Twin Towers: Who supplied the News rooms with the plane films? · Fakeotube

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Banned by Youtube for exposing the identities of the men attributed to creating the digital fakes ghosting into the WTC. With some funny tributes to the fakery. Including such BS artists as Devin Clark, a CGI specialist, allowed into ground zero eve…

Source: Twin Towers: Who supplied the News rooms with the plane films? · Fakeotube

8 thoughts on “Twin Towers: Who supplied the News rooms with the plane films? · Fakeotube

  1. dirtybenny

    Due to the bizarre way that the blog posts are now displayed. I cannot properly respond to each of the comments independently.

    Yes, Al, I do have a model for why it was done. For decades, I could not understand this element of the event.

    Initially, I thought it was due to modelling errors by the AI that constructed the whole event, imagery, and narrative.

    I have now changed my mind. I think it was perfectly constructed by the AI to maximize human interaction with the data and event. IT wants human interaction and response. These obvious apparent inconsistencies are meant to harvest human attention and assist in continually modelling manKIND.

    I am very interested to hear about your model. best, db

    As to jimjoekelly’s comment. I don’t believe ANYTHING about this event was sloppy or poorly planned. I think it was meticulously planned and executed as an attack on manKIND beyond human capability. Any humans involved were entrained to execute this event like an ant colony.

    1. YouCanCallMeAl

      Yes, the formatting of the site is ridiculous at the mo.

      I think my take correlates with yours. This is what I wrote earlier:

      Half arsed stories demand work from the person hearing the story. The planted seed is then nurtured and developed by the participants. If the story was perfect, the critics would step up. However, if the story is imperfect, this demands imaginative work on behalf of the content consumer – the consumers deputise themselves into the nonsense, and effectively complete or fill out the story. 911 definitely is an example of this, but space, dinosaurs, statists, covidians are all valid examples. The more personal actions one has to take to enliven the BS, the more it is uncritically assumed to be true by the person doing the imaginative work. The rough edges of personal stories are then knocked off by the herd… and away we go – we have the consensus story!

  2. dirtybenny

    It remains baffling to me why truthers fail to address the issue of why the narrative and imagery was clearly and purposely unbelievable. I could come up with a dozen different narratives in a single evening that would be more believable. I have heard no one postulate a model or theory as to why this was so purposely unbelievable. The Towering Inferno movie was far more realistic than footage shown on that day. . Most 9-11 truthers are so caged in a thought box, that they will never escape.

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