COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna vaccine content

All info related to the new biggest hoax of our time.
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Re: COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna vaccine content

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How Business Interests Deceive, Misinform, and Buy Influence at the Expense of Public Health and Safety ... n-playbook
Here are five of the most widely used “plays” and some of the many cases where they have been used to block regulations or minimize corporate liability, often with frightening effectiveness—and disastrous repercussions on public health and safety.
  • The Fake - Conduct counterfeit science and try to pass it off as legitimate research
  • The Blitz - Harass scientists who speak out with results or views inconvenient for industry
  • The Diversion - Manufacture uncertainty about science where little or none exists
  • The Screen - Buy credibility through alliances with academia or professional societies
  • The Fix - Manipulate government officials or processes to inappropriately influence policy
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Re: COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna vaccine content

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From @a_nineties

uploaded on EMA CDP december 19&20. just saw and re-upped, will be reading these files!


0,2% death rate in ONE month post-booster 👀this is from p-csr-body ... e/KE4UVYYQ also a LOT more deaths in the vaccine arm prior to the booster dose than previously considered


howwwwwww could this be explained? doesn't make any damn sense! they really timed their trial well, because the increasing infection rates would have screwed them to bits. not sure of the difference between the two crossover groups. also why n SO small??


page 132 has an absolutely devsatating KM curve. not a single "severe" covid case in the placebo arm after ~200 days 😅but look at how the vax arms start taking off, y i k e s !


as we have all seen with our own eyes, the vaccines are ABSOLUTE JUNK. more cases in the vax arm than in placebo! how does that give 37% efficacy?? and 52.9% overall efficacy for boosters LMAO. this is damning data!


page 147. that looks an AWFUL lot like very directly dose-dependent, doesn't it? neat how well double the dose tracks with double the AEs..


page 152 has booster nr.1 + 1month AEs, but bizarrely only one death, compared to the 47 mentioned previously 🤔 i really dont understand how they consistently manage to hide deaths in these summary tables


LOL, "likely" "some protection" until big bad omicron came around, which is when we made variant vaxxes! also the substantial increased "nootraliezinnggg" GMTs after booster is when the VE drops from 60% to 55% 😅so antibodies aren't a correlate of protection?!?! shocking


hehehehe tozinameran and variant vaccines are non-study vaccines ;) ;) ;) page 181+182. the text only goes til p175, then come tables and figures. perhaps it picks up again later?


page 224. interval is dose 1 to end of surveillance period. this would be much more valuable as a KM curve, but that's why there isn't one supplied, i reckon.


p556 the narratives start. FOUR pages for the LIST of deaths 👀


lots of the deaths were not reported as adverse events due to being outisde of the post-dose surveillance 👀👀"we have updated the subject's disposition to six feet under" lol


we're not supposed to say "turbo cancer", right? i think the correct terminology is "hyperprogressive". this poor bastard died in 90 days from the first symptom, "abdominal discomfort" 😨

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Re: COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna vaccine content

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the first placebo death narrative after 73 pages of only vax/crossover deaths. this should also be in the april 2021 narratives 🤔might crosscheck later


second placebo death, ONE YEAR after second dose of placebo -> essentially guaranteed she got v'd. also cute how the investigator google's the subjects name for alternate contact info - that's part of the screening requirements! where are all the placebo deaths narratives?


😂 "we've had our first death narratives, but what about our second death narratives?" nothing else in between, the page number just resets 😅


imagine the kind of person that VOLUNTEERS for a novel pandemic vaccine, finding out they were in the placebo arm. i'd say they'd go get jabbed, right? the earliest possible date is feb 1st 2021, peak vaxxomania.. third placebo death narrative btw.

GB4OF-CbEAAQ4Q0.png (3.07 KiB) Viewed 515 times

p706‼️gets/exacerbates heart damage from the jab and dies of post-op infection. might parse the narratives by trial arm because there are many placebo > 2x > booster narratives 🤔


pure placebo death #4 so far, page 772. this one has been discussed, we've seen it from the previous narratives file. btw: 1 of 2 c4591001 saline facilities also made remdesivir for gilead, and the other was only 8 miles away.

grab1 pf.png
grab2 pf.png

it's important to note the ages are not precise, but what an absolute nightmare. "no pertinent medical history" also note the "cosmetic" radical prostate resection - there is no reason for it listed 😉


there's also quite a few entirely redacted narratives. this one was a placebo case who died 105 days after unblinding dose 2 - close to the time between 14.12.2020 (placebo >b2 begins) and 13.3.2021(interim data cutoff)👀looking for deaths "delayed" out of the last report 😉


is this the moderna death? definitely a narrative we've seen before


possibly another eager beaver disappointed in drawing blanks? there is a definite signal of life-threatening gut issues .. also, was this one in previous narratives?


perhaps this person held out for J&J? @canceledmouse would you check adsl when the last placebo dose was given? even if we take 14.12., 680+90 days for the autopsy report is still january 2023. should have followed that up..


placebo > 2x > big C. many such cases.. i'll skip through the narratives and go through them in more detail when i've looked at all the other stuff.


the entire remaining 1.3k pages are narratives 😳 the ones towards the end might be HIV or AESI narratives, no way to know really, but there a lot of cancer cases.

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Re: COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna vaccine content

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Article relating to the same documents as the previous couple of twitter thread posts. ... -must-stop
BNT162b2 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports

The document reveals that within just 90 days after the EUA release of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, the company was already aware of voluntary adverse reaction reports that revealed 1,223 deaths and over 42,000 adverse reports describing a total of 158,893 adverse reactions. The reports originated from numerous countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain, and other nations.


Aside from “general disorders,” the No. 1 most frequently reported category of mRNA vaccine adverse reactions was Nervous system disorders, clocking in at 25,957 reports.


Pfizer is Aware that Its Vaccine Can Cause “Enhanced Disease”


Report Reveals Women Suffer more Damage, Spontaneous Abortion


With more to come, the First Secret Document is Extremely Disturbing, you can download it and read some of the dirty stuff that the FDA knew about.

People need to WAKE UP!

Related articles:

mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing ... herapy-may

The Truth About Safety of mRNA Vaccines Found in The European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan" ... a-vaccines
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Re: COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna vaccine content

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BREAKING from the UK: in a ruling under the UK’s code of conduct Pfizer has been found GUILTY of ‘bringing discredit to the pharmaceutical industry’ in the UK, the most serious breach there is under the UK Code of Practice rules.

A ruling by the UK’s @PMCPAUK found @pfizer had breached the UK’s regulatory code of conduct FIVE times including misleading the public about the safety and efficacy of its Covid vaccine AND unlawfully promoting an unlicensed medicine.

This comes after Pfizer was found GUILTY in November 2022 of misleading UK parents over the safety of the Covid vaccine for kids.

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Pfizer accused of ‘bringing discredit’ on pharmaceutical industry after Covid social media posts

Watchdog rules company breached regulatory code five times including promoting unlicensed medicines

6 April 2024

...A ruling by the pharmaceutical watchdog, the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA), relates to a complaint about a message posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, in November 2020 by senior Pfizer employees.

The complaint raised concern about Pfizer’s “misuse of social media to misleadingly and illegally promote their Covid vaccine”, according to the ruling.

They claimed that such “misbehaviour” on social media was “even more widespread” than they had thought and “extended right to the top of their UK operation”.

‘Unlicensed medicine proactively disseminated’
The complaint centred on a social media post on X by Dr Berkeley Phillips, the medical director of Pfizer UK. He shared a post from an employee of Pfizer in the US which said: “Our vaccine candidate is 95 per cent effective in preventing Covid-19, and 94 per cent effective in people over 65 years old. We will file all of our data with health authorities within days. Thank you to every volunteer in our trial, and to all who are tirelessly fighting this pandemic.”

Four other Pfizer employees, including one “senior” colleague, published the same message

The PMCPA ruling noted that this message contained “limited” information about the vaccine’s efficacy, no safety information and no reference to adverse events.

It went on to say that the social media post resulted in an “unlicensed medicine being proactively disseminated on Twitter to health professions and members of the public in the UK”...

...Following a complaint from the campaign group UsForThem, the PMCPA found that Pfizer had misled the public, made unsubstantiated claims and failed to present information in a balanced way.

Three of the other Pfizer cases related to LinkedIn posts, one related one was about claims made in a press release and one was about posts on X.

For the most recent series of breaches, Pfizer was charged administrative costs of £34,800.

Ben Kingsley, the head of legal affairs at UsForThem, said: “It’s astonishing how many times Pfizer’s senior executives have been found guilty of serious regulatory offences – in this case including the most serious offence of all under the UK Code of Practice.

“Yet the consequences for Pfizer and the individuals concerned continue to be derisory. This hopeless system of regulation for a multi-billion dollar life and death industry has become a sham, in dire need of reform.”...
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