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esta categoría contiene las páginas relacionadas con Newspeech para el idioma conocido como español, pero con enfoque al Mundo Latinamericano que es mucho más grande que sólo España ; español = castellano. Además combina el origen del idioma; el Latin, en nuestro Nuevosdichos ; Newspeech = latin.

this category contains pages related to the Newspeech for the Spanish language, as part of a bigger linguiversity, inspired by Simon Stevin !

so enjoy our linguiversity and embrace the easier to pronounce and unique language namez !

this category contains the pages related to Latinespañol, our NEW Spanish !

14 languages in 7 families forming our linguiversity

with 1 bonus language, from "de Beerslanden", or Baaije Beroerde Beerslanden, makkelyk, wat seg jy?

Germanic languages

  1. Doitsch - "scribe it how you say it; DJ G mothafackas !" - "German" = what, Germ Man?, nah, Alemmannen are dead, Alemannia Aachen plays in like the 33rd tier of the NRW SW Superleague...
  2. Neederlans - the d is silent, "stille deetjes maken geen weetjes" - double meaning WOW poetry as I write ; deetjes = date-jes, small dates. Weetjes are "trivia common knowledge facts", stil is silent, nice
  3. Svenska - eh, don't speak it, hope Winnie the Flu comes back one day some day some how soon, my first Vafan production is mixed to completion but not released yettt....

Germanic-Romanic 35-40% language

English is unique, apart from the Celtic and Nordic kinfluences, most of it is from other language families and arguable 35-40 % Latin, Romanic, my easiest to handle family...
  1. Inglish

Romanic languages

also called "Roman languages", "Latin languages", those languages in majority stemming from Latin roots
  1. Latinespañol - Latin American and including the root of it Castellano Spanish
  2. Porhtughesh - yeah, the pronounciation of Porhtughesh is like this, visit the Azores, Peunta Delgohda, fun accent !
  3. Italiano - doesn't need adaption, so well Italian is, the words are pronounced exactly as written with some basic rules; it is Lamborghini, not Lambordzhini... like 60%+ of Dem Dutchies say....
  4. Franseh - pleur op met je c-cedille, I cannot even do it on my keyboard, here you have some to play with, wiki works with us ; ḉ ç ɔ̯ ɔ̃ ɔ ₡ ¢ ₵ ₢ ₠ ᐣ ແ ឦ ឦ ឦ ឦ ឡឡ ញញញញញ ឦ I give up, you see, that's why, I really searched everywhere, I thought this worked, nope, kutfransozen, ik wist het...
  5. Català - ja, tof taaltje jonguh

Slavic languages

  1. Russkiyazyk

Stem languages

  1. Latin
  2. Greko

Timeless teachings

see also
  1. Muyscubbun
  2. Newspeech - Newspeech's GROWING category

Bonus coolness

Germanic but with Xhosa and other indigenous influences
  1. Afrikaans