NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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In his Secret Destiny of America, Manly Hall, Bacon's most understanding modern scholar, refers to the appearance in America, prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, of a mysterious Rosicrucian philosopher, a strict vegetarian who ate only foods that grew above the ground, who was a friend and teacher of Franklin and Washington and who seemed to have played an important role in the founding of the new republic. Why most historians failed to mention him is a puzzle, for that he existed is a certainty.

He was known as the "Professor." Together with Franklin and Washington, he was a member of the committee selected by the Continental Congress in 1775 to create a design for the American Flag. The design he made was accepted by the committee and given to Betsy Ross to execute into the first model.

A year later, on July 4, 1776, this mysterious stranger, whose name nobody knew, suddenly appeared in Independence Hall and delivered a stirring address to the fearful men there gathered, who were wondering whether they should risk their lives as traitors by affixing their names to the memorable document which Thomas Jefferson wrote and of whose ideals Francis Bacon, founder of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism, was the true originator.
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The flag unfurled at Cambridge, Mass. in 1775, which the Professor designed, symbolized the union of the colonies; it was called the Grand Union Flag, and its design was as follows: In the blue field of the upperleft-hand corner was the white diagonal cross of St. Andrews. Imposed on this was the Red Cross, which was given the name of St. George. The thirteen stripes, seven of red and six of white, alternating in the flag, represented the thirteen colonies.

The flag was used for some time, but owing to its similarity with the British flag, which supposedly symbolized the unity of England and Scotland, considerable controversy arose over it. In order to overcome this objection, in 1776 it was decided to design another flag which would follow the spirit of the original design; and the inverted triangle over the upright triangle, generally known as the St. Andrew's Cross, a Masonic symbol of Kabbalistic origin and denoting that the originator of the flag was a Freemason and Rosicrucian, was preserved by using a six-pointed star, placed in irregular fashion on a blue back-ground in the form of a new constellation.

inverted triangle over the upright triangle,
inverted triangle over the upright triangle,
inverted triangle over the upright triangle,
inverted triangle over the upright triangle,
inverted triangle over the upright triangle,
inverted triangle over the upright triangle,

When General Johnson and Doctor Franklin visited Mrs. Elizabeth Ross, otherwise known as Betsy Ross, to get her cooperation in making the flag, the five-pointed star appealed to her as being more beautiful than the six-pointed star of the Professor's original design which the committee accepted. Hence, out of deference to her sense of beauty, the five-pointed stars were used instead, and thirteen of them were placed in a circle on a blue field with the standard seven red and six white stripes completing the flag.

This sample flag was made just before the Declaration of Independence, although the resolution endorsing it was not passed by the Continental Congress until July 14, 1777.

A second time did this mysterious stranger, the "Professor," whose name and origin was unknown, pay a vital role in American history. This time it was at the signing of the Declaration' of Independence. It was on June 7, 1776, that Richard Henry Lee, a delegate from Virginia, offered in Congress the first resolution declaring that the United Colonies were, and of right ought. to be, free and independent states. Soon after Mr. Lee introduced his resolution, he was taken sick and returned to his home in Virginia, whereupon on June 11th, 1776, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston were appointed as a committee to prepare a formal Declaration of Independence.
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On the first of July, 1776, the committee made its report to Congress. On the second of July, Lee's resolution was adopted in its original words. During the third of July, the formal Declaration of Independence was reported by the committee and debated with great enthusiasm. The discussion was resumed on the fourth, Jefferson having been elected as chairman of the committee.

On July 4th, there was great suspense throughout the nation. Many were adverse to severing the ties with the mother country; and many feared the vengeance of the king and his armies. Many battles had been fought already, but no decisive victory had been won by the rebel colonists. Each man in the Continental Congress realized as Patrick Henry did that it was either Liberty or Death. A rash move could mean death. After all, they were not free but subjects of a king who considered them as rebels and could punish them accordingly. They could be convicted for treason and put to death.

Just what connection did the mysterious stranger who designed the American flag and encouraged the signing of the Declaration of Independence have to Francis Bacon or Count Saint-Germain? Writing on this subject, Manly Hall says:

"Little seems to have been known concerning this old gentleman; and in the materials from which this account is compiled, his name is not even once mentioned, for he is uniformly spoken of or referred to as 'the Professor.' He was evidently far beyond his threescore and ten years; and he often referred to historical events of more than a century previous just as if he had been a living witness to their occurrence; still he was erect, vigorous and active—hale, hearty and clear-minded, as strong and energetic every way as in the prime of life. He was tall, of fine figure, perfectly easy, very dignified in his manners, being at once courteous, gracious and commanding. He was, for those times, and considering the customs of the Colonists, very peculiar in his method of living; for he ate no flesh, fowl or fish; he never used for food any 'green thing', any roots or anything unripe; he drank no liquor, wine or ale; but confined his diet to cereals and their products, fruits that were ripened on the stem in the sun, nuts, mild tea and the sweet of honey, sugar and molasses. [ Editor's note: The Comte de Saint Germain's same abstemious behavior regarding food was well documented in Europe.]
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According to the legend, Christian Rosenkreuz was a medieval German aristocrat, orphaned at the age of four and raised in a monastery, where he studied for twelve years.[4] He discovered and learned esoteric wisdom on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land,[4] among Turkish, Arab, and Persian sages, possibly Sufi or Zoroastrian masters, supposedly in the early 15th century (see § Symbolism of the numbers in the Manifestos); returned and founded the "Fraternity of the Rose Cross" with himself (Frater C.R.C.) as Head of the Order. Under his direction a Temple, called Sanctus Spiritus, or "The House of the Holy Spirit", was built.

It is described that his body, as discovered by a Brother of the Order, was in a perfect state of preservation 120 years after his death (which occurred in absolute secrecy) – as Rosenkreuz had predicted — in a heptagonal chamber erected by himself as a storehouse of knowledge.same shape as rainbowmans journey

Oz explains that his real name is Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs. To shorten this name, he used only his initials (O.Z.P.I.N.H.E.A.D.), but since they spell out the word pinhead, he shortened his name further and called himself "Oz".

"Did General Washington and Doctor Franklin recognize the Professor as an emissary of the Mystery School which has so long controlled the political destinies of this planet? Benjamin Franklin was a philosopher and a Freemason—possibly a Rosicrucian initiate. He and the Marquis de Lafayette—also a man of mystery—constitute two of the important links in the chain of circumstance that culminated in the establishment of the original thirteen American colonies as a free and independent nation. Dr. Franklin's philosophic attainments are well attested in Poor Richard's Almanac, published by him for many years under the name of Richard Saunders. His interest in the cause of Freemasonry is also shown in his publication of Anderson's Constitutions of 'Freemasonry.
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"It was during the, evening of July 4, 1776, that the second of these mysterious episodes occurred. In the old State House in Philadelphia, a group of men were gathered for the momentous task of severing the tie between the old country and the new. It was a grave moment, and not a few of those present feared that their lives would be the forfeit for their audacity. In the midst of the debate a fierce voice rang out. The debaters stopped and turned to look upon the stranger. Who was this man who had suddenly appeared in their midst and had transfixed them with his oratory? They had never seen him before, none knew when he had entered; but his tall form and pale face filled them with awe. His voice ringing with a holy zeal, the stranger stirred them to their very souls. His closing words rang. through the building, 'God has given America to be free!' As the stranger sank into a chair exhausted, a wild enthusiasm burst forth. Name after name was placed upon the parchment: the Declaration of Independence was signed. But where was the man who had precipitated the accomplishment of this immortal task—who had lifted for a moment the veil from the eyes of the assemblage and revealed to them a part at least of the great purpose for which the, new nation was conceived? He had disappeared, nor was he ever seen or his identity established. This episode parallels others of a similar kind recorded by ancient historians attendant upon the founding of every new nation. Are they coincidence, or do they indicate that the divine wisdom of the ancient mysteries still is present in the world, serving mankind as it did of old?"
oz is everywhere !
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american truthers are fucking abyss-mal
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you see the flaw of fakeologist was listening to seasoned liars and psychologically trained amateurs allowing houseclowns to waffle and joke ignore the blog and the magnificent research
obviously this flaw was taken advantage of by me bigtime !!! by showing how the countermeasures for solving 911 work ,so we have had all the friendlies spend hours talking to ab about basically fuckall ,progressing ab's progress but very rarely as the finishline will bring him back to me

the chirpy dolts that inhabit that avenue of the audiostream are all too easy to corral and predict ,and when left to their own devices bore people with basically bullshit

now obviously i am special because i didnt trust any of you tarts to start ,but because ab is live and let live and had the patience of a saint ,i was abel to dictate what can be read ,now the boys are never gonna ruin their gig of chatting to ab and keeping his eye of me ,that is easy money for them ,but now we get to the part where not one has evolved or expanded their opinions since they were first on the production line ,psiriously none of ab's boys old or new have exapanded their understanding

ab has ten fold

now i aint the bad guy ,i am a mancunian who told ab what 911 was in the first interview i did with him ,i left after masons in the discord were hacking and telling fibs about me ,same with smj getting edited

so these boys are now useless if they can't read the blog ,and that was where i said this would end up
big shout to russ the mason for showing me houseclowns limitations ,ab doesn't have any neither do i

so your move lads ,keep on ignoring the solution to 911 or read the solution to 911 and retire your gullible asses
ill give you a clue there are 3 fakeologists only
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good film

Where did they film Hobsons choice?
Hobson's Choice (1954 film) - Wikipedia
Shepperton Studios
The outdoor location scenes were filmed around the Salford area, with Peel Park serving as the courting place for Maggie Hobson and William Mossop. Interiors were shot at Shepperton Studios near London with sets designed by the art director Wilfred Shingleton.
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quote to live by

"there is always room at the top"

Osama bin Laden. Born in Jeddah in 1957 , Osama bin Laden was born in 1957 to a Yemeni bricklayer.yellow brick road

He was one of the youngest of nearly fifty children. Bin Laden grew up in Saudi Arabia, where his father founded a construction firm that would become the largest in the desert kingdom
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the millenium fall-con
iv’e shown the the funding of this myth archetype based on a mirror image of luke skywalker ozma bin laden codename (tim ozman) ,tim oz-man ,was called operation cyclone ,calling it operation twister would be to heavyhanded,but we were heading to oz either way

that is basic rosicrucian oz v.i.t.r.i.o.l. as basic as it gets and your openly allowing the houseclowns to ignore that the myth the man osama bin laden who was funded by a cyclone ,went by the codename tim ozman caused 911 officially🌈remember i aint gullible or easily mind controlled ,you fcuks have allowed this
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Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in Afghanistan
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Operation Cyclone was one of the longest and most expensive covert CIA operations ever undertaken.[2] Funding officially began with $695,000 in mid-1979,[3] was increased dramatically to $20–$30 million per year in 1980

Operation Cyclone
1979 to 1989 CIA programme
operation cyclone to fund ozma bin laden ,get to fuck twister operation funded ozma ,the wizard of oz,the same mechanism took dorothy to oz.
we'll have no more embarrassing me
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This is the free half of a full interview which is available for subs to my site or to my R0kfin. Matthew and I cover the history of espionage and technocracy in relation to the alien psy op. The documentary is here:

In this second episode of The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs, the figure of H.G. Wells is introduced as a student of X Club leader Thomas Huxley and the father of modern predictive programming. H.G. Wells' efforts to tear down the wall separating fantasy from fiction, while setting the stage for world government, transhumanism, UFOs and thermonuclear weapons of mass destruction as an alchemical solution to deconstructing society (and thence reconstructing society) under a new science of controls.

How did Wells' followers spearhead the creation of the Manhattan Project, League of nations and UN? How did Wells' 'science of controls' outlined in his New World Order, World Brain and Open Conspiracy set the stage for Cybernetics and Transhumanism after WW2? What is the Fabian Society that Wells' led and how did it shape so much of the 20th century? Most importantly, how does all of this play into the revival of a new occult priesthood managed by a technocratic elite?

Find out by watching (and sharing) Hidden Hand Behind UFOs Ep. 2: H.G. Wells' War Of The Worlds and the Dawn of a New Age (co-written by Matthew Ehret and Cynthia Chung, narrated by Matthew Ehret, and directed by Jason Dahl)
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Theosophy in Star Wars: The Force, Its Sides and the “Two Paths”

here is no coincidence to the fact, there are similarities between Star Wars and Theosophy. The former is a fictional universe, but the latter is an actual high philosophical collection of teachings and ethical codes. In no other school of thought is the semblance in ideas as exact as it is in language, than between the force philosophy in Star Wars and its theory in Occult Philosophy. This is to say, even more than one would find in a current book on either Buddhism, or Daoism. There are two central concepts shared between Theosophy and Star Wars. These are (1) the Force, and (2) the two Paths. Then, there is the concept of good and bad Masters, light and black Magic, a subject too muddied in contemporary esoteric discourse. This is a reaction to stronger lines drawn between light magic and dark magic in the nineteenth-century spiritual milieu.

Despite all that we elucidate upon, people of religious influence are most convinced of the existences of true manifested and corporeal evil of supernatural origin. One is made to believe that the origin of such manifested evil is found in anything related to “the occult.” Many of the popular themes we’ve grown up with from Star Wars, superhero comics, Harry Potter, and so forth have all shown a common struggle between two forces. In this case, it is “two schools of magic” and types of mages of different intent in their practice. This theme shows up in Theosophy and many other traditions, not just in Tibetan Buddhism, where the belief in black magic, good spirits and bad spirits are part of its foundations, to be explained later.

“All that is good, noble, and grand in human nature, every divine faculty and aspiration, were cultured by the Priest-Philosophers who sought to develop them in their Initiates. Their code of ethics, based on altruism, has become universal.” (H.P. Blavatsky, The Origin of the Mysteries, Collected Writings 14, pg. 256)

“Be mindful of the living Force, young Padawan.” QUI-GON JIN, THE PHANTOM MENACE: EPISODE I
“The Force” is a metaphysical binding principle that connects all living things in the fictional universe of the Star Wars galaxy. It was created by George Lucas, and inspired by both a 1963 abstract film 21-87 (Silberman, Steve (May 2005). “Life After Darth”); and the universal concept of the life force held long among ancient traditions. It is the object of study among the Dark and Light side orders. The Force has different aspects, such as the Cosmic Force, that binds the galaxy and living things together, and communicates through the midi-chlorians. The cosmic force is a ubiquitous presence, and energy field, that can be sensed, and living things effect “turbulence” in the field. It is connected with the awakening of latent force abilities in the force-sensitive. The living force, another aspect of the Force however, is described as force fed from the energy of living things, which makes possible, e.g., the phenomenon of Force spirits. A knowledge of this dynamic side of the Force, among both the Jedi, Sith, and other users, give them different abilities, “some consider to be unnatural.”

The simplicity of the teaching through Star Wars come from more than 2,000 years of traditions and beliefs.

“ALL IS LIFE, and every atom of even mineral dust is a LIFE, though beyond our comprehension and perception, because it is outside the range of the laws known to those who reject Occultism. “The very atoms,” says Tyndall, “seem instinct with a desire for life.” Whence, then, we would ask, comes the tendency “to run into organic form”? Is it in any way explicable except according to the teachings of Occult Science?” –THE SECRET DOCTRINE, VOL. 1, PP. 248-249.

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Ascertaining George Lucas' sources for Star Wars
Star Wars is a curious film and series. If one wished, one could read anything into it; see, for instance, Canby's review: "Quo Vadis?, Buck Rogers, Ivanhoe, Superman, The Wizard of Oz, The Gospel According to St Matthew, the legends of King Arthur." Since 1980, Lucas has increasingly pointed his fan to high-brow sources like Campbell's Hero With a Thousand Faces and Kurosawa's Seven Samurai.

But can we try and more assiduously ascertain Lucas' sources and their influence on Lucas' film and subsequent entries? I must emphasize: none of this is intended to accuse Lucas of literary theft. Rather, its to show what sources were a concrete influence on his work, rather than just sharing genre tropes with it.

Galactic Patrol
The biggest influence on Star Wars is EE Smith's novella Galactic Patrol, of which Lucas owns a copy of the 1972 Panther printing. Some allusions to Smith like Thanta ("Thionite" in Smith) or the Kiber Crystal (based on the Arisian Lenses) didn't survive the changing drafts.

However, the interstellar setting and the role of the Jedi as essentially a superpowered galactic police-force are straight out of Smith's book. The Jedi wield the Cosmic Force, the Lensmen wield the Cosmic All. Even the republic, with its insipid politicans and increasing corruption, as well as the attacks by villainous pirates, is out of Smith's book: in the original film, the Sith were likewise concieved of as pirates and in earlier drafts the Dark Side they wield was called "Bogan", similar to Smith's Boskone pirates. Smith even has a character who's more machine than man.

Still more from Smith is nomenclature: "The Empire Strikes Back" comes from one of Smith's chapter headings, "The Quarry Strikes Back." The naming convention for "Yavin IV" is from "Rigel IV.
" Aldeeran is "Aldebaran" and Skywalker is "Skylark."

Furthermore, much of Smith's plotline is used by Lucas, especially in the original film. His hero, Kimbal Kinnison, flies the Britannia, the fastest ship in the fleet. With it, he evades his enemies by blasting into the Fourth Dimension and, when he's finally caught in a tractor beam, passes his ship for scrap. He infilitrates an enemy base, but is discovered, injured and his limbs are replaced by artificial ones. In the meanwhile, he bickers with his love interest, whom he later has to rescue from pirates. He even trains against a seeker while blindfolded. Even more to the point, he escapes his foes in an escape pod while carrying secret data spools, and later uses a one-man fighter to blow-up their "Grand Base" with a well-placed shot. Sounds familiar?

The second influence on Star Wars is the Barsoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Lucas surely grew-up knowing Tarzan from the Buster Crabbe serials, and while editing American Graffiti he seems to have come across DC's new Weird World comics, which adapted Burroughs' Tarzan, Pellucidar and John Carter of Mars stories. A fan of Burroughs' illustrator Frank Frazetta, he seems to have soon acquired his illustrated paperbacks of A Fighting Man of Mars, A Princess of Mars, and the Gods of Mars/Warlord of Mars ominbus. Indeed, Lucas' first attempt at a space, "The Journal of the Whills", was practically lifted from the opening page of A Fighting Man of Mars.

There are quite a few names in Star Wars are from Burroughs: Jedi (Jed), Sith, Bantha, Padwaan and Obi-Wan (Padwar) and Saun Dann (Sab Than). More importantly, much of Star Wars' bestiary is ripped from Burroughs: The Nexu is based on the Banth, which lent its name to the Banthas, which are in turn based on the Thoats. Flying creatures, like those glimpsed on Dagobah and then later on Kamino and Utapau, are based on the Malagor. The Wampa is the spitting image of Burroughs' Apt.

More importantly, quite a few of the planets in Star Wars are inspired by Barsoom: Tatooine, obviously, but also Geonosis, Jakku, Utapau, Kashyyyk and Endor, even Hoth. The entire Jabba "short" in Return of the Jedi is based on Burroughs, especially as depicted by Frazetta: Slave Leia is the spitting image of Dejah Thoris, and Jabba's skif is a Barsoomian light-ship.

The damsel-in-distress plot of the original film is straight out of A Princess of Mars: even the "far, far away" setting of Star Wars (unlike Flash Gordon, which starts on earth) is taken from A Fighting Man of Mars, whose hero Tar Hadron, is a native of the desert planet like Luke. What's more, in A Princess of Mars, John Carter proves himself to the Tharks (Ewoks/Gungans), gains the friendship of Tars Tarkas (Wicket/Jar Jar), reconciles them with the Heliumites (the Naboo) and leads them on an offensive against Zodanga (the Empire/Trade Federation).

Flash Gordon
Although it was the original inspiration for the project, there's actually little in Star Wars that's specifically like Flash Gordon (and even less like Buck Rogers). What little there is, mostly derives from the third and last serial, Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe, which featured a city in the clouds, a princess with hair "buns", and (unlike the previous two serials) a text crawl. Also from Flash Gordon are the underwater Gungan city (from the first serial) and Luke's landspeeder (from a contemporary Flash Gordon strip).

Otherwise, the influence of Flash Gordon is mostly on the ramshackled, ecletic visual style, and the aural style: for the longest time, Lucas wanted Star Wars to use the same selections of classical music as did the Flash Gordon serials, and they would be an influence on John Williams' scores, as we shall see.

The Films of Akira Kurosawa
In 1978, Lucas teamed-up with Coppola to help rescue Akira Kurosawa's runaway production of Kagemusha. From that point on, he started highlighting Kurosawa's influence on his films, mitigating the influence of Burroughs.

Again, however, the relationship is less one of specifics: in 1973, Lucas used a copy of Donald Richie's The Films of Akira Kurosawa to jog his mind: his first story treatment is taken verbatim from Richie's summaries of Hidden Fortress and Yojimbo. However, as he wrote the script, he turned back increasingly to Burroughs, Smith and other sources, until all that's left of Kurosawa's plot in the original film is a ten minute segment of the Droids being lost in the wilderness.

Plot points for The Empire Strikes Back come from Kurosawa's latest, Dersu Uzala: The Hunter, which features a diminutive old man speaking in peculiar synthax, braving the tundra with the hero and even concealing him an animal carcass for warmth.

Some visuals come from Kurosawa: the repeated imagery of severed arms is from Yojimbo, and Lucas showed Richie's book to Ralph McQuarrie, asking to give Vader's helmet a saumrai flair. However, by far the most Kurosawa-like of Lucas' films is The Phantom Menace, whose plot (like Hidden Fortress) revolves around a general escorting a 14-year-old princess to safety. Amidala, in his asiatic wardrobe, is far more like princess Yuki than Leia ever was. Nevertheless, even that film ultimately owes more to Edgar Rice Burroughs.
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FEBRUARY 1, 2022
Unidentified Flying Nazis
15 minute read ,explains alot
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i have another touching comment the holy grail of the theosophists understanding is appreciated
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Unread post by napoleon »

right let's have some fun because we are only two dot's away from 911 being an anticipated theosophist space/wizard of oz event ushering in terra-ism ,and shame on you boy's trying to guide ab away from nazi ufo's he has to connect that dot to the c.i.a. and mi5,may i remind you he's faster and brighter than most
the wizard of oz story is an alchemical journey who's origin is from this process of refining gold ,follow the yellow v.i.t.r.i.o.l. and the process till you get to the green shards of v.i.t.r.i.o.l. the emerald city then emerging from the chamber of reflection to see all your friends in a new light ,the self illumination process finding gold ,the alchemical illumination on 911 was always there on show , the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. acronym that is written on the chamber of reflection wall ,,,,,is symbolised by the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. fairystory it generated in baums novel and grafted onto the american psyche


the wizard of oz story is an alchemical journey who's origin is from this process of refining gold ,follow the yellow v.i.t.r.i.o.l. and the process till you get to the green shards of v.i.t.r.i.o.l. the emerald city then emerging from the chamber of reflection to see all your friends in a new light ,the self illumination process finding gold ,the alchemical illumination on 911 was always there on show,and the ceremony that inspired the wizard of oz journey dorothy took ,has been used by masons on the public ,in this masonic rosicrucian ceremony,
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Both Dorothy and Luke live with their respective aunt and uncle, whom their have a similar relationship with, on a farm in a desert-like landscape, Tatooine for Luke and drought-ridden Kansas for Dorothy. They’re both young, idealistic and filled with wanderlust, expressed by Dorothy in ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’, and in Luke’s longing glance at the binary sunset. Both have farm hands—Hunk, Zeke, and Hickory for Oz and C–3PO and R2-D2 for Star Wars—that go on to follow them on their subsequent adventure. Both are swept into the wider world when calamity strikes, for Dorothy a tornado, and for Luke the empire’s patrols, and soon after they find themselves on an path that’ll change their lives and the lives of whole worlds, forever.
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It’s easy to take these kinds of comparisons too far, but at the same time it’s hard not to see the similarities between The Cowardly Lion and Chewbacca, The Tin Woodsman and C–3PO (both enjoy some oil for their joints) and the unintelligible Toto and R2-D2 (Two-Two). And where Dorothy follows Toto when he runs away, Luke follows R2. In fact, Lucas often talks about how he took facets of Luke’s personality and made them into characters, and that that’s how he came up with Luke’s friends and companions. Take one quick look at The Wizard of Oz, and you’ll find the exact same pattern in Dorothy’s companions of Toto, The Scarecrow, The Tin Woodsman and The Cowardly Lion. Dorothy and Luke’s last names are even conceptually similar, descriptive and evocative, rather than plain old boring ‘Smith’; Dorothy Gale, whose life is changed by a tornado, and Luke Skywalker, whose destiny lies in the stars.
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Dorothy: But it wasn't a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there. But you couldn't have been could you?
“locallising a myth for the entire planet,localising it for the end of the millenium 31 mins,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,george lucas

when you splice the past solomons temple ,destroyed by nebudchadnezzar on 911,and herrods temple destroyed on911 with the modern day solomons temple ie the twin towers ,which were also destroyed on 911, the religious leaders sold out their flocks
so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
anyone explained why they used liber oz numbers for the planes =no
anyone explained why they mirror the wizard of oz when celebrating the death of ozma bin laden =no
anyone explained why so sirius
as i said i made order out of chaos
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Unread post by napoleon »

kubrick puts all of the 911 info in his poster for 2001 a space odyssey ,we have coptic countries indicating sep11
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we have jupiter seal in the form of a space station ,and orion spacecraft
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and the fisrt glimpse of the twin towers future as a vehicle for the new millenium,including the plane impacts on the twins matching the stars on the gemini mission ,so we see the heavens on sep11 2001 mirrored with jupiter space station,orion spacecraft,gemini patch including stars,columba is the oculus building
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lucas progressed the idea of j tobin plaza becoming a spaceship by putting luke skywalker in the centre of the chamber of reflection ergo standing at the koenig sphere in the middle of the tower complex and looking up,et voila ,that rosicrucian ceremony which birthed the wizard of oz fairystory got recycled for a new millenium,and i have shown you all the future echoes of 911 used in star wars ,,honestly the gap between the audios and the the forum is now so massive ,im not sure any of you can bridge the gap

instead of v.i.t.r.i.o.l. written on the walls of the chamber like traditional rosicrucian ceremony ,,,they blame the wizard of oz for 911 and left oz at all 911 sites and the origin of all the terra sites from operation cyclone funding ozma bin laden,to shanksville witch,or a tinman in the 911 museum ,you see the american dream relies on you being gullible and believing in the wizard of oz

as i say some of you need to grow up and understand where you are[quote]
The Rosicrucians teach that all great religions have been
given to the people among whom they are found, by Divine
Intelligences who designed each system of worship to suit the
needs of the race or nation to whom it was given. A primitive
people cannot respond to a lofty and sublime religion, and
vice versa.
What helps one race would hinder another, and in
pursuance of the same policy there has been devised a system of
soul-unfoldment suited specially to the Western people

not anymore
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Unread post by napoleon »

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so solomons star above new york on 911 became metatrons vision or ezekiels vision kubrick or lucas vision of 2001 a space odyssey or star wars which was metatrons/ezekiel of 911 and the chamber of reflection ceremony ,solomons temple in heaven became solomons temple on earth
so our salomon brothers building 7 trapezoid ,matches orions trapezoid ,and han solos trapezoid of carbonite ,so thats three trapezoids at the same three solomon locations ,one celestial location ,one psinematic location star wars ,and one earthly location ground zero,
that why im thrice as good ,as above so below n all that
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solo's millenium falcon also traverse the kessel run which mirrors orions trapezoid new jerusalem

What is New Jerusalem in Christianity?-lucas made solo-mans temple the millenium fall-con three temples that fall on 911 , The "Third Temple refers to a hypothetical rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. It would succeed Solomon's Temple and the Second Temple, all three combined
New Jerusalem - the millenium fall-con Wikipedia
In the Book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible, New Jerusalem (יהוה שָׁמָּה‎, YHWH šāmmā, YHWH [is] there") is Ezekiel's prophetic vision of a city centered on the rebuilt Holy Temple, the Third Temple, to be established in Jerusalem, which would be the capital of the Messianic Kingdom, the meeting place of the twelve ..
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What is Ezekiel's wheel? -kubrick made solo-mans temple the twin towers in the shape of ezekiels wheel millenium hilton hotel in space
Ezekiel's Wheel - Bible Story, Verses and Meaning
According to Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary, the wheels of Ezekiel are symbolic of God's divine providence: "Divine Providence, represented by the wheels, produces changes. Sometimes one spoke of the wheel is uppermost, sometimes another; but the motion of the wheel on its own axletree is regular and steady.

,orion in hebrew is kesil
the odds's there are incalculable ,never tell me the odds's!

and we see new yorker magazine has ground zero in space in a simmilar nebula ,jan 200
Orion [N] [S] Heb. Kesil; i.e., "the fool", the name of a constellation ( Job 9:9 ; 38:31 ; Amos 5:8 ) consisting of about eighty stars.

The Trapezium or Orion Trapezium Cluster, also known by its Bayer designation of Theta1 Orionis (θ1 Orionis), is a tight open cluster of stars in the heart of the Orion Nebula, in the constellation of Orion. It was discovered by Galileo Galilei.
ipiccy_image - 2024-03-06T195827.215.jpg
Appendix 5: The “open space in Orion” › appendix-5-the-op...
orion trapezoid new jerusalem from
“Then this 'Holy City, new Jerusalem, the Zion of God, the Tabernacle of God, the Bride the Lamb's Wife, the Mother of us all,' is a City, enclosed with a wall ...

so a spaceship made of the abrahamic religions temples and the twin towers , does the kessel run ,or the third temple to fall on 911 historically as having its foorprint made into the orion belt kesil trapezoid on both ,both have a solo-man ,as i say 911 toys of solo-mans temple pretty much procludes me from interacting with illiterate fakeologists or masons since they embargoed the place in 2018 ,but i do like to show of the millenium fall-con,after all if i was ab and had all these lying sacks of shit prancing about in that charade of a discord i'd be proud of the fakeologists like me smashing it ddaily

Han Solo, piloting the Millennium Falcon, made the infamous kessel run in slightly over 12 parsecs, boasting about his ship's ability to endure shorter but more hazardous routes through hyperspace.
thats fakeology !
heres original simulant and adam miller talking about star wars ,shame theres only actors with set lines about ,star wars 911 toys do that to fraud 911 researchers ,in fairness though ,they are allowed to ignore the blog

no fucking idea why
you see it was easy to show up amateurs ,but listening to the actors was always my favourite part of being a fakeologist ,and if they can't deviate from set response or they need a buffer like that discord to protect them ,thats if they acknowledge me at all ,well then i'm doing my job
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