Did the Elite write the Bible?

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Re: Did the Elite write the Bible?

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i'm posting this here it does relate to your comment rachel, but only in as much as after reading your comment i repeated what the chap at 2 mins 51 of this video repeated after the explanation,he agreed emphatically to say the least as i did.

so its pertinent as i agreed that way , 2.51
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Re: Did the Elite write the Bible?

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Is the trinity Biblical?

If you do an earnest study the Bible, what becomes clear, the "elite" shoehorn their theology into the Word so they claim the opposite of what it actually says. The Catholic Church is like The Simpsons or Family Guy. they pull out verses and then use them to take the piss; and since no one now seems to have a clue why there was a Reformation, Protestant leaders have doubled-down on the piss take stakes, where they now tell us God is a woman and Jesus would have told you to take the vaccine.
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Re: Did the Elite write the Bible?

Unread post by PTL MEDIA »

According to Acharya S. (DM Murdock) Christianity was just another offshoot of the Powers That Be from that period. https://odysee.com/@PTLMediaNow:f/Creat ... fq7LtZSuq3
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Re: Did the Elite write the Bible?

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PTL MEDIA wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:49 am According to Acharya S. (DM Murdock) Christianity was just another offshoot of the Powers That Be from that period. https://odysee.com/@PTLMediaNow:f/Creat ... fq7LtZSuq3
I'm always suspicious when I hear people talking about what allegedly happened 2000 years ago.

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Re: Did the Elite write the Bible?

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Here's another perspective of Emmanuel (aka Jesus Christ). I suspect his teachings were too exposing to the PTB so they co-opted his story 2nd century and blended it into the local cultures to maintain control and hierarchy.
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Re: Did the Elite write the Bible?

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Re: Did the Elite write the Bible?

Unread post by napoleon »

i dont think it's a case of believing in jesus ,i think it's more along the lines of personifying an experience , but i am all for god and morality and love ,,,,,,,
a cracking site ,yes i reckon the struggle that some people seem to have with jesus especially the ones that proclaim he was a myth is totally different to joes research and tracking of myths and trends

i think more people use jesus didnt exist as a way out nowadays ,personally i just think the alchemist attach their alchemical or esoteric beliefs to other truths ,piggybacking as it were on to a current story ,for instance once they realised the sun was local the gods only sun makes more sense ,or three wise men is orions belt in winter solstice ,

i cant prove he did or didnt exist ,but i do like listening and reading researchers with a theory ,i love our abilty to speculate

were the best ,and you need to believe to have faith i say
the other is gnosis

i have faith in something
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On the role of ordinary southerners in the war.

Unread post by SaiGirl »

Unraveling the documentary trail back to secession and the emerging “war between the states”

The scriptural grounds for God’s divinely ordained natural order, in which the white man was placed in guardianship over the inferior “children of Ham”.

https://repository.sbts.edu/bitstream/h ... sAllowed=y

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Re: Did the Elite write the Bible?

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napoleon wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:06 pm i think more people use jesus didnt exist as a way out nowadays ,personally i just think the alchemist attach their alchemical or esoteric beliefs to other truths ,piggybacking as it were on to a current story ,for instance once they realised the sun was local the gods only sun makes more sense ,or three wise men is orions belt in winter solstice ,

It's interesting in all the faiths, you don't get Buddha didn't exist, Abraham didn't exist, Mohammad didn't exist. Or from the secular side, Alexander the Great didn't exist, Plato didn't exist, Genghis Khan didn't exist.

The "didn't exist" falls flat on it's face because then Islam is a fictional religion, because it states Jesus was one of Allah's profits, but not as important as Mohammad. Certainly not the Son of God, and he most definitely didn't die on the Cross, everyone instead was mesmerised to think he was crucified, when it was really someone else.

And then Judaism is a fictional religion, because a section of its Rabbis say Jesus was EATEN BY DOGS, and the Talmud states Jesus is boiling in excrement for eternity as a punishment for what he did.

And then the Baha'i Faith is a fictional religion, because Baha'is bang on about Jesus being the "SPERM SON OF JOSEPH". They are very clear why he is not the Son of God, and that you are an ANTI-CHRIST and will burn in hell if you deem to pretend he is the actual Son of God from a virgin birth.

And actually, Catholicism is a fictional religion, because the Papacy basically says the same thing, but backhandedly. Because God is a TRINTY, a union of three co-eternal persons making up the ONE GOD. So therefore a third of God couldn't of died on the Cross, therefore your sins are not really paid for. And they did burn Christians at the stake for not believing this...many Christians.

From the NWO Universal House of Justice: http://uhj.net/antichrist.html
Only those who use their intellects that God gave them to accept the true Universal House of Justice of Baha'u'llah, and reject the LIE of the antichrists, and accept BOTH the genealogy of Jesus back to King David through his father Joseph, AND the genealogy of Baha'u'llah back to King David, today continued in the great-grandson of 'Abdu'l-Baha who is the president of the true Universal House of Justice of Baha'u'llah, will be spared the chastisement. They are the ones who will leave the cities that are population of over 100,000 or more and move to the mountains as Jesus warned the people on both his first and second coming. Thus they will meet him in the sky, as the mountains are over a mile high in elevation, that is a mile high up into the sky. All else are Covenant-breakers and of the antichrists. Everyone else, that rejects this message, the good news (gospel) of the Kingdom (Davidic), is fuel for the fire. They will stay in their cities which they love more than God Himself, and which are the targets, and they will die in their sins, for they have all believed a LIE, and love not the truth. The Ark of salvation is the Universal House of Justice of Baha'u'llah that has the descendant of King David as its president, so we can all recognize that it is God's true Ark. ALL ABOARD! Don't let the boat sail without you.
Baha'is argue like bloody Theosophists and Fabians. I'd rather take my chances in the fire as the three Hebrew boys did, than risk having to share an eternity with these knobheads. If Jesus didn't exist, why do all of these hypocrites argue the exact same thing from so many different angles?



Oh yeah, @napoleon, did you get the...
"They will stay in their cities which they love more than God Himself, and which are the targets, and they will die in their sins, for they have all believed a LIE, and love not the truth."


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Re: Did the Elite write the Bible?

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

"Undeniable proof that this world is ruled by satanists"


This is the main reason why I'm still unsure about the Bible, all their scripts revolve around it. However, as far as I know, there is zero tangible proof, satanic ceremonies, saying in front of the camera that you sold your soul, it's cheap, we shouldn't trust these liars. I agree with the person that made the video on one point, we are being brainwashed with this stuff. I don't think these people are like us, their goal is to keep us trapped here. From what we know about the Jesus character, their tricks wouldn't work on him but we are not like him.

We don't know much about the life that Jesus lead before he became famous but I'm telling you his life sucked, it's when you suffer that you open your eyes about this world. This place is like a Jesus factory, how much do we need to suffer before our eyes are opened ? it's the beauty of not knowing what he went through, any path of suffering could potentially lead to his outcome.
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