They’re getting raw

Miles Mathis says the Phoenician Navy that owns this place is getting raw and not caring if you notice.

No, this just proves once again that all our cold and hot wars with China and Russia are manufactured
and always have been. Those places aren’t our enemies. They too are owned and operated by the
Phoenician Navy, and we are all just outposts. The wars and disagreements are created for the
headlines, to manufacture news and drive foreign policy. And to justify defense spending. It is all a
grand illusion, right out of Orwell’s 1984.
The difference is, the fakes have gotten very raw and very obvious, not to say desperate. All subtlety
has gone right out the window. All respect for the audience has gone right out the window. They are
throwing everything and the kitchen sink at you now in the hopes something will stick. Fake wars,
fake spy balloons, fake murders, fake riots, fake aliens, fake indictments, fake convictions, fake
trannies, staged train derailments, fake Antifa, fake Proud Boys, fake White House sets, fake stabbings,
fake abductions, fake rapes, fake arrests. DHS, CIA, FBI, and Air Force are all competing to create the
biggest, sexiest, stupidest events they can, to draw attention away from the real world. Their only hope
at this point is to break your mind and your will, because if you focus on the truth the revolution starts
today. You remember they have just murdered for profit millions of your fathers and mothers, sons
and daughters, wives and husbands, friends and associates, with a fake vaccine. You remember they
have split the sexes, destroying all trust between us and trying to turn us all into sexless zombies. They
have divided and isolated us, leading to millions more suicides. They have destroyed the housing
market, leaving us nowhere to live. They are destroying the food supply, leaving us nothing to eat.
They are replacing all jobs with machines, leaving us with no jobs. They are waging a full-spectrum
war on us, treating us like an infestation of roaches, putting the equivalent of Raid in our water, air,
soil, and food. And I have news for you: voting ain’t gonna solve it.

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1 year ago

Putin noted that Russia fully complies with climate obligations

dave j
dave j
1 year ago

Is it too early to say I told you so.