Cocaine hippos (Hippopotamus amphibius ssp. magdalensis)

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aDORE. best cat pre-23
Cocaine hippos
(Hippopotamus amphibius ssp. magdalensis)
Cocaine hippo =
Escobar's import=
since 1981, 1st NW cria 1984 ?
taxonomical origins Hippopotamus (Linneaus, 1761)
ssp. capensis
taxonomical revision Potamoporco bocagrandi ssp. riberomagdalenae
inglish + greko + latin es nl doi
"hippo = horse, potamus = river, ssp. = subspecies ; amphibious Cocaine Magdalena River horses"
CoCaballos riberos del Río Magdalena
of: "Cocaïne Magdalena Rivieroeverpaarden" ;
niet de Afrikaanse originele Nijl-paarden...
Kokain Magdalena Flussuferpferde
NOT to be confused with :

Newspeak Jewspeech
aiducation ; -versities lingui mental musi

Cocaine hippos (Hippopotamus amphibius ssp. magdalensis) is a Newspeak and (Newspeech) term for the population of exodemic (as opposed to endemic - bio original taxa) hippos, species name Hippopotamus amphibius,[wi 1] living, cause growing and thriving cause Escobar's and bio environment in the Middle Magdalena River, Central Colombia, South America.

The officially coined Colombian subspecies is called Hippopotamus amphibius ssp. capensis.[sci 1]

They represent the biggest population of hippos outside of their endemic continent of Africa.

As of 2023 it is estimated there are about 100 (gaia's words)

  • 92-120
  • about 100
  • 91-108
  • more than 121
"It's 2024!"
  • we just say 100, easy peasy paardjes

hippos living in their new habitat, grown towards the Department of Santander, capital Bucaramanga far aWAY. and not the right climate for them, mountain hippos, or Chicamocha Coca Hippos, Hippopotamus amphibius sub. magdalensis sub. chicamochae... haha disueños


  • the art of knowing
  • that what DOES fit in the UNIversity
  • namely, those UNIversal truths we can ALL agree upon
  • and shouldn't fight over
    • NO Flat Smufs aub
  • so FACTS, agreed upon observed phenomena with logical, biological, ecological, psychological, sociological, statistical, foundation, support, referencing
  • academia how it is meant to be
  • not abracademia|abracademia]], yet clarity, clear examples, easy to understand statistics and methodologies of The Philosophy Of Art Of Knowing ; scientias ;
  • science ; i.e. NOT psience NOR scientism !!

00 science - the proper NAME

  • see List of Newspeech for inspirations !
  • the name should be the most descriptive possible
  • honoring conventions where needed but daring to be
  • NON Conventional
  • i.e. NOT suscribing to The Convention

01 science - the proper TAXA

  • Hippopotamus was coined by Charly Linné in 1758 - The Mania Line
  • taxalogie - taxalogy - taxalogía - Taxalogie = revisionist taxonomy
  • = proper genera and descriptive and unique names possible

"Hippo" means horse, and really, does a hippo look to you as a river horse)

so Potamoporco (Escobar & Escobar 2024) I propose by this, council of Animal Namerology !

scientific hypotheses and theories to put to testing

  • mentalversity = the ULTIMATE and ORIGINAL how it is supposed to be Peer Review !

0 - the Hippo is the most Bad-ass Land non-Predator on Earth. Period

  1. the 5th heaviest land animal on Earth ?
  2. other contenders for big, bulky, tanky, NON predator land animals
  1. African elephant - biggest of the elephants, but also the most tanky, dangerous, bad assed ?
  2. North American buffalo - "bizon"
  3. African buffalo, in herds, but not alone
  4. African rhinos, white (dark colored longer) or "black rhinos" (lighter and bulkier) - K-Rino fo sure
  5. Moose / ELk = Eland = either North American or Scandinavian/North Eurasian
  6. yak / Asian big bovid breeds
  7. mustang, other untamable horse breeds
  8. Latin American tapirs - before the Cocaine hippos the holder of the title Biggest Non Predator Land Animals, not so lethal as hippos, still can grow big and unpredictable
  1. meaning the Hippo is the Sperm Whale Orca Hybrid of the Land
  2. tank-like should be in the name
  3. biggest mouth opening of ALL land animals, even beating crocodiles, and through strength snakes, brilliant birds and freaky frogs who have >180 degree mouth opening angles... only Sperm Whales and Orcas approach this under water
  • Mouth gaping riverside horse (it's more a pig to me, I dunno)
    • Potamoporco amphibius ssp. fluviamagdalenae - Riverside swine, Magdalena River subspecies (Escobar & Escobar, [1981] (2024))[sci 2]
    • Potamosus amphibius ssp. fluviamagdalensis[sci 2]
    • Potamoporco amphibius ssp. fluviamagdalenae
    • Potamoporco amphibius ssp. fluviamagdalenae

1 - estimate of 100 hippos in 2024 makes sense

2 - ecos logos disaster or ecos nomos, Muisca somos opportunity ?


  1. gaia, me, is also import, in 2024 for 12 years continously, but from 1st hand experience already 14.29 years as of today, Nov 09....
  2. the hippos are as old as our Xennial subgeneration, love it
  3. 1977 (21-12-1976 is literally the New Year of that, esposina) - 1983

meaning in between these years fall my:

  1. esposina, the only woman I married forever and for GAIA
  2. first, fourth, second, fifth and sixth (the former) serious relationships; 5 out of 6 and 5 out of 5 in matching
  3. all of my good Geo friends
  1. Miami Vince
  2. Bouw
  3. kale - BUVOVVerschoor
  4. Carposaurus
  1. Pueblo friends+Eye AM Eye Radio GEMz
  1. xRIOS
  2. Pacho
  3. Judy
  4. originalsimulant
  5. willose

home turf natural predators

  1. lion, lionesses really
  2. hyenas, but only in a big brave pack
  3. biggest African snakes, venemous water snakes

New World turf natural potential predators

  • none, really, but let's think for a bit longer, the mentalversity is leading the UNIversal outcomes...
  1. Africa's biggest, hungriest, most opportunistic and if not babies most stupid Big Cat would be that in South America:
  1. jaguar - YES, they do caimans, so why not baby cocaine hippos, the most bad-ass jaguar a solitary baby, yes
  2. puma / cougar - not same ecozone, no match for a hippo


historical timeline

objective, factual, university historiography ; what happened when in the eyes of GAIA ; the passage of TIME ; factual history
  • 1981 - 4 hippos
  • 1993 - 20-27 hippos
  • 2024 estimate - 100 hippos
  • average hippo lifespan - 50-80 years
  • oldest hippo generation 1981 - 4 subadults - 2-5 years old, lets say, not coincidentally the age gaia resp. Paolita had in 1981... Escobar was still unknown to the bigger world... and considered a hero, a hyper eccentric hero, hippo hype started in 1982 when my sister was born, and I got consciousness
  • 1984 - first newborn Colombian hippos, estimated first possible birth year based on fertility age, accomodation to new environment, etc. etc. - let's say 3 babies born, maybe more imported, doesn't matter
  • second wave 1993, birth, not boom year of Dutch dance, start of same generation with 20-27 ?? adults and babies and all, of which 4 who are by then 14-17 years old, like me, 14 and Paolita 17, in 1993
    • original gen 4 - 14-17
    • 1st born gen 3 - 9
    • second wave newborns or imported 13-20 to get to 20-27 total (1985-93), lets say 15, average to get to 22 total, in the low estimate
  • estimate 2009 - my first time in Colombia and heard about it live in the country, reading and watching Pablo books and series also made me aWARE.
    • oldest 4 30-33 yrs
    • 1st New World gen 3 25 yrs
    • 1993 15 others from 24+-16+ (born 1985-93, imported are older)

  • fertility age females - 8 years
  • fertility age males - 6 years ?
  • baby hippo womb time - 16 months ?
  • waning time - how long do the babies drink milk - how much percentage of their (pup) life


Colombia Menteversalis IV

  • combining :
  • wiki - Fakeowiki (and a bit EUIVwiki)
  • EUIV - map, gameplay ideas
    • board game to video game to board game interpretations ; Real Life Modding RLM
    • map and provinces Colombia, reshuffle and recolor
  • aRISE. paleo panadería
    • since 1995 - 29 years
    • since 1997-02 - 27 since start studies, 22 since MSc. thesis
    • 58 Ma - TITANOBOABROOD + crema FORCHETTA ?
      • MAPS & PAPS - met ei resp. mollynesa
    • 14 Ma - HONDA GROUP
      • TERRY & JERRY - terror birds
    • 200-65 Ma - TRIASSIC PARK
      • DINO - classic
      • RINO - queso
      • PINO - coco
    • 300 Ma - CREMA CARBÓN + hojas
      • libelle - PETER PAN
    • 542-360 Ma - PALEO PIADINE
      • DEV - Crino id & DEVONIAN DORY
      • SIL - Grapto lit & GLUB GLORY
      • ORD - Vega nit
      • CAM - Trilo bit
    • 91,100 y - MAMMUT ZUT
    • 1981+ - POTAMOPORCO con SORPRESA
  • aWAY. (2022+) = Más Muisca (2017-20)
    • locations related to former
  • aPLAY. NEW calm, card, dice, Divinity Gaia game
    • we'll play this one out, my first career

years million years (Ma) what is it
1981 -91,100 14.29 58 65 150 200 250 300 360 400 450 542 ANNI
Potamoporco bocagrandi var. chicamochae Mamut gelatoni Kelenkencalmcardashiania terrifitatacoensis Titanoboa cittajardinensis Ammonitas aves Ammonitas mamíferas Ammonitas wellus Pangaia panamericana Libellus belltinkelus Pescaproxima amnesia Primapesca glorifica vega Trilobita funghida SCIENTIA


ID province tr good tax prod man dev terrain special aWAY. connections
Bogotá gems Mountains trade center
Tunja salt Mountains
Moniquirá gems Highlands Chicamocha Canyon, Cake
4602 Motilones ... Mountains El Cocuy MAMUT ZUT, Catatumbo, Cúcuta
4604 Antioquia ... Mountains Medellín,
Chimila ... Mountains Bucaramanga-Santa Marta Fault
2806 Guajira COAL 1 1 1 3 Coastal desert, maar nee, "Grasslands", srsly ? turns into coal TITANOBOABROOD, aWAY. WAYUU



  1. [ Wikipedia - ']


  1. InterNaturalista - Hippopotamus amphibius ssp. capensis
  2. 2.0 2.1 Escobar = Pablo, 1981, for bringing the first hippos to South America excellent biome, Escobar II = my publishing name, using esposina not related but aLOUD. , I proposed to hold our wedding THERE at Hacienda Napolés....)


links to check