Tik Totemism

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Tik Totemism is a term from the ever extending Newspeech lexicon, referring to the total adoration, like Totemism, of Tik Tok and its core concept of bringing "information" (?) in 15 second videos.

Tik Totemism thought experience #1

a funny thought experience:

  • let's say there are (just!) 10,000,000 Tik Tok users
  • each of those spends on average 30 minutes per day binge watching 15 second "Tik Tok videos" (can be YT shorts, Instagram, or just anything else that has that length and thus messaging style)
  • meaning 4 videos a minute, 120 Tik Tok shots per day per user, totalling 1800 seconds per user = 18,000,000,000 seconds of Tik Totemism EVERY DAY
  • meaning that in a year, 365 days; 6,570,000,000,000 seconds of cumulative Tik Tok Time is spent

in 1 year by just 10 million users, the official numbers are probably 80-100 times that....

Tik Tok has received in TIME dedication of all these people:

  • 6,570,000,000,000 seconds / (86,400 (seconds in a day) * 365 (days per year)) = 31,536,000 seconds per year = 2 MILLION YEARS of TIME

meaning that if those 10 million Tik Totemists would spend those 30 minutes per day every day DIFFERENTLY, we theoretically could achieve a collective EVOLUTION of 2 million years of cumulative time

also meaning, that according to official human ancestry scientimist doctrine, in just 1 year of Tik Tok usage like this, by just a fraction of the real total user count, more time is spent than the whole Homo sapiens lineage EXISTED, this is mad...

Tik Totemism thought experience #2

  • based on the above:
  • when do we get to Tik Tok singularity ?
  • how many users must spend how much time daily for how long on this Tik Totemist example of core concept to have spent
  • MORE TIME on Tik Tok collectively
  • than allegedly has existed
  • since "The Big Bang" ?
  • yeah, you thought I'd do everything for you? DO the maths and publish this, this is tragic, but true....