Rethinking Transvestigation

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Rethinking Transvestigation

Unread post by YouCanCallMeAl »

I recently criticised Mr E's (and others') transvestigation 'methodology'. I criticise the process where all you need to do is show a bad photo of someone's face or someone walking at a odd angle and that is 'evidence'. I say this is problematic because it is an unfalsifiable hypothesis.

viewtopic.php?p=4983#p4983 and viewtopic.php?p=4994#p4994 where I say:

A theory or hypothesis is falsifiable (or refutable) if it can be logically contradicted by an empirical test that can potentially be executed with existing technologies.

With the transvestigations, all you have is lots and lots of hypotheses (people being scrutinised). This can seem like there is also a lot of evidence, but, in fact, very few (if any) of the hypotheses are proven. What you really have is a lot of unverified claims, and you can add more whenever you like - eg Tyson. For a presenter of this info (eg Mr E who says he taught critical thinking!), it's the gift that keeps on giving - you can just say whatever and the claim stands. It is far more akin to gossip or smears, than the scientific method (the method is valid, even if 'the science' isn't).
Each time you 'investigate' someone, apparently you have more 'evidence'. However, the evidence is never conclusive - it is really just a possibility and anyone can raise it! And it is possible that anyone you don't know intimately could be an invert - ie there can seem to be a huge amount of evidence out there!

Obviously this is a terrible methodology. Mr E, who reminds us in his chats that he taught critical thinking at university, will surely be aware of how bad a methodology this is! Evidence-free or evidence-lite smears are left to stand and are added to the 'body of evidence' we already have! And how many terabytes of 'evidence' there are! Its very reminiscent of the climate change proofs - lots of hot air!

Having said all that, I am nevertheless open to the idea that trans people, the ideology, etc are being heavily promoted to people. And I think I found an excellent example, I am coming at this from a MSM media deconstruction perspective.

Here is the article:

And here are some quotes from the article:
It was March 1976 and the host was giving a speech about the latest inductee. You probably won't know her name.

Ora Washington was a champion, a star of two sports, but prejudice stopped her competing for the biggest prizes of the day. Her sporting career spanned three decades of change in her native United States, but change didn't come quickly enough.
Ie, you've never heard of her, but should have..
Washington's is a powerful and important story. She was one of the most extraordinary Black female athletes of the 20th century. Tennis great Arthur Ashe described her as "the first Black female to dominate a sport".

There are still lots of things we can't know about Washington, but we do know she received homophobic abuse, and that racism and white supremacy denied her both the opportunity and recognition she deserved.

Washington's life threw up obstacles all along the way. And she took on the same types of injustice that many are still fighting today.
SJW talking points.
Also in 1925, the same year as her victory over Channels, Washington won her first tennis ATA doubles title. She went on to win that title every year up to 1936. In the singles game she would win the women's ATA trophy from 1929 to 1935. Seven years as champion at the top.

Washington was a headliner who dominated Black sports media coverage, but this was still pre-war America. In contrast to another serial champion of this time - the white player Helen Wills, who won her seventh national title in 1931 - Washington's success was allowed to exist only in isolation.
Confusing! Washington won "from 1929 to 1935" and yet "Helen Wills, who won her seventh national title in 1931"? Whatevs.
There would be no mainstream superstardom, no merchandising or endorsement deals from international sportswear brands. The competitions she won didn't lead to global fame or untold riches.
Right - but I haven't heard of Helen Wills either!!
Around the time of Washington's big tennis breakthrough in 1925, her name was also beginning to appear on lists of Black women's basketball teams as well.
She became a star as the team steadily rose. Reports of the day speak of outrageous long shots, of record scores that carried her side to victory. On 9 April 1931, the Hornets claimed the National Girls Basketball Title, beating Rankin Femmes, a team from near Pittsburgh, in the final.
A basketball player too, famous for her long shots.
In 1932, Washington was recruited as captain of the Tribunes. The Tribune newspaper celebrated her exploits, holding her up as the star of a team that won 11 consecutive championships.

But despite this, at a time when sporting celebrities had already begun to emerge, there was never any coverage of her private life. Such focus did fall on other female athletes of the day - but only in a particular way. Washington did not fit that template.
Whether Washington privately saw herself as more masculine or feminine, or as heterosexual or homosexual or anything else, is impossible to know from this distance. But some former members of the Bennett College team - against whom Washington played - shared memories of her when interviewed in the early 2000s by Rita Liberti, another contributor to the podcast.

From what they said, Washington was seen as different - as less feminine than the other players.
Some chit chat about the private life... raising the tranny spectre..
Years later he hinted to historian Pamela Grundy that his aunt was in a relationship with a woman. As far as we know, Washington never came out publicly, but we believe her sexuality is an important part of her story - and we'll hear from another of her relatives shortly.
When the BBC air rumours, that is not a smear, of course.
"You know, she seemed looming large, larger than life. She was tall and slim, she had a baritone voice and beautiful eyes. And when she looked at you, you saw sincerity in her eyes when she spoke.

"My aunt Ora was homosexual, we had no problem with her sexuality… [but] she was reclusive because of that, so I would imagine those who knew of her sexuality suppressed her accomplishments when she was at her best. They refused [to], even the Black community, let alone the white community because of racism back then.
"a baritone voice", eh? Plus more sjw fodder.

So - people of the time were racist, sexist, homophobic.... they would hate trannies too, right?
This is nothing short of a hidden figure story.
And there it is!! A "hidden figure story".

It is also worth looking at the photos on the page - the person has a very male appearance.

To me, the article is an example of how history is falsified - it is re-written in the present, for the present. History is expedient and can be whatever it needs to be.

The MSM (here the BBC) present us with characters (eg 'Washington') that seem either entirely fake, or embellished. Certainly you have never heard of them (just as you have never heard of any of other female tennis or basketball players from the 1940s) but you need to hear about them now! Their narratives provide a historical context to a current narrative.

And in some ways, Mr E et al are doing the same as the MSM articles (eg above) but from the conspiracy angle. By discussing this stuff from the conspiracy sidelines, throwing out plausible seeming smears (but no hard evidence as very little can be found) and throwing in religion and 'occult rune deciphering', etc, ensures that they can easily be dismissed, whilst capturing the imagination.

I'm sure some might think I'm doing the same.

But I'm not. In deconstructing and exposing 2 low evidence approaches that support a narrative, what I think I'm doing is showing how this is a narrative I/we are meant to take seriously. It is meant to become a black hole that I/we are meant to gravitate around.

My view is: take a look, but until there is some real evidence, ignore, deconstruct. There is not much reasoning or truth to be found here, in either the MSM or conspiracy approach.
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Re: Rethinking Transvestigation

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

To me, the point of transvestigation is to learn the features usually found in men vs women. Then deciding for yourself who you think you are currently dealing with when you see someone in real life or in videos/pictures... Because if you don't do that process consciously, you are simply "taking their word for it" because they vaguely dress like a man or a woman, not much proof here either.

Let's not forget about the symbols and numbers that they use, once you start paying attention it becomes quite obvious that it's not accidental. you can ask for proof, I ask you what are the odds?
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Re: Rethinking Transvestigation

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YouCanCallMeAl wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:58 am And in some ways, Mr E et al are doing the same as the MSM articles (eg above) but from the conspiracy angle. By discussing this stuff from the conspiracy sidelines, throwing out plausible seeming smears (but no hard evidence as very little can be found) and throwing in religion and 'occult rune deciphering', etc, ensures that they can easily be dismissed, whilst capturing the imagination.

I'm sure some might think I'm doing the same.

But I'm not. In deconstructing and exposing 2 low evidence approaches that support a narrative, what I think I'm doing is showing how this is a narrative I/we are meant to take seriously. It is meant to become a black hole that I/we are meant to gravitate around.

My view is: take a look, but until there is some real evidence, ignore, deconstruct. There is not much reasoning or truth to be found here, in either the MSM or conspiracy approach.

Yep, I like MrE, but I can't help feeling he's under contract and selling us down the swanee, but that is perhaps my prejudice. When I first stumbled upon this subject, I was well into it, then the more I looked at it, the more I got the feeling it is something given to us to hide something else as that's how the deep state seems to work.

I know you don't go with the God thing, around 2016 is when I decided it was the angle I was going to approach my world view from, the thing that kicked it off, and I spent a long time on was lawful and legal. If law is something that was just created by men, why not just change the law? Why instead implement a system that runs parallel, that appears to be the same but actually in most instances is exactly the opposite to what the law states. And the people doing this are clear that they call it something else so it doesn't actually overwrite what 'the law' is. The law still stands but now there is an equal but opposite system in place. This is where we are with legal and lawful, and at the back end of that, we have gender relating to legal and sex relating to lawful and the final plank in that particular wall they want to pass is gender self-identification.

I think the point is to trap us so we can never access 'the law', it might be there, it might stand, but we are slaves trapped in the fictional world of legal persons and dead entities. And the trans agenda doesn't need to be 'real' at all in that sense, because it is part of this fictional world. That's were I am currently.
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Re: Rethinking Transvestigation

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The two laws would appear to be represented by the black and white squares. Legal and Lawful, Man's law and God's law. And what the police should do is keep these two laws in balance, a police man being both 'officer' and 'constable'.

After a lot of thought about the symbolism, man is represented by white, God black. In chess, white always moves first, so nothing happens until you make the move. But the black is as likely to be the false god, Baal, because he offers both the black and the white, he is the king of the South and the false king of the North, the two paths either side of the true path. The checkerboard.

second degree tracing board
second degree tracing board

Think about the COVID, those of us who chose not to play along, we didn't make the first move, we didn't add the "1"... @dave j explains it this way.

The Mind Computer P1 - DaveJ

When I first saw this I had zero knowledge of the Kabbalah, but I kind of got what Dave was saying even though I didn't understand his starting point. My Baha'i research, the all-encompassing Number Nineteen, "the Alpha and the Omega”, points to the same thing.


The root of Kabbalah is Sufism - the Jews who are not Jews.
The Two Covenants, Paul's letter to the Galatians - 4:21-5:1 NKJ
Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law? For it is written that Abraham had two sons: the one by a bondwoman, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and he of the freewoman through promise, which things are symbolic. For these are the two covenants: the one from Mount Sinai which gives birth to bondage, which is Hagar— for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children— but the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all. For it is written:

“Rejoice, O barren,
You who do not bear!
Break forth and shout,
You who are not in labor!
For the desolate has many more children
Than she who has a husband.”

Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are children of promise. But, as he who was born according to the flesh then persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, even so it is now. Nevertheless what does the Scripture say? “Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.” So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free.

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
What is Paul saying? ... The Rabbis who professed to be "Jews" were in fact the authors of unbearable bondage through legalism. More interestingly, they were split into the Pharisees and the Sadducees, or if you want to give them a contemporary name, the Conservatives and the Liberals. We are witnessing Christianity being destroyed in the same way Judaism was, this is why I keep pointing out the bondage gender self-identification brings with it.

From the link, can you see the crippling legalism brought in by the transgenderism, expressed below from the viewpoint of a Sadducee.
...These actions underscore the problem of using self-identification as the sole criterion on which to establish a person’s gender identity. Although Yaniv identifies her gender as a woman, Yaniv's biological sex is male.

In an individualist society, we prize the values of freedom, autonomy, equality and self-determination. We believe that people should be free to pursue their own agendas, to become whomever they wish to become, provided that they do not hurt others along the way. From this view, it is easy to see how we might want to sanction the idea that gender—one’s experience of self as man or woman, masculine or feminine, as non-binary, or even non-sexed—as something that a person defines for oneself. But this is neither true of transgender identities nor of any other type of psychological or social identity.

I do not and cannot create my identity by myself. Identities are created in interactions that occur between people using public as well as personal criteria. Like it or not, I cannot establish an identity by myself; it must be negotiated with and validated in my relations with others. This does not mean that I have no role in establishing my identity—it simply means that I cannot and do not do so by myself.

Let’s take a relatively simple example of the formation of a social identity. Let’s say that I identify myself as a Liberal Democrat. When people ask about my political affiliation, I say “Democrat,” “liberal” or “Liberal Democrat.” However, when I am engaged in a political conversation, I talk about state’s rights, the need for reduced government, the desire to conserve traditions, the need for an unfettered market economy, and so forth. Imagine further that I have never voted for a Democrat, and instead have voted Republican all of my life. Under such circumstances, you would be quite right in questioning my self-identification as a Democrat. Either I am lying, delusional or I simply don’t know the meaning of the term “Democrat."

The point here is not that one’s personal experience is irrelevant to one’s identity—it is indeed foundational. The point is that it is simply not sufficient. We need more than what someone says in order to establish and verify an identity. We need to be able to point to public and shareable expressions of the person’s experience in order to verify the person’s identity. A person can claim an identity as a Democrat, but without voting for Democrats, espousing Democratic principles and acting on those principles, a person's self-identification has no warrant.

The same is true with gendered and transgender identities. It is not enough simply to make a claim; that claim is typically expressed in tandem with public qualities that corroborate that claim. Happily, public indicators of transgender identities exist. They are plentiful and well known. Imagine that a 6-year old biological male claims to be a girl, resists being characterized as a boy, seeks out feminine toys, activities and attire—and does so in the context of almost certain disapproval by at least some people. We do not become convinced of this child’s rejection of being a “boy” based on mere self-identification; we are convinced by the child’s many publicly observable expressions (empathically-felt by others) of identifying with the category “girl."...
It's time to: "Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman." Because those "public qualities that corroborate that claim" will be, like everything else, decided by a hidden scoring system fed into an AI... COVID-19, the V also equalling VALID/VALIDATION.
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Re: Rethinking Transvestigation

Unread post by YouCanCallMeAl »

The way that law fits into transvestigation, is that it legitimises the disorders of the individual, and makes it the community's problem.

So, no, you are not mentally ill (on account of the mis-education you have received). In fact we are going to enshrine your mental illness in law, convention and corporate policy.


Btw, I think I figured out a succinct way to express my position of the transvestigation. I'm borrowing lex luther's term, and I'm going to say transvestigation is chicken feed. It might be true (or not) but we can never know. But we can waste plenty of time looking into the ever growing, unverifiable 'evidence'.
Transvestigation is chicken feed.
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Re: Rethinking Transvestigation

Unread post by rachel »

Yep, I think in a round-about way, I'm of the exact same conclusion.
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Re: Rethinking Transvestigation

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Cheers Rachel,

Yes the Mind Computer video is the baseline for sure at least that i found.
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Re: Rethinking Transvestigation

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dave j wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 12:14 pm Cheers Rachel,

Yes the Mind Computer video is the baseline for sure at least that i found.
Yes indeed
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Re: Rethinking Transvestigation

Unread post by DonPowell »

I am willing to rebrand and go out on my own for the team if it will help the cause. Or maybe we could focus on something else. either way let me know.
(i think our time could be spent elsewhere. I know no one here has a sense of humor) (especially when used sarcastically to make a point)(should i approach crotch gazing more formally than this?) Im here to tackle the wedding tackle
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Re: Rethinking Transvestigation

Unread post by napoleon »

crotchologist is fucking genius
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