Plan Patagonia/Nazionism

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Plan Patagonia
File:Torres del paine at sunrise.jpg
Chapters Plan Patagonia

This page contains the Nazionism aspect of Plan Patagonia.[X 1]


  • Why would 5000 so-called "antisemitic" Nazis flee to the most jewish country of Latin America?
  • One out of two "Promised Lands" Theodor Herzl proposed by "Judeninfiltration" in 1896...
  • read on and find out....


Main: Nazionism

Read also Miles Mathis' work on it.[N 1]

¿ Nazis who fled to Bariloche, Neuquén and other places in the Southern Cone of South America; Israel 2.0 ?

File:Dan Levkovitch 19.jpg

Secret files reveal 9,000 Nazi war criminals fled to South America after WWII

  • As many as 5,000 Nazis went to Argentina
  • Between 1,500 and 2,000 ended up in Brazil
  • Around 500 to 1,000 settled in Chile
  • The rest started new lives in Paraguay and Uruguay[N 2]
  • Colonia Agrícola de Turén[N 3]
Nazi fascination for South America
  • Heinrich Himmler - Peru

"The Oxford Group spread its activities to other nations, becoming especially strong in Norway, Japan, the U.S.A.—and Hitler's Germany, where SS/Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler was a member! Naturally the propaganda of the Moral Re-Armament Movement, which still exists to this day, attempts to play down the Nazi connection. But the very name Moral Re-Armament was announced by Buchman at a 1938 meeting at the Waldlust Hotel, outside the city of Freudenstadt in Germany's Black Forest. Buchman made numerous attempts to meet with Hitler. He was granted an official exploratory interview with Himmler, through whom Buchman hoped to get a date with Hitler, but it didn't work out. It appears that Himmler could not persuade his bureaucracy. In his biographical memoir, I Paid Hitler, Fritz Thyssen, the Catholic steel industrialist who broke with the Nazi Party after Kristallnacht and fled Germany, wrote that both Himmler and Deputy Reichsführer Rudolf Hess were members of Moral Re-Armament."[N 4]

"The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - German Artisans Lay Claim to a Mysterious Tradition

Lore behind Mayan crystal skulls once influenced collectors at world-class museums. Modern research, though, proves they can't be pre-Columbian. Were they really carved by jewelers in Idar-Oberstein, Germany? Artisans in the Hunsrück mountains have carved a new museum piece. ...

Eccentrics and collectors paid large sums for the relics, and promptly locked them away in safes. SS leader Heinrich Himmler reportedly owned a particularly opulent specimen, which weighed 9.2 kilograms and was 17.5 centimeters (seven inches) tall."[I 1]

  • Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff - Colombia

"Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff (March 6, 1912 – May 16, 1994) was an anthropologist and archaeologist known for his research and also in-depth fieldwork among many different Amerindian cultures such as in the Amazonian tropical rainforests (e.g. Desana Tucano), and also among dozens of other indigenous groups in Colombia in the Caribbean Coast (such as the Kogi of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), as well as other living in the Pacific Coast, Llanos Orientales, and in the Andean and inter-Andean regions (Muisca) as well as in other areas of Colombia, and he also did research on campesino societies.

For nearly six decades he advanced ethnographic and anthropological studies, as well as archeological research, and as a scholar was a prolific writer and public figure renowned as a staunch defender of indigenous peoples. Reichel-Dolmatoff has worked with other archaeologists and anthropologists such as Marianne Cardale de Schrimpff, Ana María Groot, Gonzalo Correal Urrego and others. He died in 1994 in Colombia.

"[I 2]

  • Ratlines
File:KLM Flying Dutchman Poster (19290401110).jpg

"Die erste Fluchtwelle erreichte Argentinien über Spanien. Bei der Mehrzahl der Fliehenden handelte es sich um Mitglieder der europäischen Kollaborationsregime der Nazis, die sich nach dem Einmarsch der Alliierten nach Madrid gerettet hatten: Vertreter des französischen Vichy-Regimes und belgische Kollaborateure, kroatische Ustascha-Vertreter, Mitglieder der slowakischen Hlinka-Garde und der rumänischen Eisernen Garde. Ein wahres Horrorkabinett und getreues Abbild des nazistischen Europas. Aus ihm wird Freude das Team rekrutieren, welches die "Odessa" Peróns bilden und den Massenexodus von Kriegsverbechern aus Europa einleiten wird.

Zum harten Kern dieses Netzwerkes gehörten u.a. Pierre Daye, der ehemalige Fraktionsvorsitzende der pronazistischen Rexisten-Partei in Belgien; dessen Landsmann René Lagrou, Gründer der flämischen SS; Charles Lesca[t], Herausgeber des französischen Kollaborationsorgans Je suis partout, das einen rabiaten Antisemitismus vertrat; Georges Guilbaud, Organisator der Vichy-Milizen in Nordfrankreich und späterer Finanzberater Peróns; Jacques de Mahieu, Veteran der französischen SS-Division Charlemagne (sein Buch "Grundlagen der Biopolitik" wurde vom NPD-Verlag Deutsche Stimme in deutscher Sprache veröffentlicht); Branko Benzón, Botschafter des kroatischen Ustascha-Regimes in Berlin; Radu Ghenea, Botschafter des NS-Satelliten Rumänien in Madrid. Zu ihnen gesellten sich aus Italien kommend die Brüder Ferdinand und Jan Durcansky, Vertreter des slowakischen NS-Marionettenstaates.

[The] Oberhaupt [bishop of the cathedral in Buenos Aires], Kardinalprimas Santiago Luis Copello, ein Sympathisant des Vichyregimes, wird von Perón zu seinem "päpstlichen Gesandten" beim Heiligen Stuhl ernannt. [Copello, a sympathizer of the Vichy Regime, was inaugurated as the "most papic envoy" to the Vatican by Juan Perón.]

Fast alle von ihnen waren in ihren Heimatländern wegen Kriegsverbrechen zum Tode verurteilt worden oder hatten lange Haftstrafen zu erwarten [Almost all of them were sentenced to death or long prison sentences for war crimes in their homelands].

Die spektakulärste Flucht gelang dem SS-Mann Ludwig Lienhardt mit einer Gruppe aus Angehörigen von acht Nationen, der auf einem ehemaligen Segelschulschiff, der Falken, in Stockholm in See stach und ein halbes Jahr später in Buenos Aires eintraf. Die Falken wurde später zu einem beliebten Treffpunkt der deutschen Nazi-Szene um Hans-Ulrich Rudel, dem Flieger-As der Luftwaffe Hitlers. Rudel war ein enger Freund Peróns und gründete ein deutsches NS-Hilfswerk in Buenos Aires, das so genannte Kameradenwerk. Zu dessen Gründungsmitgliedern gehörten neben Lienhardt Kriegsverbrecher und Massenmörder wie das Mitglied der Einsatzgruppe D, Kurt Christmann, der für Massenmorde an der jüdischen Bevölkerung im Kaukasus verantwortlich war.

Die unverfrorenen Fluchthilfeaktivitäten in Skandinavien wurden erst im November 1947 durch die Verhaftung von Schulz in Schweden und die Ausweisung der verantwortlichen argentinischen Diplomaten aus Dänemark unterbunden. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war bereits ein weit ehrgeizigeres Projekt in Gang gebracht worden. In der Schweiz war ein illegales Schlepperbüro eingerichtet worden, das die illegale Einwanderung nach Argentinien koordinieren sollte. Untergebracht in der Marktgasse 49 in Bern firmierte es unter dem Tarnnamen Argentinische Auswanderungszentrale und stand unter der Obhut des argentinischen Botschafters und GOU-Offiziers Benito Llambí."[N 5]u

Nazis & Ratlines

Eva Perón

A photo labeled as "Eva Perón, Spring '48"
...[this woman is supposed to be 29???]...

Eva Duarte, better known as Evita Perón:

"la Excelentísima y Dignísima Señora María Eva Duarte de Perón, primera dama y Jefa Espiritual de la Nación Argentina (1946-1952), a la Excelentísima y Dignísima Señora María Cristina Vilanova Castro de Árbenz, primera dama de la Revolución de la República de Guatemala."[P 1]

  • Gaia:
    • "Evita" [pronounce evÍta] literally means "Avoid!"

Not only her year of birth was falsified (it is said she took 3 years off it, from 1919 to 1922 in 1945 when she married Juan Perón), but also her place of birth. Two locations are given, the pampa village of Los Toldos (where she was baptized on 11/21, 1919) and Junín (something she always maintained as her birth place). Los Toldos looks very spooky. It is said that it was a village with a large mapuche “indigenous” population, but the mapuche were not living in that region; they came from far more south and west, in Argentinian Patagonia and Chile. It is said the midwife for Evita and all her siblings was an indigenous woman.

Her older brother, Juancito, one of 5 illegitimate children of her father, doesn’t have an English wiki page, but in Spanish it is said he had “an inexplicable fortune, probably gained from corruption and collaboration with Nazis who illegally moved from Europe”. He was railroaded into politics and acting (excuse the tautology) by Evita after it was him she followed by train to Buenos Aires when she was just 15. Another account speaks of her move to Buenos Aires in the car of a famous tango dancer and actor, Magaldi. So also that part is mysterious/contradictory.

Allegedly Juancito, actor and politician, committed suicide just the next year after Evita's "death".

In the book "Evita en Europa: Un viaje iniciático. La construcción del mito" by Guillermo Enrique D’Arino Aringoli, it is written Evita’s maternal family was not part of the poorest class in the rural community, with Evita’s maternal grandfather being the carriage driver transporting the rich people to the trainstation where her brother Juancito later worked too.

After breaking up with Juan Duarte, Evita’s mother starting living with her children, who later all married politicians, in the house of a powerful politician (Carlos Rosset), who became her lover, and there are rumors he was the actual father of Evita...[N 6]

  • Mark Tokarski of thinks there was just one "Evita Perón" [see below] who didn't die in 1952 and wasn't born in 1919 [I agree], who "became Madonna's [the singer] mother?!", while I wonder, which "Evita Perón"??

"[On recording of Madonna speaking poor Spanish:] Doesn’t sound like someone who learned Spanish from an Argentinian (very particular accent) mom, but in the end she’s an entertainer, actress, showbizz person so everything is (still) possible.

Another photo of Evita Perón (who looks much older than 30/33, see right)

Shape of the eyes is very different; Eva Perón has bigger rounder eyes than Madonna's mom."[N 7]

Juan Domingo Perón

File:Rodolfo Freude and Perón.jpg
Rodolfo Freude (2nd L) & Juan Perón (2nd R)

"After World War II, Argentina became a haven for Nazi war criminals, with explicit protection from Perón. Author Uki Goñi alleges that Axis Power collaborators, including Pierre Daye, met with Perón at Casa Rosada (Pink House), the President's official residence. In this meeting, a network would have been created with support by the Argentine Immigration Service and the Foreign Office. The Swiss Chief of Police Heinrich Rothmund and the Croatian Roman Catholic priest Krunoslav Draganović also helped organize the ratline.

An investigation of 22,000 documents by the DAIA in 1997 discovered that the network was managed by Rodolfo Freude who had an office in the Casa Rosada and was close to Eva Perón's brother, Juan Duarte. According to Ronald Newton, Ludwig Freude, Rodolfo's father, was probably the local representative of the Office Three secret service headed by Joachim von Ribbentrop, with probably more influence than the German ambassador Edmund von Thermann. He had met Perón in the 1930s, and had contacts with Generals Juan Pistarini, Domingo Martínez, and José Molina. Ludwig Freude's house became the meeting place for Nazis and Argentine military officers supporting the Axis. In 1943, he traveled with Perón to Europe to attempt an arms deal with Germany.

And after the war, Ludwig Freude was investigated over his connection to possible looted Nazi art, cash and precious metals on deposit at two Argentine banks, Banco Germanico and Banco Tournquist. But on 6 September 1946, the Freude investigation was terminated by presidential decree.

Examples of Nazis and collaborators who relocated to Argentina include Emile Dewoitine, who arrived in May 1946 and worked on the Pulqui jet; Erich Priebke, who arrived in 1947; Josef Mengele in 1949; Adolf Eichmann in 1950; former Commandant of Sobibor and Treblinka death camps Franz Stangl; Austrian representative of Spitzy in Spain Reinhard Spitzy; Charles Lescat, editor of Je Suis Partout in Vichy France; SS functionary Ludwig Lienhardt; German industrialist Ludwig Freude; and SS-Hauptsturmführer Klaus Barbie.

Many members of the notorious Croatian Ustaše (including their leader, Ante Pavelić) took refuge in Argentina, as did Milan Stojadinović, the former Serbian Prime Minister of monarchist Yugoslavia. In 1946 Stojadinović went to Rio de Janeiro, and then to Buenos Aires, where he was reunited with his family. Stojadinović spent the rest of his life as presidential advisor on economic and financial affairs to governments in Argentina and founded the financial newspaper El Economista in 1951, which still carries his name on its masthead.

A Croatian priest, Krunoslav Draganović, organizer of the San Girolamo ratline, was authorized by Perón to assist Nazi operatives to come to Argentina and evade prosecution in Europe after World War II, in particular the Ustaše. Ante Pavelić became a security advisor of Perón, before leaving for Francoist Spain in 1957.

As in the United States (Operation Paperclip), Argentina also welcomed displaced German scientists such as Kurt Tank and Ronald Richter. Some of these refugees took important roles in Perón's Argentina, such as French collaborationist Jacques de Mahieu, who became an ideologue of the Peronist movement, before becoming mentor to a Roman Catholic nationalist youth group in the 1960s. Belgian collaborationist Pierre Daye became editor of a Peronist magazine. Rodolfo Freude, Ludwig's son, became Perón's chief of presidential intelligence in his first term.

Recently, Goñi's research, drawing on investigations in Argentine, Swiss, American, British and Belgian government archives, as well as numerous interviews and other sources, was detailed in The Real ODESSA: Smuggling the Nazis to Perón's Argentina (2002), showing how escape routes known as ratlines were used by former NSDAP members and like-minded people to escape trial and judgment. Goñi places particular emphasis on the part played by Perón's government in organizing the ratlines, as well as documenting the aid of Swiss and Vatican authorities in their flight. The Argentine consulate in Barcelona gave false passports to fleeing Nazi war criminals and collaborationists. Recently declassified files from Brazil and Chile reveal that during WWII Péron sold 10,000 blank Argentine passports to ODESSA – the organisation set up to protect former SS men in the event of defeat.

Tomás Eloy Martínez, writer and professor of Latin American studies at Rutgers University, wrote that Juan Perón allowed Nazis into the country in hopes of acquiring advanced German technology developed during the war. Martínez also noted that Eva Perón played no part in allowing Nazis into the country. However, one of Eva's bodyguards was in fact an ex-Nazi commando named Otto Skorzeny, who had met Juan on occasion.

File:Gelbard y peron.jpg
Juan Perón & José Ber Gelbard

Perón and the Jewish and German communities of Argentina

In Nuremberg at that time something was taking place that I personally considered a disgrace and an unfortunate lesson for the future of humanity. I became certain that the Argentine people also considered the Nuremberg process a disgrace, unworthy of the victors, who behaved as if they hadn't been victorious. Now we realize that they [the Allies] deserved to lose the war. (President Juan Perón on the Nuremberg Trials)

Fraser and Navarro write that Juan Perón was a complicated man who over the years stood for many different, often contradictory, things. In the book Inside Argentina from Perón to Menem author Laurence Levine, former president of the US-Argentine Chamber of Commerce, writes, "although anti-Semitism existed in Argentina, Perón's own views and his political associations were not anti-Semitic...." Laurence also writes that one of Perón's advisors was a Jewish man from Poland named José Ber Gelbard. U.S. Ambassador George S. Messersmith visited Argentina in 1947 during the first term of Juan Perón. Messersmith noted, "There is not as much social discrimination against Jews here as there is right in New York or in most places at home..."

File:Evita y Golda Meir.jpg
Evita & Golda Meir (1951)

Perón sought out other Jewish Argentines as government advisers besides Ber Gelbard. The powerful Secretary of Media, Raúl Apold, also Jewish, was called "Perón's Goebbels." He favoured the creation of institutions such as New Zion (Nueva Sión), the Argentine-Jewish Institute of Culture and Information, led by Simón Mirelman, and the Argentine-Israeli Chamber of Commerce. Also, he named Rabbi Amran Blum as the first Jewish professor of philosophy in the National University of Buenos Aires. After Argentina became the first Latin American government to acknowledge the State of Israel, Perón appointed Pablo Mangel, a Jewish man, as ambassador to that country. Education and Diplomacy were the two strongholds of Catholic nationalism, and both appointments were highly symbolic. The same goes for the 1946 decision of allowing Jewish army privates to celebrate their holidays, which was intended to foster Jewish integration in another traditionally Catholic institution, the army.

Argentina signed a generous commercial agreement with Israel that granted favourable terms for Israeli acquisitions of Argentine commodities, and the Eva Perón Foundation sent significant humanitarian aid. In 1951 during their visit to Buenos Aires, Chaim Weizmann and Golda Meir expressed their gratitude for this aid.

The German Argentine community in Argentina is the fourth-largest immigrant group in the country, after the ethnic Spanish and the Italians. The German Argentine community predates Juan Perón's presidency, and began during the political unrest related to the 19th-century unification of Germany. Laurence Levine writes that Perón found 20th-century German civilization too "rigid" and had a "distaste" for it.[69] Crassweller writes that while Juan Perón preferred Argentine culture, with which he felt a spiritual affinity, he was "pragmatic" in dealing with the diverse populace of Argentina.

While Juan Perón's Argentina allowed many Nazi criminals to take refuge in the country following World War II, the society also accepted more Jewish immigrants than any other country in Latin America. Today Argentina has a population of more than 200,000 Jewish citizens, the largest in Latin America, the third-largest in the Americas, and the 6th-largest in the world. The Jewish Virtual Library writes that while Juan Perón had sympathized with the Axis powers, "Perón also expressed sympathy for Jewish rights and established diplomatic relations with Israel in 1949. Since then, more than 45,000 Jews have immigrated to Israel from Argentina.""[N 8]

Adolf Hitler

  • Bariloche until ~1960s when he went to Córdoba, house reminiscent of "Adler's Nest" in Bavaria

Martin Bormann

Adolf Eichmann

Buenos Aires (1947-61)

Capture (1961)
  • View from Naval Intelligence (2013 thesis Dawson)

"The Israeli mission to capture infamous Nazi War criminal Adolf Eichmann in May 1960 is an example of a clandestine action in a non-permissive political environment in pro-fascist Argentina. Israeli Prime Minister Ben-Gurion assessed that a request for Argentina to arrest and then extradite Eichmann to Israel had a high-potential of resulting in Eichmann being warned by Nazi sympathizers in the

Argentine government.

"""Eichmann was largely responsible for the death of over 5 million Jews during the Holocaust and his capture and trial represented a national goal of paramount value""".

The value of justice for Eichmann’s crimes parallels the value of American """justice""" against Usama Bin Laden for the """terror attacks of September 2001""".

Although Israeli-Argentine political relations were threatened as a result of the Eichmann capture, the mission represented a moral imperative to Israeli leaders. The domestic support for the operation well outweighed the international political risks.

In the Eichmann scenario, the endstate desired was one were the emotional wounds of the Holocaust that affected an entire nation could heal through achieving the goal of a public justice.

The strategy, although it failed to adequately address effective mitigation of the post-operations international political crisis, was well conceived with regard to the tactical mission and domestic politics."[M 1]

Erich Priebke

Max Naumann

Ernest Hamann

Oskar Berger

Winfried Schroppe

Reinhard Kopps

Eduard Roschmann

Ronald Richter

Rodolfo Freude

Raúl Apold

Carl Vaernet

"[Danish Nazi] Værnet appears to have convinced the British and Danish authorities that his hormone treatments to turn gay men heterosexual were important, worthy scientific research. In November 1945, in response to Værnet's claim that he was suffering from a serious heart condition, Hemingway authorised his transfer to a Copenhagen hospital. In fact, the medical records show that Værnet’s heart tests were normal and that he received no treatment during his hospital stay."[N 9]

René Lagrou

"...adopted the false name Reinaldo van Groede. Here he became a leading figure in the ratlines sponsored by Juan Perón to rescue Nazis from prosecution in Europe. Given wide powers within the Immigration service in Argentina, Lagrou drew up ambitious plans to move as many as 2 million people from Belgium, all [??] either Nazi collaborators or their families. He was also a member of the Rodolfo Freude-led División de Informaciones and in this capacity initiated the cases for resettlement for a number of Nazis."[N 10]

Walter Rauff

"Walter (Walther) Rauff (19 June 1906 – 14 May 1984) was a mid-ranking SS commander in Nazi Germany. From January 1938, he was an aide of Reinhard Heydrich firstly in the Security Service (Sicherheitsdienst or SD,), later in the Reich Security Main Office. He worked for the Federal Intelligence Service of West Germany (Bundesnachrichtendienst) between 1958 and 1962, and was subsequently employed by the Mossad, the Israeli secret service. His funeral in Santiago, Chile, was attended by a crowd of old Nazis. Rauff is thought to have been responsible for nearly 100,000 deaths during World War II. He was instrumental in the implementation of the Nazis' genocide by mobile gas chamber. His victims included Communists, Jews, Roma and people with disabilities. He was arrested in 1945, but subsequently escaped and was never brought to trial. In the late 1970s and the 1980s, he was arguably the most wanted Nazi fugitive still alive."[N 11]

Ante Pavelic

"Following the surrender of Germany in May 1945, Pavelić ordered his troops to keep fighting even after the surrender. The remainder of the NDH government decided to flee to Austria on 3 May 1945, but Pavelić instead ordered them to retreat to Austria over the former border of the Third Reich and have the Croatian Armed Forces surrender to the British Army. The British refused to accept the surrender [???] and directed them to surrender to the Partisans." "On 10 April 1957, he was shot several times in a failed assassination attempt by the Serbian assassin Blagoje Jovović. Pavelić survived the attempt and soon left Argentina for Spain. He died two and a half years later, on 28 December 1959, aged 70, from the injuries he sustained in the attempted assassination."[N 14]

Klaus Barbie

Auguste Ricord

Other Nazis en el Sur

"A mediados de la década de 1990, casi medio siglo después de terminada la guerra, los habitantes de la bucólica y turística Bariloche se conmocionaron cuando se hizo público que Otto Pape, ex director del colegio alemán de la ciudad y participante activo en la vida comunitaria, era, en realidad, Erich Priebke, un ex capitán de las SS acusado de graves crímenes de guerra, algo que muchos miembros de la sociedad local, en especial, de la comunidad alemana, ya sabían pues el propio Priebke solía contar con orgullo que durante la guerra había sido miembro de las SS.

Esta revelación confirmaba la creencia de muchos argentinos sobre la presencia de numerosos nazis entre la nutrida colonia alemana de esta localidad de los Andes Patagónicos que, no por casualidad, se había incrementado notablemente durante la década de 1950. Entre los nazis que se sabe que vivieron en Bariloche, encontramos a los oficiales de la Gestapo Max Naumann, Ernest Hamann, Oskar Berger, Winfried Schroppe y el ex espía militar del reich, Reinhard Kopps, quien durante la posguerra, aún en Europa, había gestionado en el consulado argentino de Génova los permisos de entrada al país de cientos de nazis y fascistas con identidades falsas, provistos de pasaportes de la Cruz Roja Internacional, vía por la que habían conseguido entrar al país, entre muchos otros, Mengele, Eichmann y el propio Priebke. Fue precisamente Kopps, alias Juan Maler, quien en 1994 traicionó a Erich Priebke durante una entrevista que concedió a un equipo de una cadena de televisión estadounidense: «SS, ¿yo? No. SS es Priebke. Vayan a verlo, lo encontrarán fácil, se hace llamar Otto Pape», les dijo cuando le preguntaron acerca de su filiación nazi. Tras la detención de Priebke, Kopps, al igual que otros alemanes residentes en Bariloche, se esfumó.

Después de un discutido y complejo proceso de extradición, Priebke fue entregado a Italia. Inicialmente, un tribunal de primera instancia argentino negó la expulsión, considerando que los asesinatos de los que se lo acusaba habían prescripto, aunque finalmente la Corte Suprema de la Nación autorizó la extradición, que se hizo efectiva el 21 de noviembre de 1995. En 1998, un tribunal de Roma lo condenó a prisión perpetua por el fusilamiento de más de trescientas personas, entre ellas, setenta y cinco judíos, en un hecho conocido como la Masacre de las Fosas Ardeatinas, cometido en 1944.

Por otro lado, Eduard Roschmann, comandante de las SS, conocido como el Carnicero de Riga por su ferocidad con los judíos, vivió en Argentina durante treinta años. Llegó al país en 1948, procedente de Génova, al igual que tantos otros nazis, con un pasaporte de la Cruz Roja Internacional a nombre de Federico Wegener. El señor Wegener o Wegner, como prefería hacerse llamar, responsable de la muerte de decenas de miles de judíos en el campo de concentración de Riga, fundó una empresa de importación-exportación de madera, actividad que lo llevó, a pesar de sus reparos, a relacionarse comercialmente con muchos judíos fabricantes de muebles y dueños de mueblerías."[N 12]

List of Nazis & Ratlines

Country Name Born Last WWII Locations in SA Notes Photo Refs
File:Flag of Argentina.svg
"Adolf Hitler" 04/20, 1889 "Führerbunker" Bariloche (-1960s), Córdoba (~1970) Faked suicide, probably flown by KLM to SA. Owned a large lake house in Bariloche, reminiscent of the Adler's Nest in Bavaria he owned. Other "Hitlers" (body doubles) have been spotted all over South America, most notably in -of all places- Tunja, Colombia.
File:Bundesarchiv Bild 102-10460, Adolf Hitler, Rednerposen.jpg
[N 15][N 16][N 17]
Martin Bormann 06/17, 1900 On the run in Germany Bariloche, Buenos Aires (1946-75) Faked death, probably flown by KLM to SA. Lived in Argentina till 1975 under the name Ricardo Bauer.
File:Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1968-100-21A, Martin Bormann.jpg
[N 18][N 19][N 20]
[N 21][N 22][N 23]
[N 24][N 25][N 26]
Josef Mengele 03/16, 1911 Bariloche, Buenos Aires, Paraguay, Brazil Stayed out of hands of Wiesenthal for decades. Known as "Helmut Gregor" in South America.
File:WP Josef Mengele 1956.jpg
[N 5][N 12][N 13]
[N 27]
Adolf Eichmann 03/19, 1906 Buenos Aires Fled, captured and brought to show trial to push Holocaust Story in '61. Known in Argentina as Ricardo (((Klement))).
File:Adolf Eichmann at Trial1961.jpg
[N 5][N 12][N 13]
[N 28]
Eva Hitler-Braun 02/06, 1912 "Führerbunker" Bariloche (-1960s), Córdoba (~1970)? Faked suicide, probably flown by KLM to SA.
File:Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F051673-0059, Adolf Hitler und Eva Braun auf dem Berghof.jpg
[N 29]
Eva "Evita" Duarte 05/07, 1919 Buenos Aires "court" Argentina (1919-52† (?)) Socialité and agent for her husbands Perón rule. Major figure in the public mind control. see above [N 30][N 31][N 32]
[N 33]
Juan Domingo Perón 05/07, 1890 Buenos Aires "court" President of Argentina (1946-54) First (Head of) State to recognize Israel.. see above [N 8][N 12]
Hans Ulrich Rudel 07/02, 1916 Buenos Aires (1948-55), Paraguay (1955+) Close friend of Juan Perón and set up "Comrad work" (Kameradenwerk) for the Ratlines.
File:Special Film Project 186 - Hans-Ulrich Rudel.jpg
[N 5][N 12][N 34]
Fritz Mandl 02/09, 1900 Brazil & Mar del Plata, Córdoba, Buenos Aires (mid-1940s-1955) Second wife was famous porn actress (((Hedy Lamarr))). [N 35][N 36]
Kurt Tank 02/24, 1898 ? Córdoba (1946-55) Head of construction of the Focke-Wulf Factory in Bremen. Lead the Tank Team, building the Argentinian-German fighter jet Pulqui II. When President Juan Perón fell from power, the ex-Focke-Wulf team dispersed with many moving to India; Tank also moved there.
File:Bundesarchiv Bild 183-L18396, Kurt Tank.jpg
[N 5][N 37]
Carl Værnet 04/28, 1893 Buenos Aires (1947+) "The Danish Mengele". SS doctor who experimentes on gay prisoners in Buchenwald to find a "cure for homosexuality". Hormone research for DuPont. Vaernet fled from Sweden to Brazil to Argentina in March 1947 to work in Peróns Health Ministry. Died in 1965. See more above [N 5][N 12][N 38]
[N 9]
Erich Priebke 07/29, 1913 Bariloche [N 5][N 12][N 13]
[N 39]
Willem Sassen 04/16, 1918 Buenos Aires Via Dublin by KLM to Argentina. [N 12][N 40]
Émile Dewoitine 09/26, 1892 Córdoba (1946-53) Worked on aviation. [N 41]
Reinhard Spitzy 02/11, 1912 Argentina (1948-58) . [N 42]
Charles Lescat 02/19, 1887 French-Argentinian who was born in Buenos Aires Buenos Aires (-1948) Went to Nazi Germany to fight and returned to Argentina via Uruguay. [N 43]
Ludwig Lienhardt Argentina (1948-58) . [N 5]
Ludwig Freude Argentina Was considered the top Nazi in Argentinian service. [N 5]
Rodolfo Freude 09/11, 1920 Argentina Became a close friend of Evita Perón-Duarte.
File:Rodolfo Freude and Perón.jpg
[N 5][N 44][N 45]
Horst Alberto Carlos Fuldner Bruene 12/16, 1910 Argentina German-Argentinian agent who returned to Germany in the 1920s. En marzo de 1945 se trasladó a Madrid como agente especial del Sicherheitsdienst (SD),4​a​ con la misión de preparar rutas de escape de Europa hacia la Argentina para los nazis una vez hubiera acabado la contienda. En 1947 regresó a Buenos Aires y comenzó a trabajar para el gobierno de Perón como funcionario del departamento de Migraciones; al año siguiente regresó a Europa, estableciendo dos centros de evacuación de criminales de guerra nazi en Berna y Génova. Fuldner habría ayudado a escapar a su paísd e nacimiento a unos 400 nazis. [N 5][N 12][N 46]
Pierre Daye 06/24, 1892 Argentina (1946+) Belgian journalist, became editor of an official Peronist review. Returned to Europe where he wrote his memoirs, and died in 1960 in Argentina.
File:Pierre Daye bij Force Publique.jpg
[N 5][N 12][N 47]
René Lagrou 04/15, 1904 Via Spain, Argentina (July 1947+) Flemish lawyer and politician. See above [N 10][N 5][N 12]
Georges Guilbaud 04/15, 1904 Argentina (1946+) Vichy-militia organizer in northern France and later financial adviser for Juan Perón. [N 5][N 12][N 48]
Jacques de Mahieu 10/31, 1915 Buenos Aires, Cuyo (1947+) Fake alias for Jacques Girault. French-Argentinian Peronist. After the liberation of France, he was one of the first to flee to Juan Perón's Argentina through the ratlines organized by Perón. [N 5][N 12][N 49]
Branko Benzon 08/29, 1903 Argentina (1947-55), Venezuela (1955+) After the war he went to Spain and then emigrated to Argentina where he worked in Direction for Immigrants. After the fall of his friend President Juan Domingo Perón in 1955. [N 5][N 12][N 50]
Radu Ghenea Argentina (19..) . [N 5]
Ferdinand Durcansky Argentina (19..) . [N 5]
Jan Durcansky Argentina (19..) . [N 5][N 12]
Santiago Luis Copello Argentina (19..) Bishop of Buenos Aires. Ratline organizer. [N 5]
Carlos Schulz Argentina (19..) German-Argentinian. Ratlines in Copenhagen. [N 5]
... Piñeyro Argentina (19..) Consul. Ratlines from Copenhagen. [N 5]
... Mouret Argentina (19..) Consul. Ratlines from Copenhagen. [N 5]
Jürgen Naumann Argentina (19..) Brought blueprints for a new fighter jet to Argentina, Tank Team. [N 5]
Kurt Christmann Argentina (1947+) . [N 5]
Benito Llambí Argentina (1947+) . [N 5]
Herbert Helfrich Swiss Ratline helper. [N 5]
(((Georg Weiss))) Swiss Ratline helper. [N 5]
Heinrich Rothmund Swiss Police officer and Ratline helper. [N 5]
Frank Garbely Swiss Ratline helper. [N 5]
Paul Schaufelberger Swiss Police officer and Ratline helper. [N 5]
Jacques-Albert Cuttat Buenos Aires Swiss ambassador to Argentina. Friend of Ludwig Freude. [N 5]
Max Naumann Bariloche [N 12]
Ernest Hamann Bariloche [N 12]
Oskar Berger Bariloche [N 12]
Winfried Schroppe Bariloche [N 12]
Reinhard Kopps Bariloche Was Spy of the Reich. Known in South America as Juan Maler. [N 12]
Eduard Roschmann Bariloche (1948-78) Lived 30 years in Argentina as Federico Wegener. [N 12][N 13]
Walter Kutschmann Miramar, Patagonia Known as Pedro Ricardo Olmo. [N 12][N 13]
Ludolf von Alvensleben Santa María de Calamuchita, Córdoba (1952+) Known as Carlos Lücke. [N 12]
Fridolin Guth Agua de Oro, Córdoba (1952+) Policía Política nazi en Francia. [N 12]
Radislaw Ostrowski [N 12]
Franz Rademacher [N 12]
Hans Fischböck [N 12]
Olivier Mordrel [N 12]
Vojtech Hora [N 12]
Franz Röstel [N 12]
Erich Müller [N 12]
Aribert Heim [N 12]
Herbert Habel [N 12]
Friedrich Rauch [N 12]
Constantin von Groman [N 12]
Friedrich Warzok [N 12]
Ivan Asancaic [N 12]
Wilhelm Mohnke [N 12]
Otto Skorzeny [N 12]
Herbert Cukurs [N 12]
Vkekoslav Vrancic [N 12]
Andreas Riphagen [N 12]
Milan Stojadinovich [N 12]
Dinko Sakic 08/10, 1920 Jasenovac, Croacia Rosario (22-12-1947-57), San Justo (1959-72), Santa Teresita (1957-2002) Sakic vivió en la Argentina y en España; viajó a Australia, a Suecia y a los Estados Unidos, y siguió defendiendo la causa de la independencia de Croacia. El presidente de la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado de la Nación en 1992 era, como hoy, Eduardo Menem. Friend of Milo de Bogetic. [N 12][N 13][N 51]
Vlado Svencen [N 12]
Oliverio Mondrelle [N 12]
Ante Pavelic 07/14, 1889 see more above Argentina (1947-57) Known as Aranjos Pal.
File:Ante Pavelic Parlament.jpg
[N 12][N 13][N 14]
Milo de Bogetic Argentina Friend of Dinko Sakic. And Alfredo Stroessner & Juan Perón. [N 12][N 13]
Jan Olij 08/10, 1920 Netherlands San Juan (1949-60), Buenos Aires (1962+) [N 12][N 52]
Abraham Kipp 06/02, 1917 Netherlands Buenos Aires (1947+) Fled to Argentina, never caught. [N 12][N 53]
Auguste Ricord Argentina (1968), Paraguay (1972) French-Corsican heroin trafficker, agent of Henri Lafont, he used part of the funds stolen by the Carlingue during the war to create drug laboratories near Marseille. Heroin was refined there before being exported to the US. On April 19, 1968, Ricord arrested along with fellow Corsicans Lucien Sarti and François Chiappe for questioning regarding robbery of a branch of the National Bank of Argentina. The three were released due to lack of evidence. [N 12][N 54]
Ronald Richter 10/11, 1909 Buenos Aires, Viedma, Río Negro (1947+) Led project intended to generate nuclear fusion energy in the 1950s (Huemul Project), under Juan Perón.
File:Ronald Richter y Perón.jpg
[N 55][H 1]
Josef Schwammberger 02/14, 1912 Argentina (Jan 1948-90) Ruler of Przemysl ghetto. Extradited to Newly united Germany on Dritte Mai, 5 months before Dritte Oktober. [N 5][N 12][N 56]
File:Flag of Chile.svg
Walter Rauff 06/19, 1906 Punta Arenas, Magallanes, Chile (1958+) & Quito, Ecuador Via Syria to Chile.
File:Walter Rauff (Walther Rauff, 1945).jpg
[N 11][N 57]
Paul Schäfer 12/04, 1921 Colonia Dignidad, Chile (1960+) Ruled over Colonia Dignidad, an indoctrination camp in Chile, see Colonia Dignidad. [N 58][N 59][N 60]
File:Flag of Bolivia.svg
Klaus Barbie 10/25, 1913 "The Butcher of Lyon" (self-admitted). Cochabamba, Bolivia (1948+) Triple agent (Germany, US, Bolivia) and main agent for both the Bolivian coup d'etat for dictator and kicking off the cocaine empire of Pablo Escobar. Admitted to his crimes in Lyon on air in his finca in Bolivia.
File:Klaus Barbie.jpg
[N 61][N 62]
File:Flag of Brazil.svg
Franz Stangl 03/26, 1908 São Paulo state, Brazil (1951-67) Worked for Volkswagen factory in Brazil, hunted down by Wiesenthal. [N 12][N 63]
Gustav Wagner 07/18, 1911 Went with Stangl to São Paulo state Brazil (1951-80) Hunted down by Wiesenthal. New identity "Günther Mendel". [N 12][N 64]
File:Flag of Peru.svg
Friedrich Schwend 11/06, 1906 Lima, Peru (1946+) [N 12][N 65]
File:Flag of Ecuador.svg
Alfons Sassen Quito, Ecuador (1951+) Brother of Willem Sassen [N 57][N 66]

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  1. 2013 - Thesis Benjamin A. Dawson - Manhunts - A Policy Maker's Guide to High-Value Targeting - 135 pp. - p.22

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  1. Hitler's genealogy - Miles Mathis
  2. Daily Fail - Nazis
  3. Wiki - Colonia Agrícola de Turén
  4. 2002 - Larry Hecht - The `No-Soul' Gang Behind Reverend Moon's Gnostic Sex Cult
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.31 5.32 ILA - Massenexodus von NS-Kriegsverbechern nach Argentinien
  6. Eva Perón, a fairy tale life - Gaia at
  7. Evá Perón: The Rest of the Story - "Evita is not Madonna's mother" - Gaia -
  8. 8.0 8.1 Wiki - Juan Perón
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Guardian - The Nazi doctor who experimented on gay people – and Britain helped to escape justice
  10. 10.0 10.1 Wiki - René Lagrou
  11. 11.0 11.1 Wiki - Walter Rauff
  12. 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.18 12.19 12.20 12.21 12.22 12.23 12.24 12.25 12.26 12.27 12.28 12.29 12.30 12.31 12.32 12.33 12.34 12.35 12.36 12.37 12.38 12.39 12.40 12.41 12.42 12.43 12.44 12.45 12.46 12.47 12.48 12.49 12.50 12.51 12.52 12.53 12.54 12.55 Asesinatos discretos (novel) - Nazis en la Argentina
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 1998 - La Nación - Otro jerarca nazi reside en la Argentina
  14. 14.0 14.1 Wiki - Ante Pavelic
  15. Wiki - Adolf Hitler
  16. Forum Borealis - Hitler's Escape to Argentina (Pt. 1 of 2) - Harry Cooper
  17. Forum Borealis - Hitler's Escape to Argentina (Pt. 2 of 2) - Harry Cooper
  18. Forum Borealis - An A-Bomb for Herr Bormann (Pt. 1 of 2) - Carter Hydrick
  19. Forum Borealis - An A-Bomb for Herr Bormann (Pt. 2 of 2) - Carter Hydrick
  20. Forum Borealis - Op James Bond & the Man from ODESSA (Pt. 1 of 2) - Laurence De Mello
  21. Forum Borealis - Op James Bond & the Man from ODESSA (Pt. 2 of 2) - Laurence De Mello
  22. Forum Borealis - Rise of the Bormann Reich (Pt. 1 & 2) - Joseph Farrell
  23. Forum Borealis - Is there still a Bormann power base in Bariloche? - Dr. Joseph Farrell
  24. Forum Borealis - Secrets of the Third Reich (Pt. 1 of 2) - Joseph Farrell
  25. Forum Borealis - Secrets of the Third Reich (Pt. 2 of 2) - Joseph Farrell
  26. Wiki - Martin Bormann
  27. Wiki - Josef Mengele
  28. Wiki - Adolf Eichmann
  29. Wiki - Eva Braun
  30. Eva Perón, a fairy tale life - 20-03-2018 -
  31. Eva Perón: The Rest of the Story - 02-04-2018 -
  32. Eva Perón: Another shoe drops - 08-04-2018 -
  33. Wiki - Eva Duarte
  34. Wiki - Hans Ulrich Rudel
  35. Wiki - Fritz Mandl
  36. TruthZone - Fritz Mandl - Gaia
  37. Wiki - Kurt Tank
  38. Wiki - Carl Vaernet
  39. Wiki - Erich Priebke
  40. Wiki - Willem Sassen
  41. Wiki - Émile Dewoitine
  42. Spartacus Educational - Reinhard Spitzy
  43. Wiki - Charles Lescat
  44. Wiki - Rodolfo Freude (a stub...)
  45. Wiki - Rodolfo Freude (es, a bit better...)
  46. Wiki - Carlos Fuldner
  47. Wiki - Pierre Daye
  48. 2015 - Uki Goñi - The Real Odessa: How Peron Brought The Nazi War Criminals To Argentina, p.144
  49. Wiki - Jacques de Mahieu
  50. Wiki - Branko Benzon
  51. Wiki - Dinko Sakic
  52. Wiki - Jan Olij
  53. Wiki - Abraham Kipp
  54. Wiki - Auguste Ricord
  55. Wiki - Ronald Richter
  56. Wiki - Josef Schwammberger
  57. 57.0 57.1 ¿Existió un plan para crear una 'América Nazi'?
  58. Wiki - Paul Schäfer
  59. TruthZone - Paul Schäfer - Gaia
  60. The Colony: Chile's dark past uncovered | Al Jazeera Correspondent
  61. Wiki - Klaus Barbie
  62. TruthZone - Klaus Barbie - Gaia
  63. Wiki - Franz Stangl
  64. Wiki - Gustav Wagner
  65. Wiki - Friedrich Schwend
  66. Alfons Sassen 'wedde op twee paarden'

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