Great round table discussing the world’s biggest psyop

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WTD ep.101 ‘Black Pill Digest #1 revisited, the war on humanity continues’ ?? 2023-11-20 • ? 02:11:57 • ? 127 MB Podcast: WAKE THE DEAD Author: Sean McCann Web player: Episode: 11-19-2023 ‘Black Pill Digest #1 revisited, the war on humanity continues’ William Ramsey, Hans Utter & Luemas Matua joined Sean McCann for a follow up to Black Pill Digest #1. A year later & what have we learned? The greatest psychological operation the world has ever seen, keeps churning along. Has time given us a new perspective on the plandemic? From this vantage point, hindsight is 20/20 (pun intended). William, Hans, Luemas & Sean remind us of what we went through & what is really happening to humanity. Find William here: Find Hans here: Find Luemas here: Please donate to Wake the Dead here: ??? ??? Visit Wake the Dead’s new store! ??? .

H/t [email protected]

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napoleon wilson
1 year ago

hans utter and william ramsey

mr ramsey has been on fakeologist and was another i listened to after his orbit of fakeologist

also hans utter
now i have not listened to this yet i will but after the discussion i had to give seans eyes wide shut another listen

On today’s FAR, Dr. Hans Utter drops by and brings a heavy dose of mind control, mapping the consciousness, music theory, pop culture and the ides of “schizmogenesis,” a cultural break from societal norms and the ritualistic elements that go into the cultural sacrifice of self.

this his latest sitar hit is called schizmogenesis .smj put me on to the father of that word like most of the info highlighted by smj ,came in reet handy

always listen to your peers.

The theory of schismogenesis is based on cybernetic systems theory. Consider a positive feedback loop in which A is acting on B acting on A acting on B and so on, each loop amplifying the action on the other, resulting in progressive disorder and increasing entropy.

hans utter

anyway i wanted post this by unreal maybe he can add more but either way
If we look closer at McGowan as an exemple – his death is clearly suspect of being faked. So what will intelligence do with a highly skilled and successful conspiracy figure* once his persona is extinct ? And how has McGowan been able to lead a double existence as both a truther and an intel operative – possibly with a family, friends and children with an internet connection ?

If conspiracy culture is merely half as full of paid intel operatives as i now presume – every field agent with media presence would need to protect his authentic identity. It is therefore clear that the heavy audio presence in conspiracy research will incite use of voice disguise for those who are most careful and meticulous about their jobs while at the same time protecting their actual family and social life.

Just look at footage from a conspiracy conference to observe how most Truthers seem to portray scripted, disguised personas – and often their voice and accent sound funny as well. Voice disguise is just another part of the toolbox used for scripted characters that we have not yet payed enough attention to.

*the topics covered between McGowan and Hans Utter are largely overlapping and the voices are a very close match – one dies and another rises

some funny comments anyway

1 year ago

Thank you, Napoleon, for this link. I always appreciate Hans Utter

Grand Illusion
1 year ago

This might have exposed Dave for what really went down

The guy allegedly died exactly 8 years ago and used Mustard Gas, sorry Chemotherapy to “treat” cancer like some normie. Does that narrative seem plausible?

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Grand Illusion

well the garden path the masons lead us up for the wizards had to jack its best from the narrative ,old story we see the microcosm of it with the controlled opposition that inhabits fakeologist

if half these turds were in it for truth ab wouldnt have to maintain the charade ,just imagine ten percent of the lads he speaks too were legit ?

we’d have a show every night with real voices every night

as soon as i got to fakeologist i realised the houseclowns trick was to point fingers or stir up suspicion around folks ,so the millenium fall-con puts them all in the same maxwell box, no cunt want’s to lose their pension by reading the blog its easier to transfer the boogiemen and wildflowers itrioduce the zealots and hope ab don’t get bored of dealing with carbon copycats

im enjoying myself either way

anyone could retire the entire truth gatekeeping community with me and my work ,after all i am the best thuing to hit the tinterwebs ever

can we have some new chaps please ?
these ones chafe

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Grand Illusion

running scared i got original simulant sending me toynebeetiles ,and the backroom staff of ips and jlb trying to figure out whats next ,nothing no change im doing this till ab finds the first domino

then im off

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
45000 cheers ladies

i walked into the only honest 911 place going with the solution ,then i studied liars

good liars interesting liars ,fuckem ,were in a made up narrative pointing at rubber babies and all the frauds are still worried about my toys

this is priceless feel like cody jarret

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

thanks rick and ab ,i’m a massive fan of sean so i will listen now

also he’s done the best breakdown of eyes wide shut that i have ever sean

it is beyond excellent ,and showcases kubrick’s psinematography

in my top list of deconstructing with no doubt

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

they play Rima E. Laibow and jesse ventura from 2009 ,and briefly touch the rosicrucian guidestones ,remember they took a hit during covaids anyway what i wanted to say was

Each time, Pharaoh promises to free the Israelites, but reverses his decision when the plague is lifted — until the last one. The plagues are: water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children.

and as soon as a fakeologist comes along (not ab he passed the test)we can start to layoout the real plane for the land of the free and the home of the brave ,shit i forgot star wars toys arent for anyone controlled ,pussies big shout to jlb and ips big big fan
TextThom Waite
If you were travelling through Georgia on Highway 77oz at the beginning of this week, you might have taken a pitstop and stumbled across a collection of massive granite slabs in the middle of a field, dubbed “America’s Stonehenge”. 

the Guidestones were engraved with a message in five different languages, which talked about limiting the human population of Earth to less than half a billion people, in order to live “in perpetual balance with nature”. (The guy that commissioned them did it under a pseudonym, Robert C Christian – can’t think why.) Presumably sparking the comparisons to Stonehenge, they also functioned as a calendar, with a beam of sunshine shining on engraved dates through a narrow hole in the monument.
Unsurprisingly, people have freaked out about the Guidestones in the past, linking the structure to various conspiracy theories, Some have labelled them the “Ten Commandments of the Antichrist” rosicrucianism doctrine, while others have claimed that they have satanic properties. Others have linked them to right-wing theories about the New World Order, and “anti-globalists”

Either way, the 42-year-old monument – which had long been listed as a tourist attraction by Elbert County – is projected to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to replace. We’ll have to wait and see if Robert C Christian is around to fork out the cash, which shouldn’t be too much of a problem if he’s still a member of the New World Order.

i am gonna knock fuck out oz and your shit new world order make the whore of babylon look like a nun with my spaceship

The owner of the Double 7(77 means oz) Farm was paid $5,000 for a five-acre plot and granted lifetime cattle-grazing rights. Once the land was purchased and the deal was done, Christian left and only communicated to Martin through letters sent from multiple cities around the country. In one of the letters, Christian asked that ownership of the land and monument be given to Elbert County, which is where it remains today.

Surrounded in mystery, the Georgia Guidestones have an interesting history and an intriguing and ominous message. In June of 1979, a man going by the pseudonym of R.C. Christian claimed he was tasked with building a monument in Elbert County. Christian believed the Elberton quarries produced the finest stone on the planet, and he hired the Elberton Granite Finishing Company to construct the monument. He informed the owner that no one would ever know his true name or the group he represented. He had an endless supply of funds and an agreement that all legal contracts and plans made with the granite company would be destroyed after the monument’s completion. Christian explained that the structure would serve as a compass, calendar, and clock. And it had to be capable of withstanding catastrophic events so shattered remnants of humanity could use the guides to establish a better society. The Guidestones are anonymous and engraved with “Sponsors: A Small Group of Americans Who Seek The Age Of Reason.”

these lads wrote your updated religious books ,these lads will make you americans suffer all the plagues inserting themself as gods wrath ,blaming psience ofcourse

these lads are the ones that turned solomons temple into solo-mans temple paying homage to their invisible college teachings and fullfilling for the third time a temple being toppled on 911 and anyone paying attention to me is now at their level for free

best college course ever for fuckall

!!! by solving 911 i have shown the rosicrucian great work
im a monster

their secret is they usurp and control religions via hijacking the bible and other religious books ,and recreating them for the cults gullible apes .

so good luck , i will be in my spaceship made from all three temples that fell on 911 historically herrods solomons and the twins ,please remember they were not jachin and boaz it was gemini castor and pollux being dominated by jupiter

even the gullible ape masons fell for two towers as their religion hahahaahahhaahahhahhahahahahaha you dumb fucks ,your’re run by cosmism from 500 years ago pay fucking attention

solo-mans temple
the millenium fall-con
if i was a mason i’d ignore the blog
