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Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago

Don’t worry about the narc in the room post what you want to AB..

All they’re releasing on their patron videos is chicken feed

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave j

here here

John le Bon
1 year ago

Lez is doing some terrific work for sure. I had never heard of this little ghost town in Cyprus before seeing Lez’s Patreon video about it.

My question for Ab is, did you seek out Lez’s permission to repost his unlisted (i.e. Patreon-only) video on your public forum?

You are smart enough to realise that he published it as ‘unlisted’ (i.e. only his Patreons would see it) for a reason.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  John le Bon

so we shall assume everyone knows 911 and the theatre was all agreed upon in the 70s minimum,and also assume that self any respecting fakeologists understand ozma bin laden was invented for this new terra-ism in the same way the c.i.a put saddam in charge of babylon(iraq) a new nebudchadnezzar in saddams own words

the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. filter don’t get any easier than sadam hussein
watch and pay attention

they knew they was gonna blame their asset sadam hussein ,and say he was responsible for the funding of 911 attacks in new york carried out by ozama bin laden , lets put that through the george lucas v.i.t.r.i.o.l. psi fi filter before it can be put into the childs space opera

sadam hussein will now be filtered through the same process v.i.t.r.i.o.l. in the oz chamber that gave you dorothy following the yellow brick road to green shards basic v.i.t.r.i.o.l.alchemical hustle time beep boop beep beep ………………..

awaiting caharacter bio…………
sadam hussein now becomes womanizer lando calrizzian (land of oz) calrizzian ,administraitor for cloud city
so crafty george named him after the land of oz ,in fitting with the chamber of reflection ruby rosicrucian ceremony ,which openly blamed ozma bin laden on 911,ergo blaming ozama and saddam puts you in the land of oz .

the place cloud city = he’s located on bespin planet (be-spin) how else do you get to oz a twister ,more (oz)v.i.t.r.i.o.l. bespin haha,planet called be-spin,so the sadam lookalike lives in a twister ,hes admin of cloud city ,and he is called lando …land of oz.

city is called cloud city and is shaped like a steel twister more oz)v.i.t.r.i.o.l. for new york immediately after the collapse ,(cloud city)metaphorically ofcourse as the masons and houseclowns perpetuate 911 mythos ,i solved the riddle !
why so sirius?

well now you know ,sirius is the rainbow star
transport on cloud city= twin pod spaceships that look like ruby slippers ,more (oz)v.i.t.r.i.o.l.,ruby slipper twinpod flying machines

land of oz job title =cloud city administraitor he is responsible for cloud city just as saddam was responsible for the funding of cloud city (new york after the collapse) land of oz calrizzian oversaw day to day running and keeping the tibana gas mines working ,tibana close to taliban,thats what they the terra-ists were called when the made the star wars and collapse film in the 70s lucas played with taliban and made it tibana.

description= sadam hussain lookalike ,loves the ladies, responsible for cloud city ,where solo-man gets frozen in carbonite shaped like building 7 the salomon building .both han solo and salomon brothers building have the same view one is of the sarlacc pitt the other is the holes from the miniature pyrotechnics

using same process baum did for dorothy of oz from the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. process and using 911 architecture events and characters as templates in our skywalker journey , gives you star wars an american childs look at what will come to pass from the masonic rulers of america ,lukes journey is visually acurate to 911 when told through the rosicrucian alchemical degree,which i unravveled again

wrap them all up in j tobin plaza the 7 buildings of rosencreuz chamber of reflection ie (the millenium fall-con)toy made from 911 event and you got yourself a secret ready for gullible apes

Aleister Crowley’s primary occult numbers of 11, 93, 77, and 175 were the flight numbers of the four hijacked planes which were used in the September 11th 2001 ,clear as day that incorporating crowley rituals in star wars and numbers that would be used on 911,star wars is proof of foreknowledge of 911 rosicrucian ceremony that was 911

ill quote the man himself “locallising a myth for the entire planet,localising it for the end of the millenium”
George Lucas


the millenium fall-con
"solo-mans temple"
only at fakeologist

theres no plaza like home.
plaza means place

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1 year ago

I can’t see why they don’t have their own Ghollywood in Gaza itself. Much simpler. I think Cyprus is a distraction.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  xileffilex

i agree ,but the premise got a thumbsup
i dont trust anyone of these chaps that stepped over solving 911 to report on the script

don’t need to travel around to show up the media

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

as i was saying most of these fucks tasked with getting the unwashed masses on the retard level of fakeology that jlb and lez luthor and others push ie the war in is ra el is not real

have to step over the millenium fall-con ,lets hope the fakeologist doesn’t fall fro any bait off these lowlives and keeps shtum about solo-mans temple

after all we know exactly who these fucks are now don’t we, i have shown them up in a discord i aint even in , in a forum with 40000 views from fakeologists i might add and in a blog where they can’t even repeat the premise,your not even safe in the livestream are you ? what are the odds on everyone ab speaks to since i solved 911 in his blog ignoring the blog ,answer odds on

easy when you know how

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

i’ll say it again the only man to pass the test was ab ,roll on napoleon wilson day

all them houseclowns failed ,what a shame

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago

So know 1 isiz,
“Lez LuTHOR” is an antichrist.
LLTHOR 278(G)ewish Gematria
Same as
‘i am THOR’
THOR=Thunder God
Thunder God= 498(G)ewish Gematria
‘charagma of the beast’
ThunderGod=116(8)(s)imple (G)ematri(mirror)911(11)
same as
Locked Gate

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago

All wars a hoax.
So then they go from point to point to point finding the same fact
War is a hoax it is controlled demolition and strategic relocation.
Nothing is going to change that fact they go about telling you the same thing over and over again so that you don’t look at the bigger truth.

That you do not look at the monolith standing before you….. Each one instead picking up the bone of content

Monkeys vs Monkeys


napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave j

spot on Dave it’s all strategic even the unveiling is seeking new victims
K=11 ENOB I=9
9=I BONE K=11
help me obi wan kenobi

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  xileffilex


This is my video on the subject that I did in 2013 on the Gaza hoax.

Leslie luthor and the crew are doing nothing more than walking over well explored ground *ideas)