the Curious Mystory of Maria Juana

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the Curious Mystory
of Maria Juana

File:Juan de Flandes 003.jpg
01 - the Curious Mystory 02 - Setting the Stage
03 - New World Orders 04 - Conscious Cosmovision
05 - Roots of Reformation 06 - Creativity Enhancers
07 - Treaty of Tordesillas 08 - GAIA vs POPE
María Juana 'la Loca'

we are aLOUD.

The Curious Mystory of María Juana deals with just a slight bit of alternative, but intriguing history of the then most powerful nation of the time. The mystory begins in 1479 with the birth of Juana de Trastámara, daughter of the geopolitically most important marriage of history, between her mother Isabela de Castile and her father Ferran (Fernando) de Aragón.

Bit by bit her sisters and only brother died and Juana became the sole surviving heir to the Castilian-Aragonese (soon to be Spanish) crown. In her childhood many important changes happened in and with Europe and the New World. In 1494 the literal New World Order document was signed, the Treaty of Tordesillas where Portugal was granted the east and Spain the west of the line drawn in a time when both the Far Eastern Asian islands and the New World were hardly known....

This was not the only big change happening in Europe at the time. Already long before the start of the mystory small rebelious groups against the powers of the Papacy, Papal States, Catholic Church and its ruling classes existed throughout Europe.

examples are:

graphical representation

aSIDE. 1494 New World Order 2050 aWARE.
WAR 4 DRUGS early 1500s Treaty of Tordesillas 2020+ AMERICA 2050
1492 María Juana
'la Loca'

(1479 - 1555)
1543 Conscious
GAIA vs POPE 1519 Roots of Reformation 1610 EARTH vs SUN
aHEAD. Prenaissance Mass Malipulation 2016+ aWAY.

background of the time

File:Boazio-Sir Francis Drake in Cartagena.jpg
Francis Drake in Cartagena 1585
  • 1492 - Castilocaust - Holocaust Story 450 years earlier - (((Elite Jewists))) orchestraite diaspora of poor and powerless jews
  • 1492 - New World discovery announced - in reality I bet decades earlier they made sure there was something more than a couple of Bahama islands to report ...
  • 1494 - Treaty de Tordesillas - establishing the New World Order of the time
  • exploration & colonization of
    • Mexico - Aztec & Maya et al. - 1519-30
    • Venezuela - KLEIN VENEDIG - Arawak & Carib et al. - Welsers (Augsburg), ... (Nuremberg), ... (Ulm), Von Speyer (Speyer), ... (Hanau) - 1499-1546
    • 1 - Panama & Colombia - CASTILLO DE ORO - Kuna, Zenu, Tairona, Wayuu et al. - 1499-1524
    • 2 - Colombia - EL DORADO - Muzo, Tolima, Nutabe, MUISCA et al. - 1529-1555
    • Peru, Chile & La Plata - LA PLATA - Tehuelche, Mapuche, Inca et al. - 1515-1533
Juana's history
  • 1479 - Juana born as middle (3rd) daughter of Isabela de Castile & Ferrán de Aragón
  • 1500 (21) - son Carlos born - heir to Juana's reign of Castile & fathers reign of Southern Netherlands
  • 1504 (25) - mom Isabela dies - Juana inherits reign of Castile, husband takes over
  • 1506 (27) - husband Von Habsburg dies - father Ferran takes over reign
  • 1509 (30) - Juana declared "insane" and locked up in Tordesillas (Valladolid)
  • 1516 (37) - father Ferran de Aragón dies - son Carlos (16) takes over reign of Spain & Empire
  • 1517 (38) - sister María de Aragón dies
  • 1536 (57) - sister Catarina of England dies
  • 1555 (76) - Juana dies
  • 1558 - son & heir Carlos (58) dies

power structure of the time

  1. Castile & Aragon -> Spain - after Very Catholic Isabela & Ferran's marriage & Tordesillas the most powerful in geopolitics & religious stability for centuries to come ...
  2. Portugal - as other explorer & colonizer growing but by marriage & religion tied and curtailed by Spain
  3. Papal States - fading power but still crucial for the balance in Europe, about to change ...
  4. Holy Roman Empire (Austria->Austria-Bohemia->Austria-Hungary) - very peculiar balance of power with innumerable Free Cities and small lands, to be divided by the Reformation ...
  5. France - stabilizing and growing in power after the Hundred Year's War but not at all the powerhouse and colonizer it would become later, will be divided by the Reformation ...

Curious Mystory of Maria Juana

Treaty of Tordesillas

forget the Balfour Declaration, the 1776 Declaration of Independence, even the foundation of the European Union or NATO do not come close to the importance of this Treaty de Tordesillas in which the Papacy (Pope, Papal States) granted the monarchs of Portugal and Spain to carve up the New World - the very first and most significant New World Order.

Juana experienced this at age 15, her parents 42 & 43 at the time ...

Roots of Reformation

long before the official narratives that we get fed the stories of Luther and Calvin (and Hobbs ... ?) (so must by psyops, according to the History Hoax or twistory Holistic Lesson of Fakeology), there were anti-clerical, anti-catholic, anti-papal movements of people rejecting the Powers of the Pope.

María Juana, with her elite access to #Creativity Enhancers, certainly helped in sparking the whispering of these movements. The legimate Queen of Spain locked up in a monastery for 50 years must have been talk of the town of the times ....

Questions María Juana no tan Loca should and would have asked to her hyperreligious (catholic, anti-judaic & anti-islamic) mom are:

Why is this beautiful plant not in that stupid Book of yours that you make me read all day every day ... ?

Why are those beautiful New World lands not in that stupid Book of yours that you make me read all day every day ... ?

Creativity Enhancers

the access to the finest, best, most and first products from the Americas, mainly Mexico, was in the hands of the Royal Family of the most powerful and first access country ; Spain.

the Mexican and Central American coasts were discovered when Juana was in her late teens and exploited in her twenties and thirties...

Mariajuana (exactly pronounced in English 'marihuana' as the English would pronounce María Juana - la Loca... was among the first exotic spices to come to Europe from Mexico, the first of the larger mainland areas to be explored for gold and other GAIA's gifts, such as that magical plant.

Cannabis indica, mainly in the form of hashish (clearly by name also from an Arabic/Persian origin) from Afghanistan, Morocco and Hisn Kayfa in the Kurdish mountains, was known before "marijuana", but the buds and the smoking style is associated with Caribbean Jamaica and Mexican original import. Who would have the best access to that and what would make that rebelious #Roots of Reformation child quiet ?

Marijuana in the Monastery.

No tan loca ...

Conscious Cosmovision

the roots of a geocentric, non-flat Earth do not stem from the Bible (quite the contrary, as we see in #Roots of Reformation), yet from exploring and navigating the southern skies, since the 1510s with Magelhaos voyage as best known, and the resulting problems with a geocentric Earth, and making Flat Earth an impossible and ridiculous to maintain idea ...

Famous polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (Kopernik) already 30 years before publishing his main work in 1543, he already spread pamphlets about the solar system among his friends, the Commentariolus, Wikipedia article Copernicus:

Some time before 1514, Copernicus wrote an initial outline of his heliocentric theory known only from later transcripts, by the title (perhaps given to it by a copyist), Nicolai Copernici de hypothesibus motuum coelestium a se constitutis commentariolus—commonly referred to as the Commentariolus. It was a succinct theoretical description of the world's heliocentric mechanism, without mathematical apparatus, and differed in some important details of geometric construction from De revolutionibus; but it was already based on the same assumptions regarding Earth's triple motions. The Commentariolus, which Copernicus consciously saw as merely a first sketch for his planned book, was not intended for printed distribution. He made only a very few manuscript copies available to his closest acquaintances, including, it seems, several Kraków astronomers with whom he collaborated in 1515–30 in observing eclipses. Tycho Brahe would include a fragment from the Commentariolus in his own treatise, Astronomiae instauratae progymnasmata, published in Prague in 1602, based on a manuscript that he had received from the Bohemian physician and astronomer Tadeáš Hájek, a friend of Rheticus. The Commentariolus would appear complete in print for the first time only in 1878.

exploration & colonization of the New World Orders

phase I - exploration

phase II - exploitation

phase III - colonization

further reading

File:Map of America-Ribero (1529).jpeg
1529 map of South America

reading on conquistadors of the New World Orders

reading on New Spain and first exploration

New Spain
early foundations

Castilla de Oro - El Dorado

Tierra Firme (1732 map)
File:Cambios territoriales de Colombia.gif
Territorial changes of Colombia (1811-2012)

articles underlined written by gaia


reading on Klein Venedig

Klein Venedig (1528-46)
File:Hanauisch Indien.png
Hanauish Indies (1669-72)

other reading

other interesting links