display of refracted light.
With its 18-piece spire, One World Trade Center stands at 1,776 feet, a direct reference to the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. However, even at this soaring height, it’s controversial whether it’s the tallest building in the United States. In Chicago, where the Willis Tower holds the national record for tallest building at 1,451 feet, residents have joined the debate over how a skyscraper’s true height should be determined; subtracting the spire knocks 1WTC’s total height down to 1,368 feet. The building has a cubic base and its edges form eight isosceles triangles. Near its middle, the tower forms a perfect octagon.
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Ninevah was an ancient Assyrian city of Upper Mesopotamia, located in the modern-day city of Mosul in northern Iraq.
so it's fitting that we head to iraq for the whore of babylon sadam hussein,when you splice the past solomons temple ,destroyed by nebudchadnezzar historically on 911, with the modern day solomons temple ie the twin towers ,which supposedly were also destroyed by sadam hussein on via 911 through the funding of terra-ism, who also declared himself the reincarnation of nebudchadnezzar ,now put the images and alters narratives ,consequences, characters and architecture into a metaphorical psi fi movie and make the tower complex a mix of the old temple (jerusalem) new temple (twin towers) in a spaceship
a spaceship because star wars is a vision of the events of 911 in psi fi and fantasy
metatrons vision to zerubabel is lukes 911 heroes journey
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and bowmans walk through the tetragrammaton
40 views Apr 25, 2020
i hope this amuses
always loved goodfellas
" the smiling" coming soon our heroes journey continues in this fast paced tale of stable boy and a princess,
One World Trade Center, also known as One World Trade, One WTC, and formerly the Freedom Tower (still sometimes used colloquially),[note 1] is the main building of the rebuilt World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan, New York City. Designed by David Childs of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, One World Trade Center is the tallest building in the United States, the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere, and the seventh-tallest in the world. The supertall structure has the same name as the North Tower of the original World Trade Center, which was destroyed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The new skyscraper stands on the northwest corner of the 16-acre (6.5 ha) World Trade Center site, on the site of the original 6 World Trade Center. It is bounded by West Street to the west, Vesey Street to the north, Fulton Street to the south, and Washington Street to the east.
The construction of below-ground utility relocations, footings, and foundations for the new building began on April 27, 2006. One World Trade Center became the tallest structure in New York City on April 30, 2012, when it surpassed the height of the Empire State Building. The tower's steel structure was topped out on August 30, 2012. On May 10, 2013, the final component of the skyscraper's spire was installed, making the building, including its spire, reach a total height of 1,776 feet
The biblical leader receives a revelatory vision outlining personalities and events associated with the restoration of Israel,(Star Wars) the End of Days, and the establishment of the Third Temple.

What is Nineveh called today? Nineveh - World History Encyclopedia Mosul, Iraq = Mos Eisley
Mosul, Iraq = Mos Eisley
you know what makes me laugh ,i told them who made the miniatures for 911 what cameras were used ,explained why the forgound was digital and the miniatures crystal clear ,and lets not forget this is fakeologist none of us should believe the collapse was possible ,,,,anyway they ignore me,then i show them the origin of the imagery ,ie the films that show precisely the trickery and explain that 911 was all rituals ,but the holy grail is the millenium fall-con as it explains the greaseball magic used, and i get told to speak english ,then i take them step by step matching all the primers prophecies and counterparts ,and i get told i talk in metaphors
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31 mins
locallising a myth for the entire planet,localising it for the end of the millenium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,george lucas
good interview pretty much rosicrucian doctrine ,especially teaching through a childs point of view
remember a tenet of rosicrucianism is teach early ,as a child perspective is key
"When a new philosophy is presented to the world it is met in different ways by different people".
One person will grasp with avidity any new philosophical effort in an endeavor to ascertain how far it supports his own ideas. To such a one the philosophy itself is of minor importance. Its prime value will be its vindication of his ideas. If the work comes up to expectation in that respect, he will enthusiastically adopt it and cling to it with a most unreasoning partisanship; if not, he will probably lay the book down in disgust and disappointment, feeling as if the author had done him an injury.
Another adopts an attitude of skepticism as soon as he discovers that it contains something which he has not previously read, heard, or originated in his own thought. He would probably resent as extremely unjustified the accusation that his mental attitude is the acme of self-satisfaction and intolerance; such is nevertheless the case; and thus he shuts his mind to any truth which may possibly be hidden in that which he off-hand rejects.

Both these classes stand in their own light. "Set" ideas render them impervious to rays of truth. "A little child" is the very opposite of its elders in that respect. It is not imbued with an overwhelming sense of superior knowledge, nor does it feel compelled to look wise or to hide its nescience of any subject by a smile or a sneer. It is frankly ignorant, unfettered by preconceived opinions and therefore eminently teachable. It takes everything with that beautiful attitude of trust which we have designated "child-like faith," wherein there is not the shadow of a doubt. There the child holds the teaching it receives until proven or disproven

It is stated in the Bible that "God is Light," and nothing can reveal to us the nature of God in the same degree as that symbol. If a clairvoyant went back into the far, dim past and looked upon this planet as it was then formed, he would see at first, as it were, a dark cloud, without form, coming out of chaos. Then he would see this cloud of virgin substance turned by the Creative Fiat into light

its first visible manifestation a luminous fire mist. Then he would see a time when moisture gathered around that fire mist, and later, the period spoken of as the Moon Period. Still later he would observe the darker and more dense stage called the Earth Period.

The author talks about the true man and his journey through involution, spiritual evolution and epigenesis, presenting practical methods to help the development of latent potentials in each one of us and how to transmute our latency into dynamic powers in order to achieve, according to the author, direct knowledge and conscientious work in the inner planes.
It deals with many esoteric topics and also metaphysics, physiology and cosmology (the visible and invisible worlds, human evolution, death and rebirth, nutrition, esoteric training, ...). It contains a history of the evolution of the human spirit and related bodies (from before awareness, through various incarnations of our planet on various planes, and into the future development) and of animal, vegetable and mineral life waves (the myriad life forms and types of consciousness on this physical plane, experiencing their own points in evolution). It also presents an esoteric interpretation about the mission of Christ and an occult analysis of Biblical texts which include the fall of man, the Law of Cause and Consequence and Bible and rebirth, and many other themes which were further developed in the subsequent books, lectures and lessons given by the author at the time (1910s) in the United States.
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The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception is divided in three parts:
Part I: the Visible and the Invisible Worlds, Man and the Method of Evolution, Rebirth and the Law of Cause and Effect;
Part II: the scheme of Evolution in general and the Evolution of the Solar System and the Earth in particular;
Part III: Christ and His Mission, Future Development of Man and Initiation, Esoteric Training and a Safe Method of Acquiring Firsthand Knowledge.

According to the Western Wisdom Teachings, in the beginning of a Day of Manifestation a certain collective Great Being, God, limits Himself to a certain portion of space, in which He elects to create a Solar System for the evolution of added self-consciousness.
The Ancient of Days, illustrated by William Blake (1794)
In God there are contained hosts of glorious Hierarchies and lesser beings of every grade of intelligence and stage of consciousness, from omniscience to an unconsciousness deeper than that of the deepest trance condition. During the current period of manifestation these various grades of beings are working to acquire more experience than they possessed at the beginning of this period of existence. Those who, in previous manifestations, have attained the highest degree of development work on those who have not yet evolved any consciousness.

The period of time devoted to the attainment of self-consciousness and to the building of the vehicles through which the spirit in man manifests, is called "Involution". The succeeding period of existence, during which the individual human being develops self-consciousness into divine omniscience, is called "Evolution". Every evolving being has within him a "force" which makes evolution not to be a mere enfoldment of latent germinal possibilities but a process where each individual differ from that of every other. This force, called "Epigenesis", provides the element of originality and gives scope to the creative ability which the evolving being is to cultivate that he may become a God.
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception describes that in the Solar System, God's Habitation, there are seven Worlds differentiated by God, within Himself, one after another.[1] These Worlds have each a different "measure" and rate of vibration and are not separated by space or distance, as is the Earth from the other planets. They are states of matter, of varying density and vibration
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They entered the vault. It had seven sides and seven corners; each side was five feet wide and
eight feet high. The sun had never penetrated this tomb, but they claimed it was brilliantly
illuminated by a mysterious light . In the center was a circular
In each of the
seven sides was a small door. When these doors were opened, they found a number of boxes
filled with books, secret instructions and a record of Rosenkreuz‟s life and travels. Then, they
moved the circular altar and lifted the heavy bronze plate beneath it. There in a miniature vault,
they found the body of Christian Rosenkreuz,
According to Livingstone, the founding of the Order of the Rosy Cross took place after
about three centuries of dormancy, and “as a result of pressure from the Catholic Inquisition to
suppress witchcraft. . . (Livingstone 2007:101, 104, 107).oiuiuioi (1).jpg
1775 flag
"Little seems to have been known concerning this old gentleman; and in the materials from which this account is compiled, his name is not even once mentioned, for he is uniformly spoken of or referred to as 'the Professor.'
professor marvel oz to the gullible
That the phrase "E pluribus unum" has thirteen letters makes its use symbolic of the original Thirteen Colonies which rebelled against the rule of the Kingdom of Great Britain and became the first thirteen states, represented today as the thirteen stripes on the US flag.The Wizard reaches back and obtains several diplomas -- selecting
one and presents it to the Scarecrow as Dorothy, Tin Man and the Lion look on -- before he blags him with a diploma .
Therefore, by virtue of the authority
vested in me by the Universitatus
Committeeatum e plurbis unum, I hereby
confer upon you the honorary degree of Th.D.
MCU -- Wizard -- shooting past the Scarecrow at right --
Yeah -- that...that's Dr. of Thinkology!
1776 oz made your new flag.
Throughout his life, Francis Bacon's fondest hope was the, creation of a Utopia across the Atlantic, the realization of his "New Atlantis" in the form of a society of free men, governed by sages and scientists, in which his Freemasonic and Rosicrucian principles would govern the social, political and economic life of the new nation. as well as through the revolutionary activities of his many Rosicrucian-Freemasonic followers, most prominent among whom were George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, that he hoped to create a new nation dedicated to his political philosophy.
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In his Secret Destiny of America, shit it's a secret ! ooop's ,
Manly Hall, Bacon's most understanding modern scholar, refers to the appearance in America, prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, of a mysterious Rosicrucian philosopher, a strict vegetarian who ate only foods that grew above the ground, who was a friend and teacher of Franklin and Washington and who seemed to have played an important role in the founding of the new republic. Why most historians failed to mention him is a puzzle, for that he existed is a certainty.

"He was known as the "Professor. Together with Franklin and Washington, he was a member of the committee selected by the Continental Congress in 1775 to create a design for the American Flag. The design he made was accepted by the committee and given to Betsy Ross to execute into the first model.

A year later, on July 4, 1776, this mysterious stranger, whose name nobody knew, "He was known as the "Professor. suddenly appeared in Independence Hall and delivered a stirring address to the fearful men there gathered, who were wondering whether they should risk their lives as traitors by affixing their names to the memorable document which Thomas Jefferson wrote and of whose ideals Francis Bacon, founder of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism, was the true originator.

"Little seems to have been known concerning this old gentleman;"He was known as the "Professor. and in the materials from which this account is compiled, his name is not even once mentioned, for he is uniformly spoken of or referred to as 'the Professor.'
professor marvel oz to the gullible
do you understand yet dorothy ?

In his admirable little treatise, "Our Flag," Robert Allen Campbell revives the details of an obscure, but most important, episode of American history—the designing of the Colonial flag of 1775. The account involves a mysterious man concerning whom no information is available other than that he was on familiar terms with both General Washington and Dr. Benjamin Franklin. The following description of him is taken from Campbell's treatise:
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who made your flag,and stole the show on declaration night
stranger who blew in to town called profesor
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oz schema ,vitriol and mirroring (reflecting as in the chamber of reflection)
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jack in the oz bathroom in room 237,gets the reverse of oz up until he looks in the mirror ,then the beautiful lady soon becomes a wet hag with melting skin,
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remember the shining has allusions to vitriol from the start heading over sharp pines ,to a hotel with a goldroom ,and ofcourse the the characters lend them selves to both stories ,dark father jupiter ,vader,grady,and interacting with the twins ,trade towers,castor and pollux,on 911,to dannys journey in his jupiter top or apollo top ,afterall it is called the shining

and with 911 being a chamber of reflection ceremony ruby rosicrucian you know rainbows and stars ,which is based around vitriol ,what other fairystory characters are allowed ,this is why oz is used as americas boogieman

In chemistry, vitriol is iron or copper sulfate salts and their derivative, sulfuric acid. The name comes from the Latin for “glassy,” after the resemblance of iron sulfate to shards of green glass. Vitriol is symbolized alchemically as the “green lion,”

a poisonous substance that appears when metal is degraded(DELBERT GRADY) by acid. Sulfuric acid, or oil of vitriol, was used in the synthesis of the lapis philosophorum- the Philosopher’s Stone. One unique peoperty of sulfuric acid is the dissolution of metals- all except for gold, on which it has no effect.


the vitriol and oz and star wars toys are off limits

not to me
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the book is a translation of the eighteenth century German "D.O.M.A. manuscript" entitled "Codex Rosae Crucis." Hall observed that the work combined all the Rosicrucian interests of "Alchemy, hermetic philosophy, mystic Christianity, cabalism and ceremonial magic, ontology and cosmogony, Pythagorean and Platonic numerology, Gnostic Christianity, classical pagan mythology, medicine and pharmacology, and comparative religion,"

Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (Order of Rose of Ruby and Cross of Gold)
The Mirror of Wisdom and the Invisible College
One of the mysterious Rosicrucian Manifestos was the 1618 Speculum Sophicum Rhodostauroticum, "The Mirror of the Wisdom of the Rosy Cross.” Thought to have been written by the German alchemist Daniel Mögling, it revealed the existence of the so-called Invisible College, a secret Rosicrucian society of scholars whose purpose was to transform the mystical notions such as alchemy and astronomy into the disciplines of experimental chemistry and observational astronomy.
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the new star of 1604 and the representation of Ophiuchus (the constellation of the serpent-bearer in which it appeared), the celestial sign that inspired the organization’s founding.
The Building of our Modern World
The psychological influence of the new star of 1604 seems to have been considerable. Those inspired by the Rosicrucian Manifestos laid the foundations of experimental science, biology, chemistry, and the modern understanding of the universe which led ultimately to the development of today’s technology. It’s even possible that the French Revolution, the modern Dutch monarchy, and even the creation of the United States may have been very different, or may not have happened at all, had Kepler's Supernova not occurred.
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