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aHEAD. is our combined knowledge base of history as part of aSHIFT.; revised twistory (where we come from), genealogy (who we are), mentalversity (how our brains bounce) and ...Future (where we go to ; who we will be).

Warning; contains Newspeak

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aHEAD in short

the Gaia Guidestones

in progress aHEAD.

in short

File:View of Mount Rinjani from Mount Tambora - Lesser Sunda Islands - Indonesia.jpg
economy technocrazy twistory aGENDAS society aSHIFT.
2050 Elon Mars City America 2050 the Transplanetary Age
2030 carbon credit Agenda 2030 Reset the Farmandroid Age $ 1,000,000,000
2020 mutating spears Corona Craze Reset the Transmutant Age
2001 internet 9/11 the Virtual Age
1960 tv Coronation Street the Transhumanist Age
1929 Black Tuesday Reset Bernays the Propagandist Age
1848 Governed Mind Reset the Democrazy Age
1492 global economy the Global Age
1350 feudalism Black Plague Reset the Feudal Age
1052 jesus the Abrahamic Age

twistory & Future

the Gaia Guidestones

in progress aHEAD.

twistory & Future

File:Panorama Chicamocha Canyon, Santander.jpg
Sun & Gaia economy wars geopolitics technocrazy twistory aGENDAS borders society aSHIFT.
2050 Elon 1 million Mars City Elon Mars City Elon Mars City Agenda 2050 America 2050 the Island Age 14.5.0 - Elon Mars City
2030 AGW Carbon Credit end of Coronacaust? Plan Patagonia
Israel 2.0
Agenda 2030 State of Fear
4/13 2029 Apophis self-driving cars
2026 max Solar Maximum Neuralink
2023 onset Solar Maximum Panama Canal Crisis??
1/1 2021 New Economy International Patriot Waterbottle (us) Act II Smart Cities Agenda 21 279
11/22 2020 Agenda 2021 14.4.49 - the Gaia Guidestones
129 min of Brave New Words
11/03 2020 Trump -> Biden <968> the Idiocracy Complete
FAC 786 - the Great Remindset
10/26 2020 the Great Remindset FAC 776 - aSHIFT. vs the Great Reset
10/14 2020 aSHIFT.
10/05 2020 14.1 - aSHIFT. with Ab
09/28 2020 13 - MP-ULTRA
09/20 2020 12 - aRISE.
07/20 2020 Solar Maxima & Minima I 11 - the Power of Gossip & MRM
05/26 2020 10 - empowerment
05/22 2020 09 - the New Normies
05/14 2020 08 - the Payback
05/07 2020 07 - the Power of Positivity
05/03 2020 06 - Take No Dosis
04/25 2020 RIP Don Moreno (85) 05 - Molly Megacast
04/18 2020 04 - Game of Clones
04/10 2020 RIP Chris Kendall (50) 03 - No Will To Lose
03/25 2020 insider bank trading transactions 02 - Corona Craze
03/17 2020 end of big chain consumerism 01 - Police Academy
3/11 2020 onset Solar Minimum
Age of Aquarius
the New Normal World War W contact tracing Coronavirus Corona Craze New American Order the Posthumanist / Androidist / Dehumanist Age 311 World of Maskedness]]
<968> our first War
12/04 2019 Agenda 2020 → DETACH
Agenda 2020
01 - Police Academy
2006 The Fountain 15 minutes Das Leben der Anderen V for Vendetta Apocalypto Children of Men the Island Idiocracy 14.6.1 - open Idiocracy
11/9 2001 Pull it! Greater Israel 2
§ Afghanistan
§ Iraq
International Patriot Waterbottle Act I 9/11 the Internet Age 911 the Clownworld
end of the 90s
<949> 14.3.2 - 911 = 1963
3/19 2000 graphic design industry Bart To The Future
1988 Windows They Live
01/29 1979 Star Wars Cleveland Elementary School shooting I don't like Monday's Gaia
1976 Apple Network
1973 off gold standard Vietnam War Oil Crisis post-Apollo 'Space Age' the Scarcity Age
07/20 1969 Vietnam War Apollo 11 the Lunar Fiction Age
1964 Vietnam War microprocessor the Digital Age
11/22 1963 JFK Trans Pacific broadcasting <911> 14.3.2 - 911 = 1963
1960 Eichmann show trial Space Hoax Coronation Street Decolonization the Transhumanist Age 311 McVeigh
Corona Craze
<908> 14.4.49 - the Gaia Guidestones
1954 EEC Korea War Bilderberg Group consumer flights the Aero Age 14.4.54 - Uncle Benno
1949 television industry Nineteen Eighty Four the War Vision Age
14-5 1948 IMF foundation of Israel
foundation of Korea
WHO end of 'world' War II
6/25 1947 Diary "of" Anne Frank the War Diary Age
8/6 1945 enslavement of Japan United Nations
'end to all wars' II
Nuke Hoax world War II the Transnational Age
14-5 1943 Soapibor the War Diary Age 14.5 - Soapibor
9-11 1938 Kristallnacht world War II 279 start of 'world' War II
14.5 - Soapibor
1932 Brave New World the Brave New World Vision Age
10/24 1929 Black Tuesday Reset Bernays Propaganda the Propaganda Age
<908> 14.4.29 - 1929 the Propaganda Age
1913 Age of Prohibition Beer Hall Putsch ... end of 'world' War I
1914 Panama Canal the Flying Age world War I
1913 Federal Reserve World Agricultural Org. start of 'world' War I
1893 Nazionism lightbulb
SS Ironic the Radio Age 14.9.3 - message in a bottle
1870 Prius War Suez Canal 1870 tech the Electric Age
1848 socialism = crapitalism democrazy =
'end to all wars' I
demopacy ; statism anti-anarchism psyops anti-monarchy the Democrazy Age
<796> 14.3.48 - the year 1848
April 1815 Year without summer Rothschild Waterloo collapse Spanish Empire the Land Reset 14.8.15 - Gaia's (R)age - Tambora
1492 Global Economy New World the Global Age <440> 14.9.2 - 1492
1350 the Feudal Age <298> 14.3.50 - the year 1350
1345 Greco-Roman eras? the Black Plague Reset <293> 14.3.88 - Prenaissance
1052 Fomenko's <0> jesus <0>
prehistory archaeoastronomy Muisca eonomy tribal shamanism that what is hidden; twistory, 'Tartaria' where we come from
all of us
< <0>
geohistory archaeoastronomy formations of Colombia geology Colombia tribal shamanism geology;
the scarce knowledge of Gaia's past
< <0>

aHEAD español

  1. Yerba Diabolika - the KGBs - 384
  2. Ionized Intelligence & Chernobyl Cheese - yFake & gaia + Fakeologist Spiritual Group chat thanks to VIDERE - 2:22:22
  • interested in improving your Spanish? contacte gaia

gem learning with aSIGN

the more we are the more we share
the more we share the more we are

cuanto más somos tanto más compartimos
cuanto más compartimos tanto más somos

cuanto más estamos tanto más compartimos
cuanto más compartimos tanto más somos

cuanto más estamos tanto más compartimos
cuanto más compartimos tanto más estamos

Matronage for Molly

agenda 2021

aTONE based on aHEAD

see also Eye am Eye Radio

  1. 14.4.49 the Gaia Guidestones - 129 min of Brave New Words - Free For All ‼ - Gaia - DONE - 22 nov - 129 min
  2. 14.4.1 the mentalversity - Bouncing Brains - Matrons only - Winnie, Rohan & Whimsy - 179.9 min
  3. 14.1.1 the World of Maskedness - aSHIFT. with Ab - with 5 Matrons only - Ab the Fakeologist - 14.1 intro
  4. 14.1.2 the Grand Chessboard - aHEAD. with Ab - Matrons only - Ab the Fakeologist, ...
  5. 14.2.1 the CORONA rape with Edu - Matrons only - Edu Barça, ...
  6. 14.3.1 twistory - provenance prodding with CTruth - Matrons only - CTruth, ...
  7. 14.3.2 twistory with CTruth - Matrons only - CTruth, ...
  8. 14.4.2 medical scarity - Bouncing Brains - Matrons only - Winnie, ...;
  9. 14.4.3 serendicity - Bouncing Brains - Matrons only - Winnie, ...
  10. 14.4.4 the mentalversity - Bouncing Brains - Matrons only - Mega Mollycast with optionally;
Eye am Eye Radio members
  1. Winnie the Flu
  2. Ophallus
  3. Intriguing Whimsy
  4. Ab the Fakeologist
  5. Original Simulant
  6. willose
  7. Take No Gnosis
  8. Truth34
  9. Ashelloooo
  10. BDM
  11. BuckCherry
  12. Edu Barça
  13. Gregory of Nyssa
  14. KapteynKonijn
  15. AhuraM
  16. Dingo
  17. farcevalue
  18. Karas
  19. LostInTartarSauce
  20. Rohan
  21. Laura
  22. Molly
former Eye am Eye Radio members
  1. Artorius
  2. Don Moreno (RIP)
  3. learnshare
  4. MoreThanAGal
  5. SomeApe
  6. inlinechalkbody
  7. Vessel
  1. 14.3.3 911 = 1963 - ??
  2. 14.3.11 Corona Cult - the meaning of 311 - Ab, CTruth, Hexenbesen, Markus Allen ?? , many more Bouncing Brains!
  3. 14.3.48 the year 1848 - ??
  4. 14.4.11 - the mentalversity - different brains - farcevalue, BDM, Winnie the Flu, Ophallus
  5. 14.4.54 Uncle Benno - ??
  6. 14.5 Soapibor - Atwill & Kelly ??
  7. 14.5.1 Learned Elders of WW II - Atwill & Kelly ??
  8. 14.3.50 the year 1350 - the Black Plague Reset - CTruth, Hexenbesen etc.
  9. 14.3.88 Prenaissance - CTruth, Hexenbesen etc.
  10. 14.2.50 Elon Mars City - ??
  11. 14.6.1 open Idiocracy - ??
  12. 14.7.01 Suez - Canal Change I -> Plan Persia - ??
  13. 14.9.01 Panama - Canal Change II -> Plan Patagonia - ??
  14. 14.8.15 Gaia's (R)age - Tambora - ??
  15. 14.9.2 the year 1492 - globalism - the New World OrderAtwill & Kelly ??
  16. 14.9.3 message in a bottle - SS Ironic & storytelling - ??
  17. 14.9.4 Plan Patagonia - Atwill & Kelly ??
  18. 14.7 - Pedazos del Palacio - 26:47 min - ??
  19. 14.


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