Twitter and big woke tech are useless

10 years on twitter, 32,000 tweets, 1396 followers, almost no engagement and nearly no organic followers.

A few months on tiktok, one viral video with 126,000 views, 1300 comments in 15 hours.

I think you can figure out why big tech wants Tiktok banned. They simply can’t compete with their woke, controlled by alphabet agencies, censoring ways.

We will discuss this and much more on tonight at 8pm.

4 thoughts on “Twitter and big woke tech are useless

  1. napoleonnapoleon

    i wouldn’t get giddy about a steam valve introduced during ozmacare called tik tok

    Tik-Tok is a rusty copper, orb-shaped machine with thin arms and clockwork features. His legs are very stout and he speaks moving his mustache rather than his mouth. He has a round head that has bright blue eyes of light, a small cherry nose, and a flat dome-shaped bowler hat that is removable. There is a small badge engraved into his metal plating, inscribing his role as the “Royal Army of Oz”. He is the entire “Royal Army of Oz”, which is ironic considering his generally helpless nature.

    After the G-Nome King’s defeat, Tik-Tok is cleaned up and is given a gold exterior.

    Tik-Tok possesses neither emotions nor organic qualities due to his status as an automaton entity. Based on how much his thinking key is turned, Tik-Tok’s intelligence can range greatly from a bumbling idiot to a calculative mind. He was constructed to protect Dorothy at all costs, and ensure the safety of the Ozians,

    Return to Oz from george lucas is a manual like star wars is a manual for 911 return to oz is a step by step of dissociation

    Tik-Tok was created by the people of Oz under the orders of King Scarecrow(SARSCOVV) to have an army for the city. He was stored in a secret room within the city. The key to access the room was spirited away to Dorothy Gale when the Nome(G-NOME) King invaded and took over Oz.(WHERE NAPOLEON LIVES)

     Do You Prefer Comforting Lies, Frighting Possibilities, or the Truth? 
    how about all three ?

  2. John le BonJohn le Bon

    Congrats on the viral video.

    You have inspired me to create a tiktok account and see if my videos get more engagement on tiktok than on youtube.

    Here’s my first upload:

    The question is, what kinds of click through rates do you get from tiktok?

    I’m guessing almost none. People just watch video after video on tiktok, they will binge watch dozens if not hundreds of videos in one session.

    They’re attention is not really on the broader elements, they aren’t on tiktok to think, it is just mindless entertainment, significantly more so than youtube.

    Hope I’m wrong.

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